“Premio Internacional Carlomagno 2018” a SE el Presidente de Francia Sr. Emmanuel Macron.

Pobre hombre... De premio en en premio y tiro porque me toca ¿Y para cuándo él como premiado?
Je, je, je!!! Pobre tipo!
Y después montarán el teatrillo del guey, bajando del helicóptero, llegando a casa y Letuza y tezorizias recibiendolo, las botys con mochils incluidas y letri con algún modeluqui de starlet y cara de vinagreta. Habrá beso y cobra por parte de ella, posaran y entrarán a la casa. Tal vez haya zopita caliente. ¡ Qué tiernos! ¡Como una familia más!
No meteros con los franceses que por una vez en su vida, se están portando bien con España.

Y me encantaria en Barcelona un alcalde francés, molaria.

Y a este muchacho, bien hacen premiandolo con cualquier premio. Debe ser el único hombre fiel a su esposa, del Planeta Tierra. Solo por su historia de amor ya merece ser premiado.

Jejejej su historia de amor con una mujer querras decir...
Macron, jeje...como no ;):

...Se graduó en 2004. Sólo 4 años más tarde entró a trabajar en Rothschild Banque, Francia, desde el 2008 al 2012 tiene una carrera vertiginosa (y algo dudosa), bajo el ala protectora de uno de los "intelectuales" :rolleyes::bookworm: d.o.c. de la globalizacion, Jaques Attali (de familia judía, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_Attali), corrupto, para variar (
July 17, 1993

ésta es la pieza clave en el puzzle del futuro de Francia.

cito wiki sobre Macron:

"Professional career
Macron worked as an Inspector of Finances in the French Ministry of Economy between 2004 and 2008. In 2007, he served as deputy rapporteur for the Commission to improve French economic growth headed by Jacques Attali.[8] Macron paid €50,000 to buy himself out of his government contract in 2008,[11] and left to work as an investment banker at a highly-paid position at Rothschild & Cie Banque.[12]"

o sea: trabaja para Attali y de repente recibe oferta de trabajar para el Banco Rothschild = el Don Dinero de-antaño/Senior. habrá gustado a los superiores con su potencial y desmesurada ambición. (lo segundo es potencial perfecto de gobernabilidad...magnífico el post de @LeMiroir analizando a Macron, gracias!)....y de allí la carera. ;) con buenísimos padrinos.

¿quién es ese tal Attali? no lo conocía...qué lacuna! es la luz emblemática del NOM, uno de los mejores teoréticos/pensadores, a la par que Zbiggie Brzezhinski & H. Kissinger en los EEUU y Zygmunt Baumann (el padre de la modernidad liquida, cuya solución última es el Gobierno Mundial)...curioso que todos estos gurus son de origen judío. hecho. lo dice la wiki. el tal Jacques Attali también, de familia judía.
membro del Bilderberg. naturalmente.


aquí sus ideas...el articulo, del 2014, está en italiano, pero creo que se entiende bien.

si no, aquí la reseña de su libro-programa: Breve Historia del Futuro, 2006:

Informazione Consapevole maggio 30, 2014
Di Salvatore Santoru

Jacques Attali ( nella foto con l'ex presidente del consiglio francese Nicolas Sarkozy ) è un'economista,banchiere e saggista francese, considerato uno degli ideologi più importanti del " Nuovo Ordine Mondiale " .
Attali, è un fervente sostenitore della mercificazione totale della società e dell'essere umano e del completo superamento di qualunque valore fondante la stessa .
Ciò che auspica da anni, è la creazione di una società fondata sul primato assoluto dell'ego e dell'individualismo più sfrenato, una società fondata sull'assenza completa di limiti e radici .
In un suo saggio molto interessante, " Breve Storia del Futuro ", l'economista ipotizza possibili scenari sul futuro che attende l'umanità, e che porteranno alla realizzazione di un nuovo ordine mondiale .


La prima fase sarà costituita dalla definitiva vittoria dei " valori " del mercato e del denaro .
Il nuovo regime politico che verrà a crearsi,chiamato dallo stesso " iperimpero ", si baserà su quella che si potrebbe chiamare come la completa " dittatura del mercato " e della sua legge non scritta al di sopra di tutto il resto, considerato obsoleto .

