El principe Hamzah bin Hussein y el intento de golpe de estado para derrocar la monarquía. Carta de disculpas

Este articulo del NY Times, dice que el paradero del príncipe Hamzah se desconoce desde el martes por la mañana.


As Jordan Seeks to Quell Royal Feud, Allies of Prince Remain in Detention​

NONE APRIL 06, 2021
The country’s royal family said Prince Hamzah had now pledged his loyalty to King Abdullah II. The government banned news outlets and social media users from discussing the rare public show of conflict.

Pictures of King Abdullah II of Jordan at a frame shop in Amman, the capital, on Sunday.
Pictures of King Abdullah II of Jordan at a frame shop in Amman, the capital, on Sunday.Credit...Mohammad Ali/EPA, via Shutterstock
AMMAN, Jordan — Employees and associates of a Jordanian prince accused of plotting to undermine the government were still being held incommunicado by security forces on Tuesday, their relatives said, casting doubt on earlier claims by the royal court that it had resolved an unusually public and bitter rift between the prince, Hamzah bin Hussein, and his older half brother, King Abdullah II.

Prince Hamzah’s chief of staff, Yasser Majali, and Mr. Majali’s cousin, Samir Majali, were both arrested on Saturday, the day that the government claimed that the prince had been involved in a plot to destabilize the kingdom’s stability.

The Majali family, which comes from one of Jordan’s main tribes, said on Tuesday that the two were still being held in an unknown location, less than a day after the royal court released a statement that quoted Prince Hamzah as saying that he had pledged his loyalty to the king.

“Every time we call someone, they say we will get back to you,” said Abdullah Majali, Yasser’s brother, in an account corroborated by a second senior member of the Majali family. “We still don’t know where they are.”

Prince Hamzah’s whereabouts was also unknown as of Tuesday morning. And the Jordanian government issued a gag order on Tuesday that barred Jordanian news outlets and social media users from discussing the case.

The developments are the latest twists in a royal feud that exploded into public view over the weekend, upending the family’s reputation for discretion and the country’s image as a rare haven of stability in a turbulent region.

Jordan is a key partner in regional counterterrorism missions, a base for American troops and aircraft, and a major recipient of American aid. Bordering Syria, Iraq, Israel and the Israeli-occupied West Bank, it is considered an important interlocutor in regional diplomacy — and a linchpin of any potential Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations.

Over the weekend, the Jordanian government arrested several of Prince Hamzah’s staff members and associates, and accused the prince himself of working with a former senior royal aide and cabinet minister, Bassem Awadallah, to undermine the country’s stability.

The government’s statements hinted that those arrested had been involved in a foreign-backed coup attempt, but stopped short of using such direct language.

Prince Hamzah fired back with two videos in which he excoriated his brother’s government, but denied involvement in any plot and said he was being held under house arrest — an allegation the government denied.

By Monday night, tempers seemed to have calmed, as the royal palace released a statement written in the prince’s name in which he pledged to “stand behind His Majesty in his efforts to protect Jordan and its interests of the nation.”

But the uncertainty on Tuesday about the whereabouts of the Majalis and the prince himself suggested that tensions had not completely dissipated.

The government’s narrative was also placed under question on Tuesday by the leak of a recording of a conversation last week between the prince and the head of the Jordanian military, Maj. Gen. Yousef Huneiti.

In the recording, which was obtained by The New York Times and other media outlets, the general appears to acknowledge that the prince had not personally moved against the king, but had instead attended social gatherings where criticism of the government was made by others.

With coronavirus-related deaths on the rise in Jordan, the prince’s allies say he had attended more wakes and funerals than usual.

“During these meetings, there was talk about the government’s performance and the performance of the crown prince,” General Huneiti said, according to the recording.

“This talk came from me?” replied Prince Hamzah.

“No,” the general said. “From the people you were meeting with. We both know, sir, this crossed the red lines. People have begun speaking out more than they should. Therefore, I hope his royal highness abides and refrains from attending such occasions.”

The Majali family expressed doubt that any relatives were ever even in a position to support a supposed plot to destabilize the kingdom.

Samir Majali had met just a few times with Prince Hamzah for lunch, in his formal capacity as a tribal elder, said Samir’s cousin Hisham Majali.

Yasser had been convalescing at home after a heart attack followed by a bout of the coronavirus, and had not been to work in several weeks, his brother, Abdullah Majali, said.

Neither man had a connection to Mr. Awadallah, their relatives said.

“They don’t even know him,” said Abdullah. “It’s unacceptable that they would link their names.”

Many Jordanians also believe that Prince Hamzah himself and Mr. Awadallah would be unlikely co-conspirators. Prince Hamzah is closely tied with Jordan’s Indigenous tribes, like the Majalis, while Mr. Awadallah, a former head of the royal court, is one of the many Jordanian citizens from families of Palestinian origin.

The pair have different views on economic and political policy. And while Mr. Awadallah was often a target of government critics while he was in office, the prince presents himself as a proponent of good governance.
Hola Haakon:
Hay una compañera en el hilo @elisa que nos suele informar de primera mano, dado que el español no es su idioma materno a veces le cuesta la construcción de las frases, pero tanto en la separación de Haya, como cuando Abdullah destituyó a dos de sus hermanos y a su primo ella nos dijo como terminó el asunto.
Aprovecho para enviarte un abrazo, que hace tiempo que no charlamos.

Si..... sé que @elisa domina el tema. Siempre que puedo la leo porque es ciertamente interesante enterarse de todos esos detalles que ella sabe pero no transcienden en la prensa....
Que incomodas van hacer de ahora en adelante las reuniones familiares para ellos

Pocas o ninguna debían hacer. Noor y Rania no se soportan.....su particular guerra por sentar en el trono a sus primogénitos ha llevado a esta situación actual. En todo caso Abdullah II hizo en su día lo que debía hacer: nombrar heredero a su primogénito. Ni el tío Hassan ni el hermano Hamzah.....esos chanchullos de Hussein han minado a la familia después de tantos años. La sucesión recae sobre el primer hijo varón del monarca y punto pelota. Si a Noor le molesta que se aguante. Ya bastante ha tendido que aguantar Abdullah todos estos años echándole la prensa en cara el supuesto pacto entre caballeros que hizo con su padre para nombrar heredero a Hamzah -que ni pruebas hay de tal cosa-.
No le habrá quedado más remedio que firmar la declaración de lealