La Unión Europea. ¡TODO AQUÍ!

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Vavra Suk
The European elites are really clinging to their global structure because they feel and fear the resistance.

We can see the strengthening of the right movement in Germany, France, and other European states. Now, I can really imagine an uprising against the elites because so many changes are coming.

I really hope that we could get rid of globalism and organize a new Europe after – that's the open question. But there will be no dictatorship, just free countries and their cooperation. But just how much they will cooperate is an open question.

The elites moved from the city of London to New York and now they are moving somewhere else. This is the nature of the global elites - they have no homeland.

Today we can see that Germany - Berlin with Angela Merkel - is becoming the new head of the snake. But I don't think that Merkel has a very long career left.

Anyway, these people will not just disappear only because they don’t have America anymore. We will see them probably move around into some NGO’s and so on. Of course, we have to track them and be careful, but they will not have the same power as before.

I would call the future Europe a "multi-Europe", because you can’t say that Europe has one identity – there are many identities. I think different countries will develop different systems, but there will be nations where you don’t leave anyone behind like liberalism does.

Liberalism is a very anti-humanitarian ideology. I think that we represent the opposite. Nationalism is a very important issue here, but different countries have different nationalistic ideas. I do not think that Islam should be our enemy – it is just another civilization with other ideas. The problem appears when you start to mix cultures. The answer is a multipolar Europe.

We must make people feel like the same nation again. Liberalism has really destroyed that in Sweden. Swedish society has been very fragmented. And, of course, mass immigration has also caused damage. Sweden is now going through a very painful time.

There are a lot of people who support our movement, our conservative views. They see that this is a painful time. I think that struggle will shape new solidarity in society.

Multipolarity is the best future for Europe
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Anastasiia Zhukova
How many people in yellow vests will be ready to take to the streets of Paris and other French cities these days, until the end is not known. But the fact that there will be tens of thousands of them - undoubted. It is also known that the movement of "yellow vests", according to polls, continue to support more than 60% of the population of France. And that means all government measures and establishment gestures of the past two months have been wasted. Christmas holidays did not serve the cause of peace. No one is going to retreat.

These days, France is waiting for fundamentally new actions, the effectiveness of which is yet to be tested. The Yellow Vests called on the French to withdraw as much money from their bank accounts as they could. The goal is to cause maximum damage to the banking system as such. Hatred of the Rothschilds who nurtured Macron, as well as all their collaborators, is growing in the country every day.

National consultation: no one believes anyone

This week, President Macron has appointed nationwide "consultations." On Monday, he will announce the topics of debate in his message to the nation. But it is already clear that the conversation should go about the problems of ecology, democracy, civil society and emigration, as well as the state system. Perhaps, the issue of national referenda, which occupy a special place in the political program "vests", will be discussed.

However, outside the discussion there are demands for imposing taxes on super-large fortune (from 1.3 million euros), the prohibition of homosexual marriages and the restoration of the death penalty. For Macron himself, the subject of large capital taxation remains the most painful. This cancellation was part of the election promises of the French president, and he fulfilled this point almost as soon as he came to power, earning himself a reputation as “president of the rich”. Instead of the tax on super profits, property taxation was increased according to a simple and old rule: “It’s easier and painless to pick the poor and middle class”.

77% of the French immediately categorically disagreed with this turn of events. What they thought in the days of the presidential election, in truth, is unknown. However, this is another evidence of how in today's Western systems it is easy to manipulate the selective technologies and stereotypical reactions of the mass consciousness. Two or three spectacular stuffing, three or four compromising evidence, the accuracy of which no one checked, and that’s when the nation voted for its surprise. Sobering and retribution came post factum.

In addition to theAn interesting situation emerged with the National Public Debate Commission, headed by Chantal João, former Minister of Sport at Sarkozy. The leaders of the "yellow vests" immediately stated that they would not discuss the problems with a rich lady, only for work in the commission receiving 14,666 euros per month. So who will start negotiations on the part of the authorities is still unknown. This fact alone shows what unrest prevails on the French tops. They clearly do not understand what to do.

Government confused

It turns out that in the arsenal of Macron there is only hope for one thing - a rough suppression of street riots. It is curious that just the other day, the EEC refused to discuss repression against the "yellow vests."

So European defenders of rights and freedoms have something to do. clarification of the topics of the negotiations, it is not at all clear how the proposed “consultations” will take place, that is, who and with whom will be consulted. It is unclear even where to start - in city halls, trade unions or in general in social networks.

At first, Macron and his government offered to consult local mayors as "the closest representatives of the authorities to the population." However, the mayors hurried to disown this honor.

In addition, it is clear that the heads of local administrations representing different political forces cannot guarantee the adoption of certain decisions by the central government, and thus all negotiations will turn into pure fiction.

However, Europe is not united. Support for "yellow vests" came from where almost no one expected it. The Minister of Economic Development, Labor and Social Policy of Italy, the leader of the Italian Five Star Movement, Luigi Di Mayo, urged the protesters in France not to give up and declared that his Movement supports all their demands.

The head of the Ministry of the Interior of Italy, Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini agreed with his colleague. He stressed that he categorically disagreed with the practice of police brutality.

French business

Of course, the performance of "yellow vests" and related problems is an internal matter of France. However, it is difficult not to draw attention to several of the most important circumstances that came to light during these past two-plus months.

First, all attempts to explain the events in France by “foreign influence” turned out to be completely groundless. The situation was caused by purely French problems and, most importantly, by the majority of the population being tired of vices and injustice, as well as by the false rhetoric of the system to which traditional political models of Western democracy arrived at the end of the tenth years of the 21st century. People are fed up with elites who do not care about the interests of the population, and, most importantly, transnational financial corporations, which, like a cancer, eats away the body of a nation state. And even more so they are bored with the methods of manipulation.

