Ejercicios de flexibilidad: Bailarinas, gimnastas , Poledancers

Holaa, yo también empece super motivada durante la cuarentena a hacer ejercicio en casa y entrenar la flexibilidad pero hay días que no me apetece hacer tanto cardio o fuerza y pasar directamente a la flexibilidad. ¿Cómo calentáis el cuerpo sin hacer deporte? si es que se puede :LOL:

Yo me hago un calentamiento normal, para "despertar" un poco los musculos y que no esten fríos o tensos.

Yo es que solo hago flexi, entonces caliento 10 minutos y luego al lío.

Pero si que es verdad que cuando me ha dado por hacer rutina de gluteos y piernas ; si luego me he puesto a hacer flexi se me hace mas facil.
(Porque el musculo esta recien ejercitado)

Pasar a hacer flexi directamente "en frío" ni se me ocurre xD
No me quiero lesionar jajaja

Pero cada cuerpo es un mundo, no sé.
Que buena motivacion a mi la cuarentena me agarro floja con toda la parte corporal debo urgente volver a retomar la actividad sino quedare durisima
@Memento @khashai @Baytadarrell

Me he acordado de todas nosotras y este hilo al ver el video de esta gimnasta xD

Venga chicas, a que número llegais??
Dais las campanadas??

Admito que cuando hice ritmica en su día llegaba al 10 (y eso para mí ya fue un logro).

Antes de la cuarentena pasaba un poco mas allá del 3, y ahora como en la cuarentena me entro la neura quise volver al spagat conseguí llegar al 5.
(Lo de volver al 10 como en mis años mozos va ser que no xD)

Uuuhhh esa flexibilidad de espalda cómo la tengo de mal.... yo creo que puedo llegar al 4, pero ejercitando mucho antes y con cuidadín. A mí también me encantan ver estos vídeos en IG jajaja... y que guay que pudieras llegar al 10!!!
Uuuhhh esa flexibilidad de espalda cómo la tengo de mal.... yo creo que puedo llegar al 4, pero ejercitando mucho antes y con cuidadín. A mí también me encantan ver estos vídeos en IG jajaja... y que guay que pudieras llegar al 10!!!

Si jeje eramos un poco contorsionistas xD

Pero vamos que cuando dejé la ritmica descuidé mucho la flexi , y perdí bastante ; sobre todo de espalda.

Si intento llegar al 10 hoy en día me quedo sin lumbares, con 28 mi espalda ya esa torsión no la aguanta como cuando tenia 14 xD.
Chicas, encontré esto en Reddit de una chica que ha estado practicando flexibilidad hasta conseguir hacer el spagat, está en inglés pero aquí lo dejo por si a alguien le interesa o ve que está haciendo algo mal y le gustaría corregirlo, ya que yo voy a empezar a hacerlo y no tengo conocimientos para saber si tiene algo inadecuado.

here is some approximation of my splits routine/my favourite leg stretches:

WARM UP: Warming up is really, really important, you do NOT want to stretch cold muscles. I normally just follow along with one of the five minute warm ups from Anabolic Aliens, Chloe Ting, MrandMrsMuscle or Fitness Blender.

After warming up:

PLIE SQUATS: Drop in and out of plie squats. Try to bring your knees out as far as you can - you want your knees as close to a 180 degree angle as you can, with your feet facing the same direction as your knees.

PLIE SQUATS KNEE PUSH-BACKS: In your plie squat, put your hands on your knees. Lean forward, pushing back one knee. Go back to neutral position, then lean forward and push back the other knee.

MIDDLE SPLIT LUNGES: From your plie squat, move to your left, so that your left leg bends and your right leg straightens. Then move over to your right, so that your right leg is bent and your left leg is straight. Keep on moving from left to right. If this is really hard for you, then put your hands on the ground in front of you to take some of your weight.

After that, try to move your hips in a giant circle — down into a deep squat, then to the left (left leg bent, right leg straight), then up to standing, then to the right (right leg bent, left leg straight), then back into deep squat. Repeat this a few times, then change the direction of the circle.

NORMAL LUNGES: Hold a deep lunge on each leg, holding up your own body weight.

STRAIGHT LEG LUNGE: straighten your front leg in your lunge, and try to touch your head to your knee. To make this more challenging, flex your front foot.

LIZARD LUNGE: Bend your front knee again and lower down to the ground so that your hands are on the ground. If you can, move down to your elbows. If this is too much, bring your back knee down to the ground so that your back leg is flat.

HALF SPLIT: Bend your back leg and come back so that your front leg is straight. Try to lengthen your torso and touch your head to your knee. To make this more challenging, try to flex your front foot.

LOW LUNGE WITH QUAD STRETCH: Come into a low lunge, with your back leg resting on the ground. Bend your back leg so that your back knee is taking your weight. Reach back and grab your foot to help you do this. Your trying to make a kind of | \ | shape with your legs - front leg and hips in lunge, back knee resting on the ground, and back shin straight up in the air. Try to keep your hips square.

DOWNWARD DOG: Put your legs behind you and your hands on the floor. Straighten your legs, butt in the air, and try to make your back and arms a straight line. The goal is to make your body a giant triangle. Walk your legs - bend one leg, while straightening the other leg and pressing your heel to the ground.

THREE LEGGED DOG: Kick one leg up in downward dog and pulse it gently up and down in the air.

FORWARD FOLD: Stand and try to touch the floor - alternatively, sit with your legs straight in front of you and try to touch your toes.

