Cómo a través del virus de los medios, se inocula el virus del miedo

Ah, bueno, no hay problema, no hay pisito a pie de playa ni casa del pueblo heredada de los abuelos. Y en la que vivo todavía es del banco. ¿Se la quitarán al banco? ¿Pueden?
Te quitarán el uso y disfrute, y seguirá a nombre del banco y tú pagando hipoteca..
Lo siento prima, pero no hay que ser ilusos pensando " a mí no me pueden quitar nada".
Yo que disfruto muchísimo el uso de parques y plazas públicas (¿habrá algo más inocente y gratuito, pasear por la placita de tu barrio y admirar sus flores..?) pues bien que me lo quitaron.
Si eso lo leo en un libro de Historia, no me lo creo
Me recuerda el caso de una compañera de curro, ganaba 10 veces menos que el jefe. Pues, esta moceta va y se pilla unas vacaciones en Jamaica ( estás ofertas....). La cara del jefe fue un poema.

Lo de viajar barato se terminó para la chusma proletaria ( 😂😂que me incluyo).

Para los afortunados, podrán disfrutar de la plaza San Marcos sin gente, no habrá colas para visitar joyas arquitectónicas, ni colas para museos. A nosotros nos quedará las visitas virtuales por internet. Qué guay!
Además para entrar en los yates no piden pasaporte Kobi y como los techos de sus mansiones son tan altos tampoco tienen que llevar mascarillas. El ‘haz lo que yo te diga pero no lo que yo hago’ es tan obvio...
O no ir a ver a tu madre o que te digan a cuánta gente recibes en tu casa a Navidad... Con mucha naturalusad lo hemos asumido.
Repito: esto sale en un película - documental y no te la crees, dirías "Vamos, eso no hay quien se lo trague..
Hace dos años estaba el típico desahogo de "no quiero ir a casa dd mi suegra en Navidad". Este año era "no me dejan ir a casa de mi suegra en Navidad".
Nombra el país de la ilustración. Sí Voltaire levantará la cabeza......
Si Voltaire levantara la cabeza imagino que volvería a escribir la décima carta, "Sobre la vacunación" ("On Inoculation"). Copio el inicio y la conclusión. Ni que decir tengo que se lamenta de la pacatería francesa y el rechazo a la inmunización. Cosas de leer un poquito...

IT is inadvertently affirmed in the Christian countries of Europe that the English are fools and madmen. Fools, because they give their children the small-pox to prevent their catching it; and madmen, because they wantonly communicate a certain and dreadful distemper to their children, merely to prevent an uncertain evil. The English, on the other side, call the rest of the Europeans cowardly and unnatural. Cowardly, because they are afraid of putting their children to a little pain; unnatural, because they expose them to die one time or other of the small-pox. But that the reader may be able to judge whether the English or those who differ from them in opinion are in the right, here follows the history of the famed innoculation, which is mentioned with so much dread in France.
The Circassian women have, from time immemorial, communicated the small-pox to their children when not above six months old by making an incision in the arm, and by putting into this incision a pustule, taken carefully from the body of another child. This pustule produces the same effect in the arm it is laid in as yeast in a piece of dough; it ferments, and diffuses through the whole mass of blood the qualities with which it is impregnated. The pustules of the child in whom the artificial small-pox has been thus inoculated are employed to communicate the same distemper to others. There is an almost perpetual circulation of it in Circassia; and when unhappily the small-pox has quite left the country, the inhabitants of it are in as great trouble and perplexity as other nations when their harvest has fallen short.


The Prince of Soubise, happy in the finest flush of health, would not have been snatched away at five-and-twenty, nor the Dauphin, grandfather to Louis XV., have been laid in his grave in his fiftieth year. Twenty thousand persons whom the small-pox swept away at Paris in 1723 would have been alive at this time. But are not the French fond of life, and is beauty so inconsiderable an advantage as to be disregarded by the ladies? It must be confessed that we are an odd kind of people. Perhaps our nation will imitate ten years hence this practice of the English, if the clergy and the physicians will but give them leave to do it; or possibly our countrymen may introduce inoculation three months hence in France out of mere whim, in case the English should discontinue it through fickleness.

13 I am informed that the Chinese have practised inoculation these hundred years, a circumstance that argues very much in its favour, since they are thought to be the wisest and best governed people in the world. The Chinese, indeed, do not communicate this distemper by inoculation, but at the nose, in the same manner as we take snuff. This is a more agreeable way, but then it produces the like effects; and proves at the same time that had inoculation been practised in France it would have saved the lives of thousands. 14

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