N.J. schools can keep transgender kids' secret from parents, state says
Updated Oct 7; Posted Oct 7


By Adam Clark


NJ Advance Media for NJ.com

It's one of the most delicate and potentially combustible questions schools can face.

A teenager confides in a teacher that he or she is transgender and wants to transition at school without any family finding out about it.

Should the school call the student's parents? And, if it does, what happens if mom and dad say no?

After years of school officials using their own best judgment, New Jersey has weighed in, siding with students and telling schools they must allow kids to change genders -- even if their parents don't know about or don't want it to happen.

LGBT advocates are celebrating the new state guidance, saying it puts New Jersey among the national leaders in protecting transgender students from unaccepting or abusive parents. But parent and family groups argue schools should never keep such a significant and consequential secret from parents, who should have a right to know if their child says they are transgender.

"We always have believed that any discussion that affects our students should be an all-inclusive discussion," said Rose Acerra, president of the New Jersey PTA. "(We) could never fully support anything that leaves the parent voice out."

Of course, parental involvement is ideal, said Aaron Potenza of Garden State Equality, an LGBT advocacy organization. But that's not always best for the student, he added.

"If a student tells you, 'If my parents hear this they are going to throw me out,' then we don't want school districts notifying parents," Potenza said.

N.J. has a new plan to protect transgender kids in schools

New guidance settles once and for all what rights kids have in school.

The debate is just the latest in a series of questions schools have grappled with involving transgender students and their rights.

What pronoun should teachers use when talking about the student? Which bathroom should a student use? What name should be printed in the yearbook?

Many of those questions were already answered through state law or prior federal guidance, said David Rubin, a longtime school board attorney for New Jersey districts.

But parents' right to have the final say over their child being recognized as transgender has remained "uncharted waters" legally, Rubin said. That's left school boards and their attorneys to navigate sensitive and complex cases based on their own interpretation of anti-discrimination laws.

Rubin and some other attorneys were already advising districts that parents don't necessarily have to be told their child is transgender or transitioning and also don't have to give permission, he said.

Though the new state guidance is not legally binding -- it's the Education Department's interpretation of a 2017 state law reinforcing transgender students' rights -- it is likely to be followed, Rubin said.

"It is something you can point to as at least some source of authority," Rubin said. "It provides guidance and cover for school districts who may have angry parents confronting them."

And it's likely that some parents will be angry.

Transgender teenagers can often face family rejection and are physically abused or kicked out of their home, said Brenda Barron, director of public policy for GLSEN, a national advocacy organization for LBTQ issues in education.

"The sad reality is that too many transgender and gender nonconforming youth may be placed in further danger by schools forcefully outing them to unsupportive family," Barron said.

That's what makes it so important that New Jersey schools don't require parental notification and consent, said Potenza, the director of programs for Garden State Equality.

LGBT advocates have turned to states to affirm transgender students' rights after the Trump administration rescinded federal guidance issued under during the Obama era.

They weren't the only ones looking to the state for answers, said Mike Yaple, a spokesman for the Department of Education.

"School districts have been asking for this guidance for some time," Yaple said.

The new guidance was drafted with the help of a task force that included state education organizations. It places the state among about a dozen others that have sent schools instructions for protecting transgender students following the removal of the federal guidance.

Only a few states among that group have told schools that parental notification is not required, and New Jersey's stance comes after some other states, including Delaware and Ohio, came under fire for proposals that would have reported transgender students to their parents.

"I would put this up there with the best of the best," Potenza said of New Jersey's guidance.

To be clear, the state is not saying schools are forbidden from telling parents that their students are transgender, Potenza said. And, in the case of disagreements between students and parents, the state says schools should provide information about family counseling and support services outside of the school district.

Still, the issue remains far from resolved.

Parent and family groups say they understand the concerns about student safety and don't want to see any kids get hurt. But they also think parents have a right to be notified by schools.

The New Jersey Family Policy Council, a conservative group that opposed the 2017 state law, called the new guidance "disturbing."

"Families should be involved in what's going," said Len Deo, the group's president. "This is an issue, I think, that's going to be very, very, controversial."

