EIIL/ISIS: como Al Qaeda, fueron creados por la CIA y la OTAN

De Algeciras a Estambul


El nuevo éxtasis: ¿nos hacemos un ISIS?
El Califato nunca existió en el islam. El universo creado por el llamado Estado Islámico es una ficción enteramente basada en las fantasías de mentes europeas y norteamericanas

Combatientes del Estado Islámico junto a un comandante de la organización conocido como Abu Waheeb, en una imagen difundida por el propio ISIS.
10.07.2015 – 05:00 H.
La ruta del bakalao de hoy día ya no va por las macrodiscotecas de Valencia. Ni siquiera de Londres a Mallorca para ponerse hasta arriba de ácido y pastillas. La nueva droga de la juventud es más dura. La venden en pastillas rectangulares negras con logotipo naïf blanco impreso encima. Es marca registrada y se llama Allah. Así, con doble L y con H al final. Rechacen imitaciones.

Para hacerse con la droga, no hace falta ir a Ibiza ni a Ámsterdam. O bueno, a Ámsterdam sí, que es desde donde salen vuelos baratos a Estambul, a veces vía Madrid. Y de Estambul a la frontera siria son mil kilómetros en línea recta, pasando por Ankara. Si tienes suerte. Porque si te pilla la policía es capaz de decirte que tienes cara de consumidor y de devolverte a tu tierra. A Bruselas, Birmingham, Berlín o Barcelona.

Pero si todo sale bien y en la frontera, allá por Urfa o Antep, consigues montarte en la cunda, en unas horas estás en tu paraíso artificial. A la discoteca ahora le han puesto de nombre Califato, que queda muy retro, casi andalusí, y los espectáculos se retransmiten en alta definición. Iba a decir que en vivo, pero más exacto es decir en muerto.

Mola, ¿verdad? Lo mejor es que una vez en la frontera puedes llamar a tus viejos y decirles cuatro cosas, que dejen de llorar por ti, que se te han abierto los ojos y lo ves todo de color verde y que no te esperen en Navidad. En la discoteca hay piscina y todo, y dentro se graban snuff movies gratis con cámaras acuáticas y jaulas y eso. Yupi.

Retro de verdad. La droga te hace viajar en el tiempo. Catorce siglos atrás, del tirón a la Tierra Media. Dicen que van a acuñar ahora monedas de oro auténticas, como en las películas. Y escucharás las sabias palabras de Gandalf, con su túnica y su turbante. Los Malos y los Buenos, el Concilio Blanco contra Mordor. Todo eso en vivo. Olvídate de las setas alucinógenas o del peyote: eso, ni la ayahuasca, oye.

No estoy de coña. El universo creado por el llamado Estado Islámico (lo llamaré ISIS) es una ficción enteramente basada en las fantasías de mentes europeas y norteamericanas. Usan el Corán como los adeptos a Tolkien usan El Señor de los Anillos. Tienen su propio élfico, desarrollado en los últimos años por una comunidad en toda Europa. Una frase tipo: “Creo en Dios, cumplo el ayuno y me lavo antes de rezar en la mezquita, y gracias a mis creencias firmes me dedico a la misión, según enseñó Mahoma” se dice: “Creo en Allah, cumplo el saum y hago el wudu antes del salat en el masjid, y gracias a mi aquida hago la da'wa entre los kufar, según enseñó Muhammad (s.a.s)”.

Este élfico es necesario para separar los juegos de rol tolkienianos de la realidad: si los seguidores del Gandalf califal y sus predecesores –este juego empezó hace una década ya– usaran su lengua materna –inglés, francés, alemán, castellano– no podrían evitar sentir el islam como una religión más, similar a la de sus vecinos: Dios, rezar, ayuno son conceptos comunes a todos; no existiría mucha diferencia entre ir a la iglesia el domingo o a la mezquita el viernes, tal y como ha ocurrido en Siria o Irak toda la vida de dios. Pero entonces sería la vida normal, no sería un juego de rol.


Milicianos del Estado Islámico durante un desfile militar en Raqqa (Reuters).
El Califato que nunca existió
Sólo el juego de rol califal permite evadirse totalmente de la realidad, meterse en un universo de ficción donde está bien visto decapitar a gente, tirarla de altas torres o tener esclavas. Tomada la droga que permite entrar a la Tierra Media, las pautas normales de convivencia humana se eclipsan y manda Gandalf.

El califa: esa entrañable figura de los cuentos infantiles europeos, versión adaptada (sin s*x*) de Las mil y una noches, que alguien parece haberse tomado demasiado en serio. Hubo analistas europeos que plantearon –eso fue un año antes del advenimiento del ISIS– si Turquía tendría opción de proclamar el Califato, como medio para erigirse en cabeza del mundo musulmán. Pero esto es no haber aprendido que los Reyes Magos son los padres.

El Califato nunca existió en el islam. Salvo los primeros cuatro califas, los sucesores de Mahoma, legendarios como todo lo que rodea la “biografía” del profeta. Después, algunos reyes omeyas, abasíes y andalusíes usaron el título, pero que este ya no tuvo nada que ver con el concepto político de “dirigente de toda la nación islámica”. Lo sabe cualquiera que mire un mapa con la extensión geográfica del Califato de Córdoba. Porque la nación islámica (umma) tampoco ha existido nunca. No más que “la cristiandad” como concepto político.

En el XVI, algunos sultanes otomanos se acordaron del título, pero la primera vez que este se usó realmente como concepto político fue en 1774, cuando Estambul quiso ganar puntos frente al imperio zarista, erigiéndose en potencia protectora de los tártaros musulmanes de Crimea. Copiando un modelo europeo, según el cual los reyes de Francia eran patronos de la población cristiana de Líbano.

El Califato nunca existió. Salvo los primeros cuatro califas, los sucesores de Mahoma, legendarios como todo lo que rodea la 'biografía' del profeta

El título no entró en la Constitución otomana hasta 1876 y duró hasta su abolición en 1924. Y durante estos 48 años demostró su perfecta inutilidad: no hubo musulmán que se creyera el rollo. El Imperio otomano se derrumbó porque la Península Arábiga musulmana se levantó en armas contra el sultán, algo ya habitual en Egipto y Yemen. Pensar que el título de califa lo evitara es como creer que Rabat domina el mundo, porque el rey marroquí lleva oficialmente el título de Comendador de los creyentes (es decir, musulmanes, cristianos y judíos). O que la existencia del Papa haya impedido guerras entre naciones católicas.

