Los Duques de Sussex dejan de ser SAR's pero mantienen el Ducado. Devolverán dinero invertido en Frogmore. La nueva vida en Canadá

¿Quien ha ganado el Megxit?

  • La Reina Isabel

    Votos: 271 43,5%
  • Los Duques de Sussex

    Votos: 156 25,0%
  • Nadie

    Votos: 130 20,9%
  • Otros miembros de la Familia Real

    Votos: 66 10,6%

  • Total voters
Están juntos seeeeeeeeee!!!
Al fin son lo q soñaron ser !!!
Son libressssss en Canadá !!!

Bueeee empecemos a levantar apuestas próxima aparición "natural y robaba " junto con archi ,los canes y los Kevin Costner saldrá en
1-este fin de semana
2- cuando necesiten suministros
3- cuando Kate trabaje

Yo voto este la 1
Finde se re presta para una salida boho hipie casual por el bosque
Dentro de dos horas y todas las anteriores ...sospecho que desde un dron les tomarán fotos desayunando dentro de su casa
Que divinas fotos de ex-Lady Frog... tan naturales.
Demos un paseo por la campiña canadiense...

Hay que buscarles nuevo mote familiar. Frogilandia ya no es su hogar del día a día...hay que investigar como se llama su nuevo hogar....o le hacemos una encuesta en el foro para escoger entre todos el nuevo mote.....
Yo creo que hay una diferencia entre que saquen una foto aqui o alla. Que no creo que les importe como se ve.

Y que basicamente los medios te exijan que muestres cada aspecto de tu vida, como pretendia el Daily Mail. Tenia que posar tras parir, tenian que permitir acceso al bautizo, tenian que enseñar cada rincon de la casa. Tenian que jjustificar a donde iban de vacaciones, con quien, que hacian. Que hacian sus amigos. Tenia que aceptar que su padre vendiera una carta privada, tenia que aceptar que su hermanastra saliera dia si y dia tambien, a cambio de dinero, a decir lo que quisiera. Y ellos tenian que estar callados. Aunque fuera mentira. Yo creo que ha sido un poco extremo. Todos los royal britanicos han pasado por esa presion, pero yo nunca he visto la mala lecha y la maldad de los titulares que he visto con esta chica. No creo que fuera racismo, pero creo que vendia mucho darle leña a la chica y los tabloides lo que quieren es que hagan click en el titular.

Y todo para al final ponerlos a parir con saña hicieran lo que hicieran. Ya puse un link con titulares de una duquesa y de la otra. Que Kate se tocaba la barriga? Era una madre buenisima. Que se la tocaba Meghan? Era una obsesa y queria llamar la atencion. Que Kate hacia de editora en el HuffPost? Que fantastico. Que lo hacia Meghan en Vogue? Quien se cree que es esta, una celebritie mas. Que Kate se gastaba medio millon en trajes? El sofisticado estilo de Kate. Que lo hacia la otra? Es una gastona. Y asi con todo. Y tenian que aguantar porque eran personajes publicos y oye, parece que eso permite que cuenten de ti lo que sea.

Pero ahora que son ciudadanos privados, aunque famosos, los medios igual se tienen que andar con mas ojo. Ya no hay la justificacion de que representan a la Corona. Las demandas por intromision estarian justificadas sin los paparazzi se pasan y las leyes en Canada son diferentes.

Yo creo que les ha salido mal la jugada y que no querian irse asi , y no estoy segura que Harry aguante a largo plazo, pero si entiendo que ella y el estuvieran hasta el gorro. Cojo...si es que la gente te critica hasta si los dos perros que llevas de paseo son "felices" por una foto.
Hay que buscarles nuevo mote familiar. Frogilandia ya no es su hogar del día a día...hay que investigar como se llama su nuevo hogar....o le hacemos una encuesta en el foro para escoger entre todos el nuevo mote.....
Hostal Royal Manzanares

A mi lo de Sussex Ducal me suena a Cucal Aerosol, contra las cucarachas

Sussex Ducal. Efecto dominó: caerá el Ducado y caerá la monarquía. Acaba con el nido de baquinjam.
Doble cebo: máximo poder de atracción con origen doble racial y doble airbag delantero.
Máxima Eficacia: Debajo del pelirrojo.
Duqueschachas por sus huevos.
Yo creo que hay una diferencia entre que saquen una foto aqui o alla. Que no creo que les importe como se ve.

