EIIL/ISIS: como Al Qaeda, fueron creados por la CIA y la OTAN

Lo que ahora comento de esta foto, querida Leles, es que el Presidente de los EEUU Obama claramente se inquina delante del monarca saudí como si fuese un subordinado suyo y no un igual en su posición de Jefe de Estado.
Zapatero y Sarkozy y el que sea, me trae sin cuidado, el que se inquina servilmente es Obama.
Saludos :)
Recuerda q es Barack Hussein Obama....menos mal q le quedan 2 telediarios en la Casa Blanca. Saludos para tí también..
Recuerda q es Barack Hussein Obama....menos mal q le quedan 2 telediarios en la Casa Blanca. Saludos para tí también..
El monarca saudí no es el líder espiritual de todos los musulmanes, que yo sepa, para que en la religión personal de Obama pueda ser la explicación de este servilismo...No Leles, los tiros no van por allí. Más bien sigue la pista de los dineros....y cómo llegó a la Casa Blanca Obama :whistle::whistle:

El resumé de lo que hemos estado comentando en este hilo sobre la directa relación de ISIS/IS con las políticas de guerra-en-cubierta de la OTAN y los EEUU en el Oriente Medio.

¿Qué es lo que cada uno de nosotros podría hacer para parar la locura llamada Estado Islámico?
Informarnos y pasar el mensaje! (y)(y)
IS decapita a otro rehén americano.


Según "Newsweek", Turquía está ayudando al Emirato Islámico



El semanario estadounidense Newsweek publica en su edición del 7 de noviembre de 2014 el testimonio de un yihadista del Emirato Islámico [1].

Ese individuo revela la existencia de un acuerdo que permite a los yihadistas del Emirato Islámico (también designado como Daesh y anteriormente como EIIL) atravesar la frontera entre Turquía y el norte de Siria. También indica que los individuos que dirigen las fuerzas del Emirato Islámico hablan turco y se mantienen en permanente comunicación por radio con las autoridades de Turquía. Finalmente señala que el ejército de Turquía está ayudando el Emirato Islámico en los combates contra los kurdos.

En el mismo artículo de Newsweek, un responsable del PYG (organización de defensa de los kurdos de Siria) precisa que Turquía no se limita a ce tipo de apoyo sino que también está entregando armas al Emirato Islámico.

La Red Voltaire ya había revelado que
(1) Francia y Turquía combatieron el Emirat Islámico de enero a mayo
(2) pero a partir de junio tanto Francia como Turquía han estado respaldando al Emirato Islámico, al igual que Estados Unidos y Arabia Saudita. Por ejemplo, el armamento que el Emirato Islámico utilizó en su ofensiva contra Irak le fue proporcionado por Arabia Saudita y llegó a manos de los yihadistas en un tren especial fletado por los servicios secretos de Turquía (MIT).
(3) Desde septiembre de 2014, Turquía ha estado ayudando al Emirato Islámico en sus intentos de acabar con los kurdos de Siria.

[1] “‘ISIS Sees Turkey as Its Ally’: Former Islamic State Member Reveals Turkish Army Cooperation”, por Barney Guiton, Newsweek, 7 de noviembre de 2014.
Según "Newsweek", Turquía está ayudando al Emirato Islámico



El semanario estadounidense Newsweek publica en su edición del 7 de noviembre de 2014 el testimonio de un yihadista del Emirato Islámico [1].

Ese individuo revela la existencia de un acuerdo que permite a los yihadistas del Emirato Islámico (también designado como Daesh y anteriormente como EIIL) atravesar la frontera entre Turquía y el norte de Siria. También indica que los individuos que dirigen las fuerzas del Emirato Islámico hablan turco y se mantienen en permanente comunicación por radio con las autoridades de Turquía. Finalmente señala que el ejército de Turquía está ayudando el Emirato Islámico en los combates contra los kurdos.