Ah, pero el islam es diferente, pregonan los analistas. Los musulmanes son herramientas ciegas de una fe, no son personas como el resto del mundo, con sus intereses geopolíticos, sociales, económicos, no. Son divinamente inexplicables.

Por eso ha sido tan fácil deshumanizarlos, meterlos en Guantánamo, designarlos terroristas: total, son musulmanes, no necesitan derechos humanos ni democracia. No los quieren, son felices así.

Esta deshumanización de los musulmanes, que los convierte en criaturas robóticas de una fe exótica, ha sido adaptada por los propagandistas del ISIS, que han conseguido, efectivamente, convertir a sus adeptos en criaturas robóticas de una fe exótica, tal y como Europa y Norteamérica lo esperan de ellos.


Por eso, el atractivo de ISIS es tan enorme entre los conversos europeos y entre los que se suelen definir como “segunda generación de inmigrantes”, es decir, un colectivo que del islam conoce poco más que el nombre y que, en la práctica, también pasa por un proceso de conversión a una nueva religión desconocida cuando un día decide cumplir rezos, llevar velo o estudiar el Corán. Este descubrimiento de algo desconocido, situado fuera de las normas humanas, es la droga.

Las cifras (actualizadas por Radio Free Europe en enero pasado) lo muestran: proporcionalmente a su población, hay el doble de alemanes en el ISIS (8 por cada millón de ciudadanos) que de egipcios. Tres veces más franceses (18) que turcos. La corona se la lleva Bélgica, con 40 combatientes por millón, el doble que Palestina, salvo Kosovo (83) y Bosnia (92), territorios recientemente islamizados por la misión wahabí.

Entre los países árabes, Túnez (280) y Jordania (315) destacan como fuente de combatientes, lo que en el caso de Jordania se explica: aquí, la visión wahabí difundida por el gran vecino ya ha permeado la sociedad: saben que no hay diferencia esencial entre las proclamas del ISIS y lo que La Meca certifica como “islam verdadero”.

¿Es el “islam verdadero”? Sí, tanto como es cristianismo verdadero lapidar a adúlteras y homosexuales en la plaza pública. Lo mandan las Escrituras (y no me vengan ahora con que el Antiguo Testamento no cuenta: ¿nunca les hablaron de los Diez Mandamientos?). Si ahora resulta que el “islam verdadero” y el “cristianismo verdadero” no son tan distintos, podemos entender por fin que una religión verdadera es la practicada en un momento histórico por la gran mayoría de quienes se adhieren a ella.

No hay diferencia esencial entre las proclamas del ISIS y lo que La Meca certifica como 'islam verdadero'

No, decide el ISIS (y secundan con entusiasmo los analistas europeos): el verdadero islam no se ha llegado a practicar en 1.400 años y es ahora cuando aparecerá por primera vez en la faz de la tierra. Viene directamente desde el cielo. En concreto, de ciertos satélites engrasados con petróleo saudí.

Me consta que hay padres de lejano origen musulmán que educaron a sus hijos en la fe. En lo que ellos creían que era la fe. Cuando sus hijos los llamaron un día desde la frontera siria se quedaron a cuadros. Como se quedaría a cuadros cualquier padre británico, de whisky diario y puro habano, al que su hijo le cuenta orgulloso que se chuta heroína, porque papá, tú también tomas droga. Sólo que la mía es más pura.

Fuera lo adulterado. Fuera catorce siglos de civilización islámica. Queremos el principio activo: la droga destilada, por vía intravenosa. Mahoma caminando por el desierto y hablando de Bizancio. Batallas contra los enemigos de la fe, con kalashnikov a falta de cimitarras. Más o menos como si el Vaticano contratara un safari en Kenia para luchar con sus manos desnudas contra leones y así permitir a los cristianos a vivir una auténtica experiencia de su fe. Espero no dar ideas.

No se rían ustedes de la comparación. La única zona del mundo donde perdura ese espíritu de vivir en un mundo de Sagradas Escrituras no es siquiera Arabia Saudí (allí se vive en la hipocresía impuesta desde arriba), sino el sureste de Estados Unidos. Allí hay gente –bastante– que cree efectivamente en la venida del Mesías, la salvación de los creyentes y la batalla final en Armagedón.

Armageddon. 1989. Bruce Willis. Quién no se ha emocionado. Apocalíptico. Dimensiones bíblicas. Qué pena que en el islam no haya nada similar. ¿Seguro? Ah, pues mire, hay un hadith por ahí que parece ser que Mahoma dijo alguna vez que iba a haber una última batalla contra Bizancio (“Roma”) en Amik o en Dabiq, nadie sabe bien. Resulta que Amik está hoy en Turquía, pero Dabiq en Siria. ¡Adjudicado!

Y ahí va la revista del ISIS, titulada Dabiq, a todo color, con una nota a pie de página que explica que esto quiere decir Armagedón. Porque ni Dios, desde las cafeterías de Casablanca hasta las ruinas de las teterías de Bagdad, ha escuchado jamás lo de Dabiq, y en las de Alepo sólo saben que es un pueblecito perdido medio camino de la frontera.


Una de las páginas de 'Dabiq', la revista oficial del ISIS.
Pero qué importa. Ahora sólo falta un periodista norteamericano que se las dé de experto en apocalipsis islámico y que fabule sobre la opción de que “Roma” signifique Occidente o Norteamérica (para saber que “rum” en esa época eran, simplemente, los bizantinos tendría que saber árabe, y eso es pedir demasiado), y listo, ya hay revista. Casi hay título para la próxima de Hollywood.

Lo gracioso de todo esto es que el mismo hadith (Salih Muslim, 6924, 7278 o 2897, según la edición) no termina con la conquista de Constantinopla –hasta ahí, los exégetas de la prensa ya han especulado, encantados de la vida, sobre próximos atentados en Estambul–, sino con una segunda batalla, que será nuevamente en Siria, y donde llegará por fin Jesucristo para exterminar a los enemigos de la fe. Sí, Jesucristo, porque en la teología islámica apocalíptica tradicional es efectivamente Jesús, el mayor profeta antes de Mahoma, quien regresará como mesías.

