Hombres mayores y sin embargo bellisimos y atractivos...


Ahora esta bastante echo polvo la verdad, creo que la canción de Julio, "el vino y las mujeres" no le ha sentado demasiado bien, pero en esta foto estaba muy atracativo....jaja

Over the four years I’ve photographed the Tribeca Film Festival I’ve tried to produce a perfect head shot of Robert De Niro. All four years I’ve failed.

He is known for caring little about the red carpet. He is the master of the drive-by, striding down the carpet grasping his wife Grace’s hand and barely glancing in the direction of the photographers. When he does, the expression is often pained.

I understand: at this point in his career he has little use for the press.

He is considered one of the greatest living actors, and the theatrics and flashbulb onslaught of the red carpet as people cry your name can be an annoyance.

But that he is such a challenge made the silent pursuit to freeze him in photo at the perfect moment interesting. Every year, I try to improve my De Niro shots, but he continues to prove a a difficult subject. I failed again. His wife, Grace Hightower, always look marvelous. I often wish they would slow down just so I could photograph her more.

Below are my 2010 De Niro attempts, licensed Creative Commons 3.0:

At the Vanity Fair party – good everything, except the focus is off.

Good everything except the lips are puckered.

Nice expression, but the focus is a little off and I need him turned to the left a little more.

Goodbye Bobby, goodbye Grace – maybe I’ll do better at Shrek…

Here we are at Shrek. Once again I failed to get the perfect head shot of De Niro. He was not as spiffy as he was at Vanity Fair, where his hair looked particularly good. Here are the Shrek attempts:

His expression gives the impression he is tired.

Here the face says ‘concerned’ and he is not looking toward the camera.