EIIL/ISIS: como Al Qaeda, fueron creados por la CIA y la OTAN

US, UK trained ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi along with Mossad


With the White House yet to give a full clarification on reports that the US trained ISIS recruits in 2012, another damning information has been leaked.

It has now emerged that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the terrorist group, was trained by Mossad, with the help of the US and the UK intelligence officials. The revelation was leaked by former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor and whistleblower Edward Snowden.

As per a report in Gulf Daily News, Snowden revealed that the US, the UK and Israel drew up a plan to protect the Zionist entity, by using a strategy called “the hornet’s nest”.

The strategy was to get all the terrorists together in one place under an Islamic slogan and engaging them in a war far from Israel.

In the documents leaked by Snowden, it claims that the ISIS was made for “the protection of the Jewish state”, and thereby keeping the enemies of Israel engaged.

Snowden’s leak also revealed that ISIS leader and cleric al-Baghdadi was given intensive military training for a whole year by Mossad, besides lessons on Islam and public speaking.

Multiple reports have stated that the US played a key role in training the recruits, who later become ISIS jihadists, who are currently controlling large swathes of land in Syria and Iraq.

The WND had reported back in February 2012 that the US, along with Turkey and Jordan, was running a training base for Syrian rebels. And these trained rebels reportedly turned against the US later and went on to form the ISIS.

Thousands of rebels were trained in 2012 and 2013 in Jordon, German weekly Der Spiegel reported.

The report went on to note that the organizers of the training camps wore US Marine uniforms, and the recruits were trained in anti-tank weaponry.


The former employee at US National Security Agency (NSA), Edward Snowden, has revealed that the British and American intelligence and the Mossad worked together to create the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Snowden said intelligence services of three countries created a terrorist organisation that is able to attract all extremists of the world to one place, using a strategy called “the hornet’s nest”.

NSA documents refer to recent implementation of the hornet’s nest to protect the Zionist entity by creating religious and Islamic slogans.

According to documents released by Snowden, “The only solution for the protection of the Jewish state “is to create an enemy near its borders”.
Y todo esto forma parte del Gran Juego.
De los que detienen el poder. Contra los demás.
Como nos lo explicó G. Orwell:

The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous.

Hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance.

This new version is the past and no different past can ever have existed.

In principle the war effort is always planned to keep society on the brink of starvation.

The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects and its object is not the victory over either Eurasia or East Asia, but to keep the very structure of society intact.

Charity in France Is Accused of Being a Front for Financing Terrorism in Syria


"Pearls of Hope" que solicitaba dinero por las redes con el fin de ayudar a niños enfermos palestinos y sirios y para promover la salud y la educacion en esos paises resultó ser un frente para financiar el terrorismo en Siria, segun denuncias de la policia francesa.
Es una entre las muchas organizaciones " humanitarias" que siguen en el punto de mira como sospechosas de levantar fondos en pro del terrorismo del estado islámico.
Charity in France Is Accused of Being a Front for Financing Terrorism in Syria


"Pearls of Hope" que solicitaba dinero por las redes con el fin de ayudar a niños enfermos palestinos y sirios y para promover la salud y la educacion en esos paises resultó ser un frente para financiar el terrorismo en Siria, segun denuncias de la policia francesa.
Es una entre las muchas organizaciones " humanitarias" que siguen en el punto de mira como sospechosas de levantar fondos en pro del terrorismo del estado islámico.

...ja!...Tony Blair y las grandes corporaciones tienen sus seguidores, está claro ;)



When Save the Children chose to bestow the Global Legacy Award on Tony Blair, the charity inadvertently revealed the dark underbelly of NGO activity.

When Tony Blair received the Global Legacy Award last week from Save the Children, an organization dedicated to “transforming children’s lives,” it seemed like a bad joke to many people. This, after all, was a man who had been willing to use fabricated evidence to launch an illegal war against Iraq during his time as Britain’s Prime Minister, a conflict that irrevocably “transformed” the lives of thousands of children by killing them. These days Blair is advising the new military regime in Egypt and doing a sideline in Saudi oil kickbacks. We don’t hear too much about children in either of those countries, but I’m willing to bet that living under military or aristocratic dictatorship isn’t too good for the little mites, especially when, as is the case with Saudi Arabia, child marriage is nothing unusual.

