No sé si viene a cuento pero ésto ha caído en mi ordenador y os lo traigo...

Un 26 de agosto, como hoy, la Asamblea Francesa aprobó la declaración de derechos del hombre y del ciudadano.
En 1943 Jean Renoir dirigió la maravillosa película Esta Tierra Es Mía, con Charles Laughton. y Maren Ohara.
Acompañamos la emocionante escena dondo leen esta declaración
JUN 03 2014

  • End Times Bible prophecy being fulfilled!
  • Antichrist to be revealed in 2015?
  • Expert and author shows identity of the Antichrist
  • Is the Last Pope the new Black Pope and False Prophet?
  • Jerusalem up for grabs!
  • Pope given throne of Christ at ‘Last Supper’ site, on top of King David’s Tomb
By Alexander Backman


(CR NEWS) June 2nd, 2014- The once King of Spain, Juan Carlos I of Bourbon , part of the Hapsburg-Bourbon family, known in the inner circles of the Illuminati as one that controls much of the child-trafficking world-wide, has decided on this 2nd of June, 2014, to abdicate from his oligarchical duties as feudal monarch of Spain.

After 39 years of control and national supremacist power and living THE GOOD LIFE, while Spaniards suffer their demise, Juan Carlos uses this cryptic and highly-venerated number of 13+13+13 to send a message to his counterparts of the triple power that the Illuminati Bloodlines possess over Europe and the colonies, one of them being Mexico, where we know that behind the scenes, he who calls the shots are the King of Spain, Juan Carlos de Bourbon and Prince Felipe. 13 means rebellion and defiance of God in occult circles.

Unbeknownst to the majority of the populace and ignored by the ‘lamestream’ media is the fact that Juan Carlos is the current head of The Order of the Golden Fleece (Illuminati) and also active member of the feared and sinister Order of the Garter, and member of the exclusive Committee of 300. This man who is so worried about his fellow countrymen—what a laugh! — communicated his wishes to Spaniards via TV and online video stressing the need to allow a for new younger image of the throne to come to power: namely, his son Felipe de Bourbon (Prince of Asturias), who some allude as possibly fitting the image of the Biblical Anti-Christ. More on that later and why this is not so.

As a curious note, the downloadable video by EL PAIS TV in Spain is exactly 33.33 MB in size. It is no surprise that Juan Carlos is a member of the Club of Rome and Club of Madrid, both Illuminati fronts that dictate policy mainly focusing on population reduction.

Also noteworthy is that just this weekend the Bilderberg Group met in Denmark as they do annually in secret to discuss the Global Chessboard and make important decisions and adjustments that basically steer the direction the world will take in the following years. Question being, was the abdication of King Juan Carlos I, a decision approved by the Bilderberg Group? You have to admit that the uncanny proximity of the dates of both events happening and decisions being made, are not just happenstance. Juan Carlos resigns after Bilderberg concludes in Copenhagen? Come on! You’d have to be blind and stupid to not see the connection, right? It could be coincidental, although unlikely, but then again, there are no coincidences! Especially if we are to take into account that his wife, the devout Buddhist, Queen Sophia of Spain, had just attended the reclusive Bilderberg enclave this year. Read the list of attendees here and see for yourself. Sophia probably even called him and said, ‘Honey, you have to abdicate. It will all go to hell anyway. Better leave the country before it spirals into yet another Franco-reminiscent civil war.’ And Juan Carlos might have answered, ‘Sí, está bien mi amor’!

The abdication by the King of Spain comes as no surprise after he recently went to kiss the Jesuit Pope’s ring as a sign of submission and farewell. After all, it is the Jesuits that control the Illuminati after all. Mind you, that the Illuminati puppet, Mario Rajoy, who is the Prime Minister of Spain, saw this action as not only necessary but a ‘sign for change’. This in turn has fueled the left (communists and socialists) asking for the elimination of the monarchy once and for all— not a bad idea— The resignation is also a clear sign that Spain is in deep trouble since its economic collapse has literally brought Spain to its knees.

As danger looms on the Iberian horizon, the people of Spain are desperate and are looking for solutions as their lives have been torn apart by economic and social reform thanks to the Illuminati-controlled Bilderberg and the Zionist world banking dictatorship.

What do people do when they are hungry, when their middle class is pummeled into he ground and is no more? They get angry, they organize, and they revolt and ask for the King’s head of course! ‘Off with their heads!’ was the chant in 2012 by Trends analyst Gerald Celente. And he nailed it! Symbolically, this is what is happening now in the world. The Peoples of the nations of the world that have been hoodwinked (an Illuminati term, pun intended LOL!) by the illusion of democracies want these blue-blood’s heads on a platter, symbolically-speaking of course.

Maybe this trend will continue or create further reverb in the antimonarchy movements in Europe. It would be good to see the people rise and take back their country from the hands of feudalist dictators that believe they have a divine right of blood to govern over the common man.

My God what times we are living in! The time, I feel, is close to the unveiling of the Antichrist. And no, it is not Prince Philip of Bourbon, for all those out there who insist on it. Neither is it the King of Greece for that matter.

However, experts such as author Dr. Joye Jeffries Pugh Ph.D.,, in her well-referenced series of books ( unequivocally shows through her diligent research that the only man from the current Roman Empire II that fits the bill to a ‘T’ is none other than William Philip Louis Arthur of Wales, better known as Prince William and who is currently the head of the darkest and most satanic Masonic Order on Earth, the Order of the Garter. Please do check out the full list here.

Dr. Joye also shows that William, who is now married to his cousin Kate Middleton and now mother of their son George, is a ‘clone’ of Jesus Christ. Literally! In the book Eden, The knowledge of Good and Evil 666, Dr. Joye proves in my opinion how in 1978, the Illuminati managed to take a blood sample form the Shroud of Jesus in Turin Italy and through advanced science managed to revive this blood and from it, artificially impregnate Princess Diana of Wales who tried to at all means to now give birth to this abomination who she knew was not her baby.

It is also known that in high masonry, only few people on Earth have gone beyond the 33rd° degree in freemasonry. Within the Order, the knowledge to achieve maximum illumination is by ‘walking the full circle’ and achieving thus the full embodiment by the ILLUMINATED ONE THAT IS TO COME, Satan in the Flesh, or the Spirit of Antichrist occupying the body of a man in the End of Days. Make it be known that the 33° degrees is just the compass’ aperture. Once there, on needs to spin around the elite inner circle. No man has ever achieved this. Masons like Leo Zagami, an active member in the P2 Lodge in Monaco and former Illuminati, have gotten to the 90th degree, just 1/4 of the circle, which requires the sacrifice of the innocent blood of a child of at least 4 years of age which Zagami has confessed of doing.

The question remains, will William walk the full circle and become the Antichrist any time soon? Will he receive the blessing by the Pope as King of Europe and the World?

It stands to reason as valid if we take into account that just recently, on May 20th, the Black Pope, Adolfo Nicolas, abdicated as Superior General of the Jesuit Army, or Society of Jesus which for those in-the-know, is yet another Satanic Order that controls not just the Vatican from within, but controls world affairs. It is no secret that the IHS practically calls the shots when it comes to wars, gun rackets, organized crime, genocide, child sacrifice, you name it! It is also well-known within the circles that be, that above the Illuminati are the Jesuits. Nothing happens unless it has the approval of the Order. The question being… if the resignation of Nicolas leaves a vacancy in such a position of power, and with Jorge Bergoglio, alias Pope Francisco I, being the de facto first JESUIT in history to become Pope, and if the prophecy of Saint Malachi serves or proves to be accurate, that Pope Francisco is the Last Pope before the Vatican gets destroyed, then wouldn’t Pope Francisco in turn be the ULTIMATE BLACK POPE IN POWER? What need would there be of a successor to Nicolas if THE NEW WORLD ORDER POPE, as this image from the Irish Times, says it all….


Do I hear FALSE PROPHET anyone?

Just last week, Pope Francisco went to Jerusalem to rubber-stamp the deal with the Israelis and connect his third-eye with genocidal maniac Shimon Peres. Dr. Pugh replied to my email of the photo below questioning such ungodly practices and made note of how relaxed Bibi Netanyahu looked int he picture. She also noted the position of his hands in the image, only sic fingers showing!

Moreover, the worrisome reports such as this one mention the transcendent fact that the Poep was given the seat of David in Jerusalem where his tomb supposedly sits and on top of it the very place where Jesus had His Last Supper before being crucified for all mankind.

Do I hear Satanyahu anyone?

In conclusion, this succession of the throne inside one of the top Illuminati houses in Europe paves the way to, in my opinion, a cascading effect of successions and abdications across the monarchies, mainly that of Prince Charles of England, who according to insiders within the Illuminati itself have revealed to confidential sources, the Antichrist will be revealed to the world in the spring of 2015. Who better that Charles moving aside and allowing William, a devout Muslim to take charge and receive the blessings from the False Prophet?

Harsh words in these hard times for all to hear. But the TRUTH remains and history will allow us to verify that scripture is 100% correct in what is already happening and is about to transpire in the world. We are so close to the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ that 2017 or 2018 could mark the second half of the 70th week of Daniel the prophet.

Enough for now. I could continue on and on and on and on and on….

Make no mistake about it, Juan Carlos I of Spain is one of the worst of the bunch. This guy along with the King of Sweden, Carl Gustav, the Prince of Holland, former Nazi officer, and founder of the Bilderberg Meeting, Bernhard and his consort, the evil hag that is responsible for the 2010 Oil spill, Queen Beatrix, to name a few, are as evil as they come. These people are demonically-infested and thus the literal spawn of Satan.

But to prove it, well that is an entire different matter, sorry to say. You’ll just have to take my word for it while I keep writing my book that I might or might not publish.

  1. List of Knights and Ladies of the Garter
  2. Papal Puppet Bush
  3. Dr. Joye’s Official website
  4. Bilderberg 2014 : Full List of Official Attendees
  5. SPANISH KING’S ABDICATION: A new sign that Spain is in deep trouble, The Slog
  6. Know Your Enemy – “Committee of 300” Membership List
  1. b9b2ee8b1209f2eac2765afa08e4935e
    June 3, 2014 at 4:40 am

  2. 7869d321cfec5afa0f364b67f186345a
    gitardood says:
    June 4, 2014 at 8:07 pm
    Alex what proof do you have William is a devout Muslim? I wanted to add Prince Charles is a blithering idiot LOL. No wonder mommy won’t step down. On another note, I’ve been checking out the words from God given to Tom Deckard on YouTube and given that what God has told him to share in the past has always been 100% correct, I am paying heed to what was shared. I know one was a warning for Christians to get out of America now – which isn’t possible for most, so he then said make sure you get your relations with God to the deepest level you can, because ahead lies more jusgment.

  3. 7869d321cfec5afa0f364b67f186345a
    gitardood says:
    June 4, 2014 at 8:10 pm
    Reblogged this on Gitardood’s Weblog and commented:
    I applaud those like Alex who are warning the people. I have to mull this all over and seek God’s perspective, ie on the identity of AC being William etec, but I do know that Obamao haters true believers who are standing firm with Yahweh, as he also hates Israel – just as his master, Satan , does

  4. 8c7a232bd4f6802c58ba4420a4e385b4
    elo boost Lol says:
    October 23, 2014 at 6:30 am
    I read this post fully about the difference of most recent and
    previous technologies, it’s amazing article.
Tengo entendido que los objetivos del Nuevo Orden Mundial son básicamente tres. Esto tenía guardado de una lectura que hice.


A.: Disminuir drásticamente la población mundial porque las colectividades controladas por estos grupos han perdido la batalla demográfica con el Tercer Mundo, y ellos saben que, en el largo plazo, esta superioridad humana los derrotará. En consecuencia se proponen recuperar la misma relación demográfica que instaló la hegemonía europea en los siglos 19 y 20, (o sea que pretenden que exista 1 euronorteamericano por cada 3 habitantes del resto del mundo), esto determina que la población a controlar no debe superar los 2.000 millones o sea que el plan de máxima es eliminar a 3.000 millones de habitantes del Tercer Mundo, eliminando tanto sus lenguajes como sus sistemas de pensamiento y de concepción de la vida y del mundo, para imponerles aquellos más favorables a sus designios: el idioma inglés y la religión propagada por las sectas.

La miseria es el arma utilizada para el exterminio en esta guerra de baja intensidad, que mata por falta de alimentos, de agua potable y saneamiento, de educación y de producción. Primero asesina a los pobres transformándolos en indigentes y luego ataca a las clases medias, empujándolas a la pobreza para que sufran el mismo destino. Ahora destruir a este grupo social es un objetivo prioritario, pues es el que dispone de los recursos materiales e intelectuales que todavía pueden oponerles resistencia. Para eliminarlas se ocupan de empobrecerlas paulatinamente tanto material como espiritualmente poniendo en funcionamiento una serie de estrategias que combinan: a.) la “cultura de la deuda” que las debilita y les resta energías para todo aquello que no sea la supervivencia cotidiana; b.) enérgicas políticas de disminución de la natalidad que incluyen la masiva destrucción familiar eliminando la construcción de viviendas y creando una imagen siniestra del futuro destinada a desalentar el natural deseo de los jóvenes de traer hijos al mundo, a lo cual se suman c.) la reducción de la fecundidad con métodos biológicos incluidos en la alimentación, la propagación del consumo de drogas, y la facilitación de los abortos y del uso de elementos contraceptivos, y d.) las estrategias culturales destinadas a indiferenciar los roles femeninos y masculinos, que son la base de la atracción y mantenimiento de las relaciones de pareja y de los roles maternos y paternos, mediante la promoción del feminismo y la homosexualidad, que lejos de constituir un “derecho humano” que nadie niega, se impulsan mediáticamente con el único propósito político de disminuir la natalidad.

