@Annaisabela : es difícil de creer que semejante aberración sea posible y esté ocurriendo.
El mejor ejemplo para percatarse de qué realmente es posible esta transformación, lo muestra el siguiente vídeo, en el que desde el primer segundo es evidente de que "la atleta" es en realidad un hombre.

Si, sé que es muy difícil de creer, pero llevaba yo ya varios anhos sospechando de varias parejas del mundo de la farándula, por ejemplo, Serena Williams lo comentaba mi marido cuando aún era una "jovencita" o tendría que poner jovencito?
Y ya el detonante ha sido, para mí, los Obama, para mi ya en ese momento estaba bien claro, pero mi alucine viene con que ésto se haga público, quiero decir, que yo creía que estas cosas se comentaban en casa y ya, y no es así, y que hay mucha más gente trans de lo que uno piensa.
Muchísimas gracias otra vez!

Edward Solomon

Am 19.03.2013 veröffentlicht

This video is not be construed as Anti-Semitic Material. The uploader himself is Jewish, although greatly opposed to Zionism. The uploader is from the organization "Aegis of Liberty," you can check our facebook page below. We have sent a letter to the creators of this video on Tuesday, March 19, 2013, to verify if they will allow us to use their material. This video will be removed if they reject permission. ------------- The contents contained in the following document, are so far only known to the political elite and to the political factions that have been adversely affected and criminalized by that same elite; however, it is paramount during these turbulent times, that the general public be made aware of the abuses that have been inflicted upon them, and continue to be perpetrated against them, both subtly and overtly --- both accidentally and intentionally, for these abuses have become intolerable. The abuses to be discussed are not isolated to any particular State or Locality within the United States, in fact, they are not even isolated within the United States itself. For the entire world is confronted by the same enemy, The Federal Reserve, and those who control and manipulate its actions. Unknown to most citizens of the United States, is the fact that the Federal Reserve is a Private Central Bank. Read the rest at: https://www.facebook.com/notes/the-ae...

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