Considering this track record, I would think that anyone who has simply refrained from hurting children would be more qualified to receive an award from a charity dedicated to their protection than Tony Blair.

Many large NGOs are little more than public sector mirrors of private sector interests, with a top staff that has every reason not to rock the status quo.

Visto que habla también de las andanzas de IS en la región, pongo esta entrevista del Presidente de Sudán sobre lo que ocurre en el Oriente Medio amplio...a ver si cogemos algo de perspectiva...


The bloody conflicts in Iraq, Syria and Libya are the result of the interference by the US, which wants to gain control over the rich natural resources of those countries, Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir told RT.

“The people in Sudan believe that the since the fall of the Soviet Union [in 1991], injustice and oppression has prevailed around the globe as the US became the sole hegemon and began running things with impunity in many regions, including ours,” Bashir said.

In his interview with RT’s Arabic Channel, the Sudanese president labeled Washington’s policies in Middle East and North Africa as “harmful and destructive.”

“Just look at what’s now happening in Iraq and how it spread to Syria. All the suffering that is going in the Arab world is the work of the US,” he said.

The events in Iraq, Syria and Libya “are the result of the US, the Western meddling; it’s a manifestation of colonialism, which has just one aim to it – establishing control over the region and its natural resources,” Bashir said.

Sudan is constantly coming under pressure from international organizations “due to its firm stance, which is antagonistic toward US policies in the region,” he said.

In the most recent example, Bashir pointed to a UN/African Union Mission investigation into the claims by opposition radio that 200 female residents of the village of Tabit in war-torn Darfur region were raped in November.

The first inquiry revealed that no such crime took place, but “the hegemon [the US] was dissatisfied with such a conclusion and ordered another check,” the president said.

“As for the second investigation, we’re confident that there’s already a report on it prepared beforehand in Washington or New York,” he stressed.

The Tabit investigation, as well as the ongoing International Criminal Court (ICC) inquiry into genocide and crimes against humanity during the War in Darfur “are attempts to break the will of the Sudanese,”Bashir said.

“We’re talking about regime change in Sudan to put in power the new regime that would obey the West,”he said.

The president also called the ICC in The Hague “one of the tools of neo-colonialism, which is trying to [subdue] smaller countries, especially, the ones in Africa.”

“This court is based in Europe, but it only passes judgment on the Africans,” Bashir said.
Visto que habla también de las andanzas de IS en la región, pongo esta entrevista del Presidente de Sudán sobre lo que ocurre en el Oriente Medio amplio...a ver si cogemos algo de perspectiva...


The bloody conflicts in Iraq, Syria and Libya are the result of the interference by the US, which wants to gain control over the rich natural resources of those countries, Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir told RT.

“The people in Sudan believe that the since the fall of the Soviet Union [in 1991], injustice and oppression has prevailed around the globe as the US became the sole hegemon and began running things with impunity in many regions, including ours,” Bashir said.

In his interview with RT’s Arabic Channel, the Sudanese president labeled Washington’s policies in Middle East and North Africa as “harmful and destructive.”

“Just look at what’s now happening in Iraq and how it spread to Syria. All the suffering that is going in the Arab world is the work of the US,” he said.

The events in Iraq, Syria and Libya “are the result of the US, the Western meddling; it’s a manifestation of colonialism, which has just one aim to it – establishing control over the region and its natural resources,” Bashir said.

Sudan is constantly coming under pressure from international organizations “due to its firm stance, which is antagonistic toward US policies in the region,” he said.

In the most recent example, Bashir pointed to a UN/African Union Mission investigation into the claims by opposition radio that 200 female residents of the village of Tabit in war-torn Darfur region were raped in November.

The first inquiry revealed that no such crime took place, but “the hegemon [the US] was dissatisfied with such a conclusion and ordered another check,” the president said.

“As for the second investigation, we’re confident that there’s already a report on it prepared beforehand in Washington or New York,” he stressed.

The Tabit investigation, as well as the ongoing International Criminal Court (ICC) inquiry into genocide and crimes against humanity during the War in Darfur “are attempts to break the will of the Sudanese,”Bashir said.

“We’re talking about regime change in Sudan to put in power the new regime that would obey the West,”he said.

The president also called the ICC in The Hague “one of the tools of neo-colonialism, which is trying to [subdue] smaller countries, especially, the ones in Africa.”

“This court is based in Europe, but it only passes judgment on the Africans,” Bashir said.