Y que basicamente los medios te exijan que muestres cada aspecto de tu vida, como pretendia el Daily Mail. Tenia que posar tras parir, tenian que permitir acceso al bautizo, tenian que enseñar cada rincon de la casa. Tenian que jjustificar a donde iban de vacaciones, con quien, que hacian. Que hacian sus amigos. Tenia que aceptar que su padre vendiera una carta privada, tenia que aceptar que su hermanastra saliera dia si y dia tambien, a cambio de dinero, a decir lo que quisiera. Y ellos tenian que estar callados. Aunque fuera mentira. Yo creo que ha sido un poco extremo. Todos los royal britanicos han pasado por esa presion, pero yo nunca he visto la mala lecha y la maldad de los titulares que he visto con esta chica. No creo que fuera racismo, pero creo que vendia mucho darle leña a la chica y los tabloides lo que quieren es que hagan click en el titular.

Y todo para al final ponerlos a parir con saña hicieran lo que hicieran. Ya puse un link con titulares de una duquesa y de la otra. Que Kate se tocaba la barriga? Era una madre buenisima. Que se la tocaba Meghan? Era una obsesa y queria llamar la atencion. Que Kate hacia de editora en el HuffPost? Que fantastico. Que lo hacia Meghan en Vogue? Quien se cree que es esta, una celebritie mas. Que Kate se gastaba medio millon en trajes? El sofisticado estilo de Kate. Que lo hacia la otra? Es una gastona. Y asi con todo. Y tenian que aguantar porque eran personajes publicos y oye, parece que eso permite que cuenten de ti lo que sea.

Pero ahora que son ciudadanos privados, aunque famosos, los medios igual se tienen que andar con mas ojo. Ya no hay la justificacion de que representan a la Corona. Las demandas por intromision estarian justificadas sin los paparazzi se pasan y las leyes en Canada son diferentes.

Yo creo que les ha salido mal la jugada y que no querian irse asi , y no estoy segura que Harry aguante a largo plazo, pero si entiendo que ella y el estuvieran hasta el gorro. Cojo...si es que la gente te critica hasta si los dos perros que llevas de paseo son "felices" por una foto.
Si se las toman fuera del Reino Unido tiky tiky tiky suena caja registradora , peeerooooooo si las fotos las toman en suelo inglés no controlan la distribución ni el pago a través de testaferros.
Me hace gracia que digas que en Vancouver hace 9 grados, luego de haber nevado hace unos pocos dias y esten casi a las 2 de la madrugada del dia 21 y con los vientos Atlanticos que suele tener toda la zona del Pacifico, encima en invierno, que yo Canada solo lo he visitado en verano.
Métele vientos y humedad y tienes una sensación térmica excelente de 4 grados en la humbria.
Pero una bufandita la llevan hoy hasta en Valencia

JANUARY 21, 2020
The Pathetic Prince And His Pity Party
How does one begin to assess the poor performance of Harry’s speech at the Sentebale dinner on 19 January, 2020 at The Ivy Chelsea Garden? He stuttered and stumbled over some words, and then used it as a platform to air his grievances over his split from the business of the Royal Family. Couple this with the speculation that Charles and The Queen have considered removing the Sussex title, leaving the Dumbarton one (a place they have not visited and aren’t likely to), with being told that Harry was to no longer be involved in military events or patronages, and the result was an angry and resentful man who made a speech at a charity about himself and his wife.
What is the public opinion on the removal of the Sussex title? Many people don’t care, but the majority appear to want the Sussex title removed because they believe it will cheapen the title, and that the duo will abuse it. Already in the USA there is speculation of how much the Sussex brand is worth, so surely that is an indicator for the RF to put a stop to things because the duo are actively seeking to use the title and not with dignity either. The figures have no merit, and are mere projections that PR companies come up with in order to promote a brand before it’s launched. Some people will fall for it, but names don’t always sell, and these days people aren’t easily fooled.
The speech
While you can read the transcript of the speech, listening to it and watching Harry’s uncomfortable demeanor and him choking on some words paints a different light on what what he said and how he said it. The first part was all about Harry and MM, and he goes to great pains to highlight what a wonderful person MM is, yet she didn’t bother to turn up or even stay in the UK, so think about that if you wish to decide if someone is a good person.