Dabiq cita el hadith entero en su primer número pero pasa de puntillas sobre la mención de “Isa ibn Maryam”. El cacao habría sido demasiado espeso: ¿cómo enviar a alguien a dinamitar iglesias y decapitar a cristianos por “infieles” si a la vez tienes que explicarle que Jesucristo será su comandante en la batalla final? Es como mezclar éxtasis y alcohol.

Beban mucha agua. Es un consejo.
Son cada vez más las voces, entre el mismo aparato militar y burocrático estadounidense que declaran que los bestias de ISIS con una obra, directa- o indirectamente de Washington (para para que le haga el trabajo sucio):


US ex-intelligence chief on ISIS rise: It was 'a willful Washington decision'
Published time: 10 Aug, 2015 13:38Edited time: 11 Aug, 2015 02:32
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Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, ex-jefe de la Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
Los que dicen que AlQaeda fue creada por la CIA y sirve como pretexto para las guerras sucias de la CIA o está tachado por terrorista (D. Camerino hace) o directamente fallece repentinamente.

Es lo que le pasó al ex- Ministro degli esteri británico Robin Cook la semana después de haber hecho las siguientes declaraciónes:


Por la boca muere el pez...

En una entrevista dada el 2013 el neocon Paul Wolfowitz dice literalmente que si los EEUU querían (en 2013) el cambio de régimen en Siria tenían que apoyar sí o sí los "rebeldes" sirios:

“Wolfowitz is critical of the US military, some of whose generals suggested sending in as many as 300,000 troops. “I don’t want to get into the finger-pointing business but we had sort of forgotten everything we’d learnt 30 years before about counterinsurgency . . . this was not the kind of war you win by overwhelming force.”

His biggest fear now is that war weariness will prompt America to abandon Iraq and leave Syria’s rebels to their fate, just as the Shi’ite rebels in southern Iraq were allowed to be crushed by Saddam in 1991.

“If those rebellions had succeeded, we would never have had that second [Iraq] war . . . that is the lesson we should be applying in Syria today.

“Instead, somehow people are afraid to do anything to help the Syrian rebels lest we end up with an invasion and occupation of Syria. But that isn’t on the table.”


Los de IS seguirán con sus barbaridades sin problema alguno, por lo que a los EEUU respecta, por lo menos hasta que Assad y su gobierno sean derrocados.

A esto se le llama "proxy war" :sneaky::sneaky:

El que no lo vea...que se compre gafas... ;)

Estado Islámico destruye histórico templo en Palmira
Según el Observatorio Sirio de Derechos Humanos, los yihadistas habrían dinamitado el templo de Baal Shamin.

El Observatorio Sirio de Derechos Humanos informó este domingo (23.08.2015) que el Estado Islámico destruyó el histórico templo de Baal Shamin, ubicado en las ruinas de la ciudad siria de Palmira, que cayó en manos de los extremistas el pasado 20 de mayo. El Observatorio, que cuenta con una amplia red de corresponsales sobre el terreno, aseguró que el templo fue dinamitado hace casi un mes.

La información llegó al Observatorio gracias a personas que han conseguido escapar de la ciudad. La ONG atribuyó la noticia a “fuentes fidedignas” y precisó que los radicales emplearon una gran cantidad de explosivos para destruir el templo. Los extremistas se hicieron con el control de Palmira y sus ruinas grecorromanas, incluidas en la lista del Patrimonio de la Humanidad de la Unesco, luego de que las fuerzas del Ejército de Siria abandonaran sus puestos ante una ofensiva del EI.


EI destruye mausoleos cercanos a Palmira y ejecuta grupos en Irak
Estado Islámico siembra de explosivos Palmira
Assad, al borde del abismo
Siria acusa al EI de ejecutar a 400 personas en Palmira
La destrucción del templo se conoce cinco días después de que Daesh (nombre árabe para el EI) ejecutara al antiguo responsable de la Dirección General de Antigüedades y Museos en Palmira, Jaled al Asaad, por considerarlo el “director de los ídolos” de esta localidad. El destacado arqueólogo, que fue decapitado en público, fue también acusado de representar al régimen del presidente sirio, Bashar al Asad, en “congresos apóstatas”, en referencia a las conferencias internacionales sobre antigüedades.

Legado de destrucción

La destrucción del templo de Baal Shamin fue posteriormente confirmada por el presidente de los arqueólogos sirios, Maamoun Abdul Karim. Palmira es considerada por la Unesco una reliquia única del siglo I a. C y una pieza maestra de la arquitectura y del urbanismo romano, por las columnas de su famosa calle principal y el templo de Baal. Esta localidad es uno de los seis sitios sirios inscritos en la lista del Patrimonio de la Humanidad de la Unesco, junto a los cascos viejos de Alepo, Damasco y Bosra; el Crac de los Caballeros y las aldeas antiguas del norte del país.

El pasado junio, activistas habían advertido de que miembros del Estado Islámico habían colocado explosivos en las ruinas, información que posteriormente fue confirmada por el régimen sirio. Desde el pasado febrero, los radicales del EI han destruido en las zonas que dominan en Irak varios sitios y museos arqueológicos. Las ruinas asirias de Nimrud y de Hatra, el Museo de la Civilización de Mosul y el yacimiento de Dur Sharrukin han sido pasto del pillaje y la barbarie de este grupo yihadista.

DZC (EFE, Reuters, AP)


Estado Islámico destruye histórico templo en Palmira
Según el Observatorio Sirio de Derechos Humanos, los yihadistas habrían dinamitado el templo de Baal Shamin.

El Observatorio Sirio de Derechos Humanos informó este domingo (23.08.2015) que el Estado Islámico destruyó el histórico templo de Baal Shamin, ubicado en las ruinas de la ciudad siria de Palmira, que cayó en manos de los extremistas el pasado 20 de mayo. El Observatorio, que cuenta con una amplia red de corresponsales sobre el terreno, aseguró que el templo fue dinamitado hace casi un mes.

La información llegó al Observatorio gracias a personas que han conseguido escapar de la ciudad. La ONG atribuyó la noticia a “fuentes fidedignas” y precisó que los radicales emplearon una gran cantidad de explosivos para destruir el templo. Los extremistas se hicieron con el control de Palmira y sus ruinas grecorromanas, incluidas en la lista del Patrimonio de la Humanidad de la Unesco, luego de que las fuerzas del Ejército de Siria abandonaran sus puestos ante una ofensiva del EI.