En el mismo artículo de Newsweek, un responsable del PYG (organización de defensa de los kurdos de Siria) precisa que Turquía no se limita a ce tipo de apoyo sino que también está entregando armas al Emirato Islámico.

La Red Voltaire ya había revelado que
(1) Francia y Turquía combatieron el Emirat Islámico de enero a mayo
(2) pero a partir de junio tanto Francia como Turquía han estado respaldando al Emirato Islámico, al igual que Estados Unidos y Arabia Saudita. Por ejemplo, el armamento que el Emirato Islámico utilizó en su ofensiva contra Irak le fue proporcionado por Arabia Saudita y llegó a manos de los yihadistas en un tren especial fletado por los servicios secretos de Turquía (MIT).
(3) Desde septiembre de 2014, Turquía ha estado ayudando al Emirato Islámico en sus intentos de acabar con los kurdos de Siria.

[1] “‘ISIS Sees Turkey as Its Ally’: Former Islamic State Member Reveals Turkish Army Cooperation”, por Barney Guiton, Newsweek, 7 de noviembre de 2014.

O sea: IS = los mercenarios de toda la vida ...


...y que no me vengan luego con milongas...qué el fundalismo islámico, que el Islám religión de bestias, que no-se-que-más...Los curdos, igual que los sirios son igual de musulmanes que los integrantes (se supone ;) ) de este mish-mash llamado Estado Islámico...
...Y hablando de mercenarios, algo de historia nos ayudaría a aclarar cómo funciona el esquema:

If we know what truly happened during the Boer War, then we will understand how governments and the media collaborate to manufacture “history”

The Boer War was the first historical incident that was completely different to how the accepted history tells us it was. The actuality of what happened to provoke that war and who was behind it wasn’t hidden very deeply, in fact it was barely hidden at all. Cecil Rhodes provoked it by sending 500 heavily armed British mercenaries into the Boer state (The Jameson Raid) in order to provoke a rebellion against the Boer government by the British settlers and merchants living there. The Boers surrounded this group well short of its objective, forced its surrender and humiliated Rhodes and the British Government. Rhodes knew that all he had to do to conquer the Boer state was provoke war, that was the reason for sending those 500 men, he knew they would not succeed, but he knew that sending 500 Britishers to start an uprising of Britishers in the Boer states would provoke the Boers into taking some action against it’s British minority.

Rhodes could then use his cosy relationship with the British press to spin this into Boer attacks on poor innocent British settlers and that would soon have the
British public clamouring for it’s government to send troops to teach these damn Boers a lesson for daring to lay hands on British citizens.

This event fits exactly into the standard model of regime change that we have seen implemented many times since 1945 by the CIA-M16-Mossad (in reality, they largely operate as a single agency). Let us lay it out in it’s basics:
1. Send foreign mercenaries into the victim state to foment ‘revolt’.
2. Provoke the victim state into using its armed forces to oppose the foreign invaders.
3. Have the media present this lawful defensive action by the victim state as the cruel oppression of a dictatorship.
4. Send your armed forces to complete the job of regime change.
5. Establish a new puppet regime with a banking system consisting of a privately held central bank that issues currency on a debt basis, thus enslaving the population.

It really is that simple, and it has been carried out so many times, currently it is being done in Syria, a couple of years ago we saw an absolutely blatant and textbook case in Libya, before that Iraq and Afghanistan. In the case of the Boer War, the motivating factor was two-fold, firstly, the Boer states were sat on top of one of the largest gold deposits on the globe, with the extra benefit of their being lots of diamonds and other precious minerals. Secondly, the Boers were a group of Europeans (Dutch Calvanists, French Heugenots, German Protestants) who had turned their back on the established order and had established for themselves an independent homeland outside of the global financial system, they had a government owned and controlled central bank that issued debt-free currency backed by gold, which meant they had zero inflation and zero interest on credit.

