Celebración conjunta del 80 cumpleaños de SS.MM los Reyes Harald V y Sonja de Noruega.

Todo tuyo.........borra el rostro de Märtha Louise de la foto y pega tu cara...........llévatelo lo más lejos posible de mi Mathis.........

Qué hermosa pareja hubieran hecho...
Me encanta que hayan invitado a Alberto de Monaco...me parece muy bien...aunque solamente sea principe de in muy pequeno paiz...nunca lo invitan las otras casas reales...como que consideran a Monaco...por se pequeno no realmente una monaquia validad...

What are you talking about?? De qué estás hablando?? Alberto fue a las bodas de los herederos de Holanda, Suecia, Bélgica, Dinamarca, España, a la boda de los Duques de Cambridge... Y si sigo no acabo...
What are you talking about?? De qué estás hablando?? Alberto fue a las bodas de los herederos de Holanda, Suecia, Bélgica, Dinamarca, España, a la boda de los Duques de Cambridge... Y si sigo no acabo...

I looked up Albert of Monaco, and he did in fact attend many a royal wedding, but since even celebrities get invited to weddings nowdays....KAte and William's wedding is an example of that....anyone can pretty much get invited....I think among royal circles the more important you are, the more invitations, you are likely to receive to kings, queens, birthday parties and coronations...so that is what I was talking about....that it was nice to see Albert included..not just to a wedding..but to a high ranking royal event

Y si necesitas que te trasduca a espanol, lo que escribi arriva....let me know.....
I looked up Albert of Monaco, and he did in fact attend many a royal wedding, but since even celebrities get invited to weddings nowdays....KAte and William's wedding is an example of that....anyone can pretty much get invited....I think among royal circles the more important you are, the more invitations, you are likely to receive to kings, queens, birthday parties and coronations...so that is what I was talking about....that it was nice to see Albert included..not just to a wedding..but to a high ranking royal event

Y si necesitas que te trasduca a espanol, lo que escribi arriva....let me know.....
Este no era un foro en español?