EIIL/ISIS: como Al Qaeda, fueron creados por la CIA y la OTAN

Estado Islámico. El otro frente: las milicias cristianas también combaten para recuperar sus pueblos y ciudades
24/08/2015 12:35 en Confidencial, Portada


  • Están plantando cara al EI después de que los yihadistas quemaran sus iglesias y forzaran la huida de miles de cristianos.
  • No pueden confiar su suerte a la actuación de los gobiernos de Bagdad o de Erbil, en la autonomía kurda iraquí.
  • Esta minoría cristiana (1,5 millones de personas) teme otro revés por la pugna entre chiítas y kurdos por el control del petróleo.

El asedio brutal del Estado Islámico (EI) a la minoría cristiana en Irak persigue un objetivo muy claro: su exterminio. Esta persecución ha provocado el éxodo de más de 120.000 cristianos, quehuyen con lo puesto a regiones donde los yihadistas no estén extendiendo su reguero de sangre. Ya no pueden confiar su seguridad al ejército iraquí o a los peshmerga kurdos, enfrascados en sus propios objetivos. Pero estos cristianos no quieren seguir marchándose forzosamente de sus hogares. Por eso, han decidido formar sus propias milicias armadas para sobrevivir.

Llevan surgiendo desde 2014 distintas unidades de combate exclusivamente cristianas, como laBrigada Babylon, las Unidades de Nínive o Dwekh Nawsha. En total, cuentan con varios cientos de efectivos armados. Su objetivo es combatir a los yihadistas para preservar sus hogares eiglesias, éstas últimas objetivo habitual del EI. La imagen es suficentemente ilustrativa de ello.

El principal obstáculo al que se enfrentan es su reducido número de gente. Por eso, su única alternativa para subsistir es unirse a las tropas gubernamentales o pelear junto a los kurdos, principales combatientes contra el yihadismo. Esta elección, en cambio, entraña el problema de tener que interponerse entre ambos bandos, en pugna por las demandas de autonomía del Gobierno regional de Erbil, en el Kurdistán iraquí. El problema de fondo, como podrán imaginarse, es que el Gobierno de Bagdad está interesado en controlar los recursos petrolíferos de esa región de Irak.

Ante este escenario, los milicianos cristianos no se ponen de acuerdo, y están divididos. LaBrigada Babylon combate junto a milicias chiítas para arrebatar a los yihadistas la ciudad deMosul. Las Unidades de Nínive y Dwekh Nawsha, en cambio, cooperan con los peshmerga kurdos. Pero este no es su único problema. La comunidad cristiana en Oriente Medio está dividida en caldaicos, arameos, asirios y muchos más, y esto ha generado problemas de entendimiento entre ellos.

Daniel Esparza

Después de la ofensiva de la aviación rusa contra objetivos militares de los terroristas de ISIS en Siria, los clérigos saudíes hicieron un llamamiento a "guerra sacra de los sunis" contra los rusos...:eek::eek:...qué cosas..:confused::confused:


Y esto es la opinión predominante entre los musulmanes al respecto:

"I too am a Muslim. Asalamo alykom. Nobody supports ISIS ...murdering psychos hated by all, funded, trained and re-supplied by US UK and Israel. A tool of repression designed to whip up fear and further the aims of the West. It appears Russia can obliterate them in 1 week - so how have they thrived all this time......because they have been allowed to.....that's why."
Yo creo que Rusia a quien apoya y refuerza es al ejercito sirio. Ojala ya que estan dentro que tambien combatan a IS. Me da la impresion que eso es lo que EEUU pretende. La tragedia de todo esto es que dentro de Siria los enemigos son tanto el ejercito libre sirio como los IS

Son daños colaterales de las intervenciones en el Medio Oriente, el avispero revuelto y el desastre; se les ha hecho muy dificil determinar cual es el aliado a pesar de haberlos subvencionado y entrenado, me parece que ningun pais occidental comenzando por el norteamericano entiende bien la mentalidad de los fundamentalistas islamicos. Deberian dejarles que se entiendan entre ellos aunque tampoco dejarles solos sin un ejercito de apoyo, una vez entraron hay que quedarse hasta el final.

Si bien Obama ha logrado montones de cambios para su legado politico, su politica exterior en el Medio Oriente ha sido un desastre. Nada mas con retirar las tropas de vigilancia en Iraq y dejarlos a su suerte en medio de ese caos fue una pesima decisison. Es que no se puede abarcar tanto como Obama pretende.
John McCain diciendo en una entrevista para la Fox del 2014 como conoce muy bien y habla a diario con los del ISIS:

US Senator John McCain: "I know ISIS intimately, I've met them and I talk to them all the time."

