Cómo a través del virus de los medios, se inocula el virus del miedo

Próximo objetivo, ¿los suministros? Cuánta casualidad junta...

El Canal de Suez suspende temporalmente la navegación por el buque varado


Me parto
Entonces yo, que en teoría no puedo ir a otra comunidad autónoma, voy a coger un vuelo en Madrid porque me da la gana hacia Estonia, y ¿nadie me va a decir nada? Menudas "normas" para tont@s... Si supieran por dónde me las paso jajajajaja!!
Y dicen esto, porque la vacuna no influye para nada, ¿verdad? Esto cada vez pinta peor ya lo dijo Geert Vanden Bossche "Las campañas de vacunación masiva acelerarán la aparición de variantes de escape inmunes aún más infecciosas"


Biontech diseño la vacuna en 48 h y en febrero 2020 ya la tenian preparada.

Lo que a mi me cuesta preparar croquetas, ellos prepararon la vacuna. Impresionante!
el mejunje que están infectando actualmente es una verdadera chapuza. no es quieran matar a nadie, sino que por simples motivos objetivos, de organización, tecnologia y logística.

El período de prueba de cualquier vacuna que normalmente es de 7-8 años lo han reducido / concentrado en 2,5 años. La Pfizer termina sus estudios en Febrero del 2023 (información publica, notoria y consultable).

Con lo cual, lo que actualmente se está inyectando a la gente es un experimento dentro del experimento. Me explico:

1. a parte de los resultados del estudio que tardarán todavía un par de años en llegar - y que nos podrían dar alguna indicación de los efectos adversos a medio plazo de esa terapia con m-RNA (del todo innecesaria para los que no son grupo de riesgo),
2. está la baja calidad - por razones objetivas - no han tenido el tiempo material de optimizar el proceso - de la preparación, transportación y estado del producto que inyectan.

Aquí el testimonio de una biologa molecular con todos los detalles técnicos pertinentes sobre la bajísima calidad del producto actual Pfizer y los posibles efectos adversos a medio-largo plazo.

Para los que le dan pereza las lecturas largas y llenas de tecnicismos el resumen es: a día de la "vacuna" Pfizer es una chapuza potencialmente peligrosa:

Interview with Dr. Vanessa Schmidt-Kruger​

Hearing # 37 of German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee
30 January, 2021​

This is Hearing No. 37 of the German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committeewith \ Dr. Vanessa Schmidt-Krueger, beginning at minute 3.56.38 of the hearing to the end.\ The transcript was first produced in German and then translated (by Gilian Crowther, member of the BDÜ, the Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators)

For the original, please see Hearing 37 here

The German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee was launched by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on July 10, 2020. Dr. Fuellmich LL.M. (UCLA) is an attorney at law, authorized to represent at all courts in the US federal state of California. He has been a consumer protection trial lawyer in California and Germany for 26 years.

The Corona Investigative Committee has been listening to a large number of international scientists and expert testimony since its inception. Class-action lawsuits are being prepared in the US and Canada. Lawsuits are also being prepared in Germany. Germany does not permit class-actions so the process is being prepared differently there. The committee is also working on the creation of legal guidelines and data caches that attorneys around the world will be able to use to file their own lawsuits.

On 30^th^ January 2021 the German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committeeinterviewed Dr. Vanessa Schmidt-Kruger, a Cell Biologist with over 20 years’ experience in molecular medicine working at the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (https://www.mdc-berlin.de/person/dr-vanessa-schmidt-kruger).

This is her evidence presented at the 37^th^ Hearing of the German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee on 30^th^ January 2021.

RF = Dr. Reiner Fuellmich\ VSK = Dr. Vanessa Schmidt-Krueger\ VF = Viviane Fischer\ MT= Marcel Templin\ Dr. H. = Dr. Holzeisen (Italy)\ \ *RF: [Dr. Schmidt-Krueger] conducts research on cardiovascular disease and will explain the mechanism and risks of the vaccine.

*VSK: I’m a cell biologist and my specialist field is the functional characterisation and elucidation of proteins, i.e., I understand how proteins are produced, how they are transported in the cell, how they are taken up by cells, how they are metabolised, how intra- and intercellular communication takes place, including within tissue, and how organs interact. This is all very important if one wishes to conduct a risk assessment: how the vaccine functions for example, and the dangers/risks of the lipid nanoparticles (LNPs). This technology is not really new: it’s novel as a vaccine, but we have been using these LNPs in research for over 20 years, and we have always been struggling with the problem of toxicity of the lipids and balancing this against their efficacy.

I would like to explain a little using the example of the BioNTech (BioNTech) vaccine, focusing on a number of specific points. I’ve made a few notes.

The first point is that the BioNTech vaccine that is currently already being used is not highly purified, it contains contaminants of certain components. This is in the EMA’s Open Assessment Report, the Agency that has granted the authorisation to this vaccine. The EMA has written this report, and covers this point.

Secondly, I would like to go into the first clinical study of the BioNTech vaccine, and how the quantity of vaccine to be used was determined: this has not been correctly characterised from a scientific perspective in my opinion.

Point 3 relates to the effects or risks of the LNPs, and again I will be focusing on the BioNTech vaccine, the preclinical study they conducted, everything that came out in that, and what has not been discussed in public, and also what the publications say. This is basically not the only research study [on this].

And finally if we have time I would like to talk about the long-term consequences relating to immune disease, that is an aspect that has not yet been discussed in public at all.

RF: I don’t know if you are aware of this, but right next to you [on screen] is the colleague Dr. Holzeisen, who is key in constructing the plea for annulment of the vaccine authorisation: what you say today is likely to have a substantial impact on the lawsuit that we formulate and submit to the European Medicines Agency/the EU Commission.

VSK: Ok, pleased to help. I have made notes and can submit them in writing later.\ Good. Why isn’t all this being discussed? One reason might be that this Open Assessment Report is in English, and half of Germany can’t speak English. Then there’s the factor that one needs to be very familiar with the entire medical terminology in the report. And then there are all the technologies and cellular operations described: only specialists like myself can really understand them. That’s why I’m here, and would like to try and throw some light on all of this.

Basically the EMA Committee’s report has two main sections: one is about Good Manufacturing Practice, GMP, i.e. all the production processes, purification, how good the quality is and the monitoring mechanisms. And the second section is the preclinical study.

In the first section on the GMP they have done very good work I would say: they were very critical, asked for subsequent submission of a great deal of scientific evidence, and asked for numerous improvements. They were very critical and granular, and I was impressed with that. But their approach to the second section concerning side effects was in stark contrast to that. They didn’t conduct any critical scrutiny at all, there are lots of side effects that were not discussed at all in public, they also didn’t critically scrutinise what consequences it will have to inject this into people, particularly vulnerable groups who already have certain organ-related complaints, who are especially susceptible to these adverse effects. I’ll go into them in detail at the end.

We know that normally vaccine development takes a very long time. It’s not just the clinical phase: with this vaccine, it’s set at three times two and a half years, i.e., three phases of 2.5 years each plus the evaluation phase, which makes 7 ½ years in total. And then one shouldn’t forget that the production optimisation is also important, at least a year would surely be needed for that. That hasn’t taken place at all. The vaccine is already being sold and used, but the production optimisation isn’t yet by any means completed. And there are considerable deficiencies.

One issue I would like to discuss are the deficiencies relating to the active substance: by that, I mean the modified RNA that they are synthesising. As a second issue there are deficiencies in the consistency of the various production batches: they need to always be consistent so that one always obtains the same vaccine volume and quality.

The problem that BioNTech had is that in the clinical phase the product, i.e. the RNA, was produced with completely different techniques to how it is being produced now. During the clinical phase they only needed small volumes of vaccine, they were able to use very expensive techniques that delivered highly purified end products. Now that they have entered mass production, that is no longer possible, they have had to switch to lower-cost processes, e.g. using huge quantities of DNA that functions as the substrate to be able to produce the RNA in an in-vitro transcription reaction. This is done via bacteria, via the fermentation of transformed bacteria that contain this DNA. The bacteria multiply the DNA in huge amounts, and this leads to new dangers or risks, particularly contamination. At the moment for instance the situation is that the DNA is transformed in the bacteria, it is multiplied, next the bacteria are opened and the DNA is extracted, then it is linearised via enzymes, and after that the linearised DNA undergoes in-vitro transcription to produce the RNA using various procedures. The EMA Committee made various requirements of the vaccine manufacturer, i.e. BioNTech. The applicant needs to now develop and introduce various analysis processes to ensure that the substrate is free of microbiological contaminants – they probably mean E Coli bacteria for example. There don’t seem to be any processes to ensure or monitor for that. They also need to ensure that all the buffers – those are the solvents that are used – are free of RNAses. RNAses are enzymes that degrade RNA. If there are any contaminants of these RNAse solvents, then RNA in the vaccine will be degraded and the vaccine won’t have any effect anymore. They also have to analyse how strong the activity of the enzymes is; that is very important because I explained that after that the RNA is transcribed from the DNA and then the DNA has to be eliminated, it is digested by enzymes: by DNAses. And if this DNA is not digested well enough, if residues are left, this harbours risks – I’ll come back to the risks from DNA residues, but the activity of the enzymes has to be monitored well and at the end you need to have a pure RNA without any more DNA. And that is not the case. BioNTech has admitted that there are DNA contaminants.

So. Requirements were also made relating to the fact that they have not conducted a transport verification study. This means they have no idea whether the vaccine is still viable after transportation. That is currently being performed.

Then there’s the sterility of the vaccine vial. They have good vials, they have tested them, but they have been asked to develop a new “Quick Test” so that the doctor or whoever administers the vaccine can conduct this test to check whether the batch that they have just purchased is really sterile.

This is simply an additional step that should be taken.

And then they don’t have any proper standard for the various batches.

It was found that the integrity of the RNA always varies in the batches that had been made. I will come back to that again. There needs to be a standard that is always the same for each batch. This should be used as the reference to measure the standard. And they only have this of course for the processes of the clinical phase. Now we have to generate a new standard for the new manufacturing processes, i.e., for the commercial sales. That hasn’t been done yet, they are in the process of doing that now.

