Incendio en la catedral de Notre Dame de Paris.

Pq le hablas de esta manera a @Eleonora de Toledo???
1. No he faltado al respeto a nadie, he expresado hastío por el ansia que tienen algunos de hacer calar teorías conspiranoicas sin fundamento que se basan en extractos de vídeos sin contextualizar simplemente en odio, miedo y racismo.
2. Ha compartido un texto en el que se da a entender que han dejado arder la catedral sin hacer todo lo posible/sin tener prisa por sofocar el incendio. Se ha procedido de la mejor manera posible y ha quedado pantente que ha sido efectivo, ya que apenas ha habido daños graves.
1. No he faltado al respeto a nadie, he expresado hastío por el ansia que tienen algunos de hacer calar teorías conspiranoicas sin fundamento que se basan en extractos de vídeos sin contextualizar simplemente en odio, miedo y racismo.
2. Ha compartido un texto en el que se da a entender que han dejado arder la catedral sin hacer todo lo posible/sin tener prisa por sofocar el incendio. Se ha procedido de la mejor manera posible y ha quedado pantente que ha sido efectivo, ya que apenas ha habido daños graves.
Bueno, nadie tenemos la verdad absoluta...
No sabía yo que ese traje era de bombero francés, gracias. ;):stop:

Verás, más bien de parecerse a algo es al de un trabajador de obra y si me apuras con un gorrito opcional que pudiera ser por gusto y no por obligación laboral que en algunas religiones se usa, porque ya no es que ni de coña sea un casco de bombero es que no lo es ni de obra, pero al menos de bombero fijo, fijo, fijo que no es y si no compara.


Ni qué decirte que los chalecos reflectantes no es lo que llevaría un bombero encima del verdadero, por la función que cada prenda realiza y que el traje de bombero ya lleva su parte (función reflectante) pero sin olvidarse de la función ignifuga (que para nada cumple el chaleco reflectante).

Bueno, a ver si lo que diga un medio internacional ganador de un premio Pulitzer que se dedica a desmentir bulos y fake news os parece más fiable —y si me molesta tanto que se divulguen vídeos dando por hecho que es un islamista en la torre de la catedral ardiendo es porque, no sé si os dais cuenta, pero estáis fomentando el racismo y la islamofobia—:

No, there was not a man ‘dressed in Muslim garb’ walking in a Notre Dame tower during the fire

By Samantha Putterman on Tuesday, April 16th, 2019 at 3:27 p.m.

When you combine an international event with the rapid dissemination of news on social media, too often you get loads of misinformation and, sometimes, completely fabricated conspiracy theories.

Unfortunately, such is the case with the massive fire that nearly destroyed the historic Notre Dame cathedral in Paris on April 15.

French authorities said they have not found evidence of arson and terrorism, and they are treating the fire as an accident that may be linked to an ongoing 6 million-euro renovation project on the church.

That still didn’t stop some internet users from suggesting it was some kind of terrorist act – as did one low-quality video clip posted to Facebook by the page "Equinox News Network."

The 18-second clip shows a man walking in one of the cathedral’s towers not long after the fire started. The video’s caption says: "No workers present at the time that the Notre Dame Cathedral fire started......So who is this guy dressed in Muslim garb??"

The video post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.)

The person in the picture isn’t dressed in "Muslim garb" — the person is a firefighter.

The clip was plucked from CNBC’s three-hour livestream of the fire and can be seen around the 42-minute mark.

Because the clip used in the Facebook post is blurry, pixelated and cropped, it’s difficult to make out the firefighter's uniform or see the wider angle of water hoses being employed to the right of the tower. When viewing the official, full-length video, the man’s yellow vest and helmet are clear and, moments later, several more firefighters show up in the same area.

The clip was also shared on Twitter, and European fact-checking outfits FactCheck EU and Check News both called out the bogus claim that a lone man was up to something sinister in the tower.