He witters on about the values they share and that he loves her, all irrelevant to the speech and by now most people have figured out he didn’t write it as he reads the words staccato like, and chokes on a few because they sound bloody ridiculous. It’s apparent that MM had assisted in preparing the first half, because the second half where Harry actually talks about the charity and HIV and aids, his words are fluid and he speaks with a degree of sincerity that the first part lacked.
However, the first part is the part where Harry tries to convince people that he ‘had no choice’ but to leave the family. Of course he had a choice, but he wanted things on his own terms and was told it was not possible. So for all those out there that keep saying the duo got everything they wanted, in Harry’s own words he is admitting he didn’t get the deal he wanted, but why should he? The RF who have looked after him just for being born with a title don’t owe him anything.
The part where he said, “…you saw me find the love and happiness that I’d hoped for all my life.” made me laugh, because I have never seen him so miserable and grumpy, so if that’s love and happiness, then he clearly needs to check into a rehab clinic or look up what the words mean, because since he met her, he has looked miserable. Look at the Invictus 2017 images where he looks pensive, and sad and that’s when they were first photographed together.

He then felt the need to remind the public that he and MM were excited to ‘serve’ the UK, which leaves most of us confused because while they have carried out engagements, they have been packed with rude behavior and protocols being ignored.Beside the incessant hand holding there was the pushing ahead to shake hands with the King of Morocco by MM, as well as numerous other incidents that are bad manners wherever you are in the world. Is that serving your country with respect? I think not, especially when both turned up in crumpled clothes to ceremonies in Australia. The public were ashamed of them representing the UK and that was echoed loudly, yet nothing was done until now.
How dare Harry use a charity speech to air his whining, that he had to do this for a peaceful life, yet it was MM that created all the fake drama, and he went along with it.
Was his life so fraught when he did a few days work a month? How could it be considered difficult when MM courted the press and he played the game with photo ops to create his humanitarian image. The exaggerated drama was played out with “…months of talks and after so many years of challenges…”, well, he met MM in May 2016, but didn’t hook up until summer when she was able to dump Cory, so he has known MM for 3.5 years at a push, and he’s only been out of the army since 2015! Has real life been so difficult for Harry to grasp? He doesn’t need to leave the RF, but needs some intense therapy and some daily doses of this thing called reality.
He also admits that they tried to hold onto the military and royal (including Commonwealth) patronages and honorary positions without public funding, but why was that? Is it because they gave some status, kept them as royals, and because it gave them ‘excuses’ to visit and be aligned with certain bodies that could benefit them? Did they want to live off the host Commonwealth countries and their hospitality? He was dumb to think that he could hand out his terms (or rather hers) and sell them to the RF, which shows how manipulative MM is, and that she knows little of the traditions that Harry was born into. Of course you can’t represent a royal patronage or keep honorary titles if you leave and quit the ‘firm’ and that was a given.

That does mean Harry will use charities like Sentebale and Invictus which are ‘private’ ones to highlight his agenda, and to use them as a platform for the Sussex rhetoric and preachings and sermons. To me that is wrong, but those involved in the charities are far too sentimental to do anything about it. The Sentebale chairman, Johnny Hornby also added that MM had supported the charity, and used the ill-advised ‘shine a light’ phrase. You may wonder what did MM actually do to support the charity and the best Hornby could come up with is that she attended ‘Hamilton’ which highlighted the charity show for one night. Yes, the Broadway, award winning sold out show that premiered in 2015 didn’t actually need MM to ‘highlight’ or to promote it! Talk about grasping at straws with greasy paws.
I’m sure it came as a disappointment to Harry to lose his military titles because while he did serve, let’s face it, that was his job and there was nothing else he could have done because he wouldn’t have got into University. Despite this, Harry has turned up to events in crumpled uniforms and most people know about him choosing The Lion Kingover attending a memorial for Marines who died in Deal at the hands of terrorists. Some say those at Deal were petty, but were they? They invited him 11 months before the event and were told Harry had been booked up already only a couple of months beforehand. It was a bit of a fib to palm them off, but they didn’t think they would get caught out. Well, they did and by the organisers.

