Hollywood y los MKUltra, Illuminatis y más conspiraciones PARTE III


John Trudell, min 19 - 22:

“We’ve being imprinted by words that neutralise the feeling that has been projected by the thought. To believe. And to think. We can’t do both. Either we’re going to believe or we’re going to think. We project electromagnetic energy when we think. So when we’re thinking energy is flowing. When we believe we’re taking that energy and put it into a box…Here’s energy that should be going on finding its way into the Universe so that we can create solutions, we’re putting into the box of believe.

I think what technologic civilisation does is to suppress and erase the memory of the human being from us and turn us into citizens, and turn us into race and culture, and class…Turn us in all those other things that they turn us make divisive…

!!! We are in a dimensional reality where we don’t communicate as human beings, we don’t identify as human beings, because of the way the distortions and imprints have been layered and imprinted into our consciousness. !!!

Whatever all these identities and these things are I want to speak to you as a human being.

We feel through the being and we act through the human.

And our intelligence is the thing that sets all into motion. Everything that ever happens is by how we perceive reality, is based upon our intelligence. Our intelligence!… That’s power!

So whatever is going on is not about an absence of power. We have power.

!!! It’s just that we’ve been imprinted into a distorted way to perceive reality: we’ve been imprinted with trauma. To perceive reality through a traumatised mentality… !!!

So we use the power of our creative intelligence to feed on ourselves.

And that INDUSTRIAL RULING CLASS is like a mining: for them the mine the energy of the being through how they imprint the human to perceive reality. They mine the energy of the being through how they imprint the human to perceive reality the same way they mine the oil, the same way they mine uranium, THEY MINE THE ENERGY OF THE BEING THROUGH HOW THEY IMPRINT THE HUMAN TO PERCEIVE REALITY.
They mine the being of the human through how they imprint our perceptional reality, how they manipulate our intelligence.

And while they’re mining the being part of human through how they imprint our perceptional reality it leads on being poison and toxic. And these poison and toxic are the fears and the doubts and insecurities that now become a part of our perceptional reality. And once that sets in, we participate in this reality based on that perception of our inability and fears.

Our intelligence is the fuel that runs that so called “system”.

…”If there are children in Somalia starving it’s not because of lack of information”…
Os dejo un vídeo en donde Jim Carrey fue a promocionar su última película, y después de hacer algunas de sus gracias, en la entrevista dice que los del gobierno tienen comprado a los artistas para distraer a la población para que esta no sepa lo que realmente está pasando. Y acto seguido, le suena el teléfono, responde y comenzó a promocionar un nuevo modelo de teléfono.

Según en el tema conspiranoico, el teléfono es utilizado por los illuminatis para controlar a l@s Mk-ultras. Que fue lo que pasó con Carrey.

Está en inglés:

Un saludo.
¿Que habrá sido de Franky007 que escribía este tipo de cosas?

Los que son plebeyos y se han unido a la familia, empiezan a vomitar y a veces a tener problemas mentales con algo que no se esperaban de su "familia tan ejemplar". Eso les cambia la vida a muchos... de ahi la conducta rígida de mas de un plebey@.

post 421 de este mismo hilo.
¿Que habrá sido de Franky007 que escribía este tipo de cosas?

Los que son plebeyos y se han unido a la familia, empiezan a vomitar y a veces a tener problemas mentales con algo que no se esperaban de su "familia tan ejemplar". Eso les cambia la vida a muchos... de ahi la conducta rígida de mas de un plebey@.

post 421 de este mismo hilo.

Yo también echo de menos a @franky007, me gustaba leerlo :(

Este video es el síntesis de lo que ha ocurrido en el último siglo cómo política deliberada dirigida a convertirnos en "trozos de carne con ojos"...así somos felices en nuestra condición de esclavos/ganado...

Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt is an American freelance writer and whistleblower who served as a Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education during the first term of U.S. President Ronald Reagan, and staff employee of the US State Department (South Africa, Belgium, South Korea). She was born in 1930 and attended Dana Hall preparatory school and Katharine Gibbs College in New York City, where she studied business. Iserbyt’s father and grandfather were Yale University graduates and members of the Skull and Bones secret society.