Un breve repaso de la conexión entre ISIS y Al-Qaeda, por un lado y la CIA / gobierno americano, por otra, referencias & citas incluidas:


ISIS: The US-CIA Connection

In July of 2015, U.S. President Barack Obama stated on camera:

“We’re speeding up training of ISIL forces, including volunteers from Sunni tribes in Anbar Province.”[1]

This was immediately dismissed as a “Freudian slip.” However, one need not emphasize such provocative remarks in order to discover a connection between the United States and ISIS. Concrete evidence of such a sub rosa link is contained in a declassified government document.

“The general situation: Internally, events are taking a clear sectarian direction. The Salafist [sic], the Muslim Brotherhood, and AQI [i.e., al-Qaeda in Iraq] are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria. The West, Gulf countries, and Turkey support the opposition; while Russia, China, and Iran support the [Assad] regime.”[2]

One possibility is that “the U.S. and other NATO nations are arming and funding ISIS to topple Syrian president Bashir al-Assad, who stands in the way of a critical natural gas pipeline that would depose Russia as Europe’s primary source of energy.”[3]

For example, “[a] Syrian Catholic archbishop has accused the United States of joining forces with al-Qaeda in an attempt to topple President Bashar Al-Assad. Archbishop Jacques Behnan Hindo of Hassaké-Nisibi said he believed that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was arming and training rebel groups in Syria which were al-Qaeda under ‘a different name.’”[4]

The archbishop’s words followed the assertion, by U.S. Senator John McCain, that Russian military “strikes were against the individuals and the groups that have been funded and trained by our CIA…”[5]

“…‘US Senator John McCain …[recently said]that the Russians are not bombing the positions of ISIS, but rather the anti-Assad rebels trained by the CIA,’ Archbishop Hindo told Fides, a Vatican-based news agency. ‘I find these words are disturbing. …They represent a blatant admission that behind the war against Assad there is also the CIA. …Western propaganda keeps talking about moderate rebels, who do not exist. There is something very disturbing about all this – there is a superpower that since September 11 protests because the Russians hit the militias of al-Qaeda in Syria. …What does it mean, (that) al-Qaeda is now a US ally, just because in Syria it has a different name? But do they really despise our intelligence and our memory?”[6]

Previously, retired U.S. Air Force Lieutenant General Thomas G. McInerney stated:

“[In] Syria we backed, I believe in some cases, some of the wrong people, and …not in the right part of the Free Syrian Army. And that’s a little confusing to people. So I’ve always maintained, and go back quite some time, that we were backing the wrong types. I think it’s going to turn out maybe this weekend, in a new special that Bret Baier [of Fox News] is going to have Friday, it’s going to show that some of those weapons from Benghazi ended up in the hands of ISIS. So we helped build ISIS. Now there’s a danger there. And I’m with you.”[7]

Gen. McInerney’s statement agrees with a later one from retired four-star U.S. Army General Wesley Kanne Clark, Sr., who said:

“Look: ISIS got started through funding from our friends and allies. Because, as people will tell you in the region, if you want somebody who will fight to the death against Hezbollah, you don’t put out a recruiting poster and say, ‘Sign up for us’ or ‘We’re going to make a better world.’ You go after zealots and you go after these religious fundamentalists. That’s who fights Hezbollah. ...It’s like a Frankenstein.[8]

American journalist Steven C. Clemons made similar remarks on the news network MSNBC:

“[W]e see in cases like ISIS instantly, Saudi money, private nongovernment money has helped build ISIS particularly in the early stages.”[9]

Of course, one must bear in mind that the context for these remarks is the fact – already a matter of public record – that the U.S. intelligence community was responsible for the origination of Al-Qaida. Would you believe that Osama bin Laden was a Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) “creation”?

“Osama bin Laden, the man suspected by Washington to be the mastermind behind Tuesday’s [i.e., Tues., Sept. 11, 2001] devastating attacks on the US World Trade Center and the Pentagon, is arguably the creation of a CIA-led coalition that grew out of Afghanistan’s war with the Russians. …So if bin Laden is a monster, the logic goes, then he is a monster created by the US and its allies. …Asked how the current situation had arisen, [author and Afghan expert John] Cooley replied:

“‘The [former U.S. president Jimmy] Carter administration in 1979 decided …to recruit, arm and train, and pay, and deploy an army of mercenary volunteers. They were Muslims from all parts of the world, including black American Muslims. …And the CIA managed the recruiting process. Recruits were sent to Afghanistan, trained under some CIA officers or Pakistani military intelligence officers who were trained by the CIA in the US. There were many former CIA officers in charge of the programme.’”[10]

Additionally, an Agence France-Presse dispatch disclosed that bin Laden had met with a C.I.A. liaison prior to September 11.