EI destruye mausoleos cercanos a Palmira y ejecuta grupos en Irak
Estado Islámico siembra de explosivos Palmira
Assad, al borde del abismo
Siria acusa al EI de ejecutar a 400 personas en Palmira
La destrucción del templo se conoce cinco días después de que Daesh (nombre árabe para el EI) ejecutara al antiguo responsable de la Dirección General de Antigüedades y Museos en Palmira, Jaled al Asaad, por considerarlo el “director de los ídolos” de esta localidad. El destacado arqueólogo, que fue decapitado en público, fue también acusado de representar al régimen del presidente sirio, Bashar al Asad, en “congresos apóstatas”, en referencia a las conferencias internacionales sobre antigüedades.

Legado de destrucción

La destrucción del templo de Baal Shamin fue posteriormente confirmada por el presidente de los arqueólogos sirios, Maamoun Abdul Karim. Palmira es considerada por la Unesco una reliquia única del siglo I a. C y una pieza maestra de la arquitectura y del urbanismo romano, por las columnas de su famosa calle principal y el templo de Baal. Esta localidad es uno de los seis sitios sirios inscritos en la lista del Patrimonio de la Humanidad de la Unesco, junto a los cascos viejos de Alepo, Damasco y Bosra; el Crac de los Caballeros y las aldeas antiguas del norte del país.

El pasado junio, activistas habían advertido de que miembros del Estado Islámico habían colocado explosivos en las ruinas, información que posteriormente fue confirmada por el régimen sirio. Desde el pasado febrero, los radicales del EI han destruido en las zonas que dominan en Irak varios sitios y museos arqueológicos. Las ruinas asirias de Nimrud y de Hatra, el Museo de la Civilización de Mosul y el yacimiento de Dur Sharrukin han sido pasto del pillaje y la barbarie de este grupo yihadista.

DZC (EFE, Reuters, AP)


Y para los que se preguntan el ¿por qué? de tanta barbaridad "gratuita" aquí el resumen de las razones:

1. El wahhabismo - que es lo que profesan los bestias del ISIS, religión de bárbaros por excelencia, que desde hace decenios en Arabia Saudi que es la patria de esta secta del islam (y...el mejor aliado & amigo de los EEUU ;) ) destruye a propósito todo vestigio de cultura pre wahhabista (o sea, pre s. XVIII):

2. Robo y contraband en el mercado negro de antigüedades.

3. Pero mucho más importante aún, al destruir los sitios de importancia cultural del Oriente Medio se consigue un efecto psicológico muy profundo y bien mirado:
"Damnatio memoriae"
condenar y destruir la memoria de los pueblos del OM, que al ser étnicamente tan distintos se han ido consolidando como naciones durante el último siglo (después de la caída del Impero Turco en primeros s. XX) alrededor de una identidad nacional que gravita al a. islam y b. la herencia y cultura antigua. Al destruir sitios como Palmyra se da un duro golpe a ese sentido de unión y orgullo nacional como pueblos como el sirio o el iraquí tienen.

¿Quien tiene interés en que dentro de poco no existan las naciones siria e iraquí?
igual a la pregunta: ¿Quién tiene el interés en desmembrar los países del OM?

...Divide et impera...

Quién no lo ve...lo dicho...que se ponga gafas...

"El proceso de Balkanización (= fragmentación de los territorios) es acelerado destruyendo la Identidad Nacional"


(el link es de un artículo muy detallado sobre el tema que hace un resumen de lo ocurrido en los últimos 10-15 años en prospectiva histórica y geo estratégica)

"El objetivo no es solamente destruir Siria e Iraq..se persigue borrar todo recuerdo de que estos países hayan existido"...
Última edición:
Es muy interesante lo que dice ese artìculo que has traìdo, EPDC, sobre la agenda que hay detras del genocidio cultural del ISIS.

Aunque yo creo que hay otro motivo, detràs de todas estas cosas. Y serìa el de hacer del ISIS, de este ISIS creado y financiado por los servicios occidentales, un monstruo capaz de todos los horrores, un monstruo cuya sola menciòn baste para hacer olvidar a la gente quienes son, en realidad, los que estàn subvirtiendo el orden mundial, invadiendo paìses soberanos, expoliando riquezas, matando a millones de personas; quienes tienen campos como Guantànamo y Abu Ghraib....

Si se crea un monstruo que, amèn de ser funcional a tus intereses, hace cada dìa bestialidades mayores (decapitaciones en directo, compraventa de mujeres, destrucciòn de monumentos milenarios, etc etc)...la gente se olvida de que son ciertos paìses que se autodenominan "democràticos" quienes mantienen campos de concentraciòn y de tortura, quienes planchan territorios enteros y miles de personas con bombas, quienes ocupan paìses independientes, asesinan a sus mandatarios y expolian el paìs.

Es horrible todo esto.

Hace poco estuve en una cena con varias personas muy, muy interesantes. De nivelazo, dirìa yo...profesores universitarios, periodistas, varias personas en el vèrtice de una multinacional europea.... Asì que no abrì la boca y me limitè a escuchar. Y se comentaba que lo que està haciendo el gobierno de los EEUU, los gobiernos mejor dicho, desde la llegada al poder de los neocon, es criminal; que son como Atila. Por donde pasan, no vuelve a crecer la yerba.

Esta gente comentaba algo que me pareciò interesante, y que desde luego es cierto: que, de todos los imperios que ha habido en el mundo, el imperio americano es el ùnico que no ha creado nada, que no deja nada positivo detràs. Sòlo destrucciòn, muerte, expolio y cenizas.

Comentaban que todos los imperios que ha habido, el imperio romano, el espanyol, el britànico, todos....habràn explotado los recursos de los territorios que ocupaban, desde luego, pero todos dejaron algo detràs. Todos se molestaron, despuès de ocupar el territorio, de pacificarlo; de construir acueductos, carreteras, ciudades; escuelas, hospitales y administraciòn de justicia, de ensenyar y difundir su lengua, de crear no solo infraestructuras, sino superestructuras culturales, polìticas y administrativas, que muchos siglos despuès hemos visto còmo han hecho que muchos pueblos hayan podido evolucionar en naciones independientes civilizadas. Todos, sin excepciòn, se preocuparon en introducir mejoras en los territorios coloniales, por mucho que tambièn los explotasen. Hasta holandeses y belgas, que han sido exponentes del colonialismo màs rapaz, se molestaron en ello. El rey Leopoldo hizo del Congo su dominio privado,antes de cedèrselo a Bèlgica, pero al menos, hasta ellos se molestaron en acabar con el canibalismo intertribal.