I found it distasteful and repulsive that he had the temerity to use the event to air his personal rants and of course to blame the media for forcing him to leave the RF, and it was they who forced the duo to set up a brand ‘sussex royal’ and it’s their fault they decided to copyright anything they could, and the media is also to blame for all the staff that have resigned.
We could go on with the fake blame game that Harry is playing, while he sucks up to granny and other members of the RF for supporting him and MM, because he may need them, and still needs some handouts. Okay, so that’s why everyone avoided them at Christmas 2018, in Sandringham with Jack, Eugenie, and Bea trice all trying to hide behind each other, why at Jack and Eugenie’s wedding no one would talk or walk with the duo after the wedding, so I’m sure Harry will blame the media for that as well. Does his family really support him, or have to say so to save face?
A pity me party had to throw in the ‘dead Diana’ card of course to try and stir up some sympathy that dried out in the last decade. His tone was resentful, angry, and simply pathetic. The ‘we are victims’ card is the only one they have left to play, and he did stoop as low to try the Archie card again. Apparently he reacts when he sees mountains in Africa and now snow in Canada, and this is to try and drum up support from the fans. These cheap and low PR tactics are aimed at the brainless who fall for them all of the time. Copywriters slip them in for effect and for the sole purpose to try and engage the audience in order to whip up some sympathy.
The first part of the speech was cheap PR copy, while the second half should have been the speech only. I am disappointed that Harry stooped so low, and while he has attempted to keep bridges and doors open for his own agenda, the majority of the public have pushed for the duo to leave. Let them leave and fend for themselves without titles, and Harry will then learn a few lessons about real life. As for the Sussex title debate, that brand is tainted now and only in the warped desperate PR minds is it alive and kicking. Make them Dumbartons, it ‘suits’ them!
PR checklist for Harry
  • Add the dead mother card for sympathy. You know how to deliver that one well. ✓
  • Talk about Archie for Sussex fans who will feel close the family to keep their support. ✓
  • Mention that you love MM to show you supports her. ✓
  • Slip in a bit about values to show that you both care. ✓
  • Remind people that you chose this because you are in love and happy. ✓
  • Talk about serving the country to prove you and MM are hardworking. ✓
  • State that you love your family and thank them for the support to show dedication. ✓
  • Blame the media for the outcome. ✓
  • Remind people that you were forced to leave to gain sympathy✓
  • Make a dig that you wanted to keep your military titles and Commonwealth work but wasn’t allowed to. ✓
  • Make the public believe that you didn’t want to walk away from charities and that it’s the RF’s fault (follow up with some military social media post the next day to reinforce this). ✓

  • Try to sound humble by saying you have learnt lessons. ✓
  • Read slowly and sound as if you mean it. ❌
Posing for the paps with props. Is this the face of a distraught person seeking privacy?
Harry has laid down the foundations for the ‘we are victims’ and their ‘pity party. I mean, look at MM in a staged pap photo op where she smiles with a smug look at them posing with a dangling ‘baby’ and a couple of dogs that are used as props. It’s all in terribly bad taste, and look out for more scheming and fake ‘we want privacy’ cries, because they thrive on publicity and attention which the British public decided not to give them. Why you ask? Because they weren’t worth it.
Si se las toman fuera del Reino Unido tiky tiky tiky suena caja registradora , peeerooooooo si las fotos las toman en suelo inglés no controlan la distribución ni el pago a través de testaferros.

Eso es asumiendo que el fotografo lo contratan ellos y las fotos las venden ellos. Lo dudo muchisimo. Seria facil de rastrear, los tabloides lo averiguarian en un periquete y seria el escandalo que los remate.

El Daily Mail o cualquier agencia o paparazzi les puede sacar fotos en RU o cualquier lugar del mundo., o pagar por las imagenes de cualquiera que les saque fotos con un iPhone.

Pero se exponen a demanda si se pasan. En RU tenian que aguantar con todo porque eran miembros de la CR. Aqui no.