@el porque de las cosas

Puedo hacerte una pregunta como ignorante de este tema:

Dices que el siguiente pais en caer es el libano, es una pena es un pais muy bonito
Pero y Jordania??? Tambien existe esa posibilidad de caer en manos del isic o no???
@el porque de las cosas

Puedo hacerte una pregunta como ignorante de este tema:

Dices que el siguiente pais en caer es el libano, es una pena es un pais muy bonito
Pero y Jordania??? Tambien existe esa posibilidad de caer en manos del isic o no???

No, la Familia Feal Jordana-Hoshemi son sharf, descendientes del Profeta, igual que la Familia Alaui en Marruecos.
Además, por que iban a caer?, centralizan el poder y obedecen a todos órdenes del Gobierno Mundial, además de mantener jerarquías y masas idiotizadas que es lo que interesa.

Otra cosa son los Saud, posiblemente judíos. Esta opinión comparten muchos islamistas, tienen muchos enemigos árabes, pero es un pais más armado del planeta y protegido por EEUU.
27 suicidios en 3 meses en Arabia Saudí por pobreza

10/02/2013 19:05

Arabia Saudí ha registrado unos 27 casos de su***dio, sólo en los últimos tres meses, informa este domingo el diario árabe Al-Hayat.

De acuerdo con el informe, esta creciente cifra se debe a la miseria extrema y catastrófica situación económica que azota a las familias saudíes, quienes se ven incapacitados para satisfacer sus necesidades básicas.

En los últimos años, la última opción para las familias saudíes de clase baja ha sido vender un riñón para poder pagar sus deudas.

Un estudio demuestra que la tasa de su***dio en el reino árabe está aumentando considerablemente, y más del 84% de las personas que recurren a esta práctica son menores de 35 años de edad.

La pobreza entre los diferentes estratos sociales en Arabia Saudí aumenta, en un país que es el mayor exportador de petróleo del mundo y uno de los más ricos Estados de la región.

El país árabe está administrado por una monarquía absolutista que se mantiene como sistema feudal, en el que la dinastía de los Al Saud gobierna concentrando todo tipo de autoridad y riquezas.

Desde el mes de febrero de 2011, los saudíes vienen realizando manifestaciones pacíficas en el país para exigir el cese de la escalada de discriminación económica y religiosa vigente en el reino, así como la liberación de los presos políticos, libertad de expresión y la aplicación de reformas políticas.

Mire fuentes más profesionales, y es cierto, en Arabia Saudí hay muchísima pobreza y sueldo medio son aprox.400$.

Mientras tanto, este HDP
El príncipe Al-Waleed Bin Talal, un multimillonario y miembro de la Familia Real Saudí, en su avión ...
además de violar las chicas en Ibiza.

Amigos de JC

El Rey Juan Carlos conversa con el nuevo rey de Arabia Saudí,

Las Monarquías son lo peor.
@el porque de las cosas

Puedo hacerte una pregunta como ignorante de este tema:

Dices que el siguiente pais en caer es el libano, es una pena es un pais muy bonito
Pero y Jordania??? Tambien existe esa posibilidad de caer en manos del isic o no???

No lo digo yo, lo dijo el US y NATO Gen. Wesley Clark en 2007, citando una conversación que tuvo a pocos días de los atentados de las torres gemelas en Sept. del 2001 con Donald Rumsfeld y D. Cheney:

Es una hoja de ruta que vemos hecha realidad en estos últimos 10 y pico años, directamente con tropas americanas / de la OTAN o indirectamente a través de agentes - el ISIS, IS o el que sea de turno...

Y luego:
No, la Familia Feal Jordana-Hoshemi son sharf, descendientes del Profeta, igual que la Familia Alaui en Marruecos.
Además, por que iban a caer?, centralizan el poder y obedecen a todos órdenes del Gobierno Mundial, además de mantener jerarquías y masas idiotizadas que es lo que interesa.

Otra cosa son los Saud, posiblemente judíos. Esta opinión comparten muchos islamistas, tienen muchos enemigos árabes, pero es un pais más armado del planeta y protegido por EEUU.

Pero no te esperes oír esto en las noticias: los medios de Formación de masa son Privados y Bajo el Control de los mismos intereses que provocan y ganan de la guerra...
Si te hacen falta pruebas...lee y verás.

Un saludo.