And, secondly, which is also very curious, the protests of the "vests" revealed the extreme rigidity of the French (and, most likely, on the whole Western) laws regarding freedom of manifestation and all such political and legal principles. Since the beginning of the movement, the French authorities have already handed down more than a thousand (!) Court sentences. Armored vehicles were brought to the streets of French cities; not a single street performance can do without the use of tear gas. The authorities want to introduce “bans on hoods” or yellow vests, trying to prohibit the most active protesters from taking part in street rallies by analogy with football hooligans.

I wonder how the French authorities are going to implement this measure? Letting people out on the street by ID? And how "banned" will stay at home?

And finally, the last. Of course, the upcoming political consultations announced by Macron, the French, European, and domestic liberal media will try to present as another manifestation of their Western "democracy." But this is a pure bluff. In this case, the authorities were forced to make concessions, as has happened more than once in history. We remember how they didn’t want it at the beginning and all ridiculous talks about ecology and electric cars.

No Davos

A few days ago a message flashed that President of France Macron definitely would not come to Davos. The internal political situation requires his presence in Paris. At least one of its goals "vests" have achieved.The state will have to listen with the People.

Protests in France: when will they end?
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Stacy Little
Protests in France, which have been going on for more than two weeks, are becoming more and more shocking. It all began in mid-November with appearances against rising fuel prices; now the demands of radical measures, including the resignation of the government and the head of state, are increasingly being heard.

Damaged symbols

A new wave of protests began in the country over the weekend. Their character has become much more aggressive, and the consequences, first of all for Paris and other large cities, are becoming more pitiable. Young people, covering their faces with masks, began to set fire to cars and buildings, smash shop windows (they could not do without looting), and attacked the police.

Even the Triumphal Arch suffered, which the vandals "decorated" with numerous graffiti. The guardians of order did not remain in debt, using various means to counter the initiators of the unrest: from water cannons and rubber bullets to tear gas and light-noise grenades.

Ridiculous deaths

Unfortunately, not without dead and injured. The most egregious incident occurred in Marseille, where a projectile flew through the window to an 80-year-old woman and hit her in the face. December 3, it became known that the victim died. In addition to her, at least three more people died as a result of the riots, the number of victims exceeded 130. Among them are not only law enforcement officers, but also 12 journalists.

The number of detainees by law enforcement officers reached 680 people (more than 400 of them in Paris), the first hearings have already taken place, following which 111 decisions were made to leave in custody for further proceedings. They will be charged with various charges.

It's unclear who is the leader

The main feature of these unrest, the driving force of which is the "yellow vests" (the protesters can be recognized by the emergency vests of the corresponding color), was the fact that nobody seemed to be behind them. Not a single political force binds itself closely to what is happening. It is clear that trade unions, various public organizations, as well as the Association of Farmers, in which the price increase for the same diesel engine is already very painful, traditionally come out in support of people who have taken to the streets. However, they all simply have something in common with the protesters in their complaints against the French authorities, in no way coordinating the speeches themselves.

And these claims have really accumulated a lot, and the tightening of taxation, which, according to the idea of President Emmanuel Macron, should reduce France’s dependence on minerals, here is only the tip of the pyramid, which is expanding to its base, adding new requirements. This includes raising the minimum wage, reducing the retirement age to 60 years, and cutting down the cost of maintaining officials, as well as tightening control over the arrival of migrants in the country.

Macron pulled away from the problem

The president himself tries to refrain from detailed comments by limiting himself to calling the actions of the "yellow vests" shameful and spoiling the country's image. The head of state shifted the burden of solving the problems to Prime Minister Edouard Philip. In France, by the way, this is a common thing. Domestic political issues most often have to be addressed precisely to the second person of the state, while the first deals with foreign policy. True, Macron has already canceled his visit to Serbia. However, it is clearly not going to go into direct dialogue with the protesters.

On Monday, December 3, at last, the Prime Minister met with leaders of political parties and representatives of the "yellow vests." Two days before this, the latter refused to meet, citing the refusal to broadcast the talks live. “We were denied the broadcast of the talks on television on the air. In this regard, we decided not to compromise, ”said one of the eight authorized delegates, Jason Herbert, on Saturday, December 1.

Nevertheless, the meeting took place, but it is unlikely that someone would call its results satisfactory. The only significant result was the decision to hold parliamentary hearings on the issues identified, but one of the participants in the talks, the leader of the center-right Republicans Laurent Wokier, said that the government does not realize the full depth of the people's anger. Also on the radio Europe-1, protester Christoph Chalenson voiced a new demand for "yellow vests", according to which the government should be headed by the former chief of the General Staff of the French Armed Forces Pierre de Villiers. The need for Macron’s resignation is already taken for granted, especially since his rating is even lower than that of Edouard Philip by 10%, dropping below 25%.

France faces a shortage of diesel and gasoline

Meanwhile, the situation continues to heat up. On the same day, protesters blocked the roads at once to 11 fuel storages of the oil and gas concern Total, which caused a shortage of gasoline and diesel at hundreds of gas stations. The edition of Le Figaro indicates that 2.2 thousand refueling is about to end, and Total owns only 75 of them.

Agence France-Presse reports of unrest in several regions of the country, which were caused not only by problems in the oil and gas industry. In particular, in the port of Fos-sur-Mer on the Cote d'Azur, “yellow vests” cut off from the central roads over and over again the entrance to the marina. The police manage to periodically disperse their pickets, but soon everything starts all over again. Practically all over France, protesters continue to block highways, break traffic cameras, interfere with the work of payment points on toll roads.