“A report today says that Osama bin Laden underwent treatment in July at the American Hospital in Dubai, where he met with a CIA agent. Citing an unnamed source at the hospital, the report says the suspected terrorist arrived in Dubai on July 4 by air from Quetta, Pakistan, and was taken immediately to the hospital for kidney treatment, staying until July 14. During his stay he allegedly met an unidentified CIA agent, who was recalled to Washington on July 15, the report said. It said Mr. bin Laden was accompanied by a doctor, bodyguards and a nurse.”[11]

By 2006, during the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush, it was publicly declared that finding bin Laden was no longer even an objective.

“The Central Intelligence Agency has closed a unit that for a decade had the mission of hunting Osama bin Laden and his top lieutenants, intelligence officials confirmed Monday. The unit, known as Alec Station, was disbanded late last year and its analysts reassigned within the C.I.A. Counterterrorist Center, the officials said.”[12]

Curiously, bin Laden’s Federal Bureau of Investigation (F.B.I.) “Most Wanted Poster,” updated in November of 2001, never reflected the fact that he was supposedly the mastermind of the September 11 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, D.C.[13]

Adding to the intrigue is the fact that media reports initially represented bin Laden disclaiming involvement in the attacks of Sept. 11. According to Cable News Network (CNN, 16 Sept. 2001):

“Islamic militant leader Osama bin Laden, the man the United States considers the prime suspect in last week’s terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, denied any role Sunday in the actions believed to have killed thousands.[14]

Bin Laden reportedly said:
“The U.S. government has consistently blamed me for being behind every occasion its enemies attack it. I would like to assure the world that I did not plan the recent attacks, which seems to have been planned by people for personal reasons. I have been living in the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan and following its leaders’ rules. The current leader does not allow me to exercise such operations.”[15]

According to Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Timothy Weiner, even in the early 1990s, there was “a 36-billion-dollar cache used by the Pentagon to fund its own agenda of top-secret weapons and wars.”[16]

No wonder C.I.A. counterintelligence insider James Jesus Angleton called the world of espionage the “wilderness of mirrors.”[17]

It is in light of this background information that reports about ISIS must be evaluated.[18]


[1] Barack Obama, press statement, Jul. 6, 2015; reproduced at “Freudian Slip? Obama Vows to Speed up ‘Training ISIL’, WH Edit Adds Confusion (Video),” Jul. 8, 2015, updated Jul. 9, 2015, <http://www.rt.com/usa/272470-obama-training-isis-slip/>. See the White House’s edited transcript ““Remarks by the President on Progress in the Fight Against ISIL,” White House, Office of the Press Secretary, Jul. 6, 2015, <https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-pres...emarks-president-progress-fight-against-isil>.

[2] United States, gov. doc., cached at Judicial Watch, <http://www.judicialwatch.org/wp-con...2-DOD-Release-2015-04-10-final-version11.pdf>.

[3] Kit Daniels, “Hackers Point out U.S. Arming, Funding ISIS: Hackers Deface U.S. Army Website to Underscore How the U.S. is Supporting ISIS to Topple Assad,” Infowars, Jun. 8, 2015, <http://www.infowars.com/hackers-point-out-u-s-arming-funding-isis/>.

[4] Simon Caldwell, “Syrian Archbishop Criticises U.S. for ‘Siding With al-Qaeda’,” Catholic Herald[U.K.], Oct. 6, 2015, <http://www.catholicherald.co.uk/new...ishop-criticises-us-for-siding-with-al-qaeda/>.

[5] <http://www.cnn.com/2015/10/01/politics/john-mccain-cia-russia-airstrikes/>.

[6] Caldwell, loc. cit.

[7] Gen. Thomas McInerney, appearing on Fox News; as of this writing, the interview segment was posted online as “Retired Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney Admits ‘We Helped Build ISIS’,” YouTube, Sept. 3, 2014, <>. Cf. Paul Joseph Watson, “Gen. McInerney: ‘We Helped Build ISIS’: Weapons From Benghazi Ended up in the Hands of Islamic State Radicals,” Infowars, Sept. 3, 2014, <http://www.infowars.com/gen-mcinerney-we-helped-build-isis/>.

[8] Gen. Wesley Clark, Brooke Baldwin, “Interview With Former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Wesley Clark; President Obama Requests Authority for War On ISIS,” CNN Newsroom, CNN, Feb. 11, 2015, accessed via LexisNexis. Cf. Pete Papaherakles, “U.S. General: West Created ISIS,” American Free Press, Mar. 19, 2015, <http://americanfreepress.net/?p=23265>. As of this writing, the segment is posted online by Brandon Martinez, “Wesley Clark: ‘Our Friends and Allies Funded ISIS to Destroy Hezbollah’,” YouTube, Feb. 17, 2015, <>.