She is known for writing the book The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America. The book claims that changes gradually brought into the American public education system attempt to eliminate the influences of a child’s parents (religion, morals, national patriotism), and mold the child into a member of the proletariat in preparation for a socialist-collectivist world of the future. She alleges that these changes originated from plans formulated primarily by the Andrew Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Education and Rockefeller General Education Board, and details what she says are the psychological methods used to implement and effect the changes.

In an interview concerning secret societies and the elite agenda she disclosed that in the early 1980s she had a chance to meet with Norman Dodd who had been the chief investigator for the United States House Select Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations and Comparable Organizations commonly known as the B. Carroll Reece Committee. In the video she claims that Dodd discussed a ‘network’ of individuals including Carnegie who planned to bring about world peace by means of rapid changes in society. These changes would be brought about by involving the populace in various wars and military conflicts. She further claimed that Dodd had discussions with Rowan Gaither, the president of the Ford Foundation in which he revealed that directives from the President of the United States compelled foundations related to the Ford Foundation to direct their funding into bringing about the merger of the USA with the Soviet Union.

Through her father Charlotte Iserbyt was able to gain possession of the complete listings of the members, living and dead, of the Yale University Skull and Bones secret society, fashioned into a three-volume set: living members, deceased members, and complete listing of both. She cooperated in the writing of Dr. Antony C. Sutton’s book America’s Secret Establishment – The Order of Skull & Bones by providing the list of members obtained from her father.

Fifteen Yale juniors are invited to join the Skulls each year in a process called “tapping”. A couple of thousand Yale graduates have been Skulls–WASP males from wealthy Northeastern families: Bush, Bundy, Cheney, Dodge, Ford, Goodyear, Harriman, Heinz, Kellogg, Phelps, Pillsbury, Rockefeller, Taft, Vanderbilt, Weyerhaeuser and Whitney were among its membership.

Iserbyt believes that the Bavarian Illuminati hid inside the Freemasons, and that the Skull and Bones Secret Society is derived from these Illuminati-degree Freemasons from Bavaria whose goals were documented in an original edition 1798 book Proofs of Conspiracy by John Robison in Iserbyt’s possession that she claimed was originally owned by the first president of the United States of America, Freemason, George Washington. The ideas of a ruling elite date back prior to Plato’s writings about the hierarchical plutocracy. Among the goals of the Order of the Illuminati were to destroy religions, and governments from within, merge the destroyed countries, and to bring about a one world government, a new world order, in their secret control.
Documental censurado por contar una verdad horrorosa: ped*filia en la cúpula de los EEUU
Los Verdes alemanes reconocen la infiltración “ped*fila”/ Psiquiatras ingleses: “nadie nace gay”/ Documental sobre pederastia en Hollywood, ¡la semana que viene en pantalla!

Como os he ido contando, el movimiento hippie cometió el gran error de tirar el “bebé” (la moral) “con el agua sucia de la bañera” (la hipocresía en la sociedad) y se imbuyeron del pensamiento del satanista Alistair Crowley de que “todo vale con tal de que produzca placer” y “no existe el bien y el mal, ni la verdad y la mentira”.

Los resultados de esta putrefacta escala de valores fueron algunas de las cosas que estamos viviendo en este momento referidas a la rampante corrupción… y las que vamos a ver en los próximos meses, personificadas en el mundo del espectáculo… y la política.

Treinta años después, el partido de Los Verdes alemanes reconoce que se equivocó al apoyar la pederastia en uno de sus documentos de los años 80; hay que recordar que el líder de Mayo del 68 y del Partido Verde Daniel Cohn (Cohen) Bendit se jactó de haber abusado sexualmente de niños en una vieja entrevista… y hoy es eurodiputado. Entiendes la profundidad de esta revelación, ¿verdad?

Os vengo avisando de que las investigaciones sobre las redes pedófilas se van a llevar por delante al Movimiento Gay porque los colegios son la “cantera” de la homosexualización, evidentemente. Que la Verdad empieza a aflorar es prueba este documento del colegio de psiquiatras ingleses que dice taxativamente “Nadie hace homosexual”. ¿Os suena de algo?

Desde hace tiempo os vengo preparando para el advenimiento de un auténtico terremoto cuando se conozcan la cantidad de estrellas del espectáculo y la política envueltos en estas prácticas. Aquí, en España, un día tras otro se está demostrando que los políticos se van de putas con el dinero de los contribuyentes: ¡veréis cuando se sepa que también contratan a niños para abusar de ellos!