Scrive lo stesso Attali : " il denaro potrà finalmente liberarsi di tutto ciò che lo minaccia, inclusi gli Stati nazionali, che saranno progressivamente smantellati " .

Infatti per arrivare a ciò sarà necessaria la fine di tutti i sistemi politici a cui siamo abituati, la scomparsa degli stati/nazione,e l'unica legge mondiale su cui si baserà la società sarà quella del mercato .
Ovviamente le diseguaglianze economiche saranno estreme, la classe media finirà di esistere e da una parte si avranno enormi fortune, mentre dall'altra estreme miserie .


Ma questo sistema non potrà durare troppo a lungo, e allora si avrà quello che lui considera come l'iperconflitto, dove il super impero imploderà e ci sarà un periodo di estremo caos attraversato da guerre tra gruppi religiosi e nazionali, questo secondo Attali intorno al 2030 .

Alla fine, si raggiungerà quella che l'economista chiama come " l'iperdemocrazia ", con la creazione di un'unico governo mondiale centralizzato e collettivista, ma sicuramente fondato sul potere di pochi oligarchi che gestiscono tutto, in quanto parafrasando Orwell " tutti sono uguali,ma qualcuno è più uguale degli altri " .

Difatti, mentre a parole il progetto evocato da Attali potrebbe sembrare positivo sul concetto di " iperdemocrazia ", nei fatti sostanzialmente quello che auspica è invece la completa mercificazione dell'essere umano .

Insomma, saremmo tutti uguali senza distinzione,e saremmo tutti considerati egualmente solo merce .


Attali chiarisce questo punto così, parlando delle generazioni future : “potranno fabbricare l’essere umano come un manufatto realizzato su misura, in un utero artificiale, che permetterà al cervello di svilupparsi ulteriormente con caratteristiche scelte in anticipo. L’essere umano così diventerà un oggetto di commercio” .

Tutto ciò è in linea con il progetto del transumanesimo, secondo cui l'essere umano del futuro dovrà essere completamente plasmato e manipolato, al fine di andare oltre ogni residuo umano, per farne una semplice macchina .


Inoltre tutto ciò rimanda " casualmente " alla descrizione della società distopica fatta da Aldous Huxley nel famosissimo libro " Il Mondo Nuovo " del 1932,e nel film, del 1927, " Metropolis " di Fritz Lang, o per essere più recenti in " Blade Runner " di Ridley Scott, del 1982 .

Inoltre Attali ha parlato anche della necessità di usare la tecnologia RFID, da usare per la completa tracciabilità dell'essere umano e come moneta mondiale, e naturalmente si è dichiarato a favore dell'impianto di microchip celebrali per tutta l'umanità .

Il video in cui ne parla è qua :

Altri piccoli dettagli : Attali, tra l'altro, è stato membro del Bilderberg, una delle organizzazioni che più spinge per l'edificazione di un'unico governo mondiale guidato dai potentati finanziari e industriali .

Sulla crisi dell'UE, Attali ha affermato che l'unica opzione possibile è la creazione di un super-stato europeo, e che " servirebbe non tanto “nazionalizzare” delle imprese, ma farle diventare proprietà dell’Unione europea. Anche se questo appare ancora inconcepibile " .

Interessante è anche che l'economista, qualche anno fa, ha anche evocato una guerra mondiale come via d'uscita dalla crisi finanziaria .


= en definitiva, el gobierno del presidente Macron - preludio al Gobierno Unico Mundial y al Un Mundo Feliz que Aldous Huxley nos explicó en lo años '30 que era el objetivo del Don Dinero Senior ;)

¡Alá! ¡A votar para Macron! :LOL::ROFLMAO::banghead::banghead:
con salud. :vamp:

más info:

Who’s behind the mysterious rise of Emmanuel Macron?

