Gana el Brexit: Reino Unido decide abandonar la Unión Europea

El tonto útil es el único que está diciendo las verdades, desde que las promesas de campaña eran falsas hasta que UK va camino a la recesión y preparando el terreno para la venta de medio país (aún más) devaluado a las grandes corporaciones US.

Nigel Farage says Britain heading for recession 'regardless of Brexit'
The Leave campaigner says ‘increased global opportunities’ await outside the single market

Nigel Farage said Britain was going into a recession anyway. Photograph: Matt Dunham/AP
Press Association

Sunday 26 June 2016 08.16 BST

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Nigel Farage has said Britain is heading for a “mild” recession but says it has nothing to do with Brexit.

The victorious Leave campaigner rejected warnings that leaving the European Union would have dire consequences for the UK economy, even as markets were rocked by Thursday’s result.

Sterling plummeted to its lowest level against the US dollar for 35 years as the tide turned in favour of leaving the EU in the early hours of Friday.

Live Brexit live: Heidi Alexander first shadow minister to resign after Hilary Benn sacking
Conservative candidates vie to Stop Boris as fallout from UK vote to leave the EU leaves both parties in confusion
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The dramatic slide was followed by chaos on trading floors around the world as pre-polling jitters turned into panic and uncertainty following the leave vote and David Cameron’s resignation.

However Farage said Britain’s exit from the EU, for which he has campaigned for 25 years, would not be damaging.

“There’s nothing new here,” he told the Sunday Telegraph. “I think we are going into a mild recession anyway, completely regardless of Brexit. Our growth forecasts are down. Our public-sector borrowing is still not under control at all and everyone forgets that sterling is in a bear market, declining since July 2014.”

Farage said “increased global opportunities” awaited outside the single market.

“There is no reason why we really couldn’t be benefiting two years from now,” he told the newspaper.

He said he felt sympathy for Cameron, but it was now time for a pro-Brexit government led by a pro-Brexit prime minister.

He stopped short of backing any particular candidate, but said he would be “happy” to see Boris Johnson, Michael Gove or Liam Fox in the post. “Brexit prime minister, that’s all I want,” he said.
El tonto útil es el único que está diciendo las verdades, desde que las promesas de campaña eran falsas hasta que UK va camino a la recesión y preparando el terreno para la venta de medio país (aún más) devaluado a las grandes corporaciones US.

Nigel Farage says Britain heading for recession 'regardless of Brexit'
The Leave campaigner says ‘increased global opportunities’ await outside the single market

Nigel Farage said Britain was going into a recession anyway. Photograph: Matt Dunham/AP
Press Association

Sunday 26 June 2016 08.16 BST

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Nigel Farage has said Britain is heading for a “mild” recession but says it has nothing to do with Brexit.

The victorious Leave campaigner rejected warnings that leaving the European Union would have dire consequences for the UK economy, even as markets were rocked by Thursday’s result.

Sterling plummeted to its lowest level against the US dollar for 35 years as the tide turned in favour of leaving the EU in the early hours of Friday.

Live Brexit live: Heidi Alexander first shadow minister to resign after Hilary Benn sacking
Conservative candidates vie to Stop Boris as fallout from UK vote to leave the EU leaves both parties in confusion
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The dramatic slide was followed by chaos on trading floors around the world as pre-polling jitters turned into panic and uncertainty following the leave vote and David Cameron’s resignation.

However Farage said Britain’s exit from the EU, for which he has campaigned for 25 years, would not be damaging.

“There’s nothing new here,” he told the Sunday Telegraph. “I think we are going into a mild recession anyway, completely regardless of Brexit. Our growth forecasts are down. Our public-sector borrowing is still not under control at all and everyone forgets that sterling is in a bear market, declining since July 2014.”

Farage said “increased global opportunities” awaited outside the single market.

“There is no reason why we really couldn’t be benefiting two years from now,” he told the newspaper.

He said he felt sympathy for Cameron, but it was now time for a pro-Brexit government led by a pro-Brexit prime minister.

He stopped short of backing any particular candidate, but said he would be “happy” to see Boris Johnson, Michael Gove or Liam Fox in the post. “Brexit prime minister, that’s all I want,” he said.

Van a terminar lo que empezo Thatcher y adoptar un modelo ultra-liberal como el de USA. De la sarten al cazo.
Van a terminar lo que empezo Thatcher y adoptar un modelo ultra-liberal como el de USA. De la sarten al cazo.
No puedes convocar un referéndum de esta envergadura sin tener un plan en caso de que gane cualquiera de las opciones porque eso es echarle el país a los tiburones, que es lo que va a pasar. Ya hay rumores de un mini TTIP con USA para evitar la muy probable recesión. Veremos.
Una muestra del nivelazo de desinformación de los votantes. Ya no es que ellos se quieran ir, es que deberíamos ser nosotros los que desearamos no tener a un país entre nosotros.