So – the integrity of the RNA means of course the RNA quality. They have found that this is not very high: it was higher for the processes during the clinical phase. In this report they don’t say how high it is, but I have other information that says 78% of the RNA was good [translator: this refers to the integrity], the remainder was not, but now they have found new batches with only 55% RNA integrity, i.e., half of it is basically unviable. I’ll explain that again: during the synthesis of this RNA, the DNA serves as a template, and then the RNA is produced. It is possible that the entire RNA is not produced, the process is broken off prematurely, this has to be checked. There are analysis methods for checking what percentage of the product that has been produced has the full RNA length (100%), and what percentage is only 80% or whatever. These truncated pieces of RNA are more unstable as a result: at the end of the RNA there is an adenine attachment, and the longer this “tail” is, the more stable the RNA is in the cell. If this is truncated, the RNA is degraded in the cell relatively fast, and then no protein can be formed at all: in the worst case so little protein is formed that no immune response can take place. But that’s the worst case. If you have RNA integrity of only 55% and the remaining 45% is just truncated pieces because you have found shortened pieces of RNA, then the EMA Committee wanted to know whether truncated protein pieces would be produced, and how much of the proper protein [translator: i.e., spike protein] is produced. This all needs to be analysed.

RF: You are just explaining to us everything that is going wrong with production, and a risk that does not appear to have been discussed at all – at least I have not read anything about what you have just discussed – is that 45% of the RNA that is produced from the DNA is non-viable.

VSK: It may be non-viable if the protein is not formed – BioNTech has to check that now because one can make the proteins visible using a specific technique, and then one can see how large the proteins are. They are divided up according to their size, and if truncated proteins are made due to shortened pieces of RNA, then one sees that because new shorter proteins are formed. In their analysis they have seen various bands, i.e. various protein sizes, and the EMA Committee would like to know from BioNTech whether these various sizes all belong to the same protein or not – whether they are other proteins – shortened proteins that perhaps have no effects at all, and what percentage of the correct protein that we want to have is actually in the vaccine dose. How much is being made.

VF: The small proteins: could they simply have no function, or might they produce some other effect?

VSK: I assume that they would then be without function.

RF: At least they wouldn’t be doing any damage then?\ \ VSK: Yes, these are not completely different proteins, this is just a small fraction of the spike protein. (15.11)

VF: And just one other question about the DNA – what kind of DNA is this that is sort of swimming around, what effects could it have?

VSK: The sequence of the DNA is complementary to the RNA, and this is needed so that the enzyme has a “template”, so that the RNA can be “read”. The RNA is transcribed by the DNA, that is basically the gene of the spike protein. The gene codes for the protein; the RNA is the interim product.

WW: If shorter pieces are produced, i.e., not the longer proteins but these short sections, I’m thinking about the immune system. There are many homologies in biology, the immune system reacts differently to what is produced in the cell. Is it possible that certain things – that something is is recognised there by the immune system that leads to cross-reactions – leading to aberrant immunity or aberrant immune reactions? I would be interested in the immunological aspect of these contaminants.

VSK: The protein has a specific sequence length and a specific number of amino acids, this results in specific folding of the protein. If one has truncated RNA, it is possible that the folding looks different, and this can of course have an effect on the antibody formation. I wouldn’t say that it would have a negative effect because the protein has to reach the cell surface for the cell to recognise it at all. If it is very truncated, then it doesn’t find its way there, it would not be anchored in the membrane, it would be secreted from the cell and enter the [blood] flow. So this is theoretically possible, but I think the likelihood is very slight that another protein or a differently folded protein would arise, causing other types of side effect.

WW: Thank you.

VSK: To come back to Ms. Fischer’s question about the DNA. The problem is that when it contains DNA contaminants, then the situation is: well, with RNA it is relatively unlikely that it can integrate into the host’s cell nucleus. The situation is different with DNA, and especially in this case because you have contaminants of linearised DNA. The integration of DNA into the nuclear genome is relatively rare really – many different factors have to come together for this to function. First of all the cell has to divide; if it divides properly it can’t be integrated because the cell genome is in the nucleus of the cell and this cell nucleus first has to dissolve. But it only does this when the cell is dividing. I will come back to this, because the lipid nanoparticles get into all cells, not just the muscle cells – it is an error to believe the latter.

RF: That is important, that’s what really counts.


VSK: So it is theoretically possible that this linearised DNA that is in there as a contaminant could integrate into the host’s cell nucleus in a dividing cell, linearised DNA is optimal for integration. Circular DNA is not. DNA from bacteria is circular and is not as easy to integrate. It happens, but not so often. But as soon as you have a situation like we do here, it will happen more often. That is the risk. I didn’t really want to get into what can happen if this is the case: genes can be switched on and off, upregulated and downregulated, cancer can develop – there are a lot more possibilities. So this contamination definitely has to be reduced.

RF: Can you explain that to us again because that is particularly important for us as lawyers, especially for Dr. Holzeisen. What can happen in that case?

VSK: Ok. This integration: where it occurs is the nuclear genome – we can’t control that, it can happen anywhere. There are sections in the DNA that are vulnerable to it, and others that are not so vulnerable. And it is important where the DNA lands. It may land on a gene: then the gene will become dysfunctional, the protein will no longer be formed, and if it is an important protein, the cell may die, and if this continues to replicate, this can cause really massive damage. If for example it lands in an important cell that divides frequently, then clones can arise that are modified, they are gene modified, and in that case in these cloned cells these proteins are no longer produced and then, in the worst case, there is a loss of function. If it leaps into genes that have a regulatory effect on gene expression, then the genes may be switched on or downregulated, i.e., the output will differ. And this means the metabolism of the cell will alter. If this is passed on in replication, then many things may alter in the body.

WW: But these are processes that are probably not the same in all patients. Whether this happens at all is stochastic at the most, and if it does happen, the results are probably also dependent on each individual and what else is going on in their cells. So one can’t say put that in and this is what will happen, these are eventualities – if a million or so and so many thousands of people are vaccinated, then one can perhaps say with a certain degree of probability after 10 or 20 years whether something will happen or not.

VSK: Yes.

WW: With some things perhaps after 3 or 4 years. But one needs some time to be able to detect such effects clinically.

VSK: That’s exactly right. One never finds a group that all have the same mutation, this varies in people - exactly.

RF: This description is not the normal way a vaccine works, from what we have known up to now, the possibilities that you describe seem reminiscent to more of a genetic intervention or perhaps one should say a genetic experiment -?

VSK: Yes, that is true. The vaccine itself, even if the DNA – that contamination – were not in it – is still a genetic intervention. I’ll be talking more about that, then you will be able to understand it really clearly. But I don’t know how high the contamination is, they have only stated the fact that it is contaminated.

VF: But against the backdrop of this DNA issue, especially in the case of dividing cells, the question that arises is that it is probably especially dangerous to vaccinate pregnant women or children, because in those cases the cells are dividing much more than in an adult or a very old person.

VSK: That’s absolutely the case.

WW: In the case of pregnant women one also has the problem that the immune system reacts differently than in those who are not pregnant. Because in pregnancy the immune system is switched so that the foetus is tolerated and not rejected. It reacts differently as a result. This may also have a bearing with this vaccination, it can lead to complications in pregnancy, and also in older people, where certain processes no longer take place – the immune system tolerates more than normal, and immunological complications arise as a result. This could happen in elderly people and in pregnancy.

VSK: But as I have said, we are all at risk because our cells are subject to ongoing dynamism: millions of cells in us are being degraded and renewed every day: one has to consider all the stem cells, all the immune cells, it is a constant flux: if these contaminants interfere, then …

That’s why the AstraZeneca vaccine is an entirely different caliber.

But to stick with BioNTech: there are further contaminants, there is double-stranded RNA for instance. The EMA Committee says it is slight, it is acceptable, but …

It is measuring it in the quantities that are in there: part of the 30 micrograms is double-stranded DNA….that is something else that cannot be used.

Ok, so the EMA tells the vaccine manufacturer that the acceptance criteria for the mRNA integrity, the double-stranded RNA and these shortened RNA pieces etc., that all has to be reassessed, and as soon as further data are available they will review it again.

Good. Then there are also contaminants relating to the lipids that are used for these lipid nanoparticles (LNPs). They have sometimes observed visible particles in the ready vials. They don’t know why that is. They don’t think this comes from storage. They have certain automatic monitoring systems at the manufacturers and also later in the process that check and monitor for this, but this needs to be improved, it’s not sufficient for the EMA. The doctor who handles this vial later is meant to look and see if these particles are there. If so, it is meant to be discarded. I don’t know whether that is being communicated. 26.18

RF: But just to go a step back for a moment: You have just said that the EMA has specified several requirements, and when they have fulfilled them they should come back again. So how come vaccinations are already taking place?

VSK: That’s a question I’d ask you! 26.41

Such political pressure.

Dr. H: That’s criminal, unbelievable. Terrifying.

WW: Another point is that in the USA and elsewhere it is now being permitted to combine different vaccines for the first and second vaccine … Mixing the different vaccines so that one can’t even draw clear conclusions, and this while studies are still ongoing – well, they are supposed to be studies – that the vaccine doses are being mixed so that you can scarcely determine which vaccine is having which effect and which side effect – that seems to be intentional, it’s like that in the USA, that the Moderna, BionTech and AstraZeneca vaccines can be mixed – if one isn’t available, another can be used. This makes it impossible to have an overview and it means it can’t be evaluated in the observational study either – which means we’re flying blind.

VSK: Yes, that’s exactly how I see it. They have a deadline of the end of July of this year for these investigations, and then the decision will be made as to whether the vaccine receives final authorisation or not; it only has a temporary authorisation at the moment from what I understand. The problem is that all these analysis techniques, protocols, all these commitments they have to make, it’s all running parallel to the vaccines actually being administered – that’s what’s so disastrous.

RF: If we wait until July we won’t have any Israelis left as far as I can tell. Holy Shit.

Dr. H: At the same time the EU Commission in the person of its President has given clear instructions to have most adults vaccinated by July, especially those who are already have underlying conditions, and our health professionals, etc. There’s huge pressure towards mandatory vaccination. This is criminal. We will definitely file a criminal complaint next week: this information was the final evidence that we needed. The plea for annulment, if we don’t file it with the European Court of Justice – we will try to next week. I’d request that you submit your written notes quickly to me please, it is essential, we really have to expedite the proceedings, this is costing lives every day across the world. We can try to block it on an EU level. This is dreadful.

