
Como se acercan estas fiestas os mando una felicitación navideña para todos que la disfruteis y se la envieis a quién adore a los animales (seguro que lo conoceis pero va) Bss

Dubois, gracias por el video. Lo había visto y lo adoré. Me encantó verlo de nuevo; tengo un Jack y es como si lo estuviera viendo a él con toda su ternura y su impaciencia.
Una belleza!.

Me parece una historia conmovedora y estimulante a la vez... tanto que aprender de los animales...
(Aviso: yo me he emocionado bastante con el vídeo... también es cierto que soy de lágrima fácil)

Duncan Lou Who, un cachorro de bóxer que solo tiene dos patitas

Duncan Lou Who es un cachorro Bóxer que nació con las patas y la pelvis severamente deformadas. Los huesos de sus patas estaban completamente fusionados y no había manera de corregirlas para salvarlas. La gente de Panda Paws Rescue decidieron amputarle las patas traseras para darle una mayor oportunidad de una vida maravillosa, cuando tenía sólo 12 semanas de edad.

Duncan Lou Who no dejó que sus diferencias lo detuviesen, él no sabe que es diferente. Ahora tiene 16 semanas de edad, hace terapia física todos los días para corregir el daño a la columna vertebral que tiene desde su nacimiento. Está haciendo hidroterapia para ayudar a sus músculos y también tiene una silla de ruedas a medida para darle una segunda opción de movilidad.
Me encantan las fotografías que has puesto Lilit, emocionan, de verdad. El vídeo de Summer, otra maravilla, las preciosas fotos de Cumelen, de Tseug.

Me hace feliz entrar en este tema, me emociona, me recuerda lo importante de la vida y no hay iconos que transmitan lo agradecida que os estoy por todas las cosas bonitas que aportais, ¿cómo pagas esto? no hay dinero que lo pague. Sois estupendos todos los que aportáis cosas tan positivas, como en este hilo dedicado a mis queridísimos perros, en el de las aves, los gatitos, el hilo de fotografía, el de los chistes, y tantos más. Pero estos me tocan de lleno el corazón.

G R A C I A S :)
Última edición:
Diez razones por las que adoptar un animalito mayor

10 Reasons Why You Should Adopt an Elderly Animal


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Sure, puppies and kittens are super cute, but older animals need a home too!

The sad truth is that elderly animals are often overlooked, with many spending the rest of their lives at the shelter waiting for the perfect forever home.

If you’re considering adding a new member to your family, then check out these top ten reasons why you should adopt an elderly animal:

1. Easier to Train – Forget the corny old saying that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. Senior animals have a greater attention span and impulse control, making them easier to train. Yes some senior animals can be stubborn and stuck in their ways, but dogs in particular are great at reading human behavior and are quick to figure out what you’re asking them to do.

2. Less Likely to Mess – Elderly animals tend to be house trained as they’ve already got years of experience under their belt. This is good news for you as you won’t have to waste endless rolls of paper towels cleaning up poop. Trust me, your floors and furniture will thank you!

3. Already Spayed or Neutered - Many elderly animals will already be spayed or neutered, which means fewer trips to the vets and worrying about who your new family member can or cannot come into contact with.

4. What You See is What You Get - From the start, you know exactly what you’re getting into when adopting an elderly animal. They are already fully grown and have already developed their personality, which makes choosing the perfect companion for your lifestyle a whole lot easier.

5. They’re Not a 24-7 Job – Puppies and kittens require constant monitoring, care and attention, meaning you won’t get a minute’s peace. If you have a busy lifestyle or you have children, elderly animals may be a better match.

6. They Like To Take It Easy – Senior animals are content to kick back and relax in your company, unlike juveniles who are always getting up to mischief. Of course elderly animals will still need exerciseand mental stimulation, but they are not as likely to run you ragged.

7. Great Napping Buddies – Speaking of relaxing, elderly animals make the ideal napping buddies, so if you’re looking for a friend to snuggle up with, then an older companion might be a match made in heaven.

8. No 3 am Wake Up Calls – While it’s fun to watch excitable kittens and puppies crazily playing and racing around the house, it’s important to remember that these activities can happen at all hours, including when you want to sleep!

9. They are Super Loving – Older animals just want someone to love and to love them in return. They have been through so much in their lifetime that they make for sincerely grateful and devoted companions. Just ask anyone whose adopted an elderly animal and you are sure to hear glowing recommendations.

10. You Might Save Their Life – When you adopt a senior animal, chances are you’re saving their life. As old animals are the least likely to get adopted, they are often the first to be euthanized.

It’s important to remember when considering adopting a senior animal that there are certain worries involved. Elderly animals are more likely to be prone to health problem, which means increased vet costs so you need to ensure you have the means to properly care and support them through these potentially troubling times. Elderly animals can also carry emotional and physical traumas with them from their previous lives, meaning you may have to work hard initially to gain their trust and help them overcome their fears. Lastly, you need to be fully aware and prepared for when you adopt an elderly animal, you will inevitably have less time with them before they pass (but there’s more reason to make their last years count).

Unfortunately for elderly animals, most people gravitate towards the adorable kittens and puppies. Young animals are never short of admirers, but for the older animals, you might be their last chance of happiness