View from Wales: town showered with EU cash votes to leave EU
In Ebbw Vale, with little immigration and perhaps more EU investment than any other UK small town, the sense of injustice is greater than the sum of the facts


It’s a town with almost no immigrants that voted to get the immigrants out. A town that has been showered with EU cash that no longer wants to be part of the EU. A town that holds some of the clues, perhaps, in understanding quite how spectacularly the Remain message failed to land. There’s a sense of injustice that is far greater than the sum of the facts, and the political landscape has fractured and split. Zak Kelly says that many of his friends, in what is Nye Bevan’s old constituency, voted Ukip.

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No puedes convocar un referéndum de esta envergadura sin tener un plan en caso de que gane cualquiera de las opciones porque eso es echarle el país a los tiburones, que es lo que va a pasar. Ya hay rumores de un mini TTIP con USA para evitar la muy probable recesión. Veremos.

Obama ya dijo hace tiempo y lo reafirmó el viernes, que a pesar de ser socios van a tener que ponerse a la cola para negociar un acuerdo.
Nick Clegg publicó este artículo horas antes de que se abriesen los colegios electorales y, de momento, todo lo que predijo se va cumpliendo. Clegg claramente equivocó su carrera, de ser un político mediocre puede que llegue a ser un excelente adivino.

Nick Clegg: what you will wake up to if we vote to Leave…

(Photo by illustration Christopher Furlong/Getty Images)
Nick Clegg 19:34Wednesday June 22nd 2016

Are you still undecided? Are you someone who – pummelled by weeks of claim and counter-claim – has been left exhausted and annoyed? Have you been looking for answers, yet all you’ve encountered are insults and exaggeration?

Maybe you’re so fed up you think to hell with it, let’s throw caution to the wind and vote Brexit. Imagine, however, what happens next. Imagine how you will feel on 24 June?

Having woken on Friday to the news we’re quitting the EU, you will assume that those who persuaded you to take that leap of faith have a plan about what to do next.

So imagine how dismayed you will feel when you discover, instead, that Nigel Farage, Michael Gove and Boris Johnson can’t agree among themselves what life outside the EU looks like? They may be united by a ferocious loathing of the EU, but they have no shared plan for the future.

So you will look towards our leaders in Westminster to sort out the mess. Instead, they argue among themselves: the Conservatives descend into a bloody leadership election; Parliament enters years of constitutional gridlock trying to extricate itself from the intricate legal stitching which binds us to the EU and gives us access to world markets.

Then you discover just how unprepared the Government is – that there simply aren’t enough trade negotiators in Whitehall, for instance, with the expertise to renegotiate 50 or so international trade accords.

As politicians bicker, you become increasingly unnerved by what’s happening in the economy, too: overseas investors take fright; money flows out of the country; our credit rating is slashed; the interest on our borrowing goes up; unemployment rises; sterling tanks; prices in the shops go up.

Nicola Sturgeon soon announces that preparations have started for a second independence referendum, claiming it is the only way to keep Scotland in the EU. And this time most commentators think that she will win.

Still, at least they will finally sort out our borders, right? After all, ending mass immigration was the Brexiteers biggest claim of all.

So imagine how you’ll feel when you discover that they don’t have a plan for that either? Some argue for a new land border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland to stop EU immigrants coming in through the “back door”. Others that a new border would harm the peace in Northern Ireland. The Australian points system which they advocate is no solution either – it has led to immigration levels twice as high as in the UK.

Panic starts to spread among the 1.3 million Brits who live, study and retire elsewhere in the EU. Spanish politicians start to complain about paying for public services used by British pensioners. If we start excluding Spanish doctors and nurses, why should they keep paying for our pensioners?

And then there’s that faintly queasy feeling you get when you see Donald Trump on the TV, visiting the UK on Friday, declaring his joy at the Brexit vote.

Meanwhile Angela Merkel invites President Obama to an emergency summit to discuss the fallout – the UK is, of course, excluded from what soon emerges as the new “special relationship” between the US and Germany.

The Brexiteers say you will “regain control”. But it won’t feel like that. Instead, the economy lurches to recession; there’s upheaval in Westminster; no plan to allay concerns about immigration; another referendum in Scotland; a steep slide in Britain’s standing in the world.