RF: We will do the same in the USA, we’ve already discussed this, but it’s ready Renate, it’s on the way to you.

Dr. H: This information, if you could send to me in writing what you have said here afterwards, that would be really superb.

VSK: I will send you everything. The information is public, it’s in the Assessment Report.

Dr. H: That’s clear, we’ve seen it too, but it’s always important to have a coherent commentary, too.

VSK: That’s fine. So I’ll continue. There are also contaminants with regard to the lipids (30.32). There are two new lipids, they have focused on them. One is ALC-0315, that is the cationic lipid, and the other is ALC-0159, the PEGylated peptide, the PEG component. And they have found that the end product – that there are contaminants in the end product in some batches. They don’t know where this is coming from, probably from the cationic lipid. They now have to find out where the contaminants are coming from, and the EMA has therefore asked them to write a report on how the chemical synthesis functions, where they obtain it from, i.e., the manufacturer, which means conducting a quality control for the feedstock and the solvents. They have to list which steps are critical in the synthesis. And they have to do all this by the end of July 2021. So they don’t know the source of the contaminants, and the EMA Committee didn’t go into what consequences the contamination might have.

There is no evidence of contamination for the PEG, but they also need to document their strategy for the quality control, purity, etc. on this in writing, too.

The EMA Committee issued complaints about 20 points in total regarding Good Manufacturing Practice. These are very extensive points, it will be quite a challenge to manage this in half a year I’d say, and they have issued 23 recommendations for further development of the quality of the of the product. And then there are another six pages at the end: I’ll quote from that: “The assessment of the safety risk is considered acceptable; there are theoretical calculations of worst-case concentrations from residues from the manufacturing process, but these have been found to be below established safety limits”. What this means is that our health depends on theoretical calculations, and not on actual tests in practice.

I just wanted to have said that.

RF: What do these lipids do? We have heard from all over the place – not from the mainstream media of course, you don’t hear a word of criticism from there – but we are hearing reports from the Internet that can be substantiated that in Gibraltar for example, 53 people died after vaccination. In Germany we are hearing that the same is happening in old people’s homes. People who have just been vaccinated are either dying immediately afterwards or getting very ill, while those who have not been vaccinated are in the same condition as previously. And we have heard from top scientists that this could have something to do with the lipids or liposomes that in some people are immediately leading to very poor oxygen saturation in the lungs, or are somehow docking in the brain and causing neurological issues – tremors and all kinds of dysfunctions. Does this have something to do with the lipids?

VSK: I can confirm that. This is the large topic that I would like to cover at the end. Could we come back to that later? I will explain that in detail, that really is the case.

Ok – I’ll now come to my second point, which is determining the vaccine dose, which they were supposed to analyse in the Clinical Phase 1. There’s a Clinical Phase 1, and BioNTech has the task of not just detecting side effects, i.e. spontaneous adverse effects, but also of determining the vaccine dose. They tested three or four different vaccine dosages – 10 micrograms of RNA, 20 µg, and 20 µg respectively in two doses, and [hundertenprogramm? Inaudible] of just one injection. And then they conducted their test 34.56 and the patients were supposed to make notes in the seven-day digital diary. Basically what they found was the higher the vaccine dose – the stronger and higher the concentration of RNA – the more frequent were the side effects. Generally one can say that there were always more and stronger side effects with the second dose than with the first. Older trial participants had fewer because their immune system is already aged and is not so reactive. They naturally analysed the side effects that have been published – fever, fatigue, headaches, joint pain, myalgia, shivering, vomiting, diahorrea. Nothing more is covered in the the publication – we don’t know whether they did more. They also looked at how many antibodies were produced and then bind the spike protein: they did a binding assay and investigated the antibodies when they encounter a virus. They generated an artificial SARS-CoV-2 virus that contains a GFB [NB: “green fluorescent protein”, I think this was mNeonGreen – a fluorescent marker], i.e., cells that are infected with the virus light up green, then one can count how many green cells there are at the end. And if one then isolates the antibodies from the vaccinated trial participants and mixes them with the viruses, then they partially neutralise the viruses, and then one has fewer green cells, you can see that. So to summarise, the vaccine has a positive effect, but the criticism is that there is no positive correlation between the different vaccine doses, i.e., we see the same effect at 10, 20 and 30 micrograms. Despite this they want to use 30 micrograms as the vaccine dose. Although 30 micrograms has many more side effects than 10 micrograms. The benefits are the same, but the risk is different. This is not scientifically justifiable. If I were writing an application for an animal trial and I wanted to vaccinate the animals with 30 micrograms and I had to justify why 30 micrograms, why not 10, then I would never get past the door with my animal trial application if I got the same effect with 10 micrograms. There is simply no additional benefit if I increase the RNA volume in these assays.

WW: I have a question: do these microgram values include the additives (37.51), are the LNPs included, or do these dosages only refer to the mRNA?

VSK: The dose only refers to the mRNA. But they are of course wrapped in the LNPs, and the higher the microgram dosage mRNA, the more LNPs you need.

WW: Ok

VF: Is that a question of costs?

WW: If the side effects come from the nanoparticles, then the dose dependency could be explained by that, and not by the effect of the mRNA.

VSK: The side effects?

WW: Yes

Dr. VSK: Yes of course. Because these are primarily due to the LNPs. But I’ll get onto these at the end.

The fact is that the clinical study Phase 1 is normally there to find out what quantity of vaccine you need; it is important to prove what the vaccine dose should be. What vaccine dose you need to get the effect you want to have, ultimately. To do that you need to conduct a statistical test across all the different vaccine doses: in science that is a clear case of [Wanneranzapf mengen test – inaudible – a volume test with a name], that is a particular test that one has to use, it tells you whether there is a positive correlation, i.e., that the effect increases with a rising vaccine dose or not, whether it falls, or whether it remains the same. They didn’t do this test, giving the excuse that there were too few data points per group, i.e., that they only had 12 trial participants per group. I wonder whether they knew from the outset why they weren’t consigning more trial participants. And second, it is an absolutely stupid excuse because any scientist would be happy to have 12 datapoints per group, i.e. 12 trial participants per group. It is entirely possible to draw a statistical conclusion – you can do it with 5 or 6 people, it won’t deliver such robust results, but with 12 per group you can draw a fairly good conclusion as to whether there is a correlation or not. If I look at the image – and I’ve got a trained eye – and compare the median values and the scatter of the data, I can already say that there is no correlation. Whatever test I do, it fluctuates, they all have more or less the same effect. I.e. the excuse that they didn’t want to do this test … or let’s say if they had done this test, they would have produced the evidence that 30 micrograms would be too much, they should have used 10 µg vaccine doses.

RF: But that is a particularly egregious error. If that is part of the Phase 1 trial to test out the dose that will be effective, if at the same time as you are telling us Dr. Schmidt-Krueger it doesn’t increase the efficacy: the efficacy remains the same regardless of whether 10 µg or 30 µg are used but the side effects increase, that is severe medical malpractice.

VSK: You have completely understood. That’s exactly how it is. In my opinion they intentionally didn’t use the test because they would have had the evidence and no justification any longer for\ 30 µg. And then they give the stupid excuse that they can’t do the test because they don’t have enough samples.


MT: First of all I’m wondering how expensive this vaccine is. If I need more of this strange fluid, then it will be more expensive, and for me as a layperson that doesn’t really have an impact on the issue of whether - I mean, if one assumes that it is this miracle treatment, how much do I get from a dose if I increase the dose, or am I getting this wrong? Wouldn’t I get more out of the vaccine if I said right from the outset that I need to use less? Or am I misunderstanding something?

VSK: We know that the vaccine vial is for 5 people, but you get enough out for 6. You give a little less, but you have previous knowledge that that will also work.

RF: The point you are explaining here will have further consequences. We are seeing that it has adverse effects through to death, this point and what’s happening here will play an extremely big role because the doctors have to take responsibility, they are participating in this – this is serious medical malpractice.

This also involves a reversal of the burden of proof. (42.56) Those who have been damaged no longer have to provide evidence that the cause of what has happened is the vaccine: the doctor has to prove that it was not the vaccine and that he/she is not guilty. This is going to be a really strong argument.

VF: Sorry, another question about the costs. Normally one would think – after all, it’s a commercial enterprise – I wouldn’t put ingredients into it that are three times the quantity of what I really need: the RNA surely has a cost.

VSK: It’s costing US more!

RF: That was the simple question. The more of the stuff is pumped into people, the more expensive it is, that’s logical. It would be a remarkable result and difficult to explain – to the taxpayer particularly –

VF: Let’s say the price people are willing to pay for a product of this kind, where they don’t really know what’s in it, is EUR 50, it wouldn’t really be the case that this price would increase if I said I’m putting three times the quantity in. So if it achieved the same effect, they could say this effect costs EUR 50. They won’t have negotiated a price that revolves around how many DNA particles it contains or whatever?

RF: The contracts are secret. Do you know anything about it, is it calculated according to vaccine quantity? I can’t imagine anything else really.

VSK: I don’t know how reliable the data are, but I have heard that normally there 5 vaccines in one vial, but they charge 6 vaccines per vial. Although the company doesn’t have any extra costs for this. That’s a piece of information I have, but I don’t know if it is true, I’ve just heard it.

Dr. H: And something else. The vaccine is mixed by hand: you take the vial, take the unit of measure that you need for one person, and add saline to it, and then it’s injected - ?

VSK: Yes, it arrives dehydrated, i.e. all the water is removed. It contains a small amount of white powder. This is then dissoves in the saline solution and then you have to take the respective amount out of that. The people who received five times the dose probably got all of it.

Dr. H: Exactly, that was the point I wanted to get at: first of all, why do they do that? That seems to me to be a clear vulnerability in the system. That’s the source of error really. Is it because of transport volumes, or what is it?

VSK: Yes, transportation is much better when it is dehydrated. It can be stored better that way.

