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The truth about being a WAG: Bagging a footballer means luxury for life. But you need constant vigilance against predatory women out to steal him - and have to reject his teammates' advances. In the end, I lost out to a younger woman, writes LIZZIE CUNDY​

The audacity of wannabe WAGs will never cease to amaze me. Early on in my marriage to Chelsea and Tottenham Hotspur defender Jason Cundy, I made the mistake of leaving him alone at a football get-together while I went to get some drinks at the bar. The moment I left the table, another woman slipped into my empty seat.

All legs, big hair, lashings of makeup and oozing sex appeal, she must have been watching and waiting, ready to pounce when I disappeared, however fleetingly.

Tall and dark, Jason had Hollywood good looks and the pay packet to match. Everywhere we went, women’s eyes would follow him. To be fair, though our marriage ultimately did not last, he was never one of life’s natural flirts.

When I returned to my seat, the other woman did at least have the decency to skulk off. But that’s when it struck me - this was how my marriage would be. As soon as I turned my back, predatory women would be trying to lure Jason away from me.

So, I can imagine just how bad the past few years must have been for Annie Kilner, the now-estranged wife of England ace Kyle Walker.

After that incident with Jason at the Chelsea football social, I would make sure to ask another wife or girlfriend to watch my chair if I had to pop to the loo, even on the simplest night out at the pub. After all, bagging a footballer means the chance to turn left on the aircraft of life - so women are queuing up to usurp you.

When your worst fear comes true, it’s devastating. Jason and I split up when I discovered he was seeing a younger woman in 2010. We’d been married for 16 years and had two sons, then aged ten and 16. But despite a lifetime of vigilance, I couldn’t stop it happening in the end.

So, I suspect Annie will be feeling very lonely right now. She probably doesn’t know where to turn or who to trust. Football clubs look after their own; wives aren’t included in that equation.
As a footballer’s wife, you get a sixth sense for these crafty types. No matter how many assurances of fidelity your husband gives you, you must always be on red alert.

After a match, many footballers – married or not – want to celebrate a win at a nightclub or bar. That’s where these women are waiting, dressed up and waiting to pounce. I’d go as far to say a whole industry is involved: the model and talent agencies who represent these women and the nightclub managers who let them know the team are coming in for the night.

They want men like Kyle Walker to spend five figures on a night out impressing women with bottle after bottle of fancy fizz. It doesn’t excuse anyone’s behaviour, but when women, dressed to the nines, are on tap for young footballers, what do you think is going to happen?

Life in the football bubble – that’s a world where football comes first and everything else second - means that as a wife you need broad shoulders, skin as thick as a Hermes bag and eyes in the back of your head at all times.
Back then, it wasn’t only Jason who attracted attention. From the word go, I was hit on by other players - even when I was with Jason. At one function, a well-known footballer began to play footsie with me, tickling my leg. I was startled, especially as Jason was right next to me. I made it very clear I only had eyes for him.

Others left phone numbers in my bag or notes asking me to call them. I put it down to the competitiveness among players on and off the pitch.

Away from these social events, however, being a footballer’s wife can be a very lonely existence. I’d just had Josh, now 28, when Jason went on tour with Chelsea to Hong Kong. My parents were living in Norfolk, and I was home in London on my own.

The football world makes it very clear you’re number two in the marital pecking order and us wives really did just have to put up and shut up. Mum would (not very helpfully) remind me it was what I’d signed up for.

Christmas I particularly dreaded: my job was to keep things calm before the Boxing Day match. Other sports might take a Christmas break, but with Britain, the Boxing Day games are a firm fixture in the Premier League. So, it fell to me to ensure that a day that was usually about all the family ran like clockwork for Jason.

There was no question of fizz-fuelled brunch. I had to make sure everything was just right so he was ready for the next day. And if he was playing away, I knew girls would be hitting on him, Christmas or no Christmas.
I was pregnant with my second son James in 2000 when I really felt the WAG pressure. I was very conscious about getting my figure back after I gave birth. I had read that a post-partum Victoria Beckham had got back into her jeans within two weeks and felt pressure to do the same.