Todos, menos los EEUU. Los EEUU no dejan detràs màs que ruinas y cenizas.

Y ahora vendràn, supongo, algunos foreros a hablar de que algunos sufrimos de "antiamericanismo" rabioso. No es asì, y bien que lo siento por el pueblo americano, que seguramente està harto de que le inmiscuyan en guerras que no son suyas. Personalmente, el pueblo americano tiene todas mis simpatìas. Pero sus gobiernos, desde el advenimiento de los siniestros neocon, son exactamente eso: como Atila. Por donde pasan, no vuelve a crecer la hierba.

Y a los hechos me remito.
El Vórtice. Cómo la CIA creó Al-Qaeda e ISIS. Yo fui testigo

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entrevista, terrorismo, al qaeda, servicios secretos, cía, isis, ISIL, mitoa edjang, el vórtice, vórtice radio, michael j springmann, springmann, michael springmann, visas for al-qaeda, muyahadin

Michael Springmann
Author, Attorney

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Author Bio
J. Michael Springmann served in the United States government in the Commerce Department and as a diplomat with the State Department's Foreign Service, with postings in Germany, India, and Saudi Arabia. His last assignment with the Department of State was with the Bureau of Intelligence and Research. He left federal service and currently practices law in the Washington, DC, area.

Springmann has been published in numerous foreign policy publications, including Covert Action Quarterly, Unclassified, Global Outlook, the Public Record, OpEdNews, Global Research and Foreign Policy Journal. He holds a JD from American University, in Washington, DC, as well as undergraduate and graduate degrees in international relations from Georgetown University and the Catholic University of America. In 2004, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee recognized Springmann as one of its Pro Bono Attorneys of the Year.

Fired by the US Government for whistle blowing, Michael Springmann recounts the role high-ranking US officials played in creating Al-Qaeda.
About the book

Thousands of American soldiers and civil servants have lost their lives in the War on Terror. Innocent citizens of many nations, including Americans killed on 9/11, have also paid the ultimate price. While the US government claims to stand against terror, this same government refuses to acknowledge its role in creating what has become a deadly international quagmire. Visas for al-Qaeda: CIA Handouts That Rocked the World sets the record straight by laying the blame on high-ranking US government officials.

During the 1980s, the CIA recruited and trained Muslim operatives to fight the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Later, the CIA would move those operatives from Afghanistan to the Balkans, and then to Iraq, Libya, and Syria, traveling on illegal US visas. These US-backed and trained fighters would morph into an organization that is synonymous with jihadist terrorism: al-Qaeda

Shocking New Book Links Illicit U.S. Visas To Terrorists, Current Wars

A former State Department foreign service officer's new book provides a shocking, timely, and credible circumstantial case that ties the U.S. training of Islamic radicals to our nation's major foreign policy disasters in the Mideast during the past quarter century.

The book is Visas for Al Qaeda: CIA Handouts That Rocked the World — An Insider's View. Author J. Michael Springmann (shown at right) is the former chief of the visa section at the U.S. consulate in Jeddah in Saudi Arabia. He launched the book last week with his first lecture and book-signing, which admirers organized at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.

"It's past time to expose murder, war crimes and human rights violations by the United States of American and its 'intelligence' services," Springmann says.
He continues:

Using the dubious claim of "national security," the United States, though the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency (NSA), has engaged in and/or organized coups and destabilization efforts around the world, most notably in the Middle East.
From Libya to Iran, governments have been overthrown, politicians assassinated, and everyday citizens murdered — all with the knowledge of not only the president of the United States and the executive branch but with the legislative and judicial ones, as well.

The essence of his first-hand experience is that he was required as chief visa officer in Saudi Arabia to issue what he regarded as illegal visas to large numbers of U.S.-backed Islamic fundamentalists transiting through Jeddah from multiple Islamic nations so they could visit the United States for secret purposes.

Those purposes, Springmann later concluded, involved covert training at such locales as "The Farm," a CIA training facility in Williamsburg, Virginia. The trainees, he alleges, were vagabond Islamic mercenaries, revolutionists and jihadists — an "Arab-Afghan Legion" — who could be unleashed on America's enemies.

All of this, he argues in Visas for Al Qaeda, was without adequate consideration of the "blowback" to the United States from uncontrollable jihadists sometimes recruited from prisons and with the help of ultra-radical clerics.

Spymasters made the recruitment process so complex, he says, that most of the radical clerics and U.S. government workers involved would not have known the funding and evolving goals of the process. But at the top, he shows, NATO-allied Gulf oil monarchies and their charities often served as intermediaries for the West in joint operations that cannot withstand public exposure.

In his view, the State Department, the CIA, and higher-ups have created an ongoing disaster for the United States, our allies, and the rest of the world.

It began with President Carter's decision via his National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski to fight Soviet power in Afghanistan by supporting radical Islmamists on the borders of the Soviet Union.

Brzezinski, later held the national security advisor post for 2008 Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama, thus illustrating a long continuum of policy and personal connections seldom explored by the mainstream media, which includes the advisor's daughter, Mika Brzezinski, co-host of the MSNBC "Morning Joe" show.

Springmann draws on his experience and other research to show U.S. complicity in arming the Mujahideen, Taliban, Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan during the 1980s when both Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were United States operatives

His story provides first-hand experience in fighting State Department and CIA higher-ups who enabled this rootless, radical fighting force to evolve into the modern-day Al-Qaeda and ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State.

His book could not be more timely.
A former State Department foreign service officer’s new book provides a shocking, timely, and credible circumstantial case that ties the U.S. training of Islamic radicals to our nation’s major foreign policy disasters in the Mideast during the past quarter century.

The book is Visas for Al Qaeda: CIA Handouts That Rocked the World — An Insider's View. Author J. Michael Springmann (shown at right) is the former chief of the visa section at the U.S. consulate in Jeddah in Saudi Arabia. He launched the book last week with his first lecture and book-signing, which admirers organized at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.

“It’s past time to expose murder, war crimes and human rights violations by the United States of American and its ‘intelligence’ services,” Springmann says. He continues:

Using the dubious claim of "national security," the United States, though the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency (NSA), has engaged in and/or organized coups and destabilization efforts around the world, most notably in the Middle East.