Dr. H: That explains it. I find that risky. From what I have heard, it has gone wrong. Someone actually forgot to divide off the right quantity, and the patient was given five times the dose. What would the risks of that be in your opinion? (46.49)

VSK: [Inaudible, think must be “The damage”] is much higher. But I will come to that.\ We are still talking about the volume: what I’ve covered is not the only point of criticism while we’re on this subject. In the same study they have also – well, they claim that it is important to give two doses. That may well be true, but they haven’t proved it; they haven’t tested it scientifically. What they did in this study was they gave two doses of all the quantities: 10 µg, 20 µg and 30 µg. Normally to make the assertion [translator: that it is necessary to use 2 doses], you need to have a group where you give just one dose. Normally it’s like this: you get an injection, then the body forms antibodies, it takes a while until it starts, the antibody titre rises and then it forms a saturation curve. So at some point it doesn’t go any higher: then you have reached saturation. And this goes up over time. But to find out whether the second dose has an effect you have to give the injection and find out how high the titre is after 35 days. And then do the same with the other group; after the same time, 35 days, look at how high the titre is. (47.59). And if the titre is higher, then the second dose has had an effect. If it is not higher, then the second dose has not had an effect. I assume it did have an effect because in another vaccine similar to this [Which? Would be useful to know] it did have an effect, but in that case the scientific data were generated a little shoddily – the time is sometimes missing in the data, they simply left it out so that one can’t prove whether it has had an effect or not …. But from experience I think that a second dose is likely to have an effect … but I’m sure it’s like that in a court of law: belief is not evidence or knowledge – i.e., they would have had to prove it in this clinical study with this vaccine. They didn’t do that: they are simply making the claim.

RF: There isn’t a study on it?

VSK: No, I haven’t found one. There is the Clinical Study No. 1 on human beings, that is where they should have tested it.

RF: They should have tested it within the aegis of the Phase 1 study.

VSK: In the study on mice/rats. I don’t know, but this small study on human beings: that would have been the moment where they should have tested it. That’s my opinion.

RF: No, that is correct. Legally that’s the case. They have simply made the claim. Somewhere along the line they made the assertion: better twice than once – perhaps even three times wouldn’t be a bad idea, would have been just as good from all one can tell. That is really ghastly. Professor Hockertz told us that it is usual in the development of new medications – also in the case of vaccines: no preclinical phase was done, no animal trials: Phases 1, 2 and 3 took place in a completely telescoped fashion, and now you are telling us after having … you have just pointed out that the EMA has made various demands that haven’t yet been fulfilled in some cases because they only have to be met by July – but they’re already going ahead and vaccinating. What’s going on here? The study is basically taking place now, right before our eyes, live on stage – on patients who have no idea what we are discussing here just now! We’ll have to tell our Israeli colleagues this, they won’t be happy at all ….

Dr. H: And just to mention Reiner: without the vaccinated being tracked like the trial participants that they are (50.47) If I were a trial participant in a vaccine test series then I would have to be medically tracked, i.e., assessed. People are simply being vaccinated, and if they die it’s counted as a Covid death. That’s the reality. Or more frequently it’s said they died of their underlying conditions. Anything to prevent it being seen as a result of the vaccine.

RF: We just heard that at the start Renate: The fact that three times the quantity that is really necessary is being administered, and at the same time the risk is increased by three times: we definitely have medical malpractice, we definitely have the reversal of the burden of proof, and we can’t say any longer that was Covid, instead we can say we want to hear from you: is the causality … you have to prove that as you have made huge blunders. Is the causality different to the severe medical malpractice that we have to accuse you of. That is what I said from the beginning: this is definitely bodily harm. At the very least because there isn’t any proper up-front clarification/information provided, [as there would be if you were taking part in a study]. But what I’m hearing now in addition to that – my goodness …

Dr. H: Have you conducted the same evaluation for the Moderna vaccine that is already being used, or only for BioNTech?

VSK: I haven’t managed this for Moderna or AstraZeneca yet. I will do it soon, but had too many commitments and so many requests, broadcasts on Youtube etc. (52.24)

Dr. H: Moderna would be more important than AstraZeneca because Moderna is already on the market.

VSK: Exactly, that will be the next that I do, looking into the studies.\ \ Any more questions on that part? Because now we are getting to the side effects. That’s a real head turner. I suspect it will knock you for six. (52.57)

A preclinical study was done, but at the time Professor Hockertz discussed this it didn’t exist, he didn’t know anything about it. It came out with the report at some point in mid-December. And I spoke to him at the end of November.

So there is a preclinical study. Let’s look at the basics to start with. The technology of the nanoparticles. I don’t want to completely malign it. It’s a superb technology really. But the problem is that it is still much too early for use in human beings. The toxicity is still too high, that first needs to be eliminated, then it would really be a brilliant technology. There are many scientists working on getting rid of this toxicity, research has been conducted on that for years. [Trans: for 20 years she says at the end]

It is actually used for cancer patients, but there the risk/benefit ratio is very different, I’ll come back to that. In a healthy person such as with a vaccine, I consider it disproportionate to apply this technology at the moment while this toxicity exists. Nanoparticles, these are very small particles and always damaging to cells, because the smaller the particle, the more interaction they can have with cell components, i.e., with the proteins, with other lipids, or with the DNA etc. But one needs a nanoparticle lipid envelope because one can’t just inject the RNA into people, it is broken down within 10 minutes by the nucleases that are swimming around. The cells won’t take up the RNA/DNA if it is not nicely presented via a lipid nanoparticle for example.

There are various studies in vivo on mice or rats – I don’t know which animal, I have to ask – it has been found that if one gives long-lasting LNPs to animals, via inhalation over the lungs, that you get DNA strand breaks in the lungs. And that can trigger serious lung disease or lung cancer: it has been found that lung cancer develops. And the uptake of LNPs in the spleen has been detected: DNA strands breaks were also identified there. And it has also been found that when the LNPs are transported in the blood then thromboses can occur, or haemolysis – haemolysis means the sudden dissolution of erythrocytes, i.e. red blood cells, this causes hypoxia.

(Whisper)\ VSK I’ll get round to speaking about that. That can directly be applied to the BioNTech vaccine.

And now I want to explain to you how this technology functions. (55.54)

Could you let me use the screen – then we’ll have a better idea of where the toxicity comes from.

RF: We’ll get that sorted.

VSK: Now you can see a white piece of paper, right? Can you see it? Ok, it’s like this.\ \ Here is an LNP. Inside it is the RNA. This LNP, it isn’t just one RNA, there are lots of RNAs inside, always the same, but lots of them. The LNP in this lipid envelope consists of many different lipids. There is a helper lipid: that is completely uninteresting, it’s not toxic or anything. It’s simply there for the structure of the envelope. Then there is a cationic lipid1. And then there is the PEG component. It is cationic. And then we have cholesterol.

So these are the different components and these 4 components are also needed for this. And then we have a cell. Let’s call it a muscle cell because we inject into a muscle. And this cell has a negative charge here because of the lipids that are stored in it. And this LNP up here is neutral i.e. the cell has absolutely no reason to absorb it. How it gets into the cell is as follows: there are many publications on this subject that have established that it comes in through an ApoE transporter – there’s a lot of chemistry now but you need to understand this.

There are proteins in the blood called ApoE. Those are the components of HDL-LDL that are tested in human blood tests to find out cholesterol levels, ApoE is always there. The ApoE can bind to cholesterol, that is why it binds the cholesterol from the particle here. And now this whole particle is recognised by the cell; the cell has ApoE receptors, there are different ones. There’s the LDL-receptor or LAP – there are many, certainly well over 10 different receptors and they then bind the ApoE where the whole lipoprotein complex binds to it and then it goes into the cell. Then the whole cascade begins. The LNP is located in a vesicle out here. And there’s a sensor in the membrane here, the TLR – toll-like receptor – they are there to recognise/locate foreign DNA/RNA. So if it were a virus rather than the vaccine, it would recognise RNA and break it down.

That is part of the immune system. But since the RNA is surrounded by an LNP shell, the immune system cannot recognize the RNA and it is not broken down, this is done on purpose. We don't want or the vaccine manufacturers don't want the RNA to be broken down. And what happens now is a completely normal process, it’s what always happens in the cells: it doesn't matter at all, regardless of these LNPs, that protons now migrate in. So everything in here is positively charged. Due to this positive charge, part of the PEG lipid is split off - it is pH-sensitive, the lipid is broken apart and this PEG can no longer suppress the cationic charge of the lipid in the shell here. This means that the lipid is positively charged. And so everything in here becomes positive - and then, in principle, water flows in, and the whole thing bursts open and the RNA it is released into the cell (1.00.34)

You now have the released RNA and the individual components: helper peptide, the cationic peptide that is now positively charged because it is no longer suppressed by the PEG, then there’s the PEG and the cholesterol.

What has happened now is that the TLR can access the RNA, which sends a signal to the outside. The cell then produces chemokines and cytokines that are released from the cell. That is the first part of the innate immune response. 1.01.14

At the same time the RNA goes into an area of the cell, it is transported to a specific area where the production of proteins takes place. The protein – this is where the RNA is then – the protein is then only synthesised/produced here so that the spike protein can be resynthesised. And the spike protein can be found everywhere in the membrane; it migrates to the surface of the cell so that there are spike proteins everywhere on the surface of the cell. The spike protein was not there at first – it came into being in response to the vaccination and that’s why it’s called a genetically modified cell. We have therefore become a genetically modified organism. As long as the spike proteins are there and the RNAs, we are GMOs. They’ll go away at some point, then we’ll no longer be a GMO but we are a GMO for as long as they are there.

This is genetic modification. It is not integrated in the DNA but happens in a different way, namely indirectly.

OK, let’s carry on.

[Question: How long does it stay in there?]

VSK: Such an RNA has variable stability – it can last from a few minutes because these RNAs are important for development, but also several days. I will talk about the length of time it is in there later on.