"No, there was no ‘lone man in a yellow vest’ in one of the Notre-Dame towers," FactCheck EU tweeted. "A low quality video was the basis of the bogus claim that a mysterious man in a yellow vest was in a tower. This higher quality image shows that it's a fireman. Firefighters were already on the scene."

View image on Twitter

While the exact cause of the fire is not yet known, French media reported that Paris prosecutor Rémi Heitz said in a press conference there is "no indication that this was a deliberate act," and that it appeared to be accidental.

Heitz also said that Paris police had already mobilized nearly 50 investigators to look into the fire and that investigators have started to interview about 15 workers who were working at the cathedral as part of the 6 million-euro ($6.8 million) renovation. The Paris fire brigade has been quoted as saying the blaze may be "potentially linked" to the project.

Our ruling
A video clip posted on social media showed a man walking alone in one of Notre Dame’s towers "dressed in Muslim garb."

The clip is from an authentic media live stream of the Notre Dame fire, but displays a lower-quality and cropped version that doesn’t allow the viewer to clearly see it was a firefighter. The clip also doesn’t last long enough to show other firefighters who show up in the same area moments later, and is cropped to omit the water hoses being used to fight the fire.

French authorities are conducting an investigation into the fire, but preliminary reports, so far, deem the cause as accidental, pointing to a possible link to the cathedral’s renovation project.
1. No he faltado al respeto a nadie, he expresado hastío por el ansia que tienen algunos de hacer calar teorías conspiranoicas sin fundamento que se basan en extractos de vídeos sin contextualizar simplemente en odio, miedo y racismo.
2. Ha compartido un texto en el que se da a entender que han dejado arder la catedral sin hacer todo lo posible/sin tener prisa por sofocar el incendio. Se ha procedido de la mejor manera posible y ha quedado pantente que ha sido efectivo, ya que apenas ha habido daños graves.

Muy oportuna tu omisión del cálculo de probabilidades, a la luz de la secuencia de hechos en la que el incendio se inscribe, como sustentador de las sospechas de atentado. Cálculo de probabilidades que otorga más racionalidad a las sospechas de atentado que a tu negativa fundada en versiones oficiales precipitadas e interesadas.

Lo que más gracia me hace es que vas de crítica cuando no evidencias más que un patético acriticismo y servilismo de las posiciones hegemónicas.

Por cierto, hoy han detenido a un muchacho en Marruecos que pretendía atentar en la Semana Santa sevillana.
Bueno, a ver si lo que diga un medio internacional ganador de un premio Pulitzer que se dedica a desmentir bulos y fake news os parece más fiable —y si me molesta tanto que se divulguen vídeos dando por hecho que es un islamista en la torre de la catedral ardiendo es porque, no sé si os dais cuenta, pero estáis fomentando el racismo y la islamofobia—:

No, there was not a man ‘dressed in Muslim garb’ walking in a Notre Dame tower during the fire

By Samantha Putterman on Tuesday, April 16th, 2019 at 3:27 p.m.

When you combine an international event with the rapid dissemination of news on social media, too often you get loads of misinformation and, sometimes, completely fabricated conspiracy theories.

Unfortunately, such is the case with the massive fire that nearly destroyed the historic Notre Dame cathedral in Paris on April 15.

French authorities said they have not found evidence of arson and terrorism, and they are treating the fire as an accident that may be linked to an ongoing 6 million-euro renovation project on the church.

That still didn’t stop some internet users from suggesting it was some kind of terrorist act – as did one low-quality video clip posted to Facebook by the page "Equinox News Network."

The 18-second clip shows a man walking in one of the cathedral’s towers not long after the fire started. The video’s caption says: "No workers present at the time that the Notre Dame Cathedral fire started......So who is this guy dressed in Muslim garb??"

The video post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.)

The person in the picture isn’t dressed in "Muslim garb" — the person is a firefighter.

The clip was plucked from CNBC’s three-hour livestream of the fire and can be seen around the 42-minute mark.

