Casa Real del Reino Unido / The House of Windsor

Cotilleos y noticias de la Familia Real inglesa
Sarah Ferguson ha concedido una extensa entrevista al Daily Mail.Aquí la versión original:'I'm not divorced from Andrew - I'm divorced TO him': In her first full interview for 20 years, Sarah Ferguson discusses her weight issues, complex personal life, Eugenie’s wedding... and THAT remarriage gossipFrances Hardy spent two days with Fergie to gain an insight into her character She reports that Fergie is back, with her sense of mischief and fun undimmed She discusses Prince Philip, the Queen, Jack Brooksbank and Prince Andrew Fergie also opens up about her years in the wilderness and body image battlesBy FRANCES HARDY FOR THE DAILY MAILPUBLISHED: 22:06, 9 November 2018 | UPDATED: 23:32, 9 November 2018Only the coldest of hearts could fail to warm to Sarah, Duchess of York. Dotty and generous, she is bursting with energy and child-like joie de vivre.‘Oh, I am in every way a child,’ she agrees, in that ‘posh but not plummy’ voice we remember so well from when she first burst into the Royal Family like a flamed-haired wrecking ball in the 1980s...