"In 2004 he graduated from the National School of Administration (ENA) and joined the upper civil service. Then, in 2008, he paid €50,000 to buy himself out of his government contract and became an investment banker with Rothschild, where he was highly regarded and quickly made a small fortune. Then, in 2012, with the election of President Hollande, his career took another unexpected change of direction: he left Rothschild to become deputy secretary-general at the Elysée. When Manuel Valls became Hollande’s second prime minister in 2014, with instructions to deregulate the French economy, Macron was catapulted into the economics ministry."

Macron-Libya: the Rothschild Connection
https://www.voltairenet.org/article197296.html - maravillosos por esclarecedor articulo!!!

....en 2012 compartió Fellowship con Hilary (class 1983) & Bill Clinton (Class 1984) y muchos mas en la Fundación Franco-Americana para Jóvenes Lideres, fundada en los '70 por



Young leaders : le petit club de l’élite transatlantique


....en 2014, dos años antes de ser elegido, ejem, presidente de Francia, participó en el encuentro del Club Bilderberg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Bilderberg_participants

...en finsss!!...ya lo creo que le vayan a entregar el premio Carlo Magno, por supuesto que sí!!! ;) :sneaky:


..hace falta promover y seguir con la ruta! ;) :sneaky:

muy interesante - por esclarecedora!! - video cita de Mario Monti, miembro de la comisione EU en los '90, miembro habitual de los encuentros anuales de Bilderberg ;) , premier ministro italiano 2011-13, consejero de Attali, Goldman-Sachs & Coca Cola...=parte de la "elite tecnócrata" que sirve/lacaya a la "elite del capital" ;)


Mario Monti, durante una conferencia de prensa el 22 de febrero 2011 a la Universidad Luiss (uni- privada, fundada por el propietario de la FIAT Agnelli &Co...hablaba entre los suyos Monti en esa ocasión), dijo:

"No debe sorprender que para progresar Europa necesita una crisis y grave crisis; siendo "el progreso de Europa" entendido by default como la transferencia de partes de la soberanía nacional a la EU. Está claro que el poder político, además de también el sentido de los ciudadanos de pertenencia a una comunidad nacional, puede estar listo para estas entregas de soberanía a Bruselas sólo cuando los costos políticos y psicológicos para no hacerlo se hace mayor que el costo de hacerlo, porque hay una crisis visible y evidente en curso. Necesitamos crisis para el G-20, como para otros acuerdos internacionales, para seguir adelante; pero cuando desaparece una crisis, sigue siendo un sedimento, debido a que con motivo de dicha crisis se hayan puesto en funcionamiento instituciones, leyes etc; por lo que no es totalmente irreversible ".

Mario Monti. Finanza: Comportamenti, Regole, Istituzioni
- min. 5:20 - 6:30

o sea, en resumen, las crisis nos hacen entregar nuestra soberanía a las instituciones supranacionales = del globalismo / NWO ;)

me pregunto: ¿y si las crisis - tanto económicas como "la crisis refugiados" - se hayan "materializado espontáneamente" :confused: justamente para "progresar" hacia la entrega de soberanía nacional y demás direcciones "aconsejables"? :confused::confused::confused:
Última edición:
Estupendo post de @pato laqueado de hace ya un año ;) https://www.cotilleando.com/threads/la-union-europea-todo-aqui.111349/page-13#post-4158372:¡, del hilo en el cual ya meses antes de las elecciones profetizamos que Macron iba a ser el proximo preso de Francia:

Vaya vaya....Jacques Attali "profetizò", ya hace un anyo, que el pròximo presidente de Francia serìa "un desconocido". Precisando que "nosotros aportamos el programa"....

Quienes son esos "nosotros"?...

Attali, teòrico del gobierno ùnico mundial ("Una instituciòn de vigilancia financiera planetaria"), del cual la Uniòn Europea debe ser el laboratorio, ha sido ministro de Miterrand, presidente del BERD (Banco Europeo de recnstrucciòn y desarrollo), consejero tanto de Sarkozy como de Hollande (Hollande también fellow del Young Leaders de la French-American Foundation Class 1996 https://frenchamerican.org/young-leader/francois-hollande/) ;). Y seguramente lo serà de Macron.

Attali en 2012, con el aun desconocido Macron[/QUOTE]
Última edición:
Nos pongamos como nos pongamos al menos por esta vez no asistiremos a modelis imposibles y a pasito adelante pasito patrás. Quedará bien a nivel internacional y España lo necesita mucho en este momento.