FRONT SPLITS: Okay, the trick to getting into front splits is to start in a half split: have your back leg completely bent, on the floor. Keep your front leg completely straight. Push forward, so that your back leg straightens a little, but always keep it so that your front leg is straight and your back leg is bent. (the way I was doing it in the 2018 pic is totally wrong)

After you've finished your front splits, shake your legs out, hug them to your chest, and even massage them a little. I used to kind of punch my thighs like i was tenderizing meat to get the tension out lol

BUTTERFLY STRETCH: Sit with your feet together in front of you, and have your knees turn out. Be gentle with this one, as its mostly to shake out whats left of the front splits and start getting you ready for middle splits. Lightly pulse your legs up and down, like a butterflies wings.

FROG STRETCH: Put your knees on the ground on either side of your hips, with your legs bent back at a ninety degree angle. Rock your hips gently back and forth.

STRADDLE: Sit upright, and put your legs out to the sides in a straddle. We're just trying to get a gentle stretch. Now, reach over to one leg and try to touch your head to your leg. After that, take the arm on the same side as the leg, and touch it to the thigh of your other leg. Take the opposite arm, and reach over your head towards your foot in a twist. Repeat on each side.

SCISSOR SPLITS: Lay flat on your back and put your legs in the air. Try to keep them straight. Cross your ankles together quickly, in front and then in back, and then bring your legs wide into a straddle, then back up and cross them again. Keep doing this in a continuous motion. This is a great warm up for middle splits, and helps with active flexibility.

MIDDLE SPLITS: There are many ways to work on middle splits, so I'll just share my favourites. One thing to remember in middle splits is to keep your knees and feet facing the same way as your torso. If ur sitting with ur torso up in the air, then u want ur knees and the tops of ur feet facing up to the air. Of ur laying with ur torso flat on the floor, then ur feet are sideways on the floor, with the tops of your feet facing the same direction your upper body is pointed. Anyway, favourite methods:

  1. Flat on the floor in a pancake split. Spread your legs out and put your hands on the floor in front of you. Try rocking back into your hips, trying to line them up with your feet. Alternatively, put a block or a book or whatever you have under your hips and your chest, and lower down onto them.
  2. Up against the wall - lie flat on the ground, with your legs up against the wall. Slowly widen them as far as they will go — try using weights or having someone push your legs down to get a deeper stretch.
  3. From standing: use a pole, or table, or blocks, widen your legs and slowly lower down. Remember that if your upper body is pointed upwards, the tops of your feet should be too, so you'll be putting your weight on your heels which may hurt. Use ur pole/table/bar/whatever to hold some of your weight so that you are lowering down slowly and with control, and not so far that you are hurting yourself.
Once you've finished your middle splits, come out, shake out your legs, hug them to your chest and massage out any soreness.

HIGH LEGS: Lay flat on your back, and have one leg flat on the floor. Bend your other leg so your knee is to your chest, then straighten that leg. Try to pull it as close to your head as possible. If you can get past your head, pull it into the crook of your shoulder so your foot is to your ear. Remember to keep your other leg flat on the ground!

?✨?✨✨ Active Flexibility: ?✨✨

Active flexibility is EXTREMELY important so please dont skip these! If you have too much flexibility and not enough control, you can hurt urself rly badly. These exercises will strengthen ur hips and make you less likely to hurt urself. However, be careful when doing them, as it is very easy to overwork and strain your muscles when doing these exercises. These are only small motions.

STRADDLE SINGLE LEG LIFTS: Move into your straddle - your legs will need to be closer together than a full split, so that you have balance. Pick one leg, and move so that your hands are resting on the ground on either side of it. Lift the leg into the air, trying to keep it as straight as possible, and let it lower back down. Try to do several reps of this, but if your muscles start feeling strained, give them a break and shake them out.

STRADDLE LIFTS: In your straddle, move so that your arms are behind you, supporting your weight. Lift both legs into the air, keeping them in a wide straddle position and either:

  1. pulse up and down
  2. Pulse back amd forward
  3. Move in tiny circles Try to do several reps of this, but if your muscles start feeling strained, give them a break and shake them out.
PIKE SINGLE LEG LIFTS: Move so that your legs are together in front of you, and you are sitting upright with your hands resting on the ground next to your hips. Your body should made kind of an L shape. Keeping your back straight and your legs straight, take one leg, and lift it into the air, before letting it lower back to the ground. Do several reps, but again, give your muscles a break of they need it.

COOL DOWN: You'll be pretty sore by now, so just do some very gentle stretches for cool down.

Forward folds, gently leaning forwards and back. Gentle butterfly stretches. Shake out your legs. Lay on your back, bend your knees and move your legs in circles.
Chicas, ¿creéis que es malo empezar a aumentar elasticidad con 24 años o aún es buena edad? ¿o es un límite que hay edad límite para eso?
Chicas, ¿creéis que es malo empezar a aumentar elasticidad con 24 años o aún es buena edad? ¿o es un límite que hay edad límite para eso?
Yo soy de las que opina que nunca es tarde para hacer algo que quieres. Yo también tengo tu edad y llevo meses practicando yoga y ejercicios de flexibilidad. Vamos a ver, seguramente no tendrás la flexibilidad para ser un deportista profesional de gimnasia rítmica, pero si que conseguirás hacer split y lo que quieras. Ánimo que podemos?
A ver si podéis dar consejos y trucos que yo llevo 6 meses!!!
No se muy bien qué consejos darte, yo antes hacia 0 deporte, iba de vez en cuando a aerobic pero vamos MUY DE VEZ EN CUANDO. Creo que es un deporte tan completo a todos los niveles y que el hecho de que sea desconocido o que haya ciertos prejuicios hace que una vez que empieces no puedas parar. Yo me acuerdo mis primeras clases que veía a mis compañeras que llevaban más tiempo y pensaba “Yo imposible”, y ahora (no quiero ir de sobrada) pero algunas nuevas me lo dicen y me hace una ilusión. Creo que de los días más felices fue cuando conseguí hacer el handspring yo sola ??

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