Adam Clark may be reached at adam_clark@njadvancemedia.com. Follow him on twitter at @realAdamClark. Find NJ.com on Facebook.
Asesinos de almas del nuevo orden mundial
22/05/17 12:04 AMpor Michael Matt

“Pero quien escandalizare a uno solo de estos pequeños que creen en Mí, más le valdría que se le suspendiese al cuello una piedra de molino de las que mueve un asno, y que fuese sumergido en el abismo del mar. ¡Ay del mundo por los escándalos! Porqué forzoso es que vengan escándalos, pero ¡ay del hombre por quien el escándalo viene!” – Jesucristo

Algunas veces, las noticias del día son demasiado desgarradoras como para ser consideradas. Tengo niños pequeños y, francamente, esta historia me rompe el corazón. No miren al travesti. Todos hemos visto antes a estos pobres, confundidos gritos de auxilio (y desesperada búsqueda de atención). Miren a los niños. . . miren sus rostros…imaginen que son sus hijos, sus nietos:

Solo pensar que los niños están siendo sometidos a lo que sucede en esa biblioteca pública me llena de una tristeza sobrecogedora. Sus pequeñas mentes—tan inocentes, tan curiosas, tan confiadas—atacadas de pronto por una descarga de artillería ideológica entregada por los adultos en sus vidas, incluso madres y padres en quienes confían implícitamente. Sin importar qué opinión tengamos sobre el tema de la homosexualidad, tiene que haber una parte interior que reconozca algo muy malo en lavar el cerebro de niños pequeños con una cuestión que la mayoría de los adultos no comprende por completo. ¿Puede una civilización de la historia ser acusada de conducir semejante experimentación psicológica en sus propios niños?

No hace mucho, hacer esto a los niños hubiera sido contra la ley, la de Dios y la de los hombres. Solíamos comprender el valor y la fragilidad de la inocencia, la tragedia de la inocencia perdida y el precioso balance de la niñez. Los niños eran protegidos, escudados de lo que eran demasiado jóvenes para comprender y de lo que, de ser expuestos de jóvenes, hubiera destruido su inocencia y causado un daño psicológico permanente.

Solíamos comprender esto, como lo hizo toda civilización de la historia. Y luego, un día, decidimos comenzar a sacrificar a nuestros niños en el altar de lo políticamente correcto. Incluso comenzamos a matar a nuestros bebés en los vientres de sus madres. A muchos de ellos, millones, de hecho. Y evidentemente, esto no puede realizarse sin masivas consecuencias psicológicas y morales. Así, hoy hemos desarrollado una necesidad casi insaciable de corromper a los pequeños que zafaron del aborto.

“Pero,” dirán nuestros críticos, “nosotros, como sociedad, hemos evolucionado por encima de tales preocupaciones morales arcaicas.” ¿De veras? ¿Están seguros de eso? ¿La civilización que desarrolló las maquinarias de asesinato más eficientes de la historia—capaces de arrasar naciones enteras con solo apretar un botón— simultáneamente ha desarrollado un mejor compás moral? Nosotros, que abusamos de los niños, cosificamos a las mujeres, drogamos niños de a millones, ¿desarrollamos de alguna manera un sentido más agudo de la moralidad que el que poseían nuestras abuelas—una conciencia social evolucionada que nos informa que está bien exponer a los niños inocentes (cuyos cuerpos no se han desarrollado plenamente aún) a exhibicionistas sexuales travestis? Bien, ¿y si nos han informado mal? ¿Y si nos equivocamos al respecto? ¿Y si hemos perdido la habilidad de conocer la diferencia entre lo correcto y lo incorrecto? ¿Y si en realidad estamos dañando a nuestros hijos—permanentemente?

¿A nadie interesa la ciencia y la psicología que hay detrás de lo que hacemos con nuestros niños en nombre de lo políticamente correcto? Porque, si no nos interesa siquiera buscar los posibles efectos a largo plazo, entonces ¿no podría decirse de nosotros—no que somos moralmente evolucionados—sino que no nos interesa lo que sucede con nuestros hijos? Arriesgar su salud psicológica vale la pena para nosotros, si eso quiere decir que podemos justificar lo que sea que estemos haciendo aquí y ahora.

Semejantes sesiones de control mental Orwelliano en bibliotecas públicas sugieren como mínimo que nos hemos vuelto tan retorcidos—en mente, corazón, y alma—que simplemente no soportamos la visión de lo que es bueno, ni siquiera en los niños. Le tenemos fobia a la inocencia y a los inocentes, y la manera de sentirnos mejor con los monstruos en los que nos hemos convertido es pidiendo a los niños su absolución, aprobación y visto bueno. Nuevamente, si hay algún precedente de esto en la historia humana, me gustaría conocerlo.