Citation by the Board of Directors of the Society for the Conferring of the International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen to the President of the French Republic
Emmanuel Macron

The Board of Directors of the Society for the Conferring of the International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen have chosen to present the 2018 award to the President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron, in recognition of his vision of a new Europe and of the re-establishment of the European project, of a new European sovereignty and a close, restructured cooperation between peoples and nations. His passion for and commitment to Europe, his advocacy of cohesion and commonality, and his decisive stance against all forms of nationalism and isolationism set the right example, show the right way forward, and promote the right kind of contagious enthusiasm needed to overcome the European crisis. In the person of Emmanuel Macron, the Charlemagne Prize Society honours a courageous pioneer for the revitalisation of the European dream.
Through the award, the Charlemagne Prize Society also gives expression to the hope and desire of many European citizens that the proposals of the 2018 Charlemagne Prize laureate will inspire his European partners and contribute to a sustainable renewal of the European project.

As we near the end of a tense year of European elections dominated by confrontation with populists, radicals and nationalists, one date stands out: 7th May 2017. The election of Emmanuel Macron as President of the French Republic proved once again that Europe is indeed capable of generating enthusiasm.

On the offensive like very few others, President Macron has made the European idea the focus of his political commitment; on the offensive like very few others, he has sought confrontation with those who would question the project that has brought our continent the longest period of peace in its entire history; and on the offensive like very few others, his ambitious proposals have provided momentum for the further development of the EU, for "rebuilding a sovereign, united and democratic Europe". It is his firm conviction that "we need to be amenable once again to creating grand narratives".

President Macron is not concerned with institutional nitty-gritty; his focus is much more on the fundamental issues, on the grand European narrative with which he aims to win the population's support for the European integration process. "The problem is that debates over Europe have become disputes between experts and lawyers. Yet Europe was initially supposed to be primarily a political project! The EU never would have come about had it been up to experts or diplomats. It was created by people who had learned from the drama of our collective history. I am proposing a new beginning, not one in which it is first deliberated ad infinitum what instruments one needs, but one that follows from the goals we want to achieve. What do we want? What should our Europe look like? I want to renew the European dream and reawaken ambitions for it." (Der Spiegel 42/17)

Emmanuel Macron has declared a strong belief "that modern political life must rediscover a sense for symbolism". What better illustration of this than the unprecedented scene of a newly elected French President crossing the courtyard of the Louvre – not to the melody of the Marseillaise but to the music of the European anthem – to address his supporters and emphasise France's firm anchoring in the European Union.

Emmanuel Macron was born on 21st December 1977 in Amiens, where he spent his childhood and attended the Jesuit school Lycée La Providence. Later he transferred to the Lycée Henri IV in Paris, where he completed his baccalauréat. He then went on to study Philosophy at the University of Paris-Nanterre and Public Administration at the Paris Institute of Political Studies ("Sciences-Po"). From 1999 to 2001, he worked as an assistant to the renowned philosopher Paul Ricœur, then from 2002 pursued training at the elite National School of Administration (ENA). After graduating from the ENA in 2004, he entered public service as an Inspector of Finances in the French Ministry of the Economy.

In 2008, he took a position as an investment banker at the private bank Rothschild & Cie., advancing to a partnership two years later. In May 2012, after François Hollande's election victory, Macron (an independent except for a short period as a member of the Socialist Party) joined Hollande's staff and became Deputy Secretary General of the Elysée. In August 2014, Macron advanced to the post of Minister of the Economy, Industry and Digital Affairs.

After founding the political party "En Marche!" in April 2016 in Amiens – aimed at addressing a broad spectrum of the population, breaking up ossified political structures and overcoming the conventional party mentalities on the left and right – he resigned from his ministerial position in late August 2016 and, in mid-November of the same year, announced his intention to run as an independent candidate for the presidency.

From the very start of his campaign Macron came out fighting, asserting that one could win elections if one had a clear vision of Europe and the determination to defend it. And, true to his conviction that the German-French relationship was the source from which the requisite "European momentum" was destined to come, in January 2017 he presented his ideas for an overhaul of Europe at the Humboldt University in Berlin – like many great Europeans before him.