Because the clip used in the Facebook post is blurry, pixelated and cropped, it’s difficult to make out the firefighter's uniform or see the wider angle of water hoses being employed to the right of the tower. When viewing the official, full-length video, the man’s yellow vest and helmet are clear and, moments later, several more firefighters show up in the same area.

The clip was also shared on Twitter, and European fact-checking outfits FactCheck EU and Check News both called out the bogus claim that a lone man was up to something sinister in the tower.

"No, there was no ‘lone man in a yellow vest’ in one of the Notre-Dame towers," FactCheck EU tweeted. "A low quality video was the basis of the bogus claim that a mysterious man in a yellow vest was in a tower. This higher quality image shows that it's a fireman. Firefighters were already on the scene."

View image on Twitter

While the exact cause of the fire is not yet known, French media reported that Paris prosecutor Rémi Heitz said in a press conference there is "no indication that this was a deliberate act," and that it appeared to be accidental.

Heitz also said that Paris police had already mobilized nearly 50 investigators to look into the fire and that investigators have started to interview about 15 workers who were working at the cathedral as part of the 6 million-euro ($6.8 million) renovation. The Paris fire brigade has been quoted as saying the blaze may be "potentially linked" to the project.

Our ruling
A video clip posted on social media showed a man walking alone in one of Notre Dame’s towers "dressed in Muslim garb."

The clip is from an authentic media live stream of the Notre Dame fire, but displays a lower-quality and cropped version that doesn’t allow the viewer to clearly see it was a firefighter. The clip also doesn’t last long enough to show other firefighters who show up in the same area moments later, and is cropped to omit the water hoses being used to fight the fire.

French authorities are conducting an investigation into the fire, but preliminary reports, so far, deem the cause as accidental, pointing to a possible link to the cathedral’s renovation project.
Pero no ves la chilaba? si está clarísimo!!
Yo, en mis ratos libres, quemo iglesias y agredo a los curas. De vez en cuando algún akelarre con macho cabrío y escoba voladora incluida. Allí fue donde me revelaron que Notre Dame sería pasto de las llamas. Esta vez no lo hemos logrado, pero seguiremos intentándolo.
En fin, seguid alimentando el racismo y las teorías conspiratorias.
Y este es mi despertador <3
1. No he faltado al respeto a nadie, he expresado hastío por el ansia que tienen algunos de hacer calar teorías conspiranoicas sin fundamento que se basan en extractos de vídeos sin contextualizar simplemente en odio, miedo y racismo.
2. Ha compartido un texto en el que se da a entender que han dejado arder la catedral sin hacer todo lo posible/sin tener prisa por sofocar el incendio. Se ha procedido de la mejor manera posible y ha quedado pantente que ha sido efectivo, ya que apenas ha habido daños graves.
Odio y racismo?? Conoces a un Cristiano practicante o no, o simplemente a una persona que no sea creyente pero respete, que haya saqueado una mezquita?? Por parte de quién es el ODIO???? Nosotros viajamos a un país musulmán y debemos cubrirnos al entrar a una mezquita. Nos impresionamos también con la belleza de La Mezquita Azul de Estambul o de las maravillas de Isfahán o Shiraz. No compartimos su visión del mundo pero no quemamos mezquitas ni nos inmolamos en nombre de Jesús. Estás segura por parte de quién es el ODIO???
Odio y racismo?? Conoces a un Cristiano practicante o no, o simplemente a una persona que no sea creyente pero respete, que haya saqueado una mezquita?? Por parte de quién es el ODIO???? Nosotros viajamos a un país musulmán y debemos cubrirnos al entrar a una mezquita. Nos impresionamos también con la belleza de La Mezquita Azul de Estambul o de las maravillas de Isfahán o Shiraz. No compartimos su visión del mundo pero no quemamos mezquitas ni nos inmolamos en nombre de Jesús. Estás segura por parte de quién es el ODIO???

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