So how do we get to the rest of the immune response? Down here there are chemokines and cytokines. You have to think of them as a fragrance secreted by the cells. And then there are immune cells, those are APCs: antigen-presenting cells. They pick up the scent of the chemokines and cytokines and migrate to the highest concentration of them. Because the production of the chemokines and cytokines is a cry for help from the cell, saying “There’s something wrong here”. Something’s happening to me. And so the immune cells come along and check what’s going on. What’s wrong they ask themselves and they meet the LNPs – they are not all simultaneously taken in by the cell. They are also taken in by the cells – they are also inside here. The LNPs – the spike proteins are also formed here too, only these cells have the feature that the proteins are degraded again, that is the function of the cell. They have fragments of the spike proteins, and each one is presented on the surface of the cell for the rest of the immune system. This happens via the MHC class of receptors. And when these APC cells have absorbed the spike protein, they migrate back to the spleen for example and are digested. Then they are presented to the other immune cells, i.e. the B-cells and the T-cells. I’m keeping it simple because it is really much more complicated in real life. But what happens now is on the one hand that the B cells are activated, they become plasma cells and now produce antibodies. Antibodies against the spike protein up here which is now finally on the surface of the cell. And these antibodies now migrate here, they migrate through the bloodstream and find their antigens and the cell where the spike protein is expressed. They then bind this spike protein onto the muscle cells for example. At the same time up here, T cells are activated and become for instance cytotoxic T cells which also migrate in the blood and seek these antibodies and bind to them via their T cell receptors. This is how a complex arises. Once formed, the T cell substance enters the cell so that this cell is prompted to commit cell suicide – cell death. This is called programmed cell death or apoptosis.

What we have here that is new with this vaccine is it’s not just proteins that are injected into us that swim in the blood and are then eliminated by the antibodies: we have here various avenues whereby toxicity/cell destruction take place. One way is via this here: the cytotoxic T-cell forces the muscle cell into apoptosis. And then we have RNA, which is fundamentally also toxic for the cell from a certain length onwards. And above all – this is particularly important – the cationic lipid, it is cationic, i.e. it has a positive charge. And that is very very toxic, we have known that for over 20 years.

So, that is the process for now. Do you have any questions about it?

RF: 1.06.49 That is the process after the vaccination, before you even get into the vicinity of a dangerous virus?

VSK: Yes, that’s how the immune response arises, i.e. it’s part of the immune response. It is much more extensive, there are other factors, but that is very roughly how antibodies are produced and how the antigens - the spike proteins - are destroyed in the cell.

So: I wanted to show you exactly what the toxicity is. We definitely have these cationic lipids in the cell, and now I’ll talk about what they do with the cell.

I’ll just leave the screenshare now.

Ok, that’s fine.

So: the cationic lipids. I’ll go back to the BioNTech vaccine: the LNPs consist of up to 50% of these cationic lipids: 50% is very high, they are toxic because they have this positive charge. This enables them to enter into interactions with other components of the cell really well, they can also basically interact with negatively charged amino acids. This destroys the proteins which lose their ability to function because they “unfold” as it is called. In principle they can interact with the DNA because the DNA is also negatively charged due to its phosphate groups, creating DNA strand breaks. They can also interact with other lipids because they are also negatively charged, especially the lipids of the cell membrane. E.g. the cell membrane of the mitochondria, these are the powerhouses of the cell that are vital for energy generation; I’m mentioning this because oxygen radicals are formed in the mitochondria when energy is produced. This is a very natural process, but the cell also has a repair mechanism so that these oxygen radicals are removed again and rendered harmless, this is how the cell survives, it is simply a balance. They are produced, you can’t prevent that because oxygen is consumed, which generates oxygen radicals, but avenues have been found to disable these oxygen radicals. If however these cationic lipids gain entry, it is confirmed in many publications that they destroy this membrane [Trans: meant is the mitochondrial membrane, here] and this leads to the formation of a large number of oxygen radicals. These oxygen radicals create a lot of damage in the cell. They interact – they alter the amino acids, the cell pours out as many cytokines as it can, the oxygen radicals also attack membranes and create lipid peroxidation. Membrane integrity is jeopardised, the membrane becomes porous, and when a cell membrane becomes porous water flows in and then the ion balance is disrupted. This means the entire cell loses its function because the function of proteins depends on the ion concentration, on the calcium ion for example, and the magnesium ion. The cell experiences maximum oxidative stress, as it is called in the specialist terminology. And when that stress is so high and the DNA is also damaged, then the cell goes into apoptosis – it self-destructs.

That’s all I have to say about that for now.

RF: So there are two factors that lead to that.\ \ VSK: Yes: one is the immune response – via the binding of the antibody. The other factor is that specific component: the cationic lipid. It’s just this component that is so dangerous. It creates maximum oxidative stress in the cell leading to such damage that the cell can’t repair itself fast enough. And that’s why it dies. It has to self-destruct, or it transforms into a cancer cell. That is the alternative. So it usually self-destructs because if a cancer cell develops, specific damage results, there are other factors involved, but generally it dies.

And now I’ll get to the risk/benefit ratio. The technology is very sensible in cancer therapy. The purpose of this technology there is to kill cancer cells. We are now getting a vaccine using the same technology that is used in cancer therapy to kill cancer cells. Where cancer therapy is concerned: up to now we have only had chemotherapy or radiotherapy; they have the aim of triggering oxidative stress in the cell to encourage it to self-destruct. But up to now this has been very unspecific: healthy tissue is also irradiated and dies. With this [encapsulation] technology you can insert proteins or other substances in the nanoparticle envelope that are targeted at detecting and finding the cancer cells. There are already relatively good, successful studies, and this is why it is used in cancer therapy.

Cancer cells have a completely different pattern on their cell surface to healthy cells. They have for example a lot of transferrin receptors or folate receptors: when one inserts the ligands into LNPs, i.e. builds transferrin or folate into these LNPs, then these LNPs find the cancer cells that have the receptors for these. As a result, these LNPs target the cancer cells almost exclusively and create oxidative stress in them so that the cancer cells are killed.

VF: Is that a local occurrence, or can this spread out across the whole body, or locate to specific niches?

VSK: In the case of cancer cells it is designed so that it is local, and now we’re really getting to the point: in the case of the vaccine it is not local. It spreads out through the entire body. I’ll first say a sentence about that. There’s the toxicity of the cationic lipid, which initially works on a cellular level. Now a word about the PEG – I believe it has been published in the media that in some cases if you have previously come into contact with PEG it is possible that you have formed antibodies to it, and if you have antibodies and then come into contact with PEG at any time after that, which is the case with the vaccine, then you may suffer an allergic reaction or analphylactic shock due to this hypersensitivity. This depends on how much PEG is in these LNPs – it’s 2 - 6% in the case of BioNTech, and on the how strong the binding affinity of your own antibodies against the PEG is. Having antibodies doesn’t always mean that they will immediately bind to the PEG: the binding strength varies from one antibody to another.

The strength of the allergic reaction is individual: it depends on how powerful the antibodies are, and the volume of PEG on this second contact. Otherwise where the PEG is concerned, there are publications that say it is a little toxic, but one can’t find any great detail on it.

So with PEG you can get allergic reactions, but the cationic lipids are absolutely toxic for cells.

Now I’ll address the questions Ms. Fischer asked. I’ll talk about the preclinical study that BioNTech has done, largely on mice and rats. The questions that arise before something like this comes onto the market are how long it remains in the body, divided up as follows: how long do the lipids remain, How long does the mRNA remain? How are they broken down? What is their distribution in the body? The toxicology and carcinology have to be investigated. Is there a problem related to reproduction? And does it have an influence on the environment? Because we’re becoming a GMO: does this have any impact? These are fundamental questions that the EMA always has to pose.

I will refer to this Public Assessment Report – I have to say that the raw data are lacking, they aren’t in the report, which I find disappointing.

RF: Peter Doshi is challenging them on that.

VSK : Right, I’d now like to look at that data myself because I have already seen that they interpret the data incorrectly in the clinical study. I’d like to see it myself and form my own opinion. They have only provided a description of what they observed. So I can only go on that. I imagine this will be true because the observations they made have been observed by other scientists in their animal trials with their substances, too.

So what is the distribution of the lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) in the animal trial? This is similar to that described in other publications and by other scientists. They used LNPs with mRNA, not with the spike protein but with Luciferase. Luciferase has the advantage that you can make things visible. Useful for this trial as they they gave the lipids a radioactive marker.


If you can use the radioactivity as a marker, you can use a technique whereby can can see the organs and whether the lipids were in them or not to see. They injected the whole muscle and watched how the lipids spread out throughout the body, and found that these lipids were in many organs after just 15 minutes. Most were at the injection site, in this case it was the muscle, but a lot in the plasma, too. Logical because it’s transported in the plasma, but also 22% in the liver. And if you inject it into the veins then 60% of the cationic lipids can be found in the liver, and 20% of the PEG lipids. They were also found in the spleen, the adrenals, and in both sexual organs. Further organs were not described. So I assume that it spread out throughout all organs. 1.18.02 It is basically absorbed everywhere where blood flows. The description focuses most on the injection site, the plasma, and the liver.

Then they looked at how the lipids were degraded. They found evidence of the cationic lipid in the plasma for 12 days, and evidence of the PEG lipid for 6 days. So they remained for quite some time. There isn’t any more information, so I don’t know whether the lipids could be evidenced for longer or not. 50% of the PEG is degraded via excretion, i.e., it is excreted from the body. It goes into our “sewer system”, as it were. The cationic lipids are exclusively degraded in the cells, only 1% was found in the stool. This means the cells take the full hit of the toxicity. Then they analysed the half life of this cationic lipid in the liver, they say it is 3 weeks. With half life at the beginning the substance always degrades faster, and then it gets less, the curve gets flatter. This half life at the outset is already 3 weeks, which is relatively long. And how long does the elimination take? One can still find 5% of the lipid in the liver after 4 - 6 weeks – that is incredibly long, and with the PEG the half life is 1 week. So it is shorter, but because a large proportion, i.e., 50%, is excreted. That is not the case with the cationic lipid.

We don’t have any other information or investigations regarding other organs, they just investigated liver, plasma, urine and stool. They should definitely have looked at other organs. Perhaps they did, but there’s nothing in the publication about that.