In Berlin, he zeroed in on his core principle by quoting from the 1994 Schäuble/Lamers paper on European Policy: "Ensuring external security […] is the precondition and the very core of any form of sovereignty of states. This is true for the EU as a community of states, in the sense that it is only so, through the community, that these states can maintain their sovereignty".
He would go on, in many speeches and articles, to refine and focus on this concept of sovereignty. He is absolutely convinced that, in today's world, the individual nation state cannot secure its sovereignty – only the European Union can do that.

Macron transformed the French presidential election into a referendum for Europe.

"If you are a timid European, you are already a defeated European," claimed Macron, taking the offensive in the fight against eurosceptics. And while, in some countries, people were indeed lamenting the fact that political positions among European democrats were getting increasingly difficult to tell apart, that voters didn't have any clear alternatives, in the second ballot for the office of President of France, the two candidates facing each other certainly could not have been more contrary in their fundamental convictions and their election manifestos.

Among the things Macron is fighting for are a Europe that is close to its citizens, a common economic policy and an EU Finance Minister, the strengthening of the Euro and a European investment programme. His pro-European stance puts him in opposition to a renationalisation of his own country, and thus in opposition to nationalist and populist tendencies in the rest of Europe, too.

No wonder, then, that – not only in France but all over the EU – the election that Emmanuel Macron would go on to win with an overwhelming majority on 7th May 2017 was viewed as a 'choice of destiny'. With 66% of the votes, the 39-year-old was elected the eighth (and youngest ever) President of the French Republic.

On the day after formally taking office, his first foreign visit was to Germany, where he met with Chancellor Merkel and agreed on an intensification of German-French cooperation, both bilaterally and on a pan-European level. This close cooperation, which Macron sees not only as a necessary condition for the success of Europe but also as "a work ethic", was already evident at the jointly prepared European Council meeting on 23rd June 2017, with the German Chancellor and the French President holding a joint press conference at the end of the meeting to evaluate the outcomes. With important conclusions reached concerning climate change, the fight against terrorism and a common security and defence policy, the summit sent out a strong a signal of proactive energy, and, above all, new dynamism and confidence.

Having already set out the basic parameters of his reflections on the future of the EU during the French election campaign and in his speech at the Humboldt University, two days after the German parliamentary election Macron gave a milestone speech at the Sorbonne in Paris called "Initiative for Europe". "For too long," he bemoaned, "we were sure in our belief that the past would not come back, […] we thought that we could settle into inertia, habit, putting our ambition somewhat to one side, this hope that Europe had to carry because we took it for granted and risked losing it from sight". For too long, Europeans had allowed Brussels to be portrayed as a powerless bureaucracy, and in doing so had forgotten that "Brussels is us, always, at every moment! We stopped proposing, we stopped wanting." But, Macron continued, "I will not cede anything, anything to those who promote hate, division and national isolationism. I will not allow them to make any proposals. It is up to Europe to make them, up to us to support them, here and now."

This was followed by a wide-ranging, sometimes extremely detailed and, above all, passionate plea for "rebuilding a sovereign, united and democratic Europe". No state alone can successfully meet the challenges of a globalised world. For Macron, the key to sovereignty lies far more in European cooperation, in a unified Europe that
- ensures security in all its dimensions, in defence, in the fight against terrorism, and in civil defence,
- reacts to the challenge of migration – with common protection of borders and a European asylum office and a common integration programme;
- focuses in its foreign policy primarily on the Mediterranean region and a new partnership with Africa,
- champions sustainable developments in energy and environmental policies,
- does not simply acquiesce to the digital revolution, but takes the lead in shaping it;
- and in the Eurozone as the centre of Europe's economic strength, stabilised through national reforms as well as through coordination of economic policies and through a common budget.

Fiscal and social convergence, reform of the Posting of Workers Directive, the introduction of a European tax on financial transactions, transnational lists for the European elections, downsizing of the European Commission – Macron is all too aware that many of his detailed proposals will evoke controversy. And he welcomes the discussion – in fact he actually demands dialogue – and not just on the governmental level but also in the general population. "We need to overhaul the European project, through and with the people […] That is why, if we want to move forward again, I’d like us to hold democratic conventions that will be an integral part of Europe’s radical reform. Once we’ve defined the simple terms of a roadmap shared by the main governments ready to move in that direction. I’d like us to be able – for six months next year, in all the countries that so wish – to organize a huge debate on the same issues and identify the priorities, concerns and ideas that will fuel our roadmap for tomorrow’s Europe."

With an eye on the upcoming 55th anniversary of the Elysée Treaty in January 2018, he invited Germany to enter into a "new cooperation treaty". After all, as he had previously noted, "On all the issues I have talked about, France and Germany can inject decisive, practical momentum".

Macron is a head of state with a claim to European leadership.

At the EU summit in Tallinn in late September 2017, he proposed the foundation of a "group for the rebuilding of Europe". He called on everyone to commit to intensified integration. But he was also very clear about the unacceptability of anti-reform countries holding back those who were open to reform. In fact, he proposed the development of a roadmap and method on the basis of which pro-reform countries could communicate and coordinate.

In early October, he took his own first step towards mitigating one of the most problematic chapters in European dialogue: refugee policy. He announced that, over the next two years, France would allow 10,000 refugees from UN camps around Syria and from Africa to enter its territory. He called for other EU states to follow his example, arguing that this was the best way to fulfil Europe's humanitarian obligation and to combine careful selection of the refugees who are really in need of help with simultaneous control over the volume of immigration.

On 10th October 2017, at the Goethe University in Frankfurt, the French Head of State reiterated his initiative for a renewed European sovereignty and emphasised the importance of culture and education as "the strongest cement of the European Union". It was imperative to provide every child in Europe with a horizon, to strengthen education as a remedy for the malaise of European civilisation and as a protection against the mistakes and confusions of populist tendencies, and, in particular, to improve the future prospects of children from socially disadvantaged segments of the population.
"If you have a vision, you shouldn't go to the doctor, he explained. Instead you should ask what we, together, are going to do about it.

President Macron wants to put Europe firmly back in the hearts of the people.

But it is not only the contents of his proposals that attract such great public attention; it is also the confidence and courageous spirit, the visionary imagination and, most of all, the passion – so sorely missed for far too long in the Member States – with which Macron is taking up the fight for Europe and giving new momentum to the reform debate.

It is with the same characteristic passion that the French President is demanding profound and challenging reforms from his own fellow citizens – and has placed himself at the forefront of those on the international stage who are committed to the advancement of climate protection.

"We all share the same responsibility: Make our planet great again." When US President Donald Trump announced the withdrawal of the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement, it was Macron, in a statement delivered in fluent English from Elysée Palace, who formulated Europe's response and, at the same time, assured all those scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs who were disappointed by Trump's decision that they would find a second home in France, where they were welcome to come and continue their work.

In November 2017 at the World Climate Conference in Bonn, he became more specific, formulating objectives for Europe and offering strong support for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which is at risk due to the US withdrawal. "Therefore, I propose that the EU replaces the USA, and France will meet that challenge." While expressing his hope that as many European states as possible would work with France to balance out the loss of American funding, he remained adamant that a solution would be found. "I can guarantee that starting in 2018, the IPCC will have all the money it needs and will continue to support our decision-making. It will not miss a single euro."

In a time when our continent stands at a crucial crossroads, Emmanuel Macron has taken the offensive in the fight for Europe – with passion and courageous confidence. He has shown us how, with a clear commitment to commonality, our citizens can be won over for a renewal of the European dream. Although he has only been in office for a short time, Emmanuel Macron has inspired Europe anew and brought new momentum and new dynamism to the debate on deeper unification of our continent.
In the person of the President of the French Republic, the Board of Directors of the Society for the Conferring of the International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen 2018 offer acknowledgement and encouragement to a source of hope for a new chapter in the success story of a united Europe.

Llegada a la la Base Aérea OTAN de Geilenkirchen, recibido por la embajadora de España en la República Federal de Alemania, Maria Victoria Morera