[9] Steven Clemons, interviewed by Edward A. “Ed” Schultz, “The Ed Show,” Politics Nation, MSNBC, Feb. 5, 2015, accessed via LexisNexis. The Saudi angle was also explored by Lyndon Larouche’s periodical. See Ramtanu Maitra, “Under London’s Wing: ISIS: Saudi-Qatari-Funded Wahhabi Terrorists Worldwide,” Executive Intelligence Review, Aug. 29, 2014, <http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2014/4134wahhabi_terrs.html>.

[10] Thierry Masure, “Bin Laden: Product of the Afghanistan War and a U.S. Alliance in the East,” Agence France-Presse [English], Sept. 15, 2001; cached online at <http://www.prisonplanet.com/bin_laden_said_arguably_the_creation_of_a_cia_led_coalition.htm>.

[11] “Bin Laden Was Treated in Hospital, Reports Say,” Agence France-Presse via Globe and Mail [Canada], Oct. 31, 2001, Wednesday, p. A12.

[12] Mark Mazzetti, “C.I.A. Closes Unit Focused on Capture of bin Laden,” New York Times, Jul. 4, 2006, p. A4, <http://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/04/washington/04intel.html>. For an argument that the real Osama bin Laden in fact died sometime in Dec. 2001, see David Ray Griffin, Osama bin Laden: Dead or Alive? Northampton, Mass.: Olive Branch Press, 2009.

Of course, according to the “official” story, the details of which, like so many other fairy tales, are prone to variation, Marvel Comics’s …er, I mean, the Navy’s Seal Team Six assassinated bin Laden and then the remains were taken aboard the U.S.S. Carl Vinson and “slid off [the vessel] into the sea… because no country would accept bin Laden’s remains…”. According to Jim Garamone, “Bin Laden Buried at Sea,” American Forces Press Service, May 2, 2011, <http://www.navy.mil/submit/display.asp?story_id=60124>.]

However, according to the hacker group Anonymous, a leaked intelligence email reveals that “Bin Laden WAS NOT buried at sea, but flown to the U.S. for cremation at secret location…”. According to Thomas Durante, Daily Mail [U.K.], Mar. 7, 2012, <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2111001/Osama-bin-Laden-WAS-NOT- buried-sea-flown-US-cremation-leaked-emails-reveal.html>.

[13] See “Usama bin Laden,” F.B.I., Jun., 1999, updated Nov., 2001, <https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/topten/usama-bin-laden>.

[14] “Bin Laden Says He Wasn’t Behind Attacks,” CNN, Sept. 17, 2001, <http://edition.cnn.com/2001/US/09/16/inv.binladen.denial/index.html>.

[15] Osama bin Laden, statement, Al Jazeera [Qatar]; quoted in ibid.

[16] Tim Weiner, Blank Check: The Pentagon’s Black Budget, New York: Warner Books, 1991, back matter; archived online at <https://books.google.com/books/about/Blank_Check.html?id=S7CRPwAACAAJ>.

[17] See David C. Martin, Wilderness of Mirrors, reprint ed., Guilford, Conn.: Lyons Press, 2003 [orig. New York: Harper & Row, 1980], p. 10.

[18] At the outer-limits of plausibility, it has even been suggested that ISIS is being led by an Israeli intelligence “mole.” "The leader of the radical Islamic State (IS), Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, has been reputed to be a Mossad-trained operative whose real name is Elliot Shimon, the son of Jewish parents. This information is said to have originated from 1.7 million pages of top-secret documents recently released by National Security Agency whistle-blower Edward Snowden and made public by Iranian intelligence. Arabic Internet radio website 'Ajyal.com' and the Arabic news website 'Egy-press' were also early sources before the news went viral. Although it cannot be conclusively verified at this point, evidence points in that direction." Pete Papaherakles, “Is ‘IS’ a CIA-Mossad Creation?” American Free Press, Aug. 28, 2014, <http://americanfreepress.net/?p=19176>.
En agosto 2012 fueros desclacificados documentos que claramente indican como una fuerza como ISIS sería usada, y lógicamente apoyada, por los EEUU, Turquia y los países del Golfo - para redibujar drásticamente el mapa del Oriente Media y crear, sobre las cenizas de 5 países, utilizando tal fuerza salafista, acá Al-Qaeda-in-Iraq-y-Siria.

La política de "Divide et Impera!", disfrazada para el consumo de las masas como guerra al terrorismo. Terrorismo al que se le apoya cuando sirve y contra el cual se va a la guerra, nuevamente cuando sirve.


The One Thing You Need to Know About ISIS
Y aquí la función de ISIS y "la guerra al terrorismo" en el tablero geoestratégico:
dinamitar el grande OM (a la vista está ya) y desangrar los países musulmanas.

