¿Te cae mal Kate Middleton? Pasa, este es tu hilo.

Sabe Dios y la Queen lo que pasa puertas para adentro, a mi me parecería normal que a William lo tenga más cortito en general que a Harry por las cartas que le tocaron a cada uno en la repartija de The Firm.
William se casó a los 29 años, bastante tarde para ser el heredero del heredero, con una novia eterna que llevaba 10 años haciendo el casting. Estoy bastante segura que el padre y la abuela empezaron a ejercer presión ahí, no necesariamente porque Kate les cayera de mil maravillas, es más, bastante "mejor" lo podría haber hecho William en el sentido de casarse con alguien con pedigrí como lo hizo su padre con su madre y seguir azulando esa sangre royal, pero como parece que nadie que se mueva en ese mundo desde la cuna quiere pasar a formar parte de las filas de esa familia, pues te casas con tu novia in waiting y listo. Basta de tonterías, que ya vas perdiendo el pelo y de Prince Charming te queda poco.
Harry al ser el segundo tiene y tendrá siempre más libertades. Lo dejaron casarse bastante pasado los 30 con quien se le dio la gana. Lo miman bastante. Ellos sabrán si hacen bien o no.
Por otro lado, se dice que el nieto favorito de la reina, es Peter. Bah, él y la hermana. Puede ser, ellos no tienen el peso de la corona encima y por ende tampoco tienen social climbers detrás como los hijos de Diana. Menos dolores de cabeza. Y al fin y al cabo, son los nietos que le dió su única hija, la más trabajadora de La Firma y la que más desapercibida pasa.

Tanto mostrar el anillo de la desgracia recordando a la suegra a cada minuto que al final ha acabado como la suegra: una cornuda pública.

"Is Duchess Kate a ‘vaporiser-in-chief’ who ‘eliminates’ all of her rivals?"

For the past eight years, the Duchess of Cambridge has walked around with that honking huge diamond and sapphire engagement ring on her left hand, a ceaseless, priceless, hefty reminder of her tragic mother-in-law. Now, sadly, she has been lumped with another unfortunate link Diana: Experiencing just how brutally the press can change its tune. Goodbye cheerful fashion updates, hello to a veritable orgy of negative press.

Over the weekend, a story appeared in London’s The Times which dubbed Kate the “Vaporiser-In-Chief” and focused on her alleged falling out with her Norfolk neighbour, Rose Hanbury, the Marchioness of Cholmondeley. “No one wins against Kate,” we are told and that “Meghan, of course, is the next person Kate will eliminate.”

Yowser. This depiction of Kate is one of a woman who is crafty and who cruelly amputates friends when she decides they are persona non grata. That image is galaxies apart from the carefully honed construct of bland perfection we have been fed for years. We will likely never know if there is any truth in The Times piece but what is apparent is just how dramatically the narrative about the future Queen has changed in less than a year."

Comentarios interesantes de ese artículo:

Change Vaporizer with “Insecure.”
I think she used several of women in William’s circle on her way up and dumped them once she got what she wanted.

I would exchange the word vaporizer for User and insecure.

Kate should remember What goes around comes around. What you do to others will one day be done to you.
P.S. She can’t eliminate Rose completely, I read that because of Rose’s title, position through her husband she gets invited to Royal State Banquet . That won’t change as long as Rose holds that title.

This says to me, She is very insecure.

Ya somos unos pocos que creemos que está al caer el bebé number 4:

@90sgirl I agree 100% + 1. It’s the same behavior that began in college/ university.
Prediction: Summer pregnancy announcement (she & Carole will not allow Polo Baby Sussex to grab the headlines/ the attention too longer)

**The only real problem with Rose is the lack of chin

"I think she’s still really insecure about her relationship with william and her ‘place’ in the royal family. From previous stories I get the feeling most people think she manoeuvred her way into will’s life without ever trying to make peace with his extended family (Zara, the York princesses) and if she doesn’t feel like she really belongs, then maybe she’s jealous of people like Meghan and Rose who seem more comfortable in their orbits. I’m not explaining this well, but she acts like someone who thinks she’s going to get knocked off the top at any moment and must protect her place. It seems exhausting."

