Los Sussex vs grupo de prensa.

Para mi que todo esto es cosa de Megan.
Cuando decian que se fueron por el acoso de la prensa y tal, Harry sabe perfectamente, porque lo vio con su madre, que por mucho que dejaras de ser de la familia real, la prensa te seguiria. Igual que tambien seguian a su tia Sarah Ferguson y a Camilla antes de casarse con su padre.
Pero Megan sabia donde se metia, sabia lo perseguidos que son, y venga hombre, era actriz, buscas estar en el punto de mira. Lo que no le debe gustar es estar a la sombra no solo de Lady Di, sino de la Reina, de los principes, de los principitos y de Kate. Y tener que seguir unas normas.

Si ahora se pelean con otro medio, seguramente sera porque no saca nada a cambio... o no lo que ella quiere. Y el, pues coladito, hace lo que le dice.

Me llama la atencion, que en un sentido me recuerda a Letizia: llegan de salir en la tv, y a parte de llevar la contraria en muchas cosas del protocolo, consiguen que sus maridos pasen de tener unas relaciones geniales con sus herman@s y familias, a separarlos completamente. (desde mi punto de vista)
Me acuerdo del pasado Trooping Colours, cuando Mema pretendía salir detrás de la reina para robar camara y se le atrevezó Ana por un lado, andrés y edward por el otro.
Me da a mí que Harry va a hacer o ir donde su señora le diga...
Se tiene que estar arrepintiendo de haberse ido de UK. Antes tenía algo que hacer y los gastos pagados. Ahora está ocioso y sin ingresos.
Me pregunto cuando enviaran la carta a los tabloides australianos y norteamericanos.


Choque real: Harry y Meghan quieren irse de EE. UU. Después de 54 días
¡Problemas en el paraiso! - por New Idea

Se rumorea que hay problemas en el paraíso para el Príncipe Harry y Meghan Markle, ya que las fuentes afirman que su nueva vida en Los Ángeles se está desmoronando.

Después de renunciar a la familia real a fines de marzo, la pareja real esperaba comenzar de nuevo en Hollywood.

Pero, según los informes, un experto afirmó en la publicación estadounidense Star, que las grandes esperanzas de Harry de vivir una vida increíble y glamorosa en Los Ángeles aparentemente se han aplacado.

"Todos se han destrozado mientras él y Meghan luchan por adaptarse al mundo real. Pensaron que vivirían el sueño, pero se convirtió en una pesadilla ", dijo la fuente.

Según la fuente, el plan era conseguir trabajo de inmediato y comenzar a financiar el efectivo, pero con la pandemia de coronavirus, sus grandes planes quedaron en suspenso.

Con el mundo ahora encerrado, Harry y Meghan parecen tener dificultades para poner en marcha nuevos acuerdos, afirmó la fuente.

Aparentemente, Harry está aburrido y se siente atrapado y se dice que la soledad de estar encerrado en su casa lo está volviendo loco y extraña su antigua vida.

“No poder ver a nadie ni hacer nada está poniendo tensión en su relación. Están discutiendo más de lo habitual ", agregó la fuente.

Lo que es más, la pareja también está bajo presión financiera con el presunto problema de dinero de Harry, que supuestamente tiene que recurrir a su padre para pagar las cuentas.

Como tal, se rumorea que la pareja está considerando regresar a casa, donde al menos se encargarían de sus gastos de alojamiento.

La Reina apoya su decisión y "quiere ver a [Harry] volver a casa", pero tendrían que regresar a algún tipo de deberes reales que Meghan supuestamente no desea.

"Hay mucho de ida y vuelta con la reina en este momento. Están tratando de llegar a un punto medio donde todos puedan ser felices ", agregó la fuente.
Pues si todo ésto es verdad y vuelven al reino unido, tendrán que pedir perdón al pueblo británico y a la familia real.
Ya no son queridos por el pueblo, no les van a perdonar como sí lo hará la familia.
El pueblo nunca olvidará el desprecio que les hizo ésta pareja.
Qué fuerte! Cuando eres adulto y escoges una pareja, en caso de conflicto con tus padres has de hacer entender a estos que tu prioridad ahora es tu pareja, que sigues queriendolos y apoyándoles en lo que puedas, pero que has formado una familia propia con esa persona y, habiendo sido la persona escogida para compartir la vida y responsabilidades, tienes un compromiso prioritario con tu pareja. Quien no tiene claro eso y no ha roto el cordon umbilical a nivel emocional está abocando a su pareja al fracaso. Los padres pasan a segundo plano tras la pareja y los hijos, es ley de vida una vez que los hijos vuelan del nido, es algo que todo padre tiene que tener claro.