Dicho por el mismísimo "Spengler", aka David Goldman (¿Goldman-Sachs?):
"Las naciones luchan hasta que pierdan el 30% de sus potenciales soldados":

Nations do not fight to the death, but they frequently fight until their pool of prospective fighters has reached a point of practical exhaustion. In most cases, this involves reaching the 30% mark where casualties are concerned.


..el autor, "Spengler":
One Humanity, One Planet, One World: Global Politics is Dehumanizing Mankind
By Mahboob A. Khawaja
Global Research, May 23, 2016

10 1


The Earth and Space are wired with secrecy, new and unthinkable weapons of mass destruction and global warming is a clicking time bomb for the future.

The most hated and feared leaders do not have the intellectual and political capacity to solve nay problems which they have created.

Humanity looks to men of intellect, scholars of integrity for solutions, certainly not to the warmongers destroying life and habitats throughout the globe. Rationality asserts that the future belongs to the global citizenry not to the few sadistic warlords, and that an informed and politically mature and active global citizenry must have the opportunity to exercise its rights, choice and freedom to develop the futuristic global institutions and governance by integrating the moral and spiritual values of man, humanity and the living Universe as the rational forces of global conscience for a sustainable future.

Being one Humanity on One Planet and One World, people of the world to which the Universe belongs, have never allowed any abstract institutions or governments or egomaniac leaders to act on their behalf? The message and its spirit are clear that mankind as ONE rational force must act to safeguard the future.

To Comprehend the Current Global Affairs

In 2008, Presidential candidate Obama inspired hope (“yes, we can”) for political change but it turned out to be a fallacy of perception and hope. The world is more dangerous place in 2016 than when a colored President Obama making history moved into the White House. In scholarly terms, politics is a game of pretension and obsession to egomaniac ideals to enhance one’s own image and interest for power. You can’t blame Obama squarely for all the wrong idealistic perceptions he generated to win the two presidential elections.

Modern democracy is fast becoming a willful house of deception and exploitation for the rich and privileged ones. Was the 2011 Protest Movement not a revulsion against the same ideals? President Obama is leaving the presidency and the political world in much worst conditions than when he assumed the office. War is the only goal and policy aim that he pursued, not much different that of beleaguered George W. Bush did to dehumanize the American culture and victimize the humanity with new brand of terrorism. History speaks loud and clear. History will judge leaders and nations by their actions, not by their claims. None of these characters had any vision for universal harmony and sustainable political change or to foster peace and co-existence across many divided national lines of greed and hegemonic controls. American politicians do what political financiers and lobbyists dictate them to do – to loath the mankind with the fear of insecurity and continuous war agenda.

The Arab Middle East is virtually destroyed; its masses bombed, terrorized and displaced as unwanted refugees across many European national frontiers. The real problem of Palestine is replaced by the current wars to capsize the whole of the Arab world. Who is responsible for all the intriguing wars and backdoor conspiracies to kill one another? Have all the Arab people lost their sense of thinking and rationality? How would the future generations view them in a critical analysis? Were they so inept and stupid not to think of their own future and sustainability? The aggressors have carved up subjective titles and labels of sectarian killings, daily bloodbath and terrorism. As if it was not part of their planned scheme of things to dismantle the Arab freedom and human dignity. Was this perpetuated cruelty and darkness not the explicit outcome of the American and British war and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan? Who will rebuild the century’s old cultures, human habitats and reputable ancient values that have been systematically destroyed by the war mongers?

In “How the United States and Britain Lost the Bogus War in Iraq and Afghanistan” (Global Research), this author clarified the pertinent facts of the bogus war:

Michel Meacher, British Environment Minister under PM Blair (“This War on Terrorism is Bogus”) – provides reliable insight into the real reasons for the ‘War on Terrorism’. He claims that the “war on terror” is flatly superficial:

the 9/11 attacks gave the US an ideal pretext to use force to secure its global domination … the so-called ‘war on terrorism’ is being used largely as bogus cover for achieving wider US strategic geopolitical objectives … in fact, 9/11 offered an extremely convenient pretext to put the PNAC plan into action. The evidence again is quite clear that plans for military action against Afghanistan and Iraq were in hand well before 9/11.”

David Swanson (“ISIS, Weapons Makers, Thugs Benefit from This Crime.” Dissident Voice), points out how the US weapon manufacturers have increased the cost of weapon sales by 19% and are ultimately the beneficiary of the war against ISIL. The coalition of war led by the US against ISIL is nothing but a paradox of self-contradictory coercive arrangement.