It got to the point that schoolchildren began to rebel. They protest against the reform of the educational system in France, at the same time expressing their support for the "yellow vests". Students blocked more than a hundred high schools in different regions of the country, in some of them even clashed with the police. So, in one of the suburbs of Paris, schoolchildren set fire to garbage cans and a car parked near their school. In other cases, wooden pallets and boxes are used for blocking. In the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, peace officers even used tear gas against aggressive young people.

Half a century later

What is happening now in France is already compared with the events of 1968, when the social crisis that began with student speeches and demonstrations, turned into riots and multi-million strikes. In the end, it all ended with the resignation of President Charles de Gaulle and the change of government.

Of course, such a radical outcome is still very far away, however, the mentioned comparisons are heard not only in the media. They can be heard from the officials. Thus, the Mayor of Paris, Anna Hidalgo, assessing the consequences of the riots and the scale of the violence accompanying them, recalled just the events of half a century ago.

Is French stability being demolished from abroad?

What is happening in the year 2018 shows that the vaunted Euro-stability not only cracked but also begins to show signs of destruction. At the same time, there are opinions that the absence of an obvious leader of the protest movement in the country suggests that the process is controlled from abroad. For example, Germany or the United States.

Now some serious compromises are expected from the president, and he is hiding behind the prime minister. People are waiting for the head of state to appeal to people with a television message, at least to show that he hears the voice of the people, but this is not happening. Given the unusual nature and structure of the protest movement, it is not easy to predict further developments. Refusing unpopular changes in tax legislation and satisfying at least part of the protest’s demands means admitting one’s weakness. Macron, who has been at his post for just over a year, is not ready for this. Anyway, bye.

Who came up with the "yellow vests"?
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The political group of Dr. Saif al-Islam Muammar Gaddafi condemned the plan of the United Nations envoy to Libya Ghassan Salame, who aims to postpone the presidential election before the end of this year.


“We were surprised by the recent statements made by UN envoy Ghassan Salame, which was contrary to his previous commitment to the Security Council and the road map,” said Mohammed al-Kilouchi, a member of the political team of Saif al-Islam. The new statement comes in the contrary to all previous preparations and to the already chosen date of holding the Libyan national forum in the coming month of 2019 with subsequent elections in the spring of the same year, as well as confirmation of the desire of 80 percent of the Libyan people to hold elections in the country and resolve the political and security conflict.


The letter of Ghassan Salame and the report of the Secretary-General to the Security Council:

1. Governmental amendments and appointments. We strongly support them.

2. Economic arrangements are continuing.

3 - The support of the Minister of the Interior and security measures will move forward.

4 - A comprehensive forum on the road will be present at all, and its decisions will be supported by the Security Council.

5. Legislative elections to the end of the year often depend on one of the previous laws.

6 - Constitution and referendum on the responsibility of the next parliament (as a player in the current parliament).

7 - There is no presidential election before the Constitution ...

8 - The OS will last until the election with international support.

9 - There are no named supporters of September, but there are only Libyans, and they, like February, have more than one bloc.

10. There can be no disarmament, but there is no guarantee that the weapon will not be used. Elections will be held with this guarantee.

The UN tries to sabotage elections in Libya
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Anastasiia Zhukova
The readiness of the French government to sign The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) is viewed by the leader of the National Front, Marine Le Pen, as an “act of treason”. A number of European countries - such as Austria, the Czech Republic, and Hungary - have already refused to sign the Covenant, equating economic and political refugees.

The signing of the UN Migration Pact causes a silent horror among the French patriots. The leader of the National Front, Marine Le Pen, called treason the readiness of President Emmanuel Macron to sign this document as an act of treason.

Le Pen believes that this Pact will prevent the French parliament from passing laws that toughen migration, “criminalize those who resist migration,” and create a legal framework that will become a “point of no return”.

What is The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM)?

The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) is a contract involving 193 countries. The agreement will be signed on December 10-11 at the intergovernmental conference in Moroccan Marrakesh. The Covenant contains 23 targets and 85 prescriptions obliging countries to protect migrants. Migration is estimated as a positive phenomenon, referred to as "a factor of prosperity, innovation and sustainable development." It is part of "human rights." Therefore, the countries of the world must respect migration in the same way as human rights.

If we talk in more detail, the Pact declares the fight against discrimination of migrants, guarantees them social services, protection and integration in the receiving countries and considers it illegal to accommodate visitors in special camps. Further more. The distinction between those who are called “economic migrants” and refugees is being erased. That is, an African who came to work in Europe has in fact the same right to accommodation and protection as the Syrian fleeing from the American bombs in Deir ez-Zor.

Currently, there are up to 70 million refugees in the world, 52% of whom are children. The global adoption of the UN Pact will stimulate new movements of people from the poor and growing demographic South to the rich and sparsely populated North: from Africa to Europe, from South America to the USA and Canada, from South and Central Asia to Russia . The European experience of receiving 2 million refugees - it would seem a miser compared with the 500 million people of the Old World - has already shown the social and political upheavals that mass migration between regions with incompatible cultures leads to.

Mass rape in Germany, acts of terrorism with the hands of bandits hiding in a crowd of refugees, the “right list” in Austria and Italy are manifestations of an artificially created refugee crisis in the EU in 2015. But imagine the "refugee crisis" on a global scale. The main threat to the Migration Pact is that it is another blow to national sovereignty, identity and traditional way of those countries that obey the new UN rules.

Who is for, who is against?

That is why some countries are already sounding the alarm and have declared that they will not sign the agreement. The list of "refusers" includes the USA, Israel, Switzerland, Australia, Hungary, Poland, Estonia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Croatia and Austria.

Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš has repeatedly stated that his country will not sign the Pact, because it blurs the line between legal and illegal migration. The Slovak Parliament says that economic migration carries enormous risks to the security of the country, Europe and the whole world. It would seem that Australia is a country of migrants, but it is also afraid that an international treaty "will lead to an increase in the flow of illegal migration." Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Siyarto is confident that the UN is trying to present migration as a “natural, continuous and positive process” that needs to be stimulated, although in reality it represents a danger to Hungary and the European Union.

Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini also said that "the Italian government will not sign anything," until he receives the good of the parliament. And the Italian parliament for the most part is also against the UN document. The United States withdrew from the negotiations in 2017, because Donald Trump considers the agreement to be incompatible with the migration policy of the States.

On the other, the liberal flank, there are calls in support of the global immigration treaty and criticism of the "otkazniki". French President Emmanuel Macron believes that the Pact responds to the "spirit of Europe." German Chancellor Angela Merkel justifies the document by saying that the problem of migration cannot be solved alone, and the joint efforts of all countries are required. The European Commission expressed regret that a number of member countries, including Austria, refuse to sign it. The “motor of European integration” actually imposes on Europeans a “global responsibility” for migration. At the level of the continent, this responsibility is already expressed by special quotas, in accordance with which the EU member states must take 160 thousand migrants from Greece and Italy. Eastern Europe, despite the threat of Brussels sanctions, still resists the reception of illegal immigrants.

Macron and Merkel want to flood Europe with new flows of migrants
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Gasanov Kamran
The European Union is annoyed at the lower level of diplomatic relations with the United States. “We are currently discussing with the US administration possible implications for the EU delegation in Washington,” said European Commission spokeswoman Maya Kosyancic.

The discontent of the European Union is due to the fact that the White House no longer equates the EU with the nation-state, as was the case under former American President Barack Obama. For Trump, the European Union is just an international organization, just like the African Union. As Washington now refers to Brussels, it became clear at the funeral of George Bush Sr. on December 5 last year. In the guest list, the EU Ambassador David O’Sullivan was not in alphabetical order, as ambassadors of ordinary countries, but at the very end. It is curious that the White House did not officially announce the lowering of the status of the EU.

However implicitly, Trump makes it clear that he does not respect the European Union. The position of Washington was previously voiced by the US ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland. He called the European Commission an archaic and outdated structure that is “divorced from reality” and deals with the regulation of what is not needed.

For the European Union, the issue of international recognition is fundamental, because the EU is different from traditional international organizations, such as ASEAN, NAFTA or the African Union. The EU has its own court, a single legal field, the institution of citizenship, the euro currency, the parliament and the executive bodies represented by the European Commission and the Council of the EU.

If you leave the language of diplomacy, then the American president has very specific reasons to put pressure on the European Union. Trump is unhappy that Europe exports too much to the USA and creates for them a trade deficit of more than 100 billion dollars. To patch this hole, the White House introduced trade duties against imports of aluminum and steel from the EU, and also threatens to set tariffs on European cars.

Another “bone of contention” is that Europeans spend little on defense, which is why the entire burden of NATO lies on the United States. Trump requires a minimum of 2% of GDP, up to this figure fall short of only the United Kingdom, Poland, Greece and Estonia. Not only do Europeans save on the US, they are also going to create their own army, as French President Emmanuel Macron said at the end of the year.

Thirdly, the EU does not support the US on international issues, for example, in the sanctions against Iran or Palestine. Brussels criticized Washington’s withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear deal in May and agreed with Russia to create a workaround. In the Palestinian problem, the EU opposed the transfer of the American embassy to Jerusalem, which, according to European bureaucrats, breaks the solution to the crisis within the framework of the "two states" principle.

Europe is also increasing its dependence on Russian gas. Trump would like Old World to buy American liquefied natural gas instead of laying the Nord Stream-2. But Angela Merkel made it clear that the Russian gas pipeline will be built, whether Washington likes it or not.

The European Union will not only not respond, but is also ready to turn the second cheek under attack. While Brussels continues to suffer humiliation from the United States, Americans will behave like “occupiers,” as Gerhard Schroeder, the former German chancellor, openly said.

With its Iranian sanctions, Washington has already caused Europe damage in the amount of several billion euros. Under the penalty of monetary fines, the largest European concerns left Total: Peugeot, Deutsche Telekom, Deutsche Bahn, Daimler and others. The same thing can happen if the Nord Stream 2 comes under US sanctions. Then the losses will be incurred by the French Engie, the Anglo-Dutch Shell, the Austrian OMV and the German Winterschall and Uniper.

In this situation, the only way out for the European Union is to turn to Moscow and strengthen contacts with Beijing. Otherwise, the White House will continue to spit on Europe and wipe its feet on it.

The EU has nothing to answer the United States for lowering the level of diplomatic relations
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Stacy Little
German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas called on Moscow to give way to the Americans in a dispute over compliance with the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles (INF Treaty). According to him, Russia allegedly violated the treaty when it developed and began to introduce a banned ground-based cruise missile into its troops. Moscow must disarm so that it is provable.

As is known, the United States is demanding that Russia change the characteristics of the 9M729 cruise missile (according to the NATO classification - SSC-X-8). In the expert community, it is commonly called the “land variant” of the sea-launched cruise missile “Caliber-NK”. According to the Americans, a rocket can hit targets at a distance of more than 500 km (according to the agreement, any missiles with a range of 500–5500 km are banned).

In Russia, the 9M729 missile tests have never been officially reported. The messages of the Foreign Ministry only stressed that the product fully meets the requirements of the contract. But the problem is that the 9M729 rocket has never been tested for a range prohibited by the treaty.

At the same time, counterclaims were repeatedly made in Moscow against Washington. The first concern was caused by the US plans to deploy in Romania the universal Aegis Ashore complexes, adapted to launch not only antimissiles, but also long-range strike cruise missiles, which is contrary to the INF Treaty.