And then they looked at how fast the RNA is degraded. This is where the Luciferase comes into its own. The Luciferase can transform a substrate so that one sees it in colour, it fluoresces. You can detect it. But it’s not a very sensitive method. And they only injected 2 micrograms of RNA. 30 micrograms are being used for us. This means what you are seeing is probably a lot stronger in the case of the actual vaccine being used. So in the muscle where it was injected there was a peak after 6 hours. First the LNPs have to be taken up into the cell, the protein has to be formed, this Luciferase, and only then does the reaction take place. You see this after a max. of 6 hours, it is taken up by the cells extremely fast, and the protein is also expressed very fast. You can still see the protein after 9 days. There are publications – there is one from 2016 for example – where they say that one can see the Luciferase for 35 days, but that always depends on how stable the RNA is, and they didn’t do it with the spike RNA but just with the luminescence, and the spike RNA may very well have a different stability. So they didn’t investigate it properly for our vaccine, I would say.

In the liver they saw a peak after 6 hours, and after two days it was gone. This is because the liver has a very high metabolic rate.

So to summarise, both the RNA and the LNP are taken up relatively fast. And the cationic lipids remain in our bodies for a very long time. This was also interesting. There seems to have been a discussion of the EMA with BioNTech about the period that it remains in the body: how long is it in the case of human beings, they asked, because the study wasn’t done. BioNTech referred to a study from 2010, by Mamoth et al. I have not been able to find this in the publications database, and there is no list of references below the EMA report, so I don’t know whether this is true at all and whether that article exists, but they say they have used similar lipids, and when they calculate the conversion from this mouse or rat study to human beings, that cationic lipids have a half life of 20 to 30 days in human beings, and the elimination to 5%, so not really eliminated, takes 4 - 5 months. They assume 4 - 5 months, and the EMA Committee just said “That’s a long time”. 1.22.54

Dr. H: The second vaccination comes on top of that after 30 days …

VSK: Yes exactly: none of that has been investigated. Basically they haven’t conducted any kinetics with this vaccine. (1.23.12) Not on the mice either. The LNPs were the same [die Zusammenrechnung – in the calculation? Inaudible], but the RNA was different. They should really have done it with the actual vaccine. They should have marked it and then carried out the whole study again. They didn’t do that.

MT: I’d just like to ask a question. You said something was excreted from the body. Is there any danger that people who are vaccinated could be causing as a result of this, or is it excreted and then it’s gone?

VSK: That wasn’t investigated.

Dr. H: Oh God –

VSK: There’s no data on that.

MT: I reckon we’ll need to be drinking spring water from bottles from now on then …

RF: That doesn’t sound good. And what kind of consequences does that have? You’ve got apoptosis that apparently takes place throughout the body, as you have just told us: what does that lead to? 1.24.25

VSK: Yes, I can tell you that in a moment, that’s the toughest of all to hear. But I just wanted to finish talking about the elimination, they haven’t considered this at all because they haven’t done any analyses on the environmental impact of all of this – as I said, we’ve become GMOs, it is possible that modified cells are eliminated: think about the lipids, the RNA from the vaccine – We know that the lipids – the PEG at least – are being excreted. What happens to the sewage if so much is being eliminated? If so many lipids are in it? Does this cause a problem, or is it degraded? We just don’t know that. I don’t know, I’m not an expert in how it is degraded.

Dr. H: Exactly, and intentionally one has to say as a lawyer, in July 2020 EU legislation was changed: EU legislation on GMOs was declared inapplicable to the vaccines. That’s when this monstrosity began, from a legal perspective. We will be addressing this with a plea for annulment. This is opening up a horrendous abyss – unbelievable.

VF: This stuff, when it appears in the sewage works, and if it were not filtered out – If I drank this stuff from the laboratory: would that cause a problem? If I drink these lipids? Are there investigations on that, if it gets into the water supply, or I drink a little from a glass, what would happen?\ \ VSK: I can only say that if we excrete the PEGylated lipid and if it is not filtered out and one drank it, i.e., assuming it doesn’t get degraded naturally in some other way, it would continue to exist in the drinking water (and I don’t know that for certain), then you would have a problem if you had an allergy to it.

That would be the same as these anaphylactic shocks.

I could imagine that. It is absorbed via the stomach, but I don’t know exactly what happens then – whether there would be allergic reactions. It’s possible that it is completely degraded in the stomach by the enzymes that break down fat.

MT: I find it fascinating: we are talking about gene technology, there are people who have been warning for years and saying if I eat gene-manipulated corn or make bread out of it, then I could grow a second head, maybe 7 heads – I’m astonished that people aren’t looking at this more closely and that it’s the same people who are keeping their mouths shut. The same ones who before said this is so terrible, we can’t do that.

RF: If doctors don’t learn to think about what’s really happening, and just vaccinate away instead of listening to people like you, just blindly trusting and not asking any questions …

But just to go back a moment: If this spreads out in the body, to all the cells, then that’s a horrendous scenario if you say the result is that massive numbers of cells self destruct.

VSK: Yes, that’s a good introduction to that exact point, with all the consequences. Let’s talk about the preclinical study – about what happened to the rat (1.28.42).

In the preliminary experiment the rat was injected in the muscle with 30 micrograms of this same vaccine that is now being used. That is comparable, but three times rather than twice. At intervals of one week. And two days after the last injection, that would have been 17 days after the first, an autopsy was conducted, and the following was found. As mentioned, I don’t have any raw data, only descriptive written data. The rats had an immune response, raised lymph nodes, the spleen, cell numbers, that is all normal, increased production of lymphocytes, i.e. B and T cells in the bone marrow, production of neutralising antibodies, circulating white blood cells, cytokine release, that is all normal. But then other things followed:\ Their body temperature was 1 degree raised, that is also normal, a slight temperature, for rats too;\ but their body weight went down although they were having their normal feed … With rodents, if the body weight decreases, that is always a sign of massive stress. And then they did an autopsy. They document damage to the muscle. What they make public – swelling, oedema, reddening – is just the tip of the iceberg.\ I’ll dissect this in a moment for those who are unfamiliar with the specialist terminology: myofascial degeneration, scleropathy, encrustation accompanied by spread of this inflammation to adjacent tissue, subcutaneous inflammation, hyperplasia.\ So what does all that mean?\ Subcutaneous inflammation means the lowest layer of skin – the skin has three layers, and the bottom one is inflamed, that is the layer where the adipose cells, nerves and blood vessels are located. If these become inflamed then the adipose cells burst open, the fatty acids are released, and further accentuate the inflammation.

This results in scleropathy, i.e., the tissue hardens because increasing amounts of connective tissue are formed. This is ultimately like scar formation. The tissue is so heavily damaged …. If you cut your finger and it is superficial then the upper skin layer can regenerate, you don’t see anything afterwards. If you cut yourself too deeply and it goes through all three layers of skin then the organism can’t replicate its own structure. Then, because the cells need to be replaced, the wound has to be closed, connective tissue is formed, deposits, a scar develops. And this is the case with the muscle, it hardens due to the deposition of connective tissue. This is called fibrosis. The tissue basically loses its function at these locations, encrustations develop, this is the deposition of salts in necrotic tissue; necrotic tissue is tissue that is dying. The muscles there are dying. They talk about myofascial degeneration, this means death of the cells of the muscle fibres, which is simply replaced by connective tissue that is non-functional.

VF: Is that just local or at many locations?

VSK: At that location it’s only local, only in the muscle. You can see this entire process from the blood parameters that were measured: they noted for example a 72% increase in alpha-2-macroglobulin, this means the increase is part of the immune response due to inflammation, but you also get an increase in alpha-1-acylmycoprotein [trans: I think, was hard to hear], that is formed when there is a particularly strong injury in the tissues, caused by inflammation or infection, in this case from the vaccination, and an increase in fibrinogen…. That is a sign, when that is elevated in the blood, of inflammation of the blood vessels, it is basically responsible for blood coagulation. I have said that the blood vessels are in the bottom layer – the blood vessels are damaged, and this is probably why fibrinogen is formed, to reseal the blood vessels. I wonder, with the elderly in care homes, they are often on anti-clotting medication as a prophylaxis:: is it possible that their coagulation doesn’t work properly? – You need coagulation: maybe it doesn’t function correctly? Can this have consequences if the blood vessels are heavily damaged due to this vaccination?

RF: We will see all of that very quickly, I fear.

Dr. H: The side effects, i.e. the correlation with other medications, was not examined at all. This can expressly be seen from the appendices to the EU Implementation Decision for both vaccines. I find what you are now telling us absolutely criminal.

VSK: So that’s what happens locally, at the site of the muscle.\ We have heard that a great deal goes to the liver, and that is a bit more serious. This leads to hepatocellular periportal vacuolisation. (1.34.30). On the day of the autopsy, where they found it, and probably a lot earlier, because it gets into the liver relatively fast and then that takes place relatively quickly. So what does that mean? Hepatocellular means relating to the cells of the liver. Periportal means the liver cells near the portal vein. That is the place where the blood enters the liver. I.e., this damage will not be caused by anything else in the rat. If the rats drank alcohol, ok, then this damage would also occur, but it would be across the entire liver. But this is something which is entering via the blood flow, and only in the proximity of this vein, and there one particularly sees the damage. And they are so damaged that they are vacuolising: that is always an indication that the liver cells are dying. I’m loathe to use the word poisons, but the liver is trying to sequester away the substance that is damaging to it; it doesn’t manage, and the the cationic lipids are the perpetrator, BioNTech admits that themselves, that’s in the report, it’s the cationic lipids. The liver tries to eliminate these cationic lipids, to metabolise them, but doesn’t manage because there are too many of them. The volume is too great. So it tries to ferret them away in an area of the cell, and that is when vacuoles arise in the cell: water streams in, it’s simply an area where they no longer do any harm. But when these vacuoles arise then the function of the liver cell is massively disrupted, many of them die, they lose their function. They self-destruct, commit apoptosis. So that’s what happens in the liver.

RF: If this is found during the autopsy then it seems to me to be a clear indication that it has been caused by the vaccination. Or can there be other causes for it? You have just said that if you drink alcohol this occurs too, but not like that. What is found there seems to be a sure sign that it was the vaccine that led to the death.