From Libya to Iran, governments have been overthrown, politicians assassinated, and everyday citizens murdered — all with the knowledge of not only the president of the United States and the executive branch but with the legislative and judicial ones, as well.

The essence of his first-hand experience is that he was required as chief visa officer in Saudi Arabia to issue what he regarded as illegal visas to large numbers of U.S.-backed Islamic fundamentalists transiting through Jeddah from multiple Islamic nations so they could visit the United States for secret purposes.

Those purposes, Springmann later concluded, involved covert training at such locales as "The Farm," a CIA training facility in Williamsburg, Virginia. The trainees, he alleges, were vagabond Islamic mercenaries, revolutionists and jihadists — an "Arab-Afghan Legion" — who could be unleashed on America’s enemies.

All of this, he argues in Visas for Al Qaeda, was without adequate consideration of the “blowback” to the United States from uncontrollable jihadists sometimes recruited from prisons and with the help of ultra-radical clerics.

Spymasters made the recruitment process so complex, he says, that most of the radical clerics and U.S. government workers involved would not have known the funding and evolving goals of the process. But at the top, he shows, NATO-allied Gulf oil monarchies and their charities often served as intermediaries for the West in joint operations that cannot withstand public exposure.

In his view, the State Department, the CIA, and higher-ups have created an ongoing disaster for the United States, our allies, and the rest of the world.

It began with President Carter's decision via his National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski to fight Soviet power in Afghanistan by supporting radicals on the borders of the Soviet Union.

Brzezinski, shown in a file photo, later held the national security advisor post for 2008 Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama, thus illustrating a long continuum of policy and personal connections seldom explored by the mainstream media, which includes the advisor's daughter, Mika Brzezinski, co-host of the MSNBC "Morning Joe" show.

Springmann shows U.S. complicity in arming the Mujahideen, Taliban, Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan during the 1980s when both Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were United States operatives.

His story draws on his first-hand experience in fighting State Department and CIA higher-ups who enabled this rootless, radical fighting force to evolve into the modern-day Al-Qaeda and ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State.

His book could not be more timely.

Right now, the U.S. Congress is likely to authorize war against ISIS/ISIL (the Islamic State of Syria/Islamic State of Levant).

Few in government or the major media dare voice the hidden history of the nation’s previous wars in those regions, much less discuss current covert operations. These have led to up to six trillion of dollars in U.S. taxpayer expense for the Afghanistan and Iraq wars so far since 2001, according to some estimates. A half million to a million are dead and millions more have become refugees in those broken nations, according to other widely reported estimates.

Without that debate and history, neither Congress nor the public can create logical limits on presidential war-making in terms of an enemy, geography, or a time-frame.

An open-ended authorization could be used, as in past resolutions, to circumvent the U.S. Constitution's clear requirement that Congress must approve a war.

Instead, the president could in effect enact endless war in any part of the world because virtually anyplace that has -- or could have -- Muslims who could be accused of “terrorism” or “conspiracy.” Those are highly fluid terms, as indicated by vast numbers of cases, including many prisoners held for more a decade and sometimes tortured on little more general suspicion based on an informant, who may have been motivated by a U.S. bounty for implicating a "terrorist."

A similar pattern exists in the prosecution of many alleged U.S. terrorists, most of whom have turned out to be low-level operatives encouraged by government informants to take actions that resulted in arrest.

Meanwhile, the average citizen has little idea of the scope of threatening activity since the facts seldom are reported in depth aside from initial statements from prosecutors, as in the March 2 indictment of a former Virginia cab driver on terrorism charges. In the case, headlined by the Washington Post as, Virginia cabbie on FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists list detained in Somalia, authorities said the suspect was charged with providing material support and resources to Al-Shabab, a U.S.-designated terrorist organization allied with Al-Qaeda. Another such mystery involves reasons for the murder of an opposition leader in Moscow, with the facts so far summarized by a New York Times report March 8 headlined, Suspect in Russian Politician’s Killing Blows Himself Up, Report Says.

Springmann’s argument and documentation is that the United States government itself has undertaken law-breaking actions also to recruit and otherwise assist members of Al-Qaeda and other "terrorist" organizations for short-term strategies that, from a public interest standpoint, are now back-firing.

His allegations are not restricted to Muslims or the Mideast. Parallel regime change efforts appear to be unfolding in many parts of the world, most especially in the Ukraine and arguably in Russia, Africa and South America, building on U.S. “successes” in using Muslim mercenaries to destabilize Yugoslavia in the 1990s, then Iraq in 2003 and Libya in 2010, mostly in the name of human rights.

Even more broadly relevant to current debates is the concept that multiple presidents of both parties have circumvented immigration laws to enable prospective terrorists to enter the United States illegally for training. This implicates:
  • Immigration “reform;”
  • Funding of the Department of Homeland Security;
  • U.S. policy towards Iran; and
  • CIA suppression of that section of the 9/11 Commission Report disclosing the identities of those who financed the 9/11 terrorists.
Regarding the last matter on the above list:

Any U.S. official who mentions the contents of the suppressed report is subject to imprisonment. In the bizarre world of Washington “national security,” the presumed funders of 9/11 are still being protected by the full force of United States law and policy. And a co-author of the suppressed report, former Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Bob Graham (R-FL), shown below with Democratic and Republican congressmen currently leading demands for release of the 9/11 report, faces prison if he describes what's in it.

Nonetheless, word has leaked out via investigative reporters that the information sought by 9/11 families pertains to an extensive funding effort by Saudi Arabia, birthplace of 15 of the 19 hijacking suspects. Indeed, they were approved for travel to the United States via the same U.S. consulate in Jeddah where Springmann previously worked.

The Saudis claim that they want the suppressed pages from the 9/11 report released because they have nothing to hide. But that is a transparent platitude because the CIA could easily release the materials if no one important had anything to hide.

Washington insiders believe the CIA, currently led by the agency’s former Saudi Arabian station chief John O. Brennan, shown at right, do not want to antagonize such a wealthy, oil-rich kingdom by disclosing its role, much less any cover-up or related embarrassments by U.S. personnel.
The mainstream media largely ignore the issue, for reasons Springmann and others describe.

The incestuous ties between the White House and the media are obvious, as in the White House photo at left taken on Feb. 18, 2015.

It portrays the president working with Ben Rhodes, the deputy national security advisor for strategic communications (shown at far left), and Terry Szuplat, senior director for speech writing, on remarks prior to the White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism.Rhodes has been a key strategist and speechwriter for the president on national security. His brother, David Rhodes, is the president of CBS News.