Those “grim” pregnancies never stopped her from taking longhaul flights to vacations on remote islands without hospitals. Not something a true HG sufferer could endure.

Other royals, less senior than William and Kate, regularly do three times the work these two do. All other royal women worked more while pregnant and while their kids were little, Kate is the exception. The silly “never put a foot wrong” is blatantly untrue, but a popular theme among her stans. She is inept, unprofessional, lifelong work shy, and has flashed over two dozen times on the job. That’s just for starters."
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  • Kate is lazy and only recently has been able to keep her skirts down.

    Jaded says:
  • April 2, 2019 at 12:54 pm
    Kate has put both feet wrong on many occasions – upskirt shots, flimsy dresses flying up to reveal a bare wisp of a thong, having sex with William on an open balcony in broad daylight, twirling her hair and looking bored at a Remembrance Day ceremony, slacking off from duties which she should have performed, etc. etc. Only lately has she been upping her game professionally and we have Meghan to thank for that. On the surface Kate seems insecure and vapid but underneath that facade beats a cunning, Machiavellian heart for sure
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"I think the Kate vs. Meghan stories are an intentional distraction from the meltdown of William’s marriage. If the Cambridges can work through their marital difficulties, I think the vitriol against Meghan will lessen. We’ll see"

I agree that Kate is insecure (the eating disorder, nervous way of speaking) and she seems even more so whenever William is around. Diana was hugely popular and Charles managed to divorce her and move on. I do not doubt that Kate was/is reminded of that every time she looks at that cursed engagement ring, which is a reminder of a loveless marriage that didn’t last despite two kids.

Kate is not and never will be in control of her life, William is. And it’s not Kate who is icing people out of their circle, it is William (like the way Pippa was marginalized and barely seen with Kate after behaving poorly in public). Whatever Kate does is because William wants it. Kate is the perfect doormat, because she has to be, and she knows it. And is happy with it. She knew the trade-off and it was worth it to her. But I will never believe Kate is in charge of her own destiny, let alone anyone else’s."

"Harry and Meghan are competition for William and Kate. The more popular Harry and Meghan will be the more money will they get. And that means less for William and Kate as Prince Charles isn’t allowed to spend everything from the Duchy of Cornwall’s money pot.
Those couples will fight each other behind the scenes."

"This whole thing proves to me that no one did anything to protect Meghan, a member of their own family. The Cambridges stopped these Rose rumors fast and might have been able to do the same thing over the Kate/Meghan drama but obviously didn’t. William looks awful, in my opinion. So does Kate"

Except that the stories were about Meghan AND Kate not getting along. The Cambridges could have tried to put a stop to it just like they put a stop to the Rose rumors. There has been a smear campaign happening ever since the New Zealand trip and it doesn’t appear anyone did anything to stop it. Some weird rumors about a supposed former friend? Immediately quashed. Don’t you find that strange? Why wasn’t the same thing done for a pregnant member of their own family?

I rarely comment on Royal stories and while I like Meghan, I’m not a huge fan or anything. I’ve read these stories for months and find it interesting how quickly the Cambridges tried to put a stop to certain rumors but are perfectly fine letting their new SIL take a beating in the press, especially when those rumors painted Kate as the victim."

Esta persona comenta la que para mi fue una teoría inicial a todo este berenjenal:

"There is no proof William had an affair. It’s possible they threatened to sue over this because William is making it clear his kids will not grow up reading false accusations of affairs about their parents. Also, Kate has a history of mean girling so I would not be surprised if Rose ruffled Kate’s feathers over something truly small and petty and Kate cut her off."