The U.S. France, Germany, UK, Saudi Arabia, and Arab Gulf countries aim is to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad, which happens to be the goal of ISIL and other groups fighting in Syria. President Putin is shielding the besieged Bashar Al-Assad from final collapse and making gains in Syria and Arabian strategic thinking. Many Arab leaders are impressed by Putin’s decisive action to protect his client state. They could open new markets for Russian weapons and influence in the Arab world. President Obama remained in-between without any prompt action to oust Bashar Al-Assad. The current sectarian wars do not appeal to any holiest mission.

The US and Russia are bombing to support their war economy and find a convenient pretext to kill the Arab people. American foreign policy aims at and acts like double-edge Razor King to install authoritarian regimes in the frontline Arab states and manipulate them for illegitimate purposes and exploitation of the natural resources. When these former neo-colonial tribal agents turned kings and princess become a liability, the US implies Plan “B” to get them killed by their own people like Ghadafi in Libya, Abdulla Saleh ousted in Yemen and Saddam Hussein hanged in Iraq. The Arab coalition leaders have no sense of time and history how the US will destroy the Arab culture and civilization by using false pretext of the war.

Truth is One, Not Many But Political Leaders will Deny it

We are witnessing an historic event and epic of empire-building. Leaders claiming to be democratically elected, think and behave like absolute dictators. President Obama is engaged in time-killing exercises at the end of his presidency. He was not an intellectual and proactive person leading to peaceful future-making. Mankind needs morally and intellectually responsible leadership to pursue a sustainable future. All absolute rulers and leaders tried to run down the mankind as if it was just a number – a digit – and conscious-less entity of technological imagination. But all of them have caused immense losses and liabilities to their own nations and empires. American political history was enriched with intellectual foresights and democratic values to safeguard the rest of the mankind. But its contemporary leaders and major institutions seem to defy the logic of peaceful co-existing with the global community.

The continuous wars have incapacitated the Arab states and rulers as some are complacent in providing logistical support to the US-British aggressions in Iraq and Afghanistan.The Western masses are against the wars but the US-Russian strategic plans increasingly pursuing more seen-unseen wars against the Arabs-Muslims, not just to occupy their natural resources but to go beyond Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Libya and occupy the lands and people. This is a call for a decadent Islamic culture to be destroyed within as the political developments are shaping up beginning with Palestine, Iraq, Syria onward to other Arabian Peninsula – collapse of the Muslim people to be taken over by the 21st century Crusaders. One wonders, if the oil enriched Arab elite occupying dusty palaces could come out to have the freedom to think on their own of a Navigational Change to avert the self-geared human catastrophes?

Chris Hedges (writes a regular column for Truthdig.com and was a foreign correspondent for The New York Times, and author of many books including his most recent book: Empire of Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle)contributes a realist observation (“The Ghoulish Face of Empire.” Truthdig.com), to make the US policy makers understand the untold and challenging facts of global politics:

The black-clad fighters of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, sweeping a collapsing army and terrified Iraqis before them as they advance toward Baghdad, reflect back to us the ghoulish face of American empire. They are the specters of the hundreds of thousands of people we murdered in our deluded quest to remake the Middle East…… The language of violence engenders violence. The language of hate engenders hate. “I and the public know what all schoolchildren learn,” W.H. Auden wrote. “Those to whom evil is done do evil in return.” It is as old as the Bible.

There is no fight left in us. The war is over. We destroyed Iraq as a unified country. It will never be put back together. ….We are not, as we thought when we entered Iraq…. We are something else. Fools and murderers. Blinded by hubris. Faded relics of the Cold War. And now, in the final act of the play, we are crawling away. Our empire is dying……. The disintegration of Iraq is irreversible. At best, the Kurds, the Shiites and the Sunnis will carve out antagonistic enclaves. At worst, there will be a protracted civil war. This is what we have bequeathed to Iraq. The spread of our military through the region has inflamed jihadists across the Arab world. The resulting conflicts will continue until we end our occupation of the Middle East. The callous slaughter we deliver is no different from the callous slaughter we receive. Our jihadists—George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Perle, Thomas Friedman and Tommy Franks—who assured us that swift and overwhelming force in Iraq would transform the Middle East into an American outpost of progress, are no less demented than the jihadists approaching Baghdad. These two groups of killers mirror each other. This is what we have spawned. And this is what we deserve.

The Earth and Space are wired with secrecy, new and unthinkable weapons of mass destruction, and global warming is a clicking time bomb for the future. The most hated and feared leaders do not have the intellectual and political capacity to solve nay problems which they have engineered for their own interest and greed of power. The humanity looks to proactive scholars, visionary and intelligent people of new ideas and leaders of change to rebuild a systematic and institutionalized sustainable future for the humanity and to articulate a culture of freedom and human dignity to co-exist without the fear of wars and in complete harmony with the Nature of things – more so, to imagine man (human being), humanity and the Universe to co-exist without animosity of the few vengeful mindsets. Man being the most intelligent creation on planet Earth and being the nucleus of Humanity must think of his originality of Creation and coherent role-play within the Laws of God governing Man’s life and the Universe.

