La relación de Dasha Zhukova y Stavros Niarchos Jr. Compromiso, boda y embarazo

¡Me alegra que te guste! Airmail es el weekly newsletter de Graydon Carter. Estoy de acuerdo con respecto a Muzungu. Tatiana y su spineless lapdog Dana ? Hay muchas chicas que se "dedican" a un pseudo negocio, solo para poder reclamar el derecho a la exposición. Líneas de joyería, de bikinis... La línea de joyería de Eugenie no es diferente. Los únicos que compran son familiares y amigos, o hanger-ons que quieren hacerse amigos.

No conosco mucho de esta gente pero se me hace interesante el hilo. Una pregunta, porque es una spineless lapdog Dana?
Puedes verlo más en esta cuenta de moda en Instagram, @Dietprada, pero están intentando cancelar a Karlie Kloss y Derek Blasberg. Pero eso es por que ellos son de la moda.

Pero Karlie está bastante distanciada de Trump. Es concuñada de Ivana, pero el chisme ha Sido siempre que Ivana vive resentida porque Karlie y su marido siempre se han expresado en oposición a todo lo que se identifica con Trump. Y lo mismo para casi toda la élite de Nueva York, empezando por LSD, que también es muy del BLM y la Marcha de las Mujeres.
A mi derek me cae súper mal, me parece un falso que se cree el Capote moderno. Realmente toda esa pandilla de Dasha, lauren SD, karlie, las fosters, Jennifer meyer me da que no son amistades verdaderas y que si cancelan a una la retiran del grupo sin piedad. En cambio Stavros y sus amigos europeos creo que son amistades verdaderas generacionales.

Hay una a la que sacaron del grupo: Tinsley Mortimer. Ella fue dama de honor de LSD. Pero en honor a la verdad, a Tinsley le pegaron mal los 30 y quiso hacerse la París Hilton con su propio reality. El problema es que no pedía permiso para llevar las cámaras y se le armaron tremendos problemas con gente como Carolina Herrera. Fue tanto el ostracismo que se fue para la Florida, ahora regresó a Nueva York y es una de las Real housewives of New York. Más nunca la volvieron a aceptar.
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Una foto de la "Noche rusa" que tuvo lugar en el restaurante de la estación intermedia del Corvatsch. Otro lugar catastrófico que solo pudo haber sido elegido porque pertenece a la familia Niarchos y por lo tanto era gratuito. Es una especie de cantina donde los esquiadores almuerzan ...

Dasha parecía una mujer de 50 años ...

En serio la ves de 50 años? Jajaja. Justo en esta foto me parece guapa. Cursi, pero guapa.
Hay una a la que sacaron del grupo: Tinsley Mortimer. Ella fue dama de honor de LSD. Pero en honor a la verdad, a Tinsley le pegaron mal los 30 y quiso hacerse la París Hilton con su propio reality. El problema es que no pedía permiso para llevar las cámaras y se le armaron tremendos problemas con gente como Carolina Herrera. Fue tanto el ostracismo que se fue para la Florida, ahora regresó a Nueva York y es una de las Real housewives of New York. Más nunca la volvieron a aceptar.
Si tinsley era la it girl en los mediados 2000, estaba casada con topher mortimer, un muchacho de muy buena familia con mucho dinero. Pero creo que a él no le gustaba que ella quisiera ser como dices una paris Hilton de la vida . Se divorciaron y después ella tuvo una relación con el príncipe Casimir, aunque la relación no prosperó. Ahora no se si está soltera o no pero creo que extraña su vida de antes , de ser la socialite con el marido rico. Y si fue apartada del grupo porque a la boda de su ex topher con la diseñadora tabitha simmons fue toda esta pandillita. O sea que la que perdió y mucho fue ella.
Hay una a la que sacaron del grupo: Tinsley Mortimer. Ella fue dama de honor de LSD. Pero en honor a la verdad, a Tinsley le pegaron mal los 30 y quiso hacerse la París Hilton con su propio reality. El problema es que no pedía permiso para llevar las cámaras y se le armaron tremendos problemas con gente como Carolina Herrera. Fue tanto el ostracismo que se fue para la Florida, ahora regresó a Nueva York y es una de las Real housewives of New York. Más nunca la volvieron a aceptar.
Hubo un escándalo con socialrank y olivia Palermo.
Si tinsley era la it girl en los mediados 2000, estaba casada con topher mortimer, un muchacho de muy buena familia con mucho dinero. Pero creo que a él no le gustaba que ella quisiera ser como dices una paris Hilton de la vida . Se divorciaron y después ella tuvo una relación con el príncipe Casimir, aunque la relación no prosperó. Ahora no se si está soltera o no pero creo que extraña su vida de antes , de ser la socialite con el marido rico. Y si fue apartada del grupo porque a la boda de su ex topher con la diseñadora tabitha simmons fue toda esta pandillita. O sea que la que perdió y mucho fue ella.

Topper has great social access thanks to his family name, but contrary to popular belief, he’s not that wealthy. Maybe compared to regular mortals, but not for NY standards. He is close friends with Andres and Alejandro Santo Domingo. His sister Minnie is married to Stephen Gaghan, an Oscar-winning screenwriter and director. He’s friendly and polite, but otherwise quite dull, with a total frat-boy energy. I also find him quite unattractive. But hey.

Tinsley and Topper were high-school sweethearts. They met at Lawrenceville, a boarding school in New Jersey. They eloped and secretly got married to the great dismay of Topper’s parents, who insisted on having the marriage annulled as soon as they found out.