I still remember a woman coming up to me in the ladies after a game and saying, ‘I’m as fit as a butcher’s dog! Why is he with you?’ I was too shocked to reply.

Girls can be quite aggressive and if they want something they’ll go for it. The trouble is, the clubs want to indulge their stars. A player at one of Jason’s clubs would bring his wife one week, his girlfriend the next - and the club knew all about it.
Es muy rastrero publicar noticias falsas. Pero ella sigue viviendo con el alli o por lo menos etiqueta alli las cosas... Cuando acabo con cepeda tambien el dijo que no tenian buena relacion, pero da pena que no le deje celebrar a su hijo el ascenso con su padre... la chica nueva es pareja o es un lio?
No está claro que directamente haya sido ella, igual simplemente casualidad pero bueno, que da que pensar.
Es cierto que el niño es muy pequeño y de poco se enteraría pero creo que si sabes que a su padre le haría ilusión aunque sea tener la foto allí con él para enseñarle en un futuro o algo, no cuesta nada. Ojo que yo a ella no la conozco y no sé cómo es, y siempre hay dos versiones de una historia, eso está claro.
Ella sigue viviendo en Coruña, pero no viven juntos desde hace meses.
Última edición:
No está claro que directamente haya sido ella, igual simplemente casualidad pero bueno, que da que pensar.
Es cierto que el niño es muy pequeño y de poco se enteraría pero creo que si sabes que a su padre le haría ilusión aunque sea tener la foto allí con él para enseñarle en un futuro o algo, no cuesta nada. Ojo que yo a ella no la conozco y no sé cómo es, y siempre hay dos versiones de una historia, eso está claro.
Ella sigue viviendo en Coruña, pero no viven juntos desde hace meses.
Yo les vi juntos hace meses (o igual hace un año ya) comprando en balenciaga (madrid) bueno además ellos estaban sentados mientras les sacaban cosas al fondo q es probadores y parte de mujer y yo ni me acerqué a esa zona por no verla.

Yo a ella la tengo👁️ porq comentaba stories a mi marido hace aaaaaños😡 jajajjaj ella a él, insisto, no que me lo haya contado èl a su antojo, visto por mis ojos años después porq no había borrado na jaja,
Se sabe si Sira Martínez sale con el futbolista Le Normand o solo fue un rumor ? Porque Ferran y Le Normand han sido convocado para jugar la Eurocopa
Yo les vi juntos hace meses (o igual hace un año ya) comprando en balenciaga (madrid) bueno además ellos estaban sentados mientras les sacaban cosas al fondo q es probadores y parte de mujer y yo ni me acerqué a esa zona por no verla.

Yo a ella la tengo👁️ porq comentaba stories a mi marido hace aaaaaños😡 jajajjaj ella a él, insisto, no que me lo haya contado èl a su antojo, visto por mis ojos años después porq no había borrado na jaja,
Te lo creo perfectamente porque ellos se conocieron así, por Instagram jajajaja, igual hasta coincide época y estaba a ver quien caía 🤷‍♀️ que por lo que me pareció leer por aquí tu marido es futbolista también no?

PD: Mel32, aprovecho para mandarte un privado por otro tema, espero no molestar ☺️
Última edición:
Estaba bicheando el hilo de un twittero que comentaba los jugadores de la selección que van a ir a la Eurocopa, y me ha salido una foto de Dani Carvajal. :eek:

He estado buscando y se la tiñó cuando ganaron la décima por una promesa, pero ya podía haber hecho otra promesa.

Te lo creo perfectamente porque ellos se conocieron así, por Instagram jajajaja, igual hasta coincide época y estaba a ver quien caía 🤷‍♀️ que por lo que me pareció leer por aquí tu marido es futbolista también no?

PD: Mel32, aprovecho para mandarte un privado por otro tema, espero no molestar ☺️
Era futbolista, ya se retiró. Ya te contesté al mensaje😊

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