Quite obviously, such a state and financial system is diametrically opposed to how the banking systems of all other countries work (at the time of the Boer War, both Britain and the US had currencies backed by gold but neither had a state-owned and controlled central bank) and was not acceptable to the international bankers who control the world – The Rothschilds and their partners/vassals.

It was no secret that Cecil Rhodes worked for the Rothschilds and they were the ones who financed all of his murderous, grandiose plans for imperial conquest and exploitation of native peoples. Therefore the Boer war is a straightforward case of an agent of the Rothschilds using Rothschild money to arm a group of mercenary terrorists then sending these gangsters to attack a state from the inside thus provoking war between the state and the state controlled by the Rothschilds (Britain). It is no secret that the Rothschilds loaned the British Government money to finance the war so the 1 million British and Empire troops who served in South Africa were effectively mercenaries hired and paid for by the Rothschilds.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians died as a result, no-one knows how many Boer civilians died, but at least 30,000 died in the British concentration camps alone, no-one knows how many were killed on their own farms and homesteads.

Boer War helps us to understand how wars are planned, organised, provoked and financed, and who is behind this evil mechanism that slaughters innocent people en-masse in order to funnel all of the world’s gold into the hands of a handful of families who control the world’s financial system.
Quién encontró y difundió primero el video del americano ejecutado?

Rita Katz, judía, especialista en fundamentalismo islamico:

De wiki:

Katz, a fluent Arabic speaker, was born in Basra in Southern Iraq in 1963 to a well-to-do Iraqi Jewish family.[1][4]After the Six Day War and shortly after Saddam Hussein's Ba'ath Party seized power in Iraq in 1968, her father was arrested on charges of spying for Israel

As a committed Zionist, Katz was reluctant to ever leave Israel saying, “I believed that Jews belong in Israel”

Katz's SITE Institute, co-founded with Josh Devon in July 2002, was funded by various federal agencies and private groups. It analyzes "corporate records, tax forms, credit reports, video tapes, internet news group postings and owned websites, among other resources, for indicators of illicit activity"

Y aquí algo viejo, del 2010, pero tiene que ver con la descubridora de videos islamistas, Rita Katz:



Las primaveras árabes, buenas para Israel:
French Report ISIL(ISIS) Leader Al-Baghdadi Jewish Mossad Agent!

  • Simon Elliot (Elliot Shimon) aka Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi was born of two Jewish parents and is a Mossad agent.

French Report ISIL(ISIS) Leader Al-Baghdadi Jewish Mossad Agent!
by http://www.veteranstoday.com/, 4 Aug 2014
Simon Elliot, aka Al-Baghdadi, son of Jewish parents, Mossad agent

In French
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, so-called ”Caliph,” the head of ISIL (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant is,
according to sources reputed to originate from Edward Snowden, an actor named Elliot Shimon, a Mossad trained operative.
-Simon Elliot (Elliot Shimon) aka Al-Baghdadi was born of two Jewish parents and is a Mossad agent. We offer below three translations that want to assert that the Caliph Al-Baghdadi is a full Mossad agent and that he was born Jewish father and mother:

The real name of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is “Simon Elliott.” The so-called “Elliot” was recruited by the Israeli Mossad and was trained in espionage and psychological warfare against Arab and Islamic societies.
This information was attributed to Edward Snowden and published by newspapers and other Web sites: the head of the “Islamic State” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, has cooperated with the U.S. Secret Service, British and Israel to create an organization capable of attracting terrorist extremists from around the world.
Source: Radio ajyal.com

Another source corroborates this statement, the site Egy-press:

  • With photo support, a Iranian media discovers the true identity of the Emir Daash, a trained Zionist agent.

Iranian intelligence discovered the true and full identity of the Emir Daash, which is known under the name Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi; his real name is Elliot Shimon. Its role in Mossad secret agent in the Zionist espionage. His false name: Ibrahim ibn Awad ibn Ibrahim Al Al Badri Arradoui Hoseini.
The plan: get into the military and civilian heart of the countries that are declared as a threat to Israel