Lunes 31 de Octubre Letizia en París "Congreso Mundial del Cáncer 2016"

Actitud y contenido del discurso. Ha dicho algo así como: Vosotros sabeis de lo que hablo, ahora falta que lo sepa el público en general.
Da auténtico miedito.

Que les pase Marianico ,flamante investido ,el indescriptible guasap trilingüe al L-Madrí -Earl of Blackcards- "oficialmente" y los gabachos ,que son muchas cosas y ninguna buena, pero tontos no ( mala chispa los coma a todos ,ahí estoy con @Naranja ) atarán cabos y se descojonarán nuestra "oficialmente".Peor que en Trafalgar,mandacarallo.. :bag:
Última edición:
Dioses, con un armario repleto de trajes de chaqueta, unos feos, otros bonitos, otros pasables, pero todos apropiados para esta ocasion, se planta esto??
Ya la semana pasada le dieron hasta en el cielo de la boca por mostrar brazos musculos, esqueleticos, fibrosos y desgradables, asi que hoy repetimos azaña y como es un tema serio y va a decir 3 tonterias que todos pasarian por alto, pues provoca con la ropa no sea pase desapercibida. Quien la invito debe de estar pensando que donde debia de estar es el congreso mundial de salud mental, pero como paciente cero.
Aquí la capa, y creo es igualita a la que tiene en negro:

Gracias (y)(y)

Palabras de Su Majestad la Reina en la apertura del "Congreso Mundial del Cáncer 2016"
Palacio de Congresos de París, 31.10.2016

Good evening and thank you very much for being here today, in Paris, at the opening ceremony of the World Cancer Congress. The next three days, researchers, healthcare administrators, scientists, medical practitioners, academics and health workers, will be dedicated to identifying new challenges, sharing strategies and shaping and defining better guidelines and standards to improve the fight against cancer. Following this path, all of you – and of course patient group supporters and everyone involved in cancer control- will work in the coming years in order to reduce the incidence of this disease on a global scale.

Therefore, I shall leave the details to you, the experts. But, - if I may - I would like to share with you just two messages.

Firstly, more than half of the most common cancers are preventable. So, it was never better said that what we eat, drink, breathe and the ways we act and live are of vital importance. All of you know what I mean and so should the population in general, both in the developed and developing countries.

Secondly, and without leaving behind the care and support that patients and their families rightly deserve; please, let us keep up with the scientific research. Resources dedicated to these means are paramount due to the ever increasing costs of new treatments. Treatments that should be affordable and accessible, on equal terms, to every human being.

Let me finish by saying that, for some years now, I have been the honorary president of the Spanish Association Against Cancer, the Spanish private institution which devotes the largest amount of funds to research. Out of our own initiative and with the backing of many other important worldwide entities, we launched September 24th as World Cancer Research Day. An achievement to pave and continue the only possible way into progress: oncology research.

My deep gratitude goes to all you and most especially to the Union for International Cancer Control for inviting me today. I do hope that these days will be very fruitful. The stakes remain very high. Thank you very much.

Evidentemente pasa frío, no como todo el mundo, pasa más frío que los demás porque está muy delgada, pero se lo aguanta en parte supongo para exhibirse, y por otra parte porque es cierto que adelgaza.