VSK: Yes, one can also investigate what there exactly is in these vacuoles. One can look and see whether the cationic lipids are there. If you have a vacuole caused by alcohol, you have a fatty liver; the alcohol is made into fat, it is stored in fat. That’s this steatosis that one hears about.\ \ RF: I just wanted to ask – independently of the severe medical malpractice that was just described previously: you can find out what the cause is via an autopsy can’t you?

VSK: Yes, you can I’d say. And you can also see that the liver is severely damaged from the blood parameters, doctors should know this really. These are standard values: an elevation in GGT, an enzyme, can have various causes. It’s definitely an indication of liver damage from medications or poison, for example. It is an indication that the liver cells are dying, that is when increased GGT is secreted.

And then we have elevated AST. This is a metabolic enzyme that goes up in liver inflammation and cardiac damage. There’s elevated alkaline phosphotase – this is produced by the bones and liver, for example, and one or two other organs; an increase points to liver and bone injury. And then we have a decrease in the ratio of albumin to globulin. This ratio is always measured to see whether the volume of protein in blood is constant. If not, it is a sign of disease: too much protein is being eliminated. If a decline is noticed, this is a sign of severe liver damage, inflammation, a digestive disorder, etc. The rat is displaying a loss of protein.

To summarise, one can say that the liver is massively damaged, and the liver cells are dying.\ \ They did say that after the autopsy, three weeks later, the liver had regenerated. But the EMA didn’t discuss what the situation might be with people who have a liver disorder, who don’t have this regenerative capacity. What of those who have hepatitis or an alcoholic liver or whatever? Who had been living an unhealthy lifestyle? If something comes ontop of that, you can very quickly get organ failure. This shouldn’t be forgotten, it needs to be discussed, but it’s being completely swept under the carpet.

So why exactly is the liver being damaged? It’s because the liver is the organ that takes up the most lipoproteins. And why does it take up the most? Because one of its functions is to break down cholesterol; I’ve explained that the nanoparticles are bound to ApoE proteins. These make their way directly back to the liver where the cholesterol is broken down, and that’s why the liver comes into contact with a huge amount of this.

RF: I just have to reiterate: how can they be vaccinating against this backdrop?


VSK: That’s not the whole story. You get inflammation of the perineural tissue of the iscias nerve, the strongest nerve in the body. And then inflammation in the extracapsular tissue was found, I don’t know exactly what capsules they mean, they didn’t specify that, but I assume that’s the joint capsules. What about people with arthritis for example? And then this is particularly important, very dangerous: they found a moderate to strong reduction in red blood cells and reticulocytes in the bloodcount. That accounts for the hypoxia. They are massively damaged by the lipid nanoparticles. Why is that? Because it is exactly these red blood cells that are used as a cell model for oxidative stress, they are particularly sensitive to oxidative stress. Because they carry the haemoglobin. All cells that carry oxygen are always sensitive to oxidative stress. And when the LNPs get into them and cause this massive oxidative stress, they die very quickly. So the rats would have to be suffering from hypoxia or at least they found that they had less haemoglobin because obviously that is gone when the cell is gone, and lower haematocrit. These are very clear signs of hypoxia, and I have to say this needs to be looked at very critically, because what about people with cardiac disorders for example. A cardiac muscle, for instance, if it is undersupplied with oxygen, this can very quickly turn into a heart attack. And as far as I know there is someone who had a heart attack after vaccination. I’m not saying that person died of it, but one should at least look into it.

RF: You don’t need to say that, we don’t either, because based on what you have already described earlier – they’re using triple the volume they need to for example – we will find various forms of serious medical malpractice. The doctor is responsible and will have to prove that this did not happen due to the vaccine and that he/she is not guilty, or at least negligent in what he/she has done. They’re not going to get away with it.

Dr. H: Exactly. Coming back to the lung – to this problem of oxygen supply. We have heard that in various institutions people are showing signs of serious debilitation after vaccination [description of the situation in old people’s homes as an example]. They become ever weaker, don’t want to eat or drink. In one case after another week the person was dead, others after 14 days … They didn’t recover. Is it the case that if you are fitter, you can cope with this better? Are older people at a disadvantage? Although these weren’t palliative cases – they were old, but fit.

VSK: People who are older are always weaker and have degree of inflammation. Because the cells produce more oxidative stress and that is because older people particularly in care homes are not very well nourished. They lack a lot of nutrients: vitamin D, E, C, glutathione – one knows that older people have fewer antioxidants and a lower nutritional status – they are more susceptible for these phenotypes. Younger people have a greater regenerative capacity. The damage is exactly the same, but they can regenerate better unless they have a preexisting condition – cancer, diabetes or the like.

VF: If the organism is not impaired by underlying conditions, would it be able to regenerate? With the mice or rats, the damage disappears after 3 weeks: does some small damage remain in the liver, or does it regenerate completely?

VSK: Yes, it regenerates completely. The liver is fairly robust.

RF Ok, but those who do have underlying conditions have a problem. [Left out – mentions that doctors have been vaccinated, and nurses, and had adverse reactions] If people have preexisting conditions, then there is the worry that they may well be pushed right over if they get this GMO intervention. Most of the stories we have heard are from care homes [further details along these lines] Now that you have explained it, I understand why, it makes sense.

Then there’s the next phase. What about this famous “cytokine storm”? If the vaccinee encounters the wild virus 6 months or a year later … What can happen then?\ \ VSK: You probably mean the ADE – antibody-dependent enhancement.

VF: Have you finished talking about the adverse effects, or is there something else?\ \ VSK: Almost.

RF: The horror story needs to be complete.

VSK: I am extremely critical of the EMA Committee: there is no discussion at all about the consequences that can arise from side effects. They just nodded it all through. They just said ok, that’s how it is … Perhaps they did say something, but it hasn’t been noted down in writing. I also find it very poor that they didn’t investigate any of these things that they found were not investigated in human beings in the clinical study. Blood samples were taken in the studies, so why not? It would be easy enough to measure all these blood parameters such as erythrocytes, all the enzymes, all the other substances. One can do biopsies of muscles – none of this was done. Either it wasn’t done because they were afraid of what would come out and would have to explain it, or they did it and are keeping silent about it. They knew of all the observations on the rats … and we have no data at all on how this is with human beings. They could have generated that. We have a right to know.

RF: Absolutely. That is the reason why Dr. Peter Doshi says he wants to see the raw data. It will come out one way or another.

VSK: The one thing they did do was measure the lymphocyte level, and found that subjects suffer from lymphopenia within 1 - 3 days, i.e., a fall in the number of lymphocytes, but there are varying opinions on that in publications. There are one or two publications that say lymphopenia can occur after a vaccination, they do show it – but they don’t know why it happens. One publication thinks the lymphocytes simply transmigrate from the blood into tissue and that there are fewer in the blood. But that is not proven, it is just as likely that that cationic lipids attack the lymphocytes in the blood. No investigations were conducted to show why this lymphopenia occurs in human beings. That’s the only parameter that they looked at.

VF: Was this the case with the rat too?

VSK: Yes

VF: And that was related to the liver issues?

VSK: No, that is independent of the liver.

VF: Simply the same phenomenon. Ok.

VSK: That was only thing they looked at in human beings in the Clinical Study No 1.

VF: I understand. It was found in the rats, too.

Dr. H: A question about the deaths. In Italy we have had a lot of reports, not via the mainsteam media of course. A doctor, in one case a pharmacist. In that case her organs were removed and donated. What are the implications of that? I have this information from Dr. Gatti, two days ago. The message shocked us. They removed the organs and transplanted them into patients. What does that mean if that woman had really died as a consequence of the vaccine?

VSK: That’s a good question.

Dr. H: We have several criminal cases one after the other here. Not just getting rid of evidence, but also possibly inducing further disease in people who are already suffering from severe underlying conditions. This vaccine is transgressing boundaries in all directions. It’s incredible what’s happening. We have a case of a young doctor, this was on social media: he was vaccinated, boasted of having received the vaccine, and then a few days later he collapsed and died while playing tennis. That would seem to be linked to what you have told us here. We don’t just have these individual cases, cases are building all over the world of suspected serious side effects [some further discussion of this follows].

: [Asks about the chain of evidence when this happens …] We’re talking about the law as it relates to evidence, and reversal of the burden of proof. Someone comes around the corner and says I require causal contiguity. If one performed an autopsy, would one be able to delineate the cause and say that based on the autopsy, the vaccine was causative? I’m asking this because then you wouldn’t be able to say we’ll just transplant their organs, or quickly cremate the corpse. If the doctor (or whoever) bears the burden of proof, but the evidence is gone, there isn’t anything with which he/she can be exonerated. So my question: is it possible to narrow down the cause of death using liver/blood count etc.?\ \ 1.54.51

VSK: [Explains that a specialist for autopsies would need to answer this …. Further discussion]

: ….. [Further discussion] Professor Cahill in Ireland said to us recently that immediately someone has died after a vaccine – either right away or within a certain period of time – an autopsy should be performed. She was of the opinion that it would be possible to prove it with a probability bordering on certainty. Perhaps not from one particular organ, but when looking at the overall picture.

WW: We have a law in Germany that before the evidence is destroyed, i.e., cremation, an inquest has to be performed by a public medical officer, the death certificate is inspected, the cause of death scrutinised. If the fact that a vaccination has taken place is not known, and the corpse is simply cremated, one has to pose the question of liability: has the public medical officer destroyed evidence? Due diligence is required, the question relating to the documentation of the vaccine needs to be asked, it needs to be part of the framework if someone dies. It is the Paul Ehrlich Institute that permitted this telescoped study: if this has not been considered, we should demand it.

Dr H: Professor Wodarg, I assume that this would not just be reserved to Germany, it should be the case everywhere where this vaccine is being used. [Further discussion]

: […..] You can’t simply cremate the body – too much that can be overlooked.

RF: In contrast to previous adverse effects from vaccines, this is a completely new technique […] One would need to start detecting certain patterns that occurred again and again.

WW: I would absolutely insist on gaining insight into the files at the Paul Ehrlich Institute. One would need to take a very careful look at the observation plan of theirs (2.00.50)\ The Paul Ehrlich Institute is 100% responsible.

Dr. H.: It should not be permitted to give away organs for transplantation in cases like this. An observation study of the kind you are talking about would have to be conducted.