Que de alguna putada que le hizo Kate a la marquesa, ésta ha decidido cantar algo al respecto y por eso Kate la quiere fuera de su círculo, pero los rumores de cuernos cobran más fuerza que nunca en la prensa y foros ingleses.
Más comentarios curiosos:

Sobre proponerle matrimonio a Kate en el país en el que la familia de Jecca Craig tiene posesiones y mucha conexión (Kenia) y donde se terminó casando la ex de William:

I still scratch my head , when I see the engagement interview and realize William took Kate, to Jecca’s family estate to propose .

I felt that in itself deserved a Freudian analyzation."

"All I can say is that William sure has a type if it’s true that he’s cheating. Rose Hanbury and Jecca Craig do have a touch of that British aristo-class horseyness that commoner Kate doesn’t. She is definitely the most attractive of the three."

"I will never understand why anyone would want to marry into this family."

En el artículo que he colgado, se habla de la gente a la que Kate presuntamente ha ido eliminando de su círculo, y una de esas personas es el propio padrino de su tercer hijo, este comentario detalla eso:

"If you read the actual article, one of the pieces of “evidence” is Guy Pelly- who the author even acknowledges is Prince Louis GODFATHER. Seems like you wouldn’t ask someone who you “vaporized” to be a guiding figure in your child’s life"

"For me she is a person who does not have much self-esteem, so that he feels quickly intimate by another person. I say this because a person who has self-esteem would never have agreed to be treated like shit t for 8 years by a William."

Muy de acuerdo con este comentario; ¿qué amigos tenía Kate antes de su relación con William? Ninguno:

One thing I always noticed about Kate was the lack of friends from her pre-William days (childhood, high school). And for the most part, her female friends are those she met through her association with William.

In any event, I was always taken aback by the initial spin of the story, which was, Kate is asserting that she is Queen Bee of the Turnip Toffs. I just assumed that was the case in the first place….I mean she is married to the future King of England, doesn’t get more alpha-girl than that. So I assumed there was more to it than that."

"Yep, and the bulk of their turnip toff crew were/are *Will’s* friends first. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them still privately viewed Kate as an outsider to their clique."

"Kate may be learning that her decades of climbing and mean girling didn’t earn her any friends. If the people of the neighborhood genuinely like Rose, they’ll side with Rose in any petty disputes."

"From all that I have read on reliable and unreliable gossip sites, Rose is very well liked as is her husband"
Del por qué no fue tampoco tan difícil casarse con el heredero del heredero al trono inglés, y eso se ha comentado en este foro: porque la aristocracia inglesa tiene más pedigrí y son incluso más clasistas que la propia familia real:

“I mean she is married to the future King of England, doesn’t get more alpha-girl than that” — except that the nobility doesn’t really view the royal family as “above” them, because many of them are bluer-blooded than the royals. Many felt Diana was actually too good for the Teutonic Charles. It doesn’t make sense to an American like me, but the snobbery among the nobles is incredible. Kate actually had a better chance at marrying William than marrying into an old peerage family."

"@mrskrabapple – yeah, someone on here said a few months ago that George Percy NEVER could have married Pippa Middleton (no clue if they were ever even dating, but they were certainly friends) and that he would be expected to marry someone from an old aristocratic family."

  • That’s right, so the Turnip Toff crowd could freeze out Will and Kate if they wanted to.

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Kate is not and never will be in control of her life, William is. And it’s not Kate who is icing people out of their circle, it is William (like the way Pippa was marginalized and barely seen with Kate after behaving poorly in public). Whatever Kate does is because William wants it. Kate is the perfect doormat, because she has to be, and she knows it. And is happy with it. She knew the trade-off and it was worth it to her. But I will never believe Kate is in charge of her own destiny, let alone anyone else’s."

Este extracto creo que va en la línea de lo que venimos diciendo. Kate no tiene el control de su vida, lo tiene William. Lo tienen los Windsor. Nunca tuvo el control de su vida, primero fue Carole orquestando todo pacientemete hasta que al anillo de zafiro llegue a las manos de su hija, y luego de eso la responsabilidad por ella pasa a manos de William. Parece un paquete. Ahora me hago cargo yo, cuando te cases, lo hará tu marido. Punto. Ella no decide. Ella es la mujer florero.