Our wonderful country adrift – not in control. And for what? Nigel, Michael and Boris still won’t be able to tell you why.
No puedes convocar un referéndum de esta envergadura sin tener un plan en caso de que gane cualquiera de las opciones porque eso es echarle el país a los tiburones, que es lo que va a pasar. Ya hay rumores de un mini TTIP con USA para evitar la muy probable recesión. Veremos.

En realidad si existe un plan, y es ese...y tb la razon de que RU nunca fuese parte integra y activa de la UE. Una parte de la sociedad piensa que lo de Thatcher fue el camino correcto y se ven a si mismos como un pequenho USA fuera de la influencia de un continente al que consideran "unos blandos". Los tories son muy parecidos a los republicanos mas rancios de America.
Obama ya dijo hace tiempo y lo reafirmó el viernes, que a pesar de ser socios van a tener que ponerse a la cola para negociar un acuerdo.
Obama puede cantar misa, en USA quien manda (bueno, como en todo el mundo) es el capital, que podría fácilmente presionar para acelerar el proceso. De no ser, claro, que Frau Merkel diga que si hay TTIP con UK no hay TTIP con la UE. Ya sabemos que para el capital no cuentan los antiguos Imperios, sino los millones de consumidores en un mercado concreto. en fin, que estoy devariando mucho :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:
Una cosa es clara, RU se va a tener que poner manos a la obra en politica exterior e interior, y lidiar con Escocia e Irlanda a la vez que intenta curar heridas con su principal mercado (UE), al que acaba de patear en toda la cara...ademas de abrir horizontes y puertas que llevan cerradas mucho tiempo. O se lo curran, o eso va a ser una merienda de negros.

Lo que si tengo claro, es lo que comentabas antes, se van a alejar mucho del modelo que deberia seguir un pais europeo y tirar mas hacia un modelo ultraliberal donde los que mas lo van a sufrir son los de los benefits y no "los polacos". Estos ultimos con hacer sus maletas y marcharse a trabajar a los otros 26 paises, lo tienen arreglado.

Saliendome un poco del tema, no entiendo porque en RU hay tanta malisima baba en contra de los polacos, cuando aqui estan muy bien considerados y tienen fama de ser unos trabajadores excepcionales. Todavia no me he encontrado con ninguno que viva del estado, cuando aqui es incluso mas goloso que en RU...meloexpliquen :ROFLMAO:
Una muestra del nivelazo de desinformación de los votantes. Ya no es que ellos se quieran ir, es que deberíamos ser nosotros los que desearamos no tener a un país entre nosotros.

View from Wales: town showered with EU cash votes to leave EU
In Ebbw Vale, with little immigration and perhaps more EU investment than any other UK small town, the sense of injustice is greater than the sum of the facts


It’s a town with almost no immigrants that voted to get the immigrants out. A town that has been showered with EU cash that no longer wants to be part of the EU. A town that holds some of the clues, perhaps, in understanding quite how spectacularly the Remain message failed to land. There’s a sense of injustice that is far greater than the sum of the facts, and the political landscape has fractured and split. Zak Kelly says that many of his friends, in what is Nye Bevan’s old constituency, voted Ukip.

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Joer... Quieren estigmatizar a los que han votado lo contrario de lo que quería el establishment... Muy democrático todo, sí, sí... ¿Van a regalar también las piedras para que los remainers los lapiden?
Hombre, no se trata de descalificar a los votantes...sino mas bien, reconocer el juego sucio de los politicos. Hasta Farage ha reconocido ese juego sucio despues de la votacion.

"Creo que cometieron un error en prometer eso. Tenemos 10.000 millones, dinero gratis para gastar en el NHS o en escuelas, lo que sea, no hay nada fijo", ha dicho el líder. "Tienes que entender que yo estaba en el ostracismo por la campaña oficial del 'leave'"

Vamos, un "el fin justifica los medios" de manual. Lo que me hace pensar que ni los partidarios de una cosa, ni los de la otra han recibido una informacion clara por parte de quien pedia su voto, dejandose llevar mas por percepciones que realidades. De todas maneras, lo hecho, hecho esta. Han decidido y me parece bien :pompous:

Todos estos articulos de opinion y peticiones estan ya de mas.
Obama puede cantar misa, en USA quien manda (bueno, como en todo el mundo) es el capital, que podría fácilmente presionar para acelerar el proceso. De no ser, claro, que Frau Merkel diga que si hay TTIP con UK no hay TTIP con la UE. Ya sabemos que para el capital no cuentan los antiguos Imperios, sino los millones de consumidores en un mercado concreto. en fin, que estoy devariando mucho :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:

Tú sola te has contestado.