B.: Controlar todos los recursos naturales del planeta es el segundo gran objetivo, que incluye tanto el control de minerales, energía, agua y alimentos, como también la destrucción de las culturas de todos los pueblos que se han adaptado durante siglos o décadas a vivir y convivir con la Naturaleza. La estrategia incluye impulsar el éxodo de las poblaciones rurales hacia la periferia miserable de las grandes ciudades, impidiendo así que logren de la tierra los recursos que necesitan para la supervivencia. Esto se hace también para lograr el tercer objetivo:

C.: Subordinar a todos los sistemas productivos a las necesidades de las empresas multinacionales (que son controladas accionariamente por los bancos) para lo cual se deben destruir las industrias, cultivar con semillas patentadas, y anular las capacidades técnicas e intelectuales de todos aquellos sectores que no puedan ser utilizados directamente para el cumplimiento de sus planes.

Con esta finalidad buscan deshacer los sistemas aduaneros para destruir las producciones locales, regionales y nacionales, reforzar las leyes de propiedad intelectual con la finalidad de asegurarse el pago de regalías, destruir los sistemas de investigación y desarrollo que no controlan, o apoderarse de los resultados de los mismos para su provecho. A esto se suma la extranjerización de los servicios estratégicos de energía, agua, transportes, comunicaciones, seguros, etc., y las leyes, convenios e instituciones que les permiten controlar los volúmenes y calidades de la producción de todos los países con la finalidad de establecer el sistema de precios del intercambio internacional más apto para sus fines.

El proyecto final de los usureros consiste en restaurar un mundo aristocrático, donde una pequeña elite disfrute de todo lo bueno que el mundo ofrece, mientras el resto queda sometido a una esclavitud controlada técnicamente, y prácticamente sin vida espiritual, tal como George Orwell describe en su libro 1984. Cuando se editó este texto clarividente, todos atribuyeron el relato a las condiciones de vida que proponían instalar los regímenes comunistas, pero el autor consideraba las cosas más profundamente, pues se refería al programa que ahora se manifiesta con el nombre de Globalización
ha muerto esta noche...el hilo:

David Rockefeller, banquero y filántropo, muere a los 101 años en Nueva York

Rockefeller, que era el patriarca de la familia Rockefeller, murió mientras dormía en su casa en Pocantico Hills, dijo el portavoz Fraser Seitel en un comunicado


REUTERS - @abc_es 20/03/2017 15:59h - Actualizado: 20/03/2017 17:17h. Guardado en: Gente&Estilo Gente
El banquero, filántropo y consejero presidencial David Rockefeller ha muerto por insuficiencia cardíaca este lunes a los 101 años, dijo un portavoz de la familia.

Rockefeller, que era el patriarca de la familia Rockefeller, murió mientras dormía en su casa en Pocantico Hills, dijo el portavoz Fraser Seitel en un comunicado.

El conocido banquero presidió durante años el Chase Manhattan Bank y fue fundador de la Comisión Trilateral, creada en 1973 y considerada una de las organizaciones privadas más influyentes del mundo.

Nacido en Nueva York el 12 de junio de 1915, David Rockefeller, era el último superviviente de su generación dentro del clan Rockefeller, uno de los grandes nombres del capitalismo.

Su abuelo, John Rockefeller, está aún considerado como el estadounidense más rico de todos los tiempos y como la persona más acaudalada de la historia moderna.

A David Rockefeller, el más joven de los seis hijos de John Rockefeller Jr., la revista Forbes le atribuía hoy pocas horas antes de conocerse su muerte una fortuna de 3.300 millones de dólares.

Con estudios en Harvard y Londres y doctorado en Ciencias Económicas por la Universidad de Chicago, Rockefeller entró en 1942 como voluntario en el ejército y fue funcionario de inteligencia en Argelia y ayudante del agregado militar en París donde se licenció con el rango de capitán en 1945.