A few years later, they married again. To me, Tinsley never seemed particularly into Topper, but he sure was smitten with her. And in the mid-2000s Tinsley was indeed the unrivaled queen amongst this little crowd of (mostly pseudo-) socialites.

Topper might have always loved associating himself with members of plutocratic clans, especially of those with very recognizable last names, but he always genuinely disliked getting photographed and always actively avoided the spotlight.

As opposed to Stavros, who pretends to hate it, because that’s what’s considered to be in good taste, but secretly dies for it. In contrast to Topper, Stavros has a predilection for Hollywood stars/producers and some of the ultra-wealthy, such as Bezos or the Google guys, rather than “old names”. Could he gain Hollywood access on his own? You would think so, in theory at least. But he can’t, because he’s crazy insecure, and entitled to a fault, expecting to have everything handed to him, based on close to nothing.

But I degress. Yes, Tinsley did participate in a reality show, but that wasn’t the reason for her divorce. Tinsley got divorced, because she had been cheating on Topper with Casimir. At a common friend’s apartment no less. Tinsley seemed to think that Casimir was some sort of a “big catch”, because he was a “prince” (such ridiculous reasoning, typical of clueless NY socialites). When the news broke, Topper was devastated and had basically no choice, but to divorce her.

I remember seeing Tinsley and Casimir out and about in London, just after her divorce. She looked so out of place in her little prom-dresses. And she was beaming with some sort of pride. It was very odd. Casmir’s interest had visibly waned, it became obvious that he had never had any serious intentions with her.

Then Tinsley moved on with some third-rate Borghese, I think, if he even was a real Borghese. All I remember is that said Borghese was on reality TV.

And after that, she avidly pursued Nico Fanjul, a guy 10 years her junior. Fanjul, as in the kings of sugar from the Dominican Republic btw. That famously ended in her getting slapped and Nico filing a restraining order against her. It’s a sad story. I’m sure she would do anything to get her old life back. Somehow, I feel sorry for her. Maybe, because all the other girls were always so jealous of her and got what wound up getting what they wished for. Anyway.
En serio la ves de 50 años? Jajaja. Justo en esta foto me parece guapa. Cursi, pero guapa.

No me gusta su maquillaje. Algo salió mal con su bronceador y lleva demasiado delineador de ojos negro para mi gusto. Especialmente para una novia.

Parece muy matronly para una mujer que dice tener 39 años. No es culpa suya, pero tiene el cuerpo de una mujer madura.

Prefiero a Yeltsin, la chica a su izquierda. No es una belleza, pero se ve joven y fresca para sus 41 años. Podría pasar por 35.

“Cursi” definitivamente da en el clavo :)
Topper has great social access thanks to his family name, but contrary to popular belief, he’s not that wealthy. Maybe compared to regular mortals, but not for NY standards. He is close friends with Andres and Alejandro Santo Domingo. His sister Minnie is married to Stephen Gaghan, an Oscar-winning screenwriter and director. He’s friendly and polite, but otherwise quite dull, with a total frat-boy energy. I also find him quite unattractive. But hey.

Tinsley and Topper were high-school sweethearts. They met at Lawrenceville, a boarding school in New Jersey. They eloped and secretly got married to the great dismay of Topper’s parents, who insisted on having the marriage annulled as soon as they found out.

A few years later, they married again. To me, Tinsley never seemed particularly into Topper, but he sure was smitten with her. And in the mid-2000s Tinsley was indeed the unrivaled queen amongst this little crowd of (mostly pseudo-) socialites.

Topper might have always loved associating himself with members of plutocratic clans, especially of those with very recognizable last names, but he always genuinely disliked getting photographed and always actively avoided the spotlight.

As opposed to Stavros, who pretends to hate it, because that’s what’s considered to be in good taste, but secretly dies for it. In contrast to Topper, Stavros has a predilection for Hollywood stars/producers and some of the ultra-wealthy, such as Bezos or the Google guys, rather than “old names”. Could he gain Hollywood access on his own? You would think so, in theory at least. But he can’t, because he’s crazy insecure, and entitled to a fault, expecting to have everything handed to him, based on close to nothing.

But I degress. Yes, Tinsley did participate in a reality show, but that wasn’t the reason for her divorce. Tinsley got divorced, because she had been cheating on Topper with Casimir. At a common friend’s apartment no less. Tinsley seemed to think that Casimir was some sort of a “big catch”, because he was a “prince” (such ridiculous reasoning, typical of clueless NY socialites). When the news broke, Topper was devastated and had basically no choice, but to divorce her.

I remember seeing Tinsley and Casimir out and about in London, just after her divorce. She looked so out of place in her little prom-dresses. And she was beaming with some sort of pride. It was very odd. Casmir’s interest had visibly waned, it became obvious that he had never had any serious intentions with her.

Then Tinsley moved on with some third-rate Borghese, I think, if he even was a real Borghese. All I remember is that said Borghese was on reality TV.

And after that, she avidly pursued Nico Fanjul, a guy 10 years her junior. Fanjul, as in the kings of sugar from the Dominican Republic btw. That famously ended in her getting slapped and Nico filing a restraining order against her. It’s a sad story. I’m sure she would do anything to get her old life back. Somehow, I feel sorry for her. Maybe, because all the other girls were always so jealous of her and got what wound up getting what they wished for. Anyway.
Si creo que a Stavros le gusta la fama, basado en sus antiguas novias , y desde que está con Dasha creo que su círculo de amigos es más dinero nuevo. Lo que no parece es que sea súper inseguro , pero quien sabe.

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