Bueno, pues la semana que viene se estrena un documental que promete levantar ampollas sobre la pederastia ¡en Hollywood! Uno de los ejecutivos señalados es el agente de un tal Leonardo Di Caprio; y en este punto os recuerdo que la película que “lanzó a la fama” a este otrora niño prodigio fue “Diarios de baloncesto” en la que interpretaba a un niño yonqui y… prostituto. Ummmmm.

Llegados a este punto, y con el conocimiento de todos estos años de pesquisas, os voy a dar unos nombres de estrellas del rock que con mucha probabilidad aparecerán entre los “clientes” del proxeneta ped*filo de la BBC Jimi Saville: Mick Jagger, Elton John, David Bowie, Jimy Page, Pete Townshed, Freddy Mercury y Leonard Cohen.

Repasad, por ejemplo, la letra de la canción de Queen “Good old (fashioned) lover boy
Idos preparando porque esto no ha hecho más empezar…

Ver más aquí.

(via despiertaalfuturo.blogspot.com)

Este video es el síntesis de lo que ha ocurrido en el último siglo cómo política deliberada dirigida a convertirnos en "trozos de carne con ojos"...así somos felices en nuestra condición de esclavos/ganado...

Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt is an American freelance writer and whistleblower who served as a Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education during the first term of U.S. President Ronald Reagan, and staff employee of the US State Department (South Africa, Belgium, South Korea). She was born in 1930 and attended Dana Hall preparatory school and Katharine Gibbs College in New York City, where she studied business. Iserbyt’s father and grandfather were Yale University graduates and members of the Skull and Bones secret society.

She is known for writing the book The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America. The book claims that changes gradually brought into the American public education system attempt to eliminate the influences of a child’s parents (religion, morals, national patriotism), and mold the child into a member of the proletariat in preparation for a socialist-collectivist world of the future. She alleges that these changes originated from plans formulated primarily by the Andrew Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Education and Rockefeller General Education Board, and details what she says are the psychological methods used to implement and effect the changes.

In an interview concerning secret societies and the elite agenda she disclosed that in the early 1980s she had a chance to meet with Norman Dodd who had been the chief investigator for the United States House Select Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations and Comparable Organizations commonly known as the B. Carroll Reece Committee. In the video she claims that Dodd discussed a ‘network’ of individuals including Carnegie who planned to bring about world peace by means of rapid changes in society. These changes would be brought about by involving the populace in various wars and military conflicts. She further claimed that Dodd had discussions with Rowan Gaither, the president of the Ford Foundation in which he revealed that directives from the President of the United States compelled foundations related to the Ford Foundation to direct their funding into bringing about the merger of the USA with the Soviet Union.

Through her father Charlotte Iserbyt was able to gain possession of the complete listings of the members, living and dead, of the Yale University Skull and Bones secret society, fashioned into a three-volume set: living members, deceased members, and complete listing of both. She cooperated in the writing of Dr. Antony C. Sutton’s book America’s Secret Establishment – The Order of Skull & Bones by providing the list of members obtained from her father.

Fifteen Yale juniors are invited to join the Skulls each year in a process called “tapping”. A couple of thousand Yale graduates have been Skulls–WASP males from wealthy Northeastern families: Bush, Bundy, Cheney, Dodge, Ford, Goodyear, Harriman, Heinz, Kellogg, Phelps, Pillsbury, Rockefeller, Taft, Vanderbilt, Weyerhaeuser and Whitney were among its membership.

Iserbyt believes that the Bavarian Illuminati hid inside the Freemasons, and that the Skull and Bones Secret Society is derived from these Illuminati-degree Freemasons from Bavaria whose goals were documented in an original edition 1798 book Proofs of Conspiracy by John Robison in Iserbyt’s possession that she claimed was originally owned by the first president of the United States of America, Freemason, George Washington. The ideas of a ruling elite date back prior to Plato’s writings about the hierarchical plutocracy. Among the goals of the Order of the Illuminati were to destroy religions, and governments from within, merge the destroyed countries, and to bring about a one world government, a new world order, in their secret control.

Charlotte Iserbyt -- La Deliberada Estupidización del Mundo

The Secret History Of Western Education - Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt

...no entiendo por qué no salen los enlaces....espero que SC lo arregle...
...los videos están en youtube...de momento...