Whatever Kate does is because William wants it. Todo lo contrario a lo que los Meghan haters dicen con la leyenda "Whatever Meghan wants, Meghan gets" lo cual haria sentido que Kate no la trague a la cuñada, al contrario que ella, no pasó por todos los filtros por habidos y por haber y encima le dan lo que quieren? La promocionan? Le dan los gustos? Harry es protector de su mujer (peca de sobreprotector a veces) y William todo lo contrario. Normal esas caras de velorio que se gasta cuando andan los 4 juntos y no puede disimular en cámara todo el tiempo. Mientras la cuñada lo pasa bomba (por ahora, veremos más tarde que pasa) Kate termina quedando anulada o a merced del marido, de su deber, de lo que sea. Siempre están primeros los otros y no ella. Me parece que esa es una diferencia interesante en la dinámica de las dos parejas: Harry lo hace todo por Meghan y hasta parece que a veces están en igualdad de condiciones cuando sabemos bien que no es así. En cambio William como Kate de un paso y camine delante de él en público le tira del cordón para que se ubique.

De nuevo, normal que con Harry se haya visto a menudo sonriente. Nunca la trató como posiblemente la trate el marido. Ahora que el pelirrojo se casó y ve como alguien inferior a ella tiene un trato "que no le corresponde" le provoca úlceras.
De dónde le viene a la Waity la (poca) "fuerza" o autoestima: de su madre y los contactos que tiene, por ella misma, no vale nada, está totalmente a merced de su maridín y de la madre, es que parece que no tenga ni personalidad, muchos lo comentan. Lo estuvimos comentando por aquí, que el día que la Climbole Middleton se muera, Kate será una muñeca controlada por remoto si no lo es ya:

Oh, please…Kate has done plenty wrong over 7-8 years. Revisionist history is just that revising history to make serial flasher/work shy Kate into the perfect English rose, future Queen Consort. She’s an insecure woman, who will do anything to keep William, even put up with a mistress (as long as she’s discreet).

Kate’s strength comes from her mother’s ties to the tabloids. Carol can make William behave by exposing him in the tabloids and catering to his ego. Kate is just along for the ride. It’s a sad situation, but it’s one she has completely bought in to. I’m not sure what power the tabs think she has over Harry’s marriage. Vaporizing Meghan? In what world do they live in? Harry isn’t dumping Meghan or shuffling her to the background for Kate or any other member of that family. He loves his wife. He respects his wife. The man would take on Kate and anyone else over his wife. What a ridiculous statement."

"There have been so many strange stories in the last few months. The Carole interview, the stories about PP cutting staff, James and the Nazi party supplies. Now we have another Middleton insider (and Kate friend) becoming editor of Tatler. I don’t see the crazy spin from the W&K camp ending anytime soon."

Si es que tanta perfección algo tiene que esconder...

ITA Carole is the PR savvy one in that family but is as usual over playing her hand – attacking Meghan isn’t going to work, all it will do is turn public opinion against her precious daughter.

There is def something very odd going on in the background, something that is driving all these stories about Kate, the Middletons and the Sussex’s. I still believe that Willy had an affair and Rose gossiped about it. Its also telling that Kate is surrounding herself with old school chums and forging media relationships of her own (outside of Mummy’s). I think Kate finally cut the apron strings and is asserting herself a bit more and could be why she has seemed more relaxed/happy. They all but tossed Carole out of KP with that story that she was stepping back from ‘supporting’ them to allow Charles more access – that was caused by the reports of how close Chuck and the Sussex’s had become and Willy was jealous. That story also confirmed what many of us on here have been saying for years – that Carole had moved in and was practically running the Cambridge household.

There is something that the Cambridges are trying too hard to hide. It could be an affair, maybe not but whatever it is has them very worried."