Al año siguiente ingresó como gerente adjunto del departamento internacional del Chase Manhattan Bank, una de las entidades financieras más grandes de Nueva York y en 1955 fue nombrado vicepresidente ejecutivo, antes de pasar a ocupar la presidencia en 1961.

En 1981, cuando tenía 65 años, abandonó el cargo en la entidad financiera tras asumir la iniciativa de su expansión a escala internacional.

Como filántropo, David Rockefeller se destacó por su apoyo a las artes y por financiar entre otros la creación del Rockefeller Center, el Museo de Arte Moderno de Nueva York, la Universidad Rockefeller o la construcción del World Trade Center.

Además, reunió una de las colecciones de arte más importantes del planeta con obras de Picasso, Cezanne y Matisse.

Durante sus últimos años, a pesar de su avanzada edad, mantuvo siempre una vida muy activa, con numerosos viajes y apariciones públicas.
Qué gran alegría para la Humanidad. Un ser mezquino, vicioso, instigador, cruel, manipulador, ...
Que disfrute mucho en el infierno.
Si la gente supiera realmente cómo era y lo que HACÍA... se celebraría una fiesta nacional.
En el Mundo han cambiado el titular. Han borrado "presidente de JPMorgan" por "banquero filántropo".
¿Filántropo un satanista?
Last edited:
Esto es lo que dijo esta rata: "Estamos al borde de una transformación global. Todo lo que necesitamos es una gran crisis y las naciones aceptarán el Nuevo Orden Mundial", " ¿De lo que se trata es de sustituir la autodeterminación nacional, que se ha practicado durante siglos en el pasado, por la soberanía de una elite de técnicos y de financieros mundiales"
David Rockefeller y su Opera Magna =NOM

D. Rockefeller’s Gruesome Legacy
By F. William Engdahl1
26 March 2017

The death of David Rockefeller, the de facto Patriarch of the American establishment, at age 101, is being greeted by establishment media with praise for his alleged philanthropy. I would like to contribute to a more honest picture of the person.

The Rockefeller American Century

In 1939, along with his four brothers–Nelson, John D. III, Laurance and Winthrop–David Rockefeller and their Rockefeller Foundation financed the top secret War & Peace Studies at the New York Council on Foreign Relations, the most influential private US foreign policy think-tank which also was controlled by the Rockefellers. A collection of American academics gathered even before outbreak of World War II to plan a postwar world empire, what Time-Life insider Henry Luce later called The American Century. They made a blueprint for taking over a global empire from the bankrupt British, but carefully decided to call it not an empire. Rather they called it “spreading democracy, freedom, the American way of free enterprise.”

Their project looked at the geopolitical map of the world and planned how the USA would replace the British Empire as de facto the dominant empire. The creation of the United Nations was a key part. The Rockefeller brothers donated the land in Manhattan for the UN Headquarters (and in the process made billions in the increased prices of the adjoining real estate that they also owned). This is the Rockefeller “philanthropy” method. Every grant donated is calculated to increase family wealth and power.1

After the War David Rockefeller dominated US foreign policy and the countless wars in Africa, Latin America, Asia. The Rockefeller faction created the Cold War against the Soviet Union, and NATO in order to keep a reviving Western Europe under American vassal status. How they did so I documented in detail in my book, The Gods of Money. Here I consider several examples of David Rockefeller’s crimes against humanity.

Rockefeller Biology Research: ‘Control the people…’

If philanthropy should be motivated by love of our fellow man, the grants of the Rockefeller Foundation are not. Take medical research. During the period until 1939 and the War, the Rockefeller Foundation financed biological research at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin. It was Nazi eugenics—how to breed a superior race and how to kill off or sterilize those they deemed “inferior.” Rockefeller financed Nazi eugenics. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil also violated US law to secretly supply the Nazi Air Force with scarce fuel during the War. After the War the Rockefeller brothers arranged for leading Nazi scientists involved in ghastly human experiments to be brought to the USA and Canada under sanitized identities to continue their eugenics research. Many worked in the CIA top secret MK-Ultra project.

In the 1950’s the Rockefeller brothers founded the Population Council to advance eugenics, disguised as population research into birth control. The Rockefeller brothers were responsible in the 1970’s for a US Government Top Secret project directed by Rockefeller National Security Adviser Kissinger, NSSM-200 titled, “Implications of Worldwide

Population Growth for US Security and Overseas Interests.” It argued high population growth in developing nations with strategic raw materials like oil or minerals were a US “national security threat” as more population demands national economic growth, using those resources internally (sic!).NSSM-200 made developing world population reduction programs a precondition of US aid. In the 1970s David Rockefeller’s Rockefeller Foundation also financed together with WHO development of a special tetanus vaccine that limited population by making a woman incapable of maintaining a pregnancy, literally going after the human reproductive process itself.