Eso de tener que oír de la pareja "a ti te encontré en la calle" da ganas de coger la puerta y desearle un feliz matrimonio con su madre o padre.

Cuántos padres e hijos que no han tenido claro esto han provocado la separación de la pareja, también al reves, cuando Los hijos de niegan a aceptar la nueva pareja de sus padres y estos les priorizan a ellos.

Es un tema complicado con niños - en este caso los niños son prioritarios para un buen padre, pero sin permitirles chantajes emocionales-, pero, entre adultos, las cosas están claras respecto a que debes lealtad a la pareja con quién has construido tu vida aunque quieras mucho a tus padres y les cuides en lo que necesiten, pero teniendo claro todos que los padres te lo dieron todo porque era su deber de padres hacerlo, sin derecho a condicionar por eso la vida de los hijos ni obligarles a elegir tensando la cuerda a su favor.
Yo lo veo al contrario, las parejas van y vienen, pero los hijos, los padres y los hermanos estarán siempre en nuestras vidas.
Según tú los dos anteriores maridos de Meghan estaban por encima de la madre de ella, y como hemos podido comprobar, nada más lejos de la realidad...
Creo que la reina, debe tener tantas preocupaciones por lo que esta pasando en su país, que ni tiempo debe tener para Harry lo mismo Will, Chsrles a lo mejor si los quiere de vuelta, porque le debe estar saliendo carísimo mantener a estos dos en Los Angeles.

La reina sí debe estar muy ocupada pero su estaf seguramente los tienen en la mira para ajustar cuentas cuando toque.

Qué lástima que aquel mítico secretario de la reina ya no viva.

Tommy no sé qué.
Y por qué no demandó a la amiga chismosa que dii a conocer la dichosa carta???
Porque Mema quería que se conociera la carta y se valió de sus amigos - voceros para ese trabajito...
Cuántos meses pasaron desde que Meghan envió la carta hasta que el padre la publicó?
Me parece que fueron unos cuantos de meses, erl padre a priori no tenía intención de publicarla, de hecho en esos meses concedió entrevistas y no dijo nada de haber recibido carta alguna, solo después de que los amigos hablaran lo hizo el padre
Resulta que el obsecuente Omid Scobie pensaba lo mismo que muchas de nosotras... Estas son sus declaraciones realizadas poco después que saliera a la luz lo de la carta.

Carta de Meghan Markle: ¿Meghan SABÍA que su padre Thomas FILTRARIA la carta? ¿Que pasa ahora?

"Desde que Meghan y Harry anunciaron su compromiso, su padre Thomas Sr ha hablado regularmente con los tabloides británicos sobre Meghan y sus interacciones dentro de la Familia Real.
Ciertas partes de la carta de Meghan desvanecen directamente ciertas afirmaciones que Markle ha hecho previamente a los medios de comunicación.
Omid Scobie, colaborador real de la red estadounidense ABC's Good Morning America, cree que Meghan tenía esto en mente cuando escribió la carta.
Según el Sr. Scobie, Meghan sabía que su carta se filtraría al público a través de su padre y la usó como una oportunidad para "dejar las cosas claras".
El corresponsal real dijo: "Si bien el propósito de la carta de Meghan era reparar la relación con el padre, ella sabía en su corazón que esto se publicaría en los periódicos.
“Thomas tiene antecedentes de esto. Este es exactamente el hombre que ella conoce.
“Entonces, muchas de esas cosas en esa carta fueron escritas pensando en el público. Tenía muchas ganas de dejar las cosas claras ".

Y esto lo dice Scobie... a ver si aún resulta que lo llaman como testigo.