Mmmm....¿os acordáis que en la fiesta de cumpleaños de la Climbole fue Kate sola sin su maridín y le hicieron unas fotos muy raras en las que parecía esconderse de la prensa cuando es figura pública y estaba con unas pintas que no parecía ni ella?.

Aparte del rollo cuernos, yo creo que está pasando algo.
Este extracto creo que va en la línea de lo que venimos diciendo. Kate no tiene el control de su vida, lo tiene William. Lo tienen los Windsor. Nunca tuvo el control de su vida, primero fue Carole orquestando todo pacientemete hasta que al anillo de zafiro llegue a las manos de su hija, y luego de eso la responsabilidad por ella pasa a manos de William. Parece un paquete. Ahora me hago cargo yo, cuando te cases, lo hará tu marido. Punto. Ella no decide. Ella es la mujer florero.

Whatever Kate does is because William wants it. Todo lo contrario a lo que los Meghan haters dicen con la leyenda "Whatever Meghan wants, Meghan gets" lo cual haria sentido que Kate no la trague a la cuñada, al contrario que ella, no pasó por todos los filtros por habidos y por haber y encima le dan lo que quieren? La promocionan? Le dan los gustos? Harry es protector de su mujer (peca de sobreprotector a veces) y William todo lo contrario. Normal esas caras de velorio que se gasta cuando andan los 4 juntos y no puede disimular en cámara todo el tiempo. Mientras la cuñada lo pasa bomba (por ahora, veremos más tarde que pasa) Kate termina quedando anulada o a merced del marido, de su deber, de lo que sea. Siempre están primeros los otros y no ella. Me parece que esa es una diferencia interesante en la dinámica de las dos parejas: Harry lo hace todo por Meghan y hasta parece que a veces están en igualdad de condiciones cuando sabemos bien que no es así. En cambio William como Kate de un paso y camine delante de él en público le tira del cordón para que se ubique.

De nuevo, normal que con Harry se haya visto a menudo sonriente. Nunca la trató como posiblemente la trate el marido. Ahora que el pelirrojo se casó y ve como alguien inferior a ella tiene un trato "que no le corresponde" le provoca úlceras.

Cuando la ponen de mujer modelo de modernismo y ejemplo a seguir me sale urticaria. Una pava que no ha salido en su vida de las faldas de su madre y pasa de sus garras a las garras del marido y su familia que son una mafia. Tiene que tener menos luces que yo qué se. No ha destacado por haber sido cosmopolita, ni aprender otro idioma siquiera, su carrera universitaria es una diplomatura de pinta y colorea que parece regalada por haber pasado por ahí pagando y que le sirvió para trincar a un príncipe que se pasó años ignorándola y se acaba acostando con otras mujeres. No me la imagino conversando sobre ¿arte estudió o qué fue lo que realmente estudió si estudió algo estar inútil en esa universidad pija?, como no sea cómo aprender a ser princesa...ya ves qué obligación ha tenido en su "cargo": parir. Menuda hostia al feminismo es esta anoréxica trepa sin sustancia.

Toda su vida orbitando detrás de un hombre que le diera título, dinero, poder y estabilidad y que parece un robot al que le dicen cómo se tiene que peinar, comportar y vestir. No me extraña que sus fans sean generalmente mujeres que siempre han soñado con la historia de la Pretty Woman que es sacada de sus miserables vidas por un hombre rico, mujeres en general, con una forma de pensar clasista, rancia, arcaica y muy anticuada. Es que sólo ese tipo de mujeres puede admirar a alguien así.
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"I don’t like ‘nastiness’ and Kate will never be regarded as the real deal by the aristos. It’s possible to be allowed in but one needs talent, wit, MONEY and in previous times land. Kate is a puppet or a sacrificial lamb. And she looks rough. As an aside she’s one of these people who thinks exaggerating symptoms gets her sympathy. It doesn’t. Most of us have nausea and vomiting with pregnancy (my poor DiL did all through but she had to go to work). HE is where the electrolyte imbalance is so severe that life is endangered"


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