In particular, in the same Romania and Poland, the Americans deployed the Mk41 installations, which, as believed in Russia, can launch not only anti-missiles, but also ground-to-ground cruise missiles. The United States is also actively using the Predator and Reaper long-range unmanned aerial vehicles, which, in the opinion of the Russian military, are fully subject to the cruise missiles defined in the INF Treaty.

Recall that for the first time the United States declared the existence of a banned missile in Russia in 2014. President Barack Obama spoke about this. NATO did not share such fears for several years, but in October 2018, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated at a meeting of defense ministers of NATO member countries that Russia violated the INF Treaty, testing 9M729 cruise missiles.

At the beginning of December last year, at a meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Brussels, US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo put forward an ultimatum to Russia - within 60 days (until February 2019) to begin to observe the obligations under the treaty. Otherwise, the United States will withdraw from the INF Treaty. Later, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation called such an ultimatum unacceptable.

The Kremlin has repeatedly stressed that Russia did not violate its obligations under the treaty and remains committed to the agreement. Thus, the Americans demanded an impossible ultimatum from Russia. All this indicates that Washington artificially thought up a reason to exit the INF Treaty.

You can put forward different hypotheses, what is the point for the United States to break the INF Treaty. According to one of the assumptions, the main task of Washington is in no way connected with Europe, and even Russia concerns indirectly. And in fact, the reason is focused primarily on the Asian theater of operations. In the future, to contain the military power of China, the United States needs medium and shorter range missiles.

But Germany, in principle, like other European countries, is not concerned about Asia, but about the possibility of a nuclear arms race in Europe ... In this sense, Heiko Maas is sincere in his desire to preserve the INF Treaty, but, as often before, Europe has no single position.

The dispute over the INF Treaty revealed the helplessness of Europe
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Anastasiia Zhukova
German Chancellor Angela Merkel arrives on Thursday evening with a two-day visit to Athens. In the capital of Greece, which Merkel last visited four years ago, she will hold meetings with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, President of the Republic Prokopis Pavlopoulos and opposition leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis. The latter will be for her personally, the success or failure of the entire enterprise is the most important.

The program of the visit and in an exclusive interview with Merkel to the most insightful Greek newspaper Katimerini lists several topics that will be touched upon during the Athens talks - bilateral relations (“partnership and friendship with Germany”), the efforts of Athens and their sponsors to get GreecSkopje's accession to the EU and NATO.

The main is Macedonia

This item will be the most important during the visit. Everything else, for example, the mass protests of the Greek leftists in connection with the visit of the politician, whom many Greeks consider guilty of their poor situation, timid conversations of the receiving party about the need for Germany to pay reparations for the years of the last war - can be simply ignored. With the exception of hooliganism on the streets of Athens, which the Greek leftists cannot deny themselves tonight, despite the mobilization of two thousand policemen, all these will be words and only words. All affairs will be connected with Macedonia and the consequences for the internal political situation in Greece of the recent deal of Athens with Skopje - the Presidential Agreement, which so pleased the USA, EU, NATO and upset Russia, which does not want to expand the alliance directed against it in the Balkans.

This is indicated by the fact that Merkel went to Athens on the eve of a vote in the Greek parliament on a deal with Skopje. Despite the fact that the Greek government, in the form of gratitude for its approval, received from the Western partners a number of financial concessions, the overwhelming majority of the Greek people for nationalist and, in fact, irrational reasons, strongly oppose retaining the word “Macedonia” in the name of the neighboring Slavic-Albanian country and rejects the Prespa Agreement. The majority of Greek politicians who are torn between loyalty to the West and the mood of their own voters adhere to the same position.

Meanwhile, according to this document, Skopje or FYROM (the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia), as often referred to in Greece with contempt, is a quite respectable Republic of Northern Macedonia. “European prospects” are opening up before it, which delight most Macedonians, since they have nothing to lose. But the Greeks remain at the wreckage of the historical myth they fostered. The truth is that the genome of both peoples after the perturbations of the Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine and Turkish periods of their joint history is almost the same, only language distinguishes them.

Which Greece Merkel visits?

As the “Naphtemboriki” newspaper notes, the Greek authorities hope that Merkel’s visit will put the leading opposition party “New Democracy” in a difficult position, which intends to vote in parliament against the deal of the Tsipras government with Skopje. The chairman of this center-right party, which unites wealthy and nationally-minded Greeks, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, tacking between the interests of the West and his electorate, states that after coming to power, he will begin repeated negotiations with Skopje.

At the same time, the Independent Greeks (IG) party of the government coalition with Tsipras SYRIZ, a small nationalist party whose leader, National Defense Minister Panos Kammenos is a very big friend of the United States, also does not support the deal with Skopje, considering it a betrayal of the interests of Greece. It will be very interesting to observe how Kammenos himself, who had recently smiled at his Russian counterpart Sergei Shoigu in Moscow, would behave when voting, and before that he had offered the Americans to open several military bases in Greece. He claims he will vote against. Although surely a couple of deputies from this party will not stand against blackmail and will vote as it should.

It is completely obvious, however, that neither the neo-Nazis and the more radical Greek nationalists from the Golden Dawn, nor the ever-opposition Communists will support the Prespaan Agreement, and Tsipras will not receive the cherished 151 votes. The voices of the situational allies in the person of the centrists and the moderate left, who to a lesser extent - like cosmopolitan and internationalists - are subject to the "Macedonian disease", may not be enough for Tsipras. After expressing a vote of no confidence in the parliament in Greece, early elections will be held, in which SYRIZA is awaiting defeat and as a result of which the New Democracy ( ND) will most likely come to power. According to all polls, she is confidently leading in the preferences of voters.

On Wednesday evening, Tsipras announced in a television interview that he would raise the issue of trust in the government if parliament rejects his deal with Skopje. So it will be so. Curiously, the talks between the prime minister and his minister of war, scheduled for Tuesday, were postponed for several days. They will take place when Merkel leaves Athens, and will pass, apparently, depending on what “cookies” she brings with her, because Germany was and remains the main Greek sponsor.