The Rockefeller Foundation created the entire field of genetic manipulation through its ownership of Monsanto Corporation and financing of university biology research to create the “gene cannon” and other techniques to artificially alter gene expression of a given plant. The aim of GMO, since Rockefeller sponsored the disastrous Philippine Golden Rice project, has been to use GMO to control the human and animal food chain. Today more than 90% of all soybeans grown in USA are GMO and more than 80% all corn and cotton. Yet it is not labelled.

‘Control the oil…’

The Rockefeller fortune is based on oil around companies such as ExxonMobil, Chevron and others. Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller’s political adviser since 1954, was involved in every major Rockefeller project. Kissinger secretly manipulated Middle East diplomacy in 1973 to trigger an Arab OPEC oil embargo.

The Oil Shock of 1973-74 was orchestrated by a secretive organization David Rockefeller created in the 1950s known as Bilderberg Group. In May 1973 David Rockefeller and the heads of the major US and UK oil majors met in Saltsjoebaden, Sweden at the annual Bilderberg Meeting to plan the oil shock. It would be blamed on “greedy Arab oil sheikhs.” It saved the falling US dollar, and made Wall Street banks, including David Rockefeller’s Chase Manhattan, into the world’s largest banks. This author has the “confidential” protocol of that meeting where the price increase strategy is described six months before the Arab-Israeli war. Please see my book, A Century of War, for documentation. In the 1970’s Kissinger summed up David Rockefeller’s world strategy: “If you control the oil, you control entire nations; if you control food, you control the people; if you control money, you control the entire world.”

‘Control the money…’

David Rockefeller was chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank, the family bank. He was responsible for getting Chase Vice President, Paul Volcker, to become President Carter’s Federal Reserve chairman to make the Volcker interest rate shock that again, like the oil shock, saved the falling US dollar and Wall Street bank profits, including Chase Manhattan, at the expense of the world economy.

Volcker’s October 1979 interest rate ‘shock therapy’, backed by Rockefeller, created the 1980’s “Third World Debt Crisis.” Rockefeller and Wall Street used that debt crisis to force state privatizations and drastic national currency devaluations in countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Mexico. Rockefeller and friends such as George Soros then grabbed the crown jewels of Argentina, Brazil, Mexico at dirt cheap prices.

The model was much like the British banks used in the Ottoman Empire after 1881 when they de facto took control of the finances of the Sultan by controlling all tax revenues through the Ottoman Public Debt Administration (OPDA). Rockefeller interests used the 1980s debt crisis to loot much of the indebted Latin America and African countries, using the IMF as their policeman. David Rockefeller was personal friends to some of the more savage military dictators in Latin America including General Jorge Videla in Argentine or Pinochet in Chile, both of whom owed their jobs to CIA coups arranged by then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger on behalf of Rockefeller family interests in Latin America.

Through organizations such as his Trilateral Commission, Rockefeller was the foremost architect of the destruction of national economies and advancing so-called Globalization, a policy that mainly benefits the largest banks of Wall Street and City of London and select global corporations—the same who are invited members of his Trilateral Commission. Rockefeller created the Trilateral Commission in 1974 and gave his close friend Zbigniew Brzezinski the job of choosing its members in North America, Japan and Europe.

If we speak of an unseen, powerful network some call the Deep State, we might say David Rockefeller saw himself as Patriarch of that Deep State. His true acts deserve to be honestly seen for what they were—misanthropic and not philanthropic.

The rich get richer, the poor get the picture
The bombs never hit you when you’re down so low
Some got pollution, some revolution
There must be some solution but I just don’t know
The bosses want decisions, the workers need ambitions
There won’t be no collisions when they move so slow
Nothing ever happens, nothing really matters
No one ever tells me so what am I to know
You wouldn’t read about it, read about it
Just another incredible scene, there’s no doubt about it
Hammer and the sickle, the news is at a trickle
The commissars are fickle but the stockpile grows
Bombers keep acoming, engines softly humming
The stars and stripes are running for their own big show
Another little flare up, storm brewed in a tea cup
Imagine any mix up and the lot would go
Nothing ever happens
You wouldn’t read about it, read about it
One unjust ridiculous steal, ain’t no doubt about it
You wouldn’t read about it, read about it
Just another particular deal, there’s no doubt about it