The Man, the Humanity and the Universe must be seen as interrelated to envisage global peace and harmony on One Plant. Life, the Universe and the laws of governance of the planet are not the outcomes of politicians and staged actors. Is there a new culture of rethinking and emotions to bring the mankind back to its originality of rational unity and peaceful co-existence to save the humanity and civilizations? Lessons of history are ignored – most feared and most hated leaders, who drove the mankind to the insanity of the Two World Wars and current war agenda in the Middle East, likewise are actively engaged to undermine the future prospects of harmony between people of diversity and varied cultures.

With failed international institutions, incompetent and corrupt global leadership affiliated to the Washington-based Military-Industrial complex continues to enforce militarization of the globe- and insane perversion against the logic of peace and co-existence amongst the mankind. The humanity looks to men of intellect, scholars of integrity for solutions, certainly not to the warmongers destroying life and habitats throughout the globe.

Rationality asserts that the future belongs to the global citizenry not to the few sadistic warlords, and that an informed and politically mature and active global citizenry must have the opportunity to exercise its rights, choice and freedom to develop the futuristic global institutions and governance by integrating the moral and spiritual values of man, humanity and the living Universe as the rational forces of global conscience for a sustainable future.

Being one Humanity on One Planet and One World, People of the world to which the Universe belongs, have never allowed any abstract institutions or governments or egomaniac leaders to act on their behalf? The message and its spirit are clear that the mankind as ONE rational force must act to safeguard the future.

Dr. Mahboob A. Khawaja specializes in global security, peace and conflict resolution with keen interests in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and author of several publications including the latest: Global Peace and Conflict Management: Man and Humanity in Search of New Thinking. Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, May 2012).

The original source of this article is Global Research
Copyright © Mahboob A. Khawaja, Global Research, 2016
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Países Bajos aprueba retirar la doble nacionalidad a los yihadistas
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Debido a que "estos yihadistas pueden provocar un peligro para la seguridad nacional"

"El ministro de la Justicia puede decidir retirar la nacionalidad, aunque no haya sido reconocido como culpable de terrorismo"

  • AFP
  • La Haya
24/05/2016 17:21
Los diputados holandeses han aprobado este martes la retirada de la nacionalidad para los yihadistas que cuentan con la doble nacionalidad y que "se hayan unido a una organización terrorista" amenazando la seguridad nacional, ha anunciado el ministerio de la Seguridad y la Justicia.

Si ellos regresan a los Países Bajos, "estos yihadistas pueden provocar un peligro para la seguridad nacional", ha añadido el ministro en un comunicado, señalando esta reacción rápida y necesaria con el fin de impedir que "estas personas vuelvan a nuestro país".

Este voto se sucede en un contexto donde Europa ha sido sacudida estos últimos meses por los ataques de París y Bruselas, llevados a cabo en su mayoría por yihadistas europeos que han regresado al país tras haber combatido en las filas de la organización terrorista Estado Islámico.

"El ministro de la Justicia puede decidir retirar la nacionalidad, aunque no haya sido reconocido como culpable de terrorismo", ha precisado el portavoz del ministerio a AFP, Wiebe Alkema.

En ese caso, "el yihadista será declarado como extranjero indeseable", ha añadido el ministerio. Estas dos medidas "impiden el regreso legal a los Países Bajos y al espacio Schengen".

"La privación de nacionalidad es posible en el momento en el que alguien en el extranjero se haya unido a un grupo que aparezca en la lista específica de organizaciones terroristas", ha añadido la misma fuente.

La proposición de la ley ha suscitado la polémica entre los diputados. Algunos miembros de los partidos de izquierda aseguraban que la idea iba a alimentar la radicalización.

Según los servicios de inteligencia de los Países Bajos, 200 holandeses se habrían unidos a las filas del autodenominado Estado Islámico.

ISIS: A Fairy Tale
Posted on 05/18/2016 | 39 Comments

At least 70 people were killed and over 100 more wounded yesterday when three ISIS bombs went off in the predominantly Shia Baghdad suburb of al-Shaab.

Russian, Syrian and Hezbollah forces having largely obliterated ISIS positions in Syria, the fake Islamists have taken their Zionist bloodbath to Iraq.

The Illuminati architects of the massive deception which ISIS represents are squirming. Once again, Vladimir Putin has shown himself a formidable foe of the enemies of all mankind.

Trained by the CIA in Afghanistan to fight the Russians and the progressive Tariki government in Kabul in the late 1970’s, these former mujahadeen have since been used by the Agency and its masters at British Intelligence to fight proxy wars against left-wing governments worldwide.

The list of skullduggery is long: Iran, Bosnia, Chechnya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, Yemen and Syria come to mind. Operating under names like al Qaeda, Taliban, Takfiri, Wahhabi and now ISIS, the players remain the same.

The British Crown Agency, which through its ownership of the Agha Khan Foundation in Pakistan, ojo, el protector de la infanta ¿por qué? sits atop this pyramid of fake Muslim terror. They used these assets as patsies to attack the United States on 911, utilizing their ownership of Securacom – which was run by Marvin Bush and held the security contract on the World Trade Center – to facilitate the mining of the elevator shafts which brought those buildings down.

The name ISIS should be the first red flag. This was the name of the Egyptian goddess whose name means “throne”. ISIS is part of the Babylonian trinity worshipped by Freemasons, Kabalists and their Muslim Brotherhood partners who run the House of Saud. All swear an oath of loyalty to the British Crown, whether they know it or not.

ISIS was known as the goddess of magic and listened to prayers of aristocrats and the wealthy. Her original Egyptian name was spelled Aset. From this is derived the word “asset” which in intelligence parlance means someone working for one of the secret society-infiltrated Western spy agencies.

With the funding to the ISIS asset being funneled through Swiss bank accounts at the Warburg’s UBS Bank, it is indeed the bankers and Black Nobility of Europe who created ISIS as a means to carve out oil fiefdoms under the guise of a Greater Israel in the Middle East.

Already Israeli businessman are buying up land in northern Iraq, where ISIS has depopulated an entire region, overwhelming Europe with refugees in the process.

Along the way ISIS has used its magic to systematically destroying ancient relics which hold the keys to understanding Arab culture and history, wiping out the centuries-old accomplishments of Muslims in the region.

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see that if ISIS were truly an orthodox Muslim group, this would be the last thing they would do on their way to the establishment of an Islamic caliphate in the Levant.

Rather, ISIS fighters were trained by the CIA in Jordan. Their wounded are treated in Israeli hospitals. And when Russian bombs rain down on them, these well-paid mercenaries take refuge in Turkey, where the Gray Wolves mafia facilitates the Afghanistan to Europe heroin traffic, ensuring both a long-term presence of US troops in Afghanistan and a new heroin epidemic here in the US.

It should surprise no one then that after over a year of US bombings, ISIS is stronger than ever. It took the Russians only a few days to inflict more damage on these assets than occurred during the past year.

This is because the US was never bombing ISIS. They were helping ISIS, while decimating the infrastructure of socialist Syria and clearing the area around Exxon Mobil’s massive Kirkuk oil field in northern Iraq.

These magical assets steal oil from state-owned wells, robbing the people of Iraq and Syria, while flooding global markets with cheap oil to crash crude markets and destroy the petrodollar – a key part of the Rothschild-led bankers’ plan to bring in a global currency.

The Western media is ignorant to all of this, basing their stories as usual on phony intelligence reports. But Putin is now laying waste to ISIS and along with it the psyops fairy tale it always represented.

How the inbred Rothschild-led banksters and their Crown cohorts react will constitute the next chapter in this saga. The stakes are high for all of humanity as Putin leads the people in what could be the final battle to bring down these Luciferian enemies of mankind.

Dean Henderson is the author of five books:Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families & Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics & Terror Network, The Grateful Unrich: Revolution in 50 Countries, Das Kartell der Federal Reserve,Stickin’ it to the Matrix & The Federal Reserve Cartel. You can subscribe free to his weekly Left Hookcolumn @www.hendersonlefthook.wordpress.com
Secret flight linking Israel to the UAE reveals 'open secret' of collaboration


A private jet is flying between Tel Aviv and Abu Dhabi up to twice per week, an analysis of publicly available data has revealed.

Analysts said the news lends weight to the “open secret” that the UAE is “actively collaborating” with Israel due to shared concerns about their future in a region racked by conflict.

Relations between Israel and the Gulf states are sensitive due to the ongoing occupation of the Palestinian territories, popularly opposed by Gulf nationals, and none of the monarchies have official diplomatic ties with Tel Aviv.

Israeli daily Haaretz first reported a plane flying between Israel and an unspecified Gulf state earlier in December. After initially not responding to requests for comment, the article’s author told MEE he “cannot go into why” the newspaper did not publish the UAE as being the destination.

The Tel Aviv-Abu Dhabi route
The flight between Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv and Abu Dhabi International Airport is operated by the Geneva-based private airline PrivatAir, on an Airbus A319 registered with the tail-number D-APTA.


- See more at: http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/s...israel-and-uae-567607953#sthash.zDN024Dr.dpuf