Therefore, this weekend it will be clear what Greece expects in the coming months. Most likely, if Merkel fails to create a miracle, the coalition government of SYRIZA and IG will collapse. Both of the “partner” who had long since quarreled among themselves are already preparing for such a prospect.

Who will be the main interlocutor of the German Chancellor in Greece?

Nevertheless, the key figure on which it depends on whether the Presidential Agreement can be pushed through the Greek parliament is the leader of the center-right Mitsotakis: if the ND supports the deal, then Kammenos and other critics will be in the minority. Swearing with the West, thirsty to quickly include all the Balkans in the EU and NATO, which for a long time was hampered by the absurd “title dispute” between Athens and Skopje, Mitsotakis did not want at all. After all, ND has always been and remains a party of the Greek establishment. However, the support of this deal from this young and ambitious politician, a representative of an influential political family, will be fraught with a split in his party, where he has many opponents. And this catastrophe can break out exactly when Mitsotakis is one step away from the premiership.

Merkel Tips

In this regard, Katimerini tried to warn Merkel in her comments not to pressure Mitsotaxis in connection with Macedonia and not to try to force him to support the Tsipras government, because in the long run this would cause great harm to the interests of the West in Greece, even if Western countries really want to The present moment quickly drag Macedonians into the EU and NATO.

The newspaper recalls that initially “the dispute over the name of FYROM was a political challenge not for Tsipras, whose supporters and voters traditionally advocated a solution that would include some compromises - but for Mitsotaxis. If the leader of the ND supported this deal, he would risk the collapse of his party - a loyal member of the European People's Party and a pillar of political stability in the country. ”

Catimerini is convinced that "at today's political stage, neither Greece nor the Balkans will benefit from the creation of a new political movement in Greece, which can easily become a victim of the influence of other powers." Here, it seems, I mean, first of all, Russia, which - after the collapse of communism and on the basis of a general commitment to Orthodoxy - has previously been sympathized with the exclusively pro-Western conservative electorate of ND.

The newspaper has no doubt that under the premiership of Mitsotakis, “the normalization of bilateral relations between Greece and the FYROM will advance,” and Skopje will eventually join NATO.

Well, delicacy and flexibility are not entirely German virtues. We'll see if Merkel succeeds at the end of her chancellorship, after a series of painful internal political failures, to accomplish a foreign policy miracle: to make the Greeks to step over themselves.

Merkel went to Greece for the sake of Macedonia joining the EU and NATO
España hará una contribución récord a la UE de 13.615 millones este año

La contribución que hace España anualmente a las arcas de la Unión Europea (UE) batirá récord en 2019, un año en el que nuestro país aportará 13.615 millones de euros, lo que supone un incremento del 13% respecto a la contribución de 2018 y la cifra más alta del histórico.
Según recoge el proyecto de los Presupuestos Generales del Estado (PGE) de Pedro Sánchez, España volverá este año a ser contribuyente neto de la UE, lo que significa que dará más de lo que recibirá de Europa.

Las transferencias procedentes de fondos europeos sólo se incrementarán un 0,70%, hasta los 12.439 millones, por lo que España dará 1.176 millones más de lo que recibirá y se posicionará junto a los países más ricos de la UE, que son los que tradicionalmente presentan saldos positivos con la UE.

El año pasado España salió ganando en 298 millones, en 2016 y 2017 fue contribuyente neto (puso 3.070 y 523 millones de euros respectivamente), mientras que durante el lustro anterior se mantuvo como receptor neto.

Pablito 16.01.2019 - 09:01:20
Lo triste de esta aportación millonaria a la UE, con ser todo triste lo que les pasa a los españoles con la UE, es que España seguirá siendo país de tercera en la UE, que hay que obviar, para cualquier decisión que se quiera tomar. Los plantones de la anti justicia de Bruselas y Alemania, dicen todo lo demás, aplaudidos por lo bajín o no tan bajín, por Austria, Holanda y Dinamarca.
Nos odian a los españoles en la UE pongamos los pies en el suelo, y estar de segundones, quizá se debería plantear salirnos donde estamos perdiendo más que ganando, aunque algunos tunantes digan lo contrario, y es que el espíritu de Bartolomé de las Casas sigue vigente.

España hará una contribución récord a la UE de 13.615 millones este año

La contribución que hace España anualmente a las arcas de la Unión Europea (UE) batirá récord en 2019, un año en el que nuestro país aportará 13.615 millones de euros, lo que supone un incremento del 13% respecto a la contribución de 2018 y la cifra más alta del histórico.
Según recoge el proyecto de los Presupuestos Generales del Estado (PGE) de Pedro Sánchez, España volverá este año a ser contribuyente neto de la UE, lo que significa que dará más de lo que recibirá de Europa.

Las transferencias procedentes de fondos europeos sólo se incrementarán un 0,70%, hasta los 12.439 millones, por lo que España dará 1.176 millones más de lo que recibirá y se posicionará junto a los países más ricos de la UE, que son los que tradicionalmente presentan saldos positivos con la UE.

El año pasado España salió ganando en 298 millones, en 2016 y 2017 fue contribuyente neto (puso 3.070 y 523 millones de euros respectivamente), mientras que durante el lustro anterior se mantuvo como receptor neto.

Pablito 16.01.2019 - 09:01:20
Lo triste de esta aportación millonaria a la UE, con ser todo triste lo que les pasa a los españoles con la UE, es que España seguirá siendo país de tercera en la UE, que hay que obviar, para cualquier decisión que se quiera tomar. Los plantones de la anti justicia de Bruselas y Alemania, dicen todo lo demás, aplaudidos por lo bajín o no tan bajín, por Austria, Holanda y Dinamarca.
Nos odian a los españoles en la UE pongamos los pies en el suelo, y estar de segundones, quizá se debería plantear salirnos donde estamos perdiendo más que ganando, aunque algunos tunantes digan lo contrario, y es que el espíritu de Bartolomé de las Casas sigue vigente.

