UH: Causa de muerte Homicidio en el caso de Gabby Petito, desaparecida mientras estaba de viaje por EEUU con su novio, Brian Laundrie.

pareja dice haberle llevado en camioneta el día 29

Me cito

Sabéis si Yellowstone esta cerca de Jackson donde dice esta pareja que le vieron solo el día 29?
El día 25 es la última vez que hay contacto entre gabby y su madre sin lugar a dudas ya que se ven por FaceTime.
El 27 le manda un mensaje a su madre ( no se sabe si fue ella)
El 29 gabby había quedado en Yellowstone con una amiga... Si esta cerca de Jackson puede que Brian temiese ser visto solo por la amiga?
Me cito

Sabéis si Yellowstone esta cerca de Jackson donde dice esta pareja que le vieron solo el día 29?
El día 25 es la última vez que hay contacto entre gabby y su madre sin lugar a dudas ya que se ven por FaceTime.
El 27 le manda un mensaje a su madre ( no se sabe si fue ella)
El 29 gabby había quedado en Yellowstone con una amiga... Si esta cerca de Jackson puede que Brian temiese ser visto solo por la amiga?
Me he hecho las mismas preguntas,pri. Si el testimonio de esta pareja es cierto la clave está en ese dia 29
Última edición:
pareja dice haberle llevado en camioneta el día 29

Voy a copiar y pegar la transcripción de los vídeos de la pareja que dice que llevó a Brian el día 29:

"Hi my name is Miranda Baker, and on August 29th, my boyfriend and I picked up Brian at Grand Teton National Park at 5:30 at night at Colter Bay.

I'm hoping this can help someone identify him, because I saw him from Tik Tok, which then made me call the authorities, and my boyfriend and I have been in contact with a bunch of different people to help piece together different parts of this case, but we picked him up at Colter Bay, like I said at 5:30. He approached us asking us for a ride because he needed to go to Jackson, which we were going to Jackson that night, so I said "you know, hop in", and he hopped in the back of my Jeep, we then proceeded to make small talk, but before he came in the car he offered to pay us like $200, to give him a ride, like 10 miles. So that was kind of weird. He then told us he's been camping for multiple days without his fiancé, he did say he had a fiancé, and that she was working on their social media page back at their van. Then once in conversation I brought up "we're going to Jackson", he freaked out. He's like "nope, I need to get out right now, pull over."

So we pulled over at the Jackson Dam, which I don't know if you know Teton Park, but it's not very far from Colter Bay. And if this does reach people, I can post pictures of exactly where we were, where we picked him up, and the whole route, and screenshots of a time stamp. We dropped him off at 6:09pm on August 29th. He kind of hurried out of the car, and then was like "I'm just going to find someone else to go hitchhike." And we were like, Okay. It was a weird situation.. so when we picked him up he was wearing a backpack, a long sleeve, pants, hiking boots, and he had scruff, but he didn't look dirty. For someone who was camping for multiple days, he didn't look dirty, he didn't smell dirty, so that part was kind of weird. I'm just really hoping they find her and this helps someone remember seeing him"

" To clarify a few things that people are are confused on still, when he asked for a ride, he asked to go to Jackson. If you're familiar with the area, a lot of people call Jackson Hole, Jackson. That's why I said yes to giving him a ride. But you'd think any good hiker would know South and North.

We were going South out of the park, when he said he was camping North. He had told us that him and Gabby were not camping on a regulated campsite in the National Park, and that they were camping basically in the middle of nowhere, along Snake River. This is key information.

He said that he had hiked for days along Snake River, but looking at his backpack - it wasn't full, and he said all he had was a tarp to sleep on. Which, you'd think if you're going camping for days on end, you'd want food, and a tent, and he had none of that. And like I said, he looked clean, and didn't smell bad."
La gente sigue manifestándose a las puertas de la casa de los padres de Brian donde Gabbie se mudó hace 2 años y medio. Tres detectives han entrado . A ver si salen con Brian arrestado .
El tipo tiene todas las papeletas, si no colabora contando lo que sabe es sospechoso al máximo

Es que no entiendo el que no hable

Sólo podría entender el silencio si :

1)Hubiera pasado X hecho traumático y
aún estuviese en estado de shock e incapaz de hablar, pero no parece ser el caso.

2) que su abogado le hubiera recomendado no hablar ni decir nada, pero también lo dudo.

Si no hubiera hecho nada, se habría defendido diciendo que él no ha hecho nada. Si lo hubiese hecho también podría haber dicho:'no sé qué le pasó" ...o callarse como ahora hasta que encuentren el cuerpo de la chica y puedan demostrar algo.

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