Si Scobie dijo esto en febrero del 2019 y resulta ser uno de los 5, entonces estaría a mintiendo que lo hicieron con un propósito muy claro.
???pucha que le duró poco su independencia económica a la empoderada y a que casa volverán???, a la casa que le paga el pueblo británico, tan bien que estaba William con estos dos lejos que ahora volverán a revolver el gallinero, Mema no soporta no ser el centro de atención y su sueño de ser la protagonista de un una pelicula e ingresar a la lista A de jolibú se vió frustado por las pésimas críticas a su trabajo con los elefantes y ni hablar de la humillación de no ser parte de loa invitados del concierto "one world healty" o como se llame.

La única solución que veo es un divorcio y ella firmando un contrato (jugoso) para que no abra la boca.
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The Toxic And Tiresome Harkle Countdown Trip Review

MARCH 19, 2020

The Toxic And Tiresome Harkle Countdown Trip Review
We all knew the Sussex duo would have a few tricks left up their sleeves when they arrived back in the UK for their final engagements as working members of the RF, but when we look back at their ‘work’, how much of it was really work, or were they stepping stones for their plans? However, any plans have been railroaded, first by The Queen (or her aides) who have not given in to the dastardly duo’s demands, the lack of love from the public (there’s little support for them), and to top it all the Covid-19outbreak which has the world on a partial lockdown. No one could have anticipated the effect of coronavirus or planned for it with air travel virtually halted, any public or large gatherings banned, and social distancing is the new buzzword where everyone is encouraged not to hug, kiss, or touch others to limit the spread of the contagion. The latter must be a bitter blow to the plans that MM had been plotting all these months. How will she survive without a word salad speech when events have been cancelled, and how will she get that photo op of hugging a child or a woman of color when social distancing is all but compulsory?


MM hugging Alexandra Burke despite guidelines and an agreement for no personal contact on the day.

Why The Sussexes Need To Be Shutdown Immediately

MARCH 21, 2020
Why The Sussexes Need To Be Shutdown Immediately
With the coronavirus pandemic affecting the world with death tolls rising and lockdowns, one would have hoped that the dastardly duo (aka, the Sussex duo) would have stopped their campaign of chaos and playing their ‘pity me’ games. The UK went into lockdown today in a bid to prevent the virus spreading, following in the footsteps of Italy a couple of weeks ago, Spain, and France last week, while other countries have closed their borders. The major cities in the USA are doing the same, and this isn’t the time to seek commercial ventures or to promote oneself, but to show true human compassion and common sense. It appears that the Sussex duo have neither true compassion or common sense from their latest antics.
For those of you who are wondering why I am writing this instead of focusing on the Covid-19 crisis, it’s merely to record what has happened in real time––they aren’t going to get off lightly. I’m currently in a position to help others who are in high risk categories to go shopping, and to get their medication (as surgeries are closed in the UK), and yes, that takes priority over recording the latest in the Sussex saga. I make no apologies for not writing up the latest events any sooner because one must prioritize. It is however clear that the Sussex PR team have been busy amidst the coronavirus breakout, and have relentlessly continued to pursue an agenda of faux victimization. With people dying, hospitals and medical staff stretched beyond their capacities, the elderly who have to fight to buy a loaf of bread, people who have been laid off with no income and some with the prospect of becoming homeless, and businesses that have had to close down, surely the Sussexes should have the decency to stop pushing their agenda?

Shameless Attention Seeking From The Irrelevant Sussexes In A Time Of Crisis

MARCH 29, 2020
Shameless Attention Seeking From The Irrelevant Sussexes In A Time Of Crisis
The only relevant news right now in the world is the coronavirus crisis that has attacked just about every corner of the globe. We find ourselves in the midst of a rare situation of a historical and life changing event, and we all thought Brexit was going to be the main struggle of the year. All sniping and point scoring has to be put aside as countries must work together to defeat the invisible virus that has claimed so many lives, not only swiftly but cautiously too. We must accept that many people will lose members of their family, businesses will fold, and countless people will have been laid off with no income or the ability to go and get another job whilst countries are either in partial or full lockdown. What we don’t need is the antics of the attention seeking Sussex duo to either use the crisis as a platform to make themselves appear relevant, or to flood the media with PR stories of what they are going to do as of the 1 April, 2020, (when they cease to be officially working members of the RF on the payroll) which is in a matter of days.

The End Of Sussex Royal ~ Cui Bono?

MARCH 30, 2020

The End Of Sussex Royal ~ Cui Bono?
Yesterday as I was publishing the weekly overview, a few more incidents cropped up overnight, and as we approach the last few days of the reign of Sussex Royal, no doubt there will be a few more snap announcements or ‘leaks’ that find their way into the media. I reiterate that the Sussex antics are irrelevant compared to the coronavirus crisis that we are all witnessing, yet it doesn’t alter the fact that the duo have used the crisis to gain attention for themselves, and that to me is abhorrent and is why someone needs to call them out on this. Canada was free stopover that they are now done with, and how can anyone say they have any dignity or class when they have dumped Canada after their faux fawning over the Canadians? We hate to say it Canada, but we told you so…

The Insufferable Sussexes Sneakily Strike Again

APRIL 7, 2020

The Insufferable Sussexes Sneakily Strike Again
The Sussex duo have officially stepped back from being working members of the British Royal Family as of a week ago. They are irrelevant, and actually always have been, but now it’s official. While the worldwide coronavirus crisis continues, it’s abhorrent how the Sussexes still attempt to gain attention through others, thus throwing the blame away from them being insensitive. The usual royal reporters made brief references to their departure and the Disney deal, but got attacked by the cult fans for reporting on them, while normal people either ignored them or told them to stop reporting on them, claiming they were obsessed. Some reporters have listened, while others still think they are newsworthy, but the reality is that only the insane and unhinged cult fans bother to reply to social media posts on the duo or have any interest.
Los artículos son largos, pero jugosos y con muchas imágenes.

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The Ridiculing Of The Sussex Scroungers

APRIL 12, 2020
The Ridiculing Of The Sussex Scroungers
The gloves are off everywhere, and one by one, the enablers are also being laughed at while the Harkles are being ridiculed worldwide. In the UK, most people were aware of the shady antics by MM from the start, and were measured and diplomatic in their response, mainly out of respect to The Queen. Now that she has done a runner, that veil of protection no longer exists, while in their assumed safe haven of Canada (because MM worked there and it’s a Commonwealth country as we are all reminded) they used and abused the hospitality they enforced upon the unwitting country who have labelled them as ungrateful ‘thieves’, with many citizens crying out for a refund.

Sniggering At The Sussex Scam Sham

APRIL 15, 2020

Sniggering At The Sussex Scam Sham
By now, if you believed the Sussexes left the Royal Family to lead a private life you must be a complete and utter numbskull (or of unsound mind) because what they are doing is the complete opposite of what someone would do when they seek privacy. Those who lead a life of privacy don’t approve or leak images of photo shoots in a bid to garner interest months beforehand, and nor do they set up a vague charity on the spur of the moment that has no staff, no direction, no purpose, and apply for a plethora of trademarks before it’s even been launched.
The dastardly duo had planned how to use Sussex Royal before they were even wed, but The Queen put a stop to that officially on 18 February, 2020. Archeway.com was registered the next day (19 February) and Archewell.com was registered a few days later on 23 February, after the petulant and passive aggressive statement that the duo posted on their website, stating that they would not use the word ‘royal’, but telling the public that they could if they wanted to.