¿De dónde saldrá esta cantidad?
Desde luego que los españoles debemos sacar a Sánchez de La Moncloa y esperar que haya un cambio de sistema que logre salir de la EU.
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La Iglesia Católica, junto con la UE, el gran capital y sus títeres de la casta política parasitaria, son los promotores del cambio demográfico que está teniendo lugar en Occidente. Es un hecho que el antipapa Francisco es un lobo comunista disfrazado de cordero, que sirve lacayunamente a sus amos sionistas. La Iglesia está a punto de culminar su proceso autodestructivo para convertirse en una de las voces propagandísticas del nuevo orden luciferino. Hasta Radio Maria se dedica solo a sermonear en el “amor puro” y a emitir música pastosa y ridícula. Nada de enfrentarse al enemigo por temor a que les quiten licencias. Es una opresión pura de una sociedad orweliana y luciferina. Si algún obispo o sacerdote levanta la voz contra el genocidio blanco, la degradación moral absoluta y la brutal invasión tercermundista que sufre Occidente, se le arrincona, se le expulsa o se le hace pasar por loco, que es lo que el Obispado de León está pretendiendo hacer con el Padre Calvo.

El Vaticano ya sólo sirve a los intereses de Soros mientras predica la paz de los cementerios. La decadencia de la Iglesia -y del Occidente cristiano- han ido en aumento desde que los Papas se hicieron más blandos y diplomaticos, siendo Pio XII el mas diplomático y servil de todos. Murió desdichado, y reemplazado por el gordo sionista de Roncali. Desde entonces ya nada es igual en el mundo. El Concilio Vaticano II, en 1969, coincide con el hundimiendo catastrófico del mundo occidental y explica lo verdaderamente peligroso que es todo lo que desde entonces ha hecho la Iglesia. La iglesia moderna es un tumor maligno alojado en el corazon de Europa y debe ser reemplazada por una religion verdaderamente europea, un cristianismo auténtico, que no colabore con el enemigo en la aniquilación de la criatura más bella y valiosa creada por Dios, con hombres de verdad, de moral guerrera, no mariposones pederastas cuyos vicios y perversiones son registrados y utilizados por el sionismo para torcer voluntades en los cónclaves.
Católicos buenistas y chupacirios, dejen ya de hacer seguidismo de la secta vaticana desnaturalizada, masónica y afeminada. La Iglesia dirigida por Francisco no puede combatir ya ningún mal porque forma parte del Mal.
En la misma línea defendida por Osoro, el antipapa Francisco se ha mostrado a favor de facilitar la exhumación de los restos mortales de Franco. Así se lo habría expresado al Gobierno de Pedro Sánchez el Nuncio apostólico Renzo Fratini, a cambio, presumiblemente, de que la Iglesia mantenga sus actuales beneficios fiscales. El anuncio de Fratini se trata sin embargo de un brindis al sol, ya que la familia de Franco pidió expresamente a Francisco que negase el permiso de exhumación de la abadía benedictina.
Todo apunta a que será el antipapa quien tendrá la última palabra para desbloquear la exhumación de los restos de Franco. “Es el ámbito político o el familiar el que tiene que decidir”, apuntaba el pasado mes de junio José María Gil Tamayo, portavoz de la Conferencia Episcopal. Mientras, el prior del Valle de los Caídos también se muestra en contra de la exhumación del exjefe del Estado.
Según el Arzobispado, la última palabra la tiene la familia. Pero al enconarse el conflicto, la decisión corresponde al antipapa Francisco, quien ya habría expresado a sus allegados su apoyo a la exhumación.
En este sentido, el secretario de Estado de la Santa Sede, Pietro Parolin, ha garantizado a la vicepresidenta del Gobierno, Carmen Calvo, que el Vaticano no se opondrá a la exhumación de los restos de Francisco Franco, mientras que sobre su inhumación posterior ambos han coincidido en “seguir manteniendo el diálogo”.
En un comunicado del Ministerio de la Presidencia, el Ejecutivo informa de la reunión que ha mantenido esta mañana Calvo con el cardenal Parolin en la Ciudad del Vaticano. El encuentro, que el Ejecutivo ha calificado de “extremadamente cordial”, ha servido para intercambiar puntos de vista e información sobre diferentes cuestiones de interés para España y la Santa Sede, explica la nota.
Entre ellos, la exhumación de los restos de Franco del Valle de los Caídos, a la que la Santa Sede no se va a oponer, según ha garantizado el cardenal Parolin a la vicepresidenta. Respecto a la inhumación, los dos han coincidido en la necesidad de buscar una solución y seguir manteniendo el diálogo.
Calvo ha agradecido a la Santa Sede la comunicación “cordial” y “fluida” que se está manteniendo en este sentido con el cardenal arzobispo de Madrid, Carlos Osoro, y con el presidente de la Conferencia Episcopal, Ricardo Blázquez.
Además de este asunto, durante la reunión se ha abordado también el régimen fiscal de la Iglesia en España y el Ejecutivo ha informado a la Santa Sede sobre el proceso de revisión de los bienes inmatriculados por la Iglesia. El secretario de Estado del Vaticano ha mostrado su voluntad de abordar conjuntamente ambos temas para alcanzar puntos de encuentro, indica la nota.
Por otra parte, el cardenal ha trasladado su preocupación, compartida por el Gobierno, por dar justicia a las víctimas de abusos y prevenir estos hechos en el futuro, mientras que Calvo le ha informado de las modificaciones en el Código Penal para conseguir que estos delitos sean imprescriptibles. Este es el primer encuentro que mantienen representantes de Ejecutivo y del Vaticano tras la llegada de Pedro Sánchez al Gobierno y forma parte de las relaciones “habituales y fluidas” que siempre han mantenido ambos Estados.
De héroe de la Iglesia a villano