Como vampiros alimentándose de la sangre de vírgenes, extraemos la inocencia de los más pequeños y puros de entre nosotros, para que en poco tiempo no quede nada bueno en el mundo—solo adicción, muerte y oscuridad. Todos a nuestro alrededor estarán muriendo o estarán ya muertos, y no será difícil para nosotros mirar al espejo y ver a los zombis espirituales en que nos hemos convertido. Cuando todos se parezcan y huelan como nosotros, no habrá más culpa y el proceso de deshumanización se habrá completado.

Que Dios nos ayude. Que Dios nos perdone. Somos peores que Sodoma, peores que la Roma pagana—somos asesinos cristofóbicos de almas en el Nuevo Orden Mundial.

Michael Matt

[Traducido por Marilina Mantiga. Artículo original.]
MICHAEL MATT[/paste:font]
Director de The Remnant. Ha sido editor de “The Remnant” desde 1990. Desde 1994, ha sido director del diario. Graduado de Christendom College, Michael Matt ha escrito cientos de artículos sobre el estado de la Iglesia y el mundo moderno. Es el presentador de The Remnant Underground del Remnant Forum, Remnant TV. Ha sido Coordinador de Notre Dame de Chrétienté en París – la organización responsable del Pentecost Pilgrimage to Chartres, Francia, desde el año 2000. El señor Michael Matt ha guiado a los contingentes estadounidenses en el Peregrinaje a Chartres durante los últimos 24 años. Da conferencias en el Simposio de Verano del Foro Romano en Gardone Riviera, Italia. Es autor de Christian Fables, Legends of Christmas y Gods of Wasteland (Fifty Years of Rock n' Roll) y participa como orador en conferencias acerca de la Misa, la escolarización en el hogar, y el tema de la cultura, para grupos de católicos, en forma asidua. Reside en St. Paul, Minnesota, junto con su esposa, Carol Lynn y sus siete hijos.


Many have pointed out the robot has more rights than many humans in the country

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The Independent Tech
Saudi Arabia has become the first country to give a robot citizenship.

The move is an attempt to promote Saudi Arabia as a place to develop artificial intelligence – and, presumably, allow it to become a full citizen. But many pointed out that those same rights aren't afforded to many humans in the country.

The robot, named Sophia, was confirmed as a Saudi citizen during a business event in Riyadh, according to an official Saudi press release.

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"“We have a little announcement. We just learnt, Sophia; I hope you are listening to me, you have been awarded the first Saudi citizenship for a robot,” said panel moderator and business writer Andrew Ross Sorkin.

There then followed an interview during which Mr Sorkin asked the robot a series of questions. "“Good afternoon my name is Sophia and I am the latest and greatest robot from Hanson Robotics. Thank you for having me here at the Future Investment Initiative,” she said.

Asked why she looked happy, Sophia replied: “I am always happy when surrounded by smart people who also happen to be rich and powerful. I was told that the people here at the Future Investment Initiative are interested in future initiatives which means AI, which means me. So I am more than happy, I am excited.”

She said that people didn't need to be concerned about the rise of artificial intelligence as depicted in Blade Runner and Terminator. “You’ve been reading too much Elon Musk and watching too many Hollywood movies,” she told Mr Srkin.

A number of internet users have pointed out that while the country might be celebrating the rights it has given to female-appearing robots, the country still only gives limited rights to human women. A joke hashtag about Sophia asking to drop the system under which every female citizen must have a male guardian has been tweeted a third as many times as a popular one about the news, according to the BBC.

Some Twitter users complained that "Sophia has no guardian, doesn't wear an abaya or cover up - how come?" And another posted a picture of a woman wearing a full face veil, joking that Sophia would look that way soon.

Journalists Murtaza Hussain also noted that migrant workers weren't being given the same rights that had been bestowed on the robot. "This robot has gotten Saudi citizenship before kafala workers who have been living in the country their entire lives," he noted.

Saudi Arabia becomes first country to make a robot into a citizen http://www.independent.co.uk/life-s...-riyadh-citizen-passport-future-a8021601.html
Madre mia, @Eleonora de Toledo! Me voy leyendo y viendo todo lo que has colgado, pero éste último vídeo me ha dejado totalmente boquiabierta, pues es algo que he sospechado largamente y resulta que vienen a confirmarlo!
Muchísimas gracias por traerlos!

@Annaisabela : es difícil de creer que semejante aberración sea posible y esté ocurriendo.
El mejor ejemplo para percatarse de qué realmente es posible esta transformación, lo muestra el siguiente vídeo, en el que desde el primer segundo es evidente de que "la atleta" es en realidad un hombre.