Alto el fuego en Siria

lo que ya sabíamos desde hace años, pero se nos - a los que poníamos en tela de juicio la versión oficial de los MSM - tachaba de conspiranoicos...
el ex-PM de Qatar, Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber al-Thani, desahogandose en una entrevista el 25 de Oct. en la TV qatari sobre como Arabia saudi, Qatar, EEUU y Turquia estaban detrás de ISIS - apoyo logístico, armas, etc. material necesario para quitar a Assad del medio...a lo que siempre se le ha llamado cambio de régimen....a veces se hace con golpe de estado militar, otras veces con revoluciones de color...en el caso de Siria - creando a los monstruos cortacabezas de ISIS...


entrevista completa:

Putin recibe a Assad

7:43am Nov 22, 2017
9RAW: Putin hosts Syrian president Assad for talks
On a surprise trip to Russia, Syria's Bashar Assad discussed potential new peace initiatives for post-war Syria with Russian President Vladimir Putin who declared that Russia's two-year military campaign in Syria is wrapping up, the Kremlin said Tuesday.
Moscow released footage of Assad warmly embracing Putin, who hosted him in the Black Sea resort of Sochi on Monday, ahead of a summit between Russia, Turkey and Iran and a new round of Syria peace talks in Geneva later this month.
The meeting was unannounced and the Kremlin did not make it public until Tuesday morning.
"I passed on to (Putin) and all Russian people our greetings and gratitude for all of the efforts that Russia made to save our country," Assad told Russia's top generals in televised remarks.
Assad has only ventured outside his war-ravaged nation twice since the conflict began — both times to Russia.
This week's visit to meet Putin is his second since the crisis began in March 2011 leading to a civil war that has killed some 400,000 people and resulted in millions of refugees.
The first was in October 2015, weeks after Russia launched its military campaign in Syria to shore up Assad's forces, which turned the war in favor of Assad.
The meeting in Sochi, which lasted three hours, preceded a summit between the presidents of Iran, Russia and Turkey set for Wednesday at the same venue. Iran and Russia have been Assad's main backers while Turkey supports the opposition.
Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the Russian president had previously assured the leaders of Turkey and Iran that "Russia will work with Syrian leadership to prepare the groundwork for the understandings that could be reached in Sochi on Wednesday and to make sure that agreements that could be reached would be viable."
It wasn't immediately clear if the Kremlin put any pressure on Assad to accept a new deal brokered by Russia, Turkey and Iran — or whether that deal would involve Assad staying on as president once the war is over — but Assad signaled his intention to hold his ground in future Syria peace talks.

Syrian President Bashar Assad and Russian leader Vladimir Putin meet in southern Russia. (Photo: AP).
"We count on Russia's support to keep foreign players from interfering into the political process," he said during the talks with Putin. Assad is believed to have left Sochi after the meeting and returned to Damascus.
Asked whether Putin and Assad have talked about the Syrian president's future in post-war Syria, Peskov said "possible options for political settlement have been discussed" and added that "only the Syrian people could determine Assad's role."

Despite pressure from other nations that Assad step down, Moscow has insisted that it is up to the Syrian people to vote him in or out.
On Sunday, Syrian troops and their allies captured the eastern town of Boukamal, the last major urban area held by the Islamic State group in Syria, leaving the militants to defend just strips of desert territory and a besieged pocket outside Damascus.
Six Syrians linked to IS arrrested in Germany
Six Syrian nationals have been arrested across Germany on suspicion of membership in the Islamic State terrorist group and planning an attack, reports AAP.
The men, aged between 20 and 28, were arrested during raids involving some 500 police officers on eight flats in the German cities of Kassel, Hanover, Essen and Leipzig, the prosecutor's office in Frankfurt said.
Four of the six suspects came to Germany in December 2014 as asylum seekers, while the remaining two arrived in the country in August and September 2016, also by posing as refugees.
Prosecutors say the suspects' terrorist plot had not been close to fruition, but they had planned to target a public space with explosives or firearms.
Public broadcaster HR cited investigators as saying that the cell had been planning a terrorist attack on a Christmas market in Essen.

a ver quin es el malo ahora...Assad must go! y no hay otra :ROFLMAO::banghead::banghead:, cueste lo que cueste...los modus/agente usados van cambiando (de ISIS a los kurdos), pero la consigna es la misma: la desmembración del ultimo país grande y no aliado a los EEUU/Israel en el Oriente Medio (bueno, quedaría solo Iran, pero tiempo al tiempo), Siria

Estados Unidos quiere instaurar una ‘nueva autoridad’ en el norte de Siria

Washington pretende sustituir a los yihadistas por las Fuerzas Democráticas Sirias (FDS) para seguir desestabilizando Siria.

Respaldando a dicha coalición trata de instaurar una “nueva autoridad” en el norte sirio, mientras que sus tropas “no tienen base legal” para permanecer en Siria, ha alertado hoy la portavoz del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Rusia, María Zajarova.

La representante diplomática de Rusia ha llamado la atención de que la “creación de órganos de autoridad locales no subordinados a Damasco supone un camino hacia la quiebra del país”.

Estados Unidos tiene instaladas bases militares en Siria que son “ilegales” y “violan la soberanía del país árabe”, denuncia el gobierno sirio. Las instalaciones estadounidenses en el norte de Siria persiguen el objetivo de asegurar a las milicias kurdo-árabes, según denuncian los funcionarios sirios.

El 13 de noviembre el secretario de Defensa de Estados Unidos dijo abiertamente que los militares estadounidenses no se irían de Siria. “Ya hemos llamado reiteradamente la atención de Washington al hecho de que esas declaraciones cuestionan los verdaderos objetivos de la presencia de las Fuerzas Armadas estadounidenses y de la coalición en Siria”, afirmó Zajarova.

Pese al fin inminente del Califato Islámico en Siria, Estados Unidos insiste en mantener a sus tropas en el país árabe para presionar al gobierno sirio.

En otra parte de sus declaraciones, Zajarova ha arremetido contra la decisión recién anunciada por Estados Unidos de permanecer en Siria. Estados Unidos se comporta de manera “cercana a lo que se podría definir como una ocupación”, ha afirmado.

La portavoz reitera la postura de Moscú, recordando que las operaciones de la llamada coalición internacional contra el Califato Islámico no solo no están autorizadas por el gobierno de Bashar al-Asad, sino que están “en contra de la voluntad del Gobierno legítimo de Siria”, ha señalado Zajarova.

después de que los EEUU quisieron "hacerle la cama" a Erdogan con el golpe de estado - fallido por suerte para Erdogan, por el soplo que le dieron los rusos en el ultimo momento - se ve que el antiguo fiel aliado US se ha pasado definitivamente de lado y no tolerará los movimientos (base militar ilegal, apoyo a los ISIS y ahora a los kurdos, etc, etc) US en Siria:

Erdogan: we will 'strangle' U.S.-backed force in Syria "before it's even born"