WW: You would have to define exactly what investigations should take place if someone dies after a vaccination - this destruction of the evidence has to stop. Find out whether someone has been vaccinated shortly before they died, and if so, forbid cremation. The public medical officers would need to be informed of this. To protect those who have been vaccinated, and those who will be.\ …

**[Further talk about the ADE issue. Because we know about this, I have left it out for now. Can do this another time.] **

Discussion on why so many PCR tests are turning out positive after vaccination:\ The RNA is codon optimised – Normally three nucleotides code for one amino acid. They exchanged the third in the triplet, this increases the speed at which the protein is expressed. Unlikely that what is in the mRNA can correlate with what the PCR test is looking for; Dr. VSK says it is possible that the sequence may fit in the odd case, but that is very hypothetical.\ Prof. Wodarg asks whether it would be possible to do the PCR test on the vaccine, to exclude this possibility. Dr. VSK says yes that would be absolutely possible.\ \ Discussion about the reproduction toxicity test.

VSK: […] A Development and Reproductive Toxicology test (DART) was conducted. They examined female rats twice before pairing, and then twice while they were pregnant and vaccinated. Looked to see if this had consequences for their progency. [Various different details given, I can go into this later if wished. Sounds like it’s all in the report.]There were indeed various anomalies found relating to implantation of the eggs, for example. They said it all fell within the range of historical control data. They only examined 21 foetuses, Dr. VSK says she thinks this is too low a number, they found a slight incidence of gastroparesis (abnormality of the proximal stomach wall), malformation of the jaw, right-sided arch of the aorta and cervical vertebrae anomalies. But again BN said all were within control data. She says they should have done more studies and for longer to see if this slight upwards incidence was continued or not. Only 21 animals.\ \ Prof. WWasks about the Syncytin issue. Antibodies against Syncytin can prevent the formation of the placenta. That would lead to infertility. They did not investigate the Syncytin issue, Dr. VSK says. WW says this phenomenon is not reserved to human beings - that could have been done in an animal study.

Long-term studies and studies on possible autoimmune conditions2 were not conducted.

Didn’t investigate whether the vaccine can be transferred to the foetus.

VSK: This mechanism crosses the blood-brain barrier due to the ApoE -mediated transport. So the LNPs can cause damage in the brain. 6.11.37 Damage the astrocytes. Extreme oxidative stress. Can lead to inflammation, swelling. Can have an impact on nerves. Facial palsy (Bell’s palsy) – either the nerve is inflamed or the adjacent tissue, the swelling presses against the bone that the nerve passes through, and this impairs the nerve.

VF: Damage to areas of the brain could result in the twitches and tremors that one sees, MS-type conditions\ \ WW: And injuries happening to the spinal cord – the cerebrospinal fluid … spinal nerves

VSK: Yes, one would have to prove that these lipids had got there. As soon as they are there – and this is in the publication in black and white – the cascade begins: oxidative stress, damage, apoptosis.

RF: How long does one need to hold one’s breath when one has been vaccinated. A lifetime, or does there come a time when you can relax again?

VSK: It depends on which damage you are observing. The lipids are there for 4 - 5 months. Damage can arise for as long as the lipids are there.

WW: The planning of the pharmaceutical industry is to make us into a bioreactor where we create the antibodies ourselves. It’s a great business plan for them. If they’ve managed to do it once, they’ll do it for all the vaccines they can in future. But can these vaccines clash in us? One, and then quite soon after that the next – the interactions haven’t been checked, couldn’t be yet.

RF: Without a real clinical study one can’t really say whether the RNA in one vaccine could interact with another …

WW: Impossible to have research studies on this yet.

VSK: No genotoxicity studies done yet. They say they don’t need to because “no genotoxic potential is to be expected”. But it has been known for 20 years that cationic lipids are highly toxic. What universe do they live in!

[Further discussion on the fact that it’s never one virus alone anyway – what’s happened to the differential diagnosis. What has happened to our medical councils? How can they allow this? What kind of training do our doctors have that they are going along with this? Modifying something with a vaccine, the mRNA leading to antigen expression will have an effect on an environment where we have many viruses, not just one. This is such a narrow-minded approach. Italy had been given influenza vaccinations: this changes the biotope, people who have had these vaccinations will likely react differently to an mRNA vaccine of this kind compared to those who haven’t.]

Interview with Dr. Vanessa Schmidt-Kruger
Yo también conozco y tengo compañeros que creo que son bastante inteligentes y te dicen cosas como lo de la "solidaridad" o que "al final todos nos la pondremos, pues me la pongo ya" o que "no voy a ser el único", cuando realmente hay muchos únicos y es tu cuerpo, decide tú!!!
Pues sí, es muy frustrante.
sin que se den cuenta que son carne de cañón en la agenda cuyo objetivo es imponer medidas de control ya preestablecidas, como son, por ejemplo, los pasaportes de vacunación - en el programa de la OMS desde el 2011, en el de la EU desde 2018.

...usando el Covid-Media de pretexto...:(... y la imposición del "Panico Moral" cómo tecnica...

...cuando se quiere imponer unas medidas de esencia draconiana con poco fundamento / prueba real de su necesidad imperativa.

al lugar de sentido común y el principio de proporcionalidad "peligro - medida que lo contrarresta" se usa/aplica (el estado in primis) el esquema del "Panico Moral" para introducir cambios legales o/y sociales en una sociedad:



Y dicen esto, porque la vacuna no influye para nada, ¿verdad? Esto cada vez pinta peor ya lo dijo Geert Vanden Bossche "Las campañas de vacunación masiva acelerarán la aparición de variantes de escape inmunes aún más infecciosas"

así es.

punto y aparte.

¡ojo con Geert Vanden Bossche!: lo que propugna es que ESTAS vacunas con malas, pero la SIGUENTES será mejor diseñadas y protegerán mas. ni mu sobre la trampa de las PCRs, sobre la tasa actual de mortalidad covid (muy baja, olorízate grupo de riesgo), ni tampoco sobre la importancia y eficiencia de la inmunización natural, 99% de los casos. (fortalecer sistema inmunológico...sol, vitamina d, dieta, actividad física, relaciones humanas)

tecnicamente se le puede denominar como "Gatekeeper".

"El Estado totalitario persigue algún objetivo especial, como la industrialización o la conquista, con exclusión de todos los demás.
Todos los recursos se dirigen a su consecución, sin importar el coste.
Se apoya todo lo que pueda promover el objetivo; se rechaza todo lo que pueda frustrar el objetivo.
Esta obsesión engendra una ideología que explica todo en función del objetivo, racionalizando todos los obstáculos que puedan surgir y todas las fuerzas que puedan enfrentarse al Estado.
El apoyo popular resultante permite al Estado la más amplia libertad de acción de cualquier forma de gobierno.
Cualquier disidencia es tachada de malvada, y las diferencias políticas internas no están permitidas.
Dado que la búsqueda del objetivo es el único fundamento ideológico del estado totalitario, nunca se puede reconocer la consecución del objetivo."
Me encanta venir aquí solo para poder desahogarme.
Mi pareja y yo somos de los que pensamos que esto se esta yendo de las manos, que nos han quitado hasta el aire que respirar, que nos están metiendo en una crisis de locos, en un pozo sin fondo.
Me he tenido que ir de grupos familiares, porque lo único que se oye es covid covid y que mala es la sociedad y que somos unos inconscientes... la verdad que me aterra ver el panorama actual en el que si dudas un poco alaaaa te tachan de negacionista....
Pues si creer que hay gato encerrado en que pongan restricciones absurdas en un virus en el que la forma de detección es de dudosa fiabilidad y en el que los casos de asintomáticos se toman como excusa para poner en jaque a toda la economía de las pymes y tomar medidas que coarten nuestras libertades sin ton ni son... pues soy negacionista.

Lo que me sorprende es que por comentarios que veo en rrss y comentarios que lanza la gente (por lo bajini y con miedo) cuando mi pareja y yo insinuamos que esto huele raro, me he dado cuenta de que muchiiiiiiiisima gente no se cree ya este coronatimo, pero por miedo presión social o diferentes causas nadie se pone de acuerdo aquí en España para dar un golpe sobre la mesa.

Estoy bastante triste y ansiosa porque no le veo salida a esto y familiares míos que consideraba super inteligentes ( ya lo he comentado por aquí) están deseando vacunarse y me dicen "al final no te quedará de otra es lo que hay" .
No sé en que acabará esto pero cada dia me siento psicológicamente más agotada, no quiero que mi hijo crezca viéndome con el bozal o que llegue el momento que lo tenga que llevar.
El otro día dejé la ventana abierta y escuche a dos señoras de unos 50 años diciendo que esto era un negocio, y pienso joder, hay esperanza, pero después oigo personas de mi familia (sanas jóvenes y sin patologías) cagadas de miedo y me digo que esto no es sano y a veces hasta dudo si yo me estaré equivocando...
Entiendo lo que dices, estoy en la misma situación. Para animarte piensa por lo menos que en España no hay tantas restricciones...yo vivo en París y aquí está casi todo cerrado desde hace muuucho, esto es horrible...
le tengo que dar un buen repaso al hilo porque hay muchas cosa interesantes que las he leído de pasada.
Pero es que quería poner esto: empiezan el generoso 💰apoyo de los hinfluensers

El actor que aporta diversidad en Jolibú

El ex portero prestuntamente padre de familia numerosa

y una conocida por nobles y empresarios, la única, la incomparable... ¡Mar Flores!

¿A que ya os dan más ganas del pinchazo? :hilarious:
Y, por cierto, Mar es la única que no ha hecho un copia/pega que le han mandado, ha intentado personalizarlo #RespectFlorDeUsera

Es todo "cachualidá"​

A pesar de la vacunación masiva, Chile confinó al 70% de la población​

Tras un 36% de aumento de los contagios, las autoridades sanitarias decidieron reforzar las restricciones en el país, en un momento en que la campaña de vacunación masiva anota un récord de más de 6 millones de personas que recibieron al menos una dosis

Casi 14 millones de personas, cerca del 70% de la población de Chile, entraron este jueves en una nueva cuarentena debido a un fuerte aumento de los casos de coronavirus que volvió a poner en jaque el sistema sanitario, pese a una impresionante campaña de vacunación