Hay que recordar que Francisco Franco fue condecorado por SS Pío XII con la más alta honorificencia de la Santa Sede: la Orden Suprema de Cristo. Sólo este dato debería ser suficiente para que, privada y públicamente, el antipapa Francisco se oponga a la agresión que el Gobierno de España anhela perpetrar contra los restos mortales de Francisco Franco.
Francisco Franco salvó a España del comunismo y atajó la que fue la mayor persecución religiosa que conoce la historia: trece obispos, seis mil sacerdotes y religiosos y decenas de miles de católicos asesinados y martirizados por odio a la Fe. Seguro que al papa Francisco le repugna esta sangre martirial que se convirtió en semilla de cristianos.
Tal fue el holocausto que el pueblo español, bajo la Jefatura de Francisco Franco, se constituyó en Estado Católico, con la bendición y apoyo de la Iglesia en España, heroica, ejemplar, que no conoció ni un solo caso de apostasía.
Francisco Franco reconstruyó iglesias quemadas, restauró santuarios profanados y acudió magnánimo a la llamada de todos aquellos españoles que sufrieron el horror de la contienda. Sí, incluso aquellos que habían sido condenados a penas gravísimas, encontraron en Francisco Franco el perdón de un padre y la verdadera reconciliación. ¿Conocerá el antipapa el sistema de remisión de penas, verdaderamente reconciliador, que buscaba la reconstrucción de todo un pueblo arrasado y la conquista del hombre, atrapado en las garras del marxismo ateo que hoy viene a reivindicarse con su aplauso y sonrisa? ¿Sabrá el antipapa que en Getafe, muy cerca de Madrid, hace ahora cien años que fue inaugurado el monumento al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, fusilado por las hordas comunistas que hoy quisieran derribar la magna Cruz del Valle de los Caídos?
El 1 de junio de 1969, Francisco Franco daba por concluida la construcción, levantado sobre las ruinas del antiguo monumento, del Santuario del Sagrado Corazón, bajo cuya protección y reinado el Jefe del Estado volvió a consagrar a España, leyéndose al finalizar un telegrama enviado por Pablo VI para la ocasión e impartiendo la bendición final su predecesor, el arzobispo de Madrid don Casimiro Morcillo.
Francisco Franco ha sido el mejor y más grande de los gobernantes que ha tenido España en los últimos siglos, llevando a nuestra Patria a la mayor protección del bien común que ha conocido nuestro pueblo. Ahí están los datos: florecimiento de las vocaciones religiosas, a cuya experiencia casi toda la cúpula jerárquica española debe su vocación sacerdotal.
A Franco debe aquella España católica la creación de la clase media, que acabó con las grandes diferencias sociales y revistiendo al obrero y al trabajador de una dignidad y una protección sin igual. Se fomentó la virtud, el trabajo, la unidad. Se fomentó la natalidad, la familia, la educación. Se crearon cientos de escuelas, decenas de universidades, muchas de ellas laborales, para los hijos de los obreros. A ellos fueron destinadas los miles de viviendas sociales que se construyeron por toda España. “Ni un hogar sin lumbre ni un español sin pan”, lema que encarnó Francisco Franco y que, con sacrificio y entrega, hizo realidad.
Los hechos mandan y son innegables, salvo que la objetividad se vea empañada por la ceguera del odio y el rencor.
No queremos la paz sino es como obra de la justicia y de la verdad. Y si para conquistar la Verdad, la que nos da Cristo y no la del mundo, hay que enfrentarse a los poderosos, debemos estar en disposición de elegir “con Cristo o contra él”.

Dado lo lejos que está el antipapa de apacentar a sus ovejas y cumplir la misión sagrada de cuidar a su grey y ahuyentar a los lobos, rescataremos aquella carta de San Ignacio de Loyola a San Pedro Canisio, el 13 de agosto de 1554, en la que decía: “Los pastores católicos que con su mucha ignorancia pervierten al pueblo, parece deberían ser muy rigurosamente castigados, o al menos separados de la cura de almas”, pues “más vale estar la grey sin pastor, que tener por pastor a un lobo”.

De vicario de Cristo a sirviente de Soros: El Vaticano garantiza al Gobierno que no se opondrá a la exhumación de los restos Franco
Artículo publicado en 2017

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Durante los pasados días 24 y 25 de febrero se celebró en San Lorenzo de El Escorial el Seminario de metapolítica: “Claves y visiones para una resistencia metapolítica en España”.

Abrió las sesiones José Alsina Calvés, con la conferencia “Hispanismo y Cuarta Teoría Política”, donde trazó una breve introducción sobre la naturaleza y puntos fundamentales de la 4ª Teoría Política propuesta por el pensador y filósofo ruso Alexander Dugin, y sobre la idea del hispanismo y de la hispanidad como posibles vías de expresión genuinamente españolas para un discurso contrahegemónico propio y para la creación de un espacio geopolítico diferenciado.

Alsina explicó las bases filosóficas que Dugin ha empleado para articular un paradigma metapolítico que supere el liberalismo (1ª Teoría), el marxismo (2ª Teoría) y el nazifascismo (3\ Teoría), inspirándose para hacerlo, entre otras fuentes, en el Eurasianismo, la Nueva Derecha francesa (sin caer en la acerba acusación al cristianismo como matriz de la modernidad, caso de Alain de Benoist), o la obra del filósofo Martin Heidegger y la consideración del concepto del tiempo.



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