Juicio al 'procés' - Referéndum en Cataluña — El conflicto catalán

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Los de Telepolis también reparten estopa. La traducción es de google pero se entiende con claridad: rebelión es un cargo grotesco, se hace eco de las detenciones y sentencias de cárcel de tuiteros y raperos, menciona a los chavales de Alsasua, las cautelares de la ONU, la llamada a cometer actos terroristas de Losantos, los insultos a la ministra alemana, etc. No hay violencia, ergo no hay rebelión, Lamela es una hardliner (LOL), un link a la operación de la GC (descrita como un cuerpo paramilitar) para detener a la CDR (con pasamontañas y armas largas enfrente de una guardería), etc, etc, etc. No se han dejado nada.

Now the Catalans are supposed to be "terrorists"
April 10, 2018 Ralf Streck

Mariano Rajoy as a cartoon character

(Image: Rafa Esteve / CC BY-SA 4.0 )

Spain's repression policy is becoming increasingly absurd

Telepolis had already titled the Spanish criminal law reforms and the introduction of gagging laws in 2015 : "Freedom of expression is gone and everything can now be terrorism in Spain." How correct this assessment was, has clearly shown in recent months, as even Twitterers and rappers have been sentenced to higher prison terms.

Now it hails against peaceful demonstrators, the first terrorist allegations: So today were arrested by the paramilitary Guardia Civil Catalans not only because of the - grotesque - rebellion charge, but - no less grotesque - because of terrorism.

The deterrent is to be raised
In total, at least seven people were arrested. Two people were known to be accused of "terrorism" and "rebellion". To underline this, the paramilitaries were heavily armed, masked and armed with several forces . The detainees are accused of having blocked not only roads over the Easter weekend, but also that paying agencies of highways were opened so that motorists could use the highway for free. That seems to be because it is the purse of the state to be "terror" then.

Six people were arrested by the Mossos d`Esquadra, where it comes specifically to the fence to Parliament on 30 January breached have when Spain re-inauguration of Carles Puigdemont prevented many tricks had. They are now all at large again . In response to the arrests, there was an immediate new road blockade on a main artery in Barcelona.

It was to be expected that the Spanish authorities would resort to terrorism charges in addition to the grotesque rebellion accusation. The deterrence is to be raised and it would be a wonder if the two people would not be put in pre-trial detention by the hardliner Carmen Lamela. Under alleged terrorism, the judge at the Special Court "Audiencia Nacional" already arrests Basque youth.

Due to a bar fight with two paramilitaries stationed in Basque Alsasua they are due to alleged terrorism up to 62 years in prison . The process is now starting next week and even the regional parliament in Navarre is calling for a demonstration on Saturday in Iruña (Pamplona) to demand "justice" .

Embarrassment abroad
It seems that Spain can do nothing but attract more and more the repression screw. This should be done on the "home front" for beautiful weather in the face of slaps, which must take Spain on an international level.

Puigdemont and all his comrades in Belgium, Scotland and Switzerland are free. No trace of violence, which is why there can be no extradition for rebellion . In Spain, the ultra-right and fascists are angry, even calling for bombings , Germans on Mallorca as a "hostage" and massively against federal justice minister Katarina Barley (SPD) to draw.

She has very timidly denied that she simply said some sensible things that make Spain indignant . It is becoming increasingly clear that there are "political components" in Catalonia that need to be negotiated. That drives right-wing Spaniards to hate bouts.

This is reinforced by the fact that it is becoming increasingly doubtful whether the Higher Regional Court in Schleswig Puigdemont will only extradite for alleged "infidelity". Because this reproach is almost as grotesque as the alleged rebellion, which describes a coup.

The fact that Friday at 10 clock there is a new attempt to elect a president and to form a government, annoying the government under Mariano Rajoy, which also just again massive scandals on the leg , of course, particularly strong. Because once again the prisoner of investigation Jordi Sànchez to be elected, whose inauguration of Judge Pablo Llarena was prevented in early March.

The fact that he did not let him into parliament, numerous jurists and constitutional lawyers as a right-wing bend , with which the judge at the Supreme Court punishable.

Spain and her judge face the dilemma that even the UN Human Rights Commission is demanding that Spain guarantee Sànchez's rights as a candidate and let it go to parliament .

Spain would be even more wrong before the international public, if one opposes the "provisional" measures and makes it even clearer that one tries to prevent the implementation of a democratic election result, whereby the cloak has long slipped, with the undemocratic approach should be legalized.

The learning process of the CUP
The left-radical CUP seems to have learned. She had prevented the inauguration of the political prisoner and former government spokesman Jordi Turull in the first ballot , thereby giving the judge Llarena the opportunity to prevent the election in the second ballot by a simple majority by imprisonment in order to re- legalize.

The CUP is no longer compulsively involved in the investiture of Puigdemont, especially since Puigemont also supports Sànchez. Moreover, it is only an interim solution that can clear the place as soon as Puigdemont can be chosen. And time is running out because a president has to be elected by May 21, otherwise new elections will take place .

CUP spokesman Carles Riera said the anti-capitalists could allow the inauguration of Sànchez or another candidate in the first ballot, if there was a "break with Spain" program and a "republican constitution" was drafted, the party said. Her attitude towards Turull had led to an indignant storm at her base and among her constituents.
pero todos los antieuropeistas han reforzado sus posiciones gracias a la decisión del juez alemán y eso será lo que traiga unas consecuencias importante en el medio plazo
Pues entonces, si queréis quedaros en la UE igual va siendo hora de explicarles a los antieuropeistas que la que está equivocada en este caso no es la UE, sino la judicatura española y su amo, el gobierno. Y yo no tendría tan claro que Mariano no vaya a ganar otra vez; cuando llegue el momento, pondrán a funcionar las cloacas y le sacarán todos los trapos sucios (que son muchos) a Falangito and co. El PP quiere el cortijo y lo quiere entero, no está dispuesto a compartirlo con nadie.
Gancho a la mandíbula de Margaritis Schinas (que bastante tiene el pobre hombre con ese nombre y una mujer pepera)


Vaya lo que dice un diputado de un parlamento europeo sobre España…

Lo compara con Sudan, tela.

Hay que recordar que a este político finlandés que invitó a Puigdemont a su país le han amenazado por las redes sociales, a él y a su familia… y claro lo que ha hecho que se pusiera más a favor de los catalanes. Ya que ha sufrido en su propia persona lo que sufrimos nosotros a diario.

Lo que ha provocado que solicite el envío masivo de postales de los indepes solicitando la independencia, que presentará en el parlamento finlandés…

Ah y que a partir de ayer forme parte de un CDR.

Mardita Hemeroteca

Que decia el portavoz del gobierno…. El ministro de cultura… parte del Gobierno Español … que opinaba, que firmaba una carta…. En 1975 donde justificaba la violencia de extrema derecha contra el resto de personas con otras ideologías.

Que es justo y necesario pa proteger a ESPAÑA y al Rey…

Roguemos al señor.
Llarena estudia prolongar la pieza secreta por malversación
El magistrado ha ordenado varias líneas de investigación para acreditar que se utilizaron fondos públicos para el 'procés'
O sea, que está acusando de malversación sin tener indicios ni pruebas. Y ahora que se las piden desde Alemania se ha tenido que poner las pilas.

Mira que dice el alcalde de Ripoll que lo que verdad es terrorismo es lo que provocó el atentado del 17 de agosto en Barcelona..

Ese que condenasteis todos los españoles en masa saliendo a las calles … ah no que no salió nadie.

Total las victimas eran catalanes o extranjeros, pa que vais a solidarizaros?
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