Washington insiders know that such situations abound.

Under Obama's predecessor, George W. Bush, for example, the president's communications director was Catherine Martin, whose husband was Federal Communication Commission Chairman Keven Martin. Shown at right, he was regarded even by fellow Republicans as using his vast powers in especially ruthless ways to help friends and punish enemies.

Conveniently, her job was to influence the media -- and his was to regulate those companies. That inherent conflict was well-known in Washington but seldom reported -- for obvious reasons.

More on such matters below.

For now, the best we can do is report evidence from courageous and patriotic mid-level experts, who are virtually ignored by Washington’s government, academic, and media establishment except when outspoken experts are fired or prosecuted for saying too much.

So, the publication of Springmann’s book is an important event. He launched his book at the press club’s Sarah McClendon speaker group, which features independent experts who tend to be ignored elsewhere. True to tradition, no mainstream reporters attended or have addressed his book so far, pro or con.

For such reasons, we put forward on the record his arguments, drawn from both his book and his dinner lecture Feb. 23.

As for his background, He holds a J.D. from American University in Washington, DC, as well as undergraduate and graduate degrees in international relations from Georgetown University and the Catholic University of America. Springmann wrote of his foreign policy experience:

I know about unlawful government plots for a fact. As a career official with both the Commerce and State Departments, I saw these plots close up during my nine years as a diplomat. First, I was an economic/commercial officer in Stuttgart (1977-1980), then a commercial attaché in New Delhi (1980-82. Later I was a visa officer in Jeddah (1987-1989) a political/economic officer in Stuttgart (1989-91), and, finally an economic analyst at the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research (1991).

Springmann had studied at Georgetown’s prestigious Foreign Service School, including briefly with political science professor and author Carroll Quigley. Quigley's teachings and books examined the powerful role that
elites have held of Anglo-American foreign policy, especially since the founding in the 1890s of a secret, well-funded cabal to dominate foreign policy by hidden alliances between financiers, government officials, and prestigious academics and journalists.

Quigley, shown in a 1970 photo before his death in 1977, argued that the United States has adopted a similar system. Further, Quigley argued that history shows such hidden group-think (to invoke an Orwellian term) among ostensibly independent experts can lead to disastrous foreign policy decisions hurting even the United Kingdom and United States, home to the well-educated and lavishly funded masterminds of the global chessboard. Springmann's book does not mention the iconic professor but the scholarship is implicit in Springmann's call to action.

Springmann Fired

In 1991, Springmann the State Department fired Springmann without explanation, presumably for his relentless questions in Saudi Arabia and later as a whistleblower to Washington authorities about why his supervisors overrode his objections to granting applicants from Jeddah the right to visit the United States with no valid reason under the law.

Blackballed from his field in effect, Springmann became an attorney while maintaining a research interest in foreign affairs, including his termination. He has filed many Freedom of Information lawsuits for the past two decades, with sparse results on the whole. Authorities have persuaded compliant federal judges that relevant records have been lost or cannot be shared because of largely unspecified "national security" concerns.

The author's failure in that litigation and similar inability to persuade most of his former colleagues to talk are handicaps to his research, but not fatally so. To the contrary, his two decades of effort underscore his courage and tenacity in assembling such a compelling book via other sources.

Several related points should be mentioned among the many important implications of his experience and research.

  • Both political parties are implicated. The original U.S. alliance with Islamic radicals began during the Carter Administration, as noted above, and continued through presidents of both parties and their administrations. Brzezinski, head of Obama’s department when the latter studied at Columbia University as an undergraduate (but not so far linked directly with Obama then, with relevant academic records mysteriously suppressed), has boasted that his initiative to foster cooperation with radical Islamists was worth the price to persuade them to fight the Soviets.
  • aldous_huxley_quotation.png
    The State Department and non-government organizations (NGOs) are heavily infiltrated with CIA personnel and priorities
    . Springmann estimates that approximately 30 percent of State Department personnel in overseas postings are typically associated with the CIA and that the figure was at least half in a sensitive post such as Saudi Arabia. Further, he describes such prominent NGOs as the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) as an intelligence front group that launders federal funds to support human rights organizations that are activated for regime change in nations covertly targeted by the United States. Such assessments, which are widely shared by independent researchers but seldom reported in the Western media, help explain why many embattled governments discourage activities by the NED and allies.
  • Obama and all other recent presidents were CIA and FBI assets before they entered politics. My bookPresidential Puppetry: Obama, Romney and Their Masters is quoted several times to that effect, as are the works of author, political commentator and former Navy Intelligence officer Wayne Madsen, author of The Manufacturing of a President documenting the intelligence activities of Obama, his parents on both sides, and his white grandparents under front jobs that hid their true functions.The purposes of the front identities (including Obama's as a "community organizer" and "constitutional law professor) was the same as for CIA recruitment of the Bush family, FBI recruitment of the young Ronald Reagan, and CIA/FBI subsidies to political groups ranging from the Ku Klux Klan on the right and the Communist Party's Daily Worker on the left: the ability to influence public opinion and government policy on behalf of hidden leaders in the private sector, no matter what developments arise.
  • The mainstream media's reporting, books, and other commentary has been self-censored and otherwise restricted far more than the public can imagine. "The 'mainstream media' will not report on these activities to expose them for what they are," Springmann writes. "In fact, TV, radio, and newspapers flat out support them. Instead of checking power, the media, print or electronic, commonly act as government agents, parroting the 'company line' and attacking (or ignoring) reports and sources that expose injustice or illegal policies."
We illustrate such concepts with a 1950s prediction by futurist and Brave New World author Aldous Huxley, at right.

Approached from a slightly different perspective is a chart recently issued by the establishment Brookings Institution showing the nation's most politically
powerful billionaires, half of whom control important media or other communications companies. We have recently cited both charts in previous stories but they are worth republishing, especially in view of suppression of relevant commentary in so many other places.

Summing Up

The president and the nation's foreign policy establishment have many ways to articulate their policy views and alleged successes. For a convenient example, we provide the president's address last September on the threat of ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State:President Obama: “We Will Degrade and Ultimately Destroy ISIL." The link to a 13-minute video is below.

In the speech, Obama used sweeping rhetoric without addressing the kinds of specific historical questions raised by Springmann's courageous book (Daena Publications, 282 pages) and its predecessors.