The Dawn Of A Marklesian Tragedy

APRIL 16, 2020

The Dawn Of A Marklesian Tragedy
What is a Marklesian Tragedy? Imagine a cross between Lady Macbeth, and Tolstoy’s Hélène Kuragin with a smattering of bitter and twisted elderly Balzacian coquettes thrown in, and you have a typical Marklesian Tragedy, packed with betrayal, avarice, and ambition, all topped with an incessant desire and yearning for power. Lady Macbeth’s ruthlessness, Kuragin’s immoral shallowness, and the manipulation by coquettes throughout the ages (but so well and honestly depicted by Balzac) aren’t admirable qualities, yet they are the same traits we see in the ongoing Marklesian Tragedy. For this is a tragedy, and one that we know won’t end well, yet we as bystanders must watch it play out.
The only problem is that this isn’t a novel, and that the actions of the Sussexes affect a nation, and that simply isn’t fair. Watching the destruction of the British Monarchy, and the reputation of a nation fall into disrepute, while the Sussex duo carry on conniving is painful, but it will end. In the meantime we can hold them to account, along with those who enable and defend them because without these ‘helpers’ who are diminishing rapidly, the game would be up.
Everything the duo attempt to do falls apart, and some may say Fate and Karma had a hand in this. It’s as if the Powers From Above shook their heads and said, ‘ENOUGH’, and ‘NO’ because Charles and The Queen didn’t quite have the guts to do it, but the consequence is that the entire world had to suffer too. I have to say that they were cutting if fine with their timing if that was the case.

Project Stop The Simpering Sussexes~Pap Strolls And Video Calls Galore

APRIL 18, 2020
Project Stop The Simpering Sussexes~Pap Strolls And Video Calls Galore
The sudden Sussex appearances of jumping on numerous bandwagons (planned and contrived appearances), in the space of 48 hours, can only mean one thing––it took time to set up the video calls and ahem, volunteer work (amidst a volunteer hiatus), and a paid for pap walk with the dogs to prove it was them. Maybe Charles released their monthly allowance or a cheque cleared, because they were about a month late into the action of helping during the coronavirus, because everyone has mucked in already without fanfare or a pat on the back, and some have even died through helping.

We can safely assume though that the faux claims of privacy are a load of baloney, not that anyone truly believed them, and we were merely waiting for the faux PR to bombard us. With no official social media account to announce their ‘appearances’ it’s left to the various charities or brands involved to post ‘statements’ and images to bolster their image, yet some get it wrong, and others just don’t have the staff to monitor or promote the Sussexes as they had hoped.

Despicable, Dangerous, And Deplorable ~ The Desperate PR Harkle Rebranding

APRIL 19, 2020

Despicable, Dangerous, And Deplorable ~ The Desperate PR Harkle Rebranding
Following in the footsteps from his pal Greta, we Brits are crying out, “How dare you?” in response to Harry jumping on the NHS and Captain Tom bandwagon a few weeks late. If anything the Harkles are predictable, but Captain Tom is our British treasure, and Harry needs to stop hanging onto the coattails of others for attention. It’s clear the past week has been a carefully planned PR attack on the world in a despicable attempt to rebrand the Harkles. We’ve had video calls, staged pap walks, a podcast, and now we are told MM will do a promotional interview on American television to promote the trashed Disney documentary that had originally been narrated by an A list actor who actually lives in Los Angeles.

A pap perfectly placed to take a photo and MM looks directly at them!

The Solipsistic Sussexes Latest Temper Tantrum

APRIL 20, 2020
The Solipsistic Sussexes Latest Temper Tantrum
We have the sharp and acerbic Andrew Neil (former editor of The Sunday Times) to thank for the Sussex word of the day ‘solipsistic’, which encapsulates the very being of the Sussex duo. As suspected by the Shifty Shippy/Scabie acts of tweeting stories at midnight (while probably sitting eagerly waiting for the clock to strike) confirms the ‘chosen’ media outlets that the Sussexes have opted to communicate with. I had to laugh at the clumsy and incoherent word salad letter apparently sent to the editors of various tabloids from a ‘sussexroyal’ email account because it truly was ludicrous.


Meghan’s Pity Party Of Porky Pies

APRIL 22, 2020
Meghan’s Pity Party Of Porky Pies
The public reaction to the ‘letter’ sent to the tabloids to tell them the Harkles were breaking up with them was really a distraction, and part of the contrived plan to attempt to make MM appear to be a helpless victim of the tabloids. Don’t let it distract you from the real reason, and that is the impending court hearing where MM attempts to take on the tabloids with her version of events. The ‘letter’ was written by egotistical simpletons, and has been mocked around the world for being trivial, pompous, and in the grand scheme of things unimportant. The overall gist is a sense of overbearing entitlement, with an expectation of assumed respect because Harry was born with a title (that they gloated over as often as possible).