Similarly, Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain (R-AZ) has campaigned relentlessly for years to advocate more wars and arms deals to solve global problems. At the same time, he is lionized by the media, as underscored by his track record as by far the current leader in terms of invitations to speak on the influential Sunday network news talk shows.

Yet no one apparently has grilled McCain in-depth to determine the facts behind some of his initiatives, such as his meeting in May 2013 with Islamists who allegedly morphed into Al-Qaeda and ISIS/ISIL leaders in Syria. The matter is worth noting here to illustrate the scope of such controversies and the utter failure of mainstream media or other establishment sources to resolve them.

As for the basics: McCain slipped across the Turkish-Syria border to meet with opponents of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

The trip was arranged by Elizabeth O'Bagy, who accompanied him while working for the U.S. Institute for the Study of War, a hawkish NGO led by Kimberly Kagan. The latter is part of the neo-con/neo-lib pundit/scholar family that includes her husband, Frederick Kagan, his brother Robert Kagan, and the latter's wife, U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Victoria Nuland.

Like McCain, the photogenic, Georgetown-educated "Dr." O'Bagy, 26, shown at left
in a screen shot from Fox News, advocated the vital importance for taxpayers in funding so-called Syrian "moderates" against the Assad government in a Wall Street Journal op-ed that identified her as a Ph.D. expert. McCain, Secretary of State John Kerry, the Wall Street Journal, and many others were eager to advance her career and messaging.

Part of that was that she described McCain as so eager to know his moderate friends that heundertook a "sleepover" with them.

But she was exposed as falsely claiming doctorate status and as being a paid operative of the so-called Free Syrian Army seeking more funding from U.S. taxpayers. She seemed, in other words, to be a phony and a propagandist although perhaps more charitably might be described as yet-another DC-based careerist in over her head.

Whatever the case, McCain promptly hired her as on staff after the Institute for the Study of War fired her.

The situation got even more messy in 2014 when U.S. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) relied on a McCain claim that he had met "with ISIS" to denounce McCain's continuing advocacy for war spending against Syria. Rand also cited reports that McCain and O'Bagy had met on their trip with individuals so radical as to be identified with Al-Qaeda and ISIS, as indicated by the photo collage below.

As not uncommon with high-level officials, Paul's language and citations were loose when he told the Daily Beast published Sept. 16, 2014, “Here’s the problem. He [Sen. John McCain] did meet with ISIS, and had his picture taken, and didn’t know it was happening at the time.”

McCain and mainstream media launched into a counter-attack flatly denying Paul's claims about a meeting with extreme radical leaders, although McCain's staff conceded that he had misspoken in stating he had met "with ISIS," instead of more moderate leaders, as intended.

Washington Post columnist and "fact-checker" Glenn Kessler promptly published an all-out defense of McCain and attack on Paul, Four Pinocchios for Rand Paul’s claim that McCain met with the Islamic State. Kessler relied heavily on McCain's invective against Paul, previously reported in McCain's friendly home-state newspaper, the Arizona Republic in,McCain rips claim he posed for photo with ISIS fighters.

As reader comments to both newspapers pointed out, the newspapers' defense of McCain failed to resolve the factual questions.

The most basic omission was their failure to identify all the individuals in the photos with their 2013 and later affiliations.

Critics of McCain allege current ISIS Caliphate leader Abu-Bakr Al Bagdadi (a pseudonym), for example, was in the 2013 photos but was not with ISIS then because the new organization was not announced until 2014. That leads to the second question: Are denials by McCain and the newspapers based on the sophistic argument that McCain could not have been meeting with ISIS in 2013 because it was not created until 2014? Or is his denial more substantive: that none of those now fighting for ISIS and Al-Qaeda-affiliated groups were even in his photos?

Resolution of these two questions is beyond the scope of this article. But the still-murky facts suggest the difficulty of relying on McCain, other congressional leaders, their key staffers like O'Bagy, and supposedly independent and prestigious media such as the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and Arizona Republic to sort it all out for the public. The Post, for example, should run a disclaimer every day reminding readers of one of its conflicts: the CIA is spending $600 million on a contract with Amazon.com, the wealth source for Amazon.com founder and Washington Post owner Jeffrey Bezos.

As an update in 2015, the Washington Times reported on March 3 U.S. backed rebel reportedly leads Islamic State in Libya. The newspaper summarized reporting from
conservative U.S. media that senior Al Qaeda leader Abdulhakim Belhaj, a major figure allied with the U.S. in Libya, has thrown his support to ISIS.

In the 2011 photo at left, U.S. Senator John McCain poses with Belhaj after NATO helped empower his leadership in Libya. Assisting McCain (R-AZ) in the awards presentation but not shown in the cropped photo were Senators Dick Blumenthal (D-CT) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC).

For such reasons, we should read if not treasure such bold, brave and expert mid-level professionals as Mike Springmann, who courageously bring to the public such important work as Visas for Al Qaeda.

With the stakes so high right now, I would award his book the highest level of in a five-star rating system even though the non-cooperation of government authorities in his FOIA lawsuits and otherwise undermines its comprehensiveness and its small press publication lacks some of the polish and marketing clout of the "prestige" organs that benefit from Washington's money-laundering and other back-scratching relationships.

That said, more power to him that he doesn't have former Secretaries of State blurbing his book and lauding his disclosures, or the Institute for the Study of War throwing a lavish book launch party -- although they all should do these things for the sake of their own consciences, children, and other legacies.

What can anyone else do? That's often the toughest question.

I suggest, as in my most recent lecture and column, 'Presidential Puppetry' Discussion Examined Civic Mysteries, Propaganda, that we all try to educate ourselves with different perspectives and invite to our community groups speakers we find most worthy or challenging, thereby expanding our horizons at least temporarily beyond top-down and often taxpayer funded propaganda efforts on these topics.

Visas for Al Qaeda, in the words of Wayne Madsen, the former Navy intelligence officer and author, "is one of those books that, after reading, one can only put it down while shaking their head in disbelief. However, the ramifications of what took place in Jeddah have had a devastating effect on many countries around the world."

In addition to the United States being in a post-constitutional era, civil war was brought down on Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Yemen. Springmann's book provides yet another detailed look into the history of the CIA's vast misdeeds and criminal activity and the State Department's inherent incompetence and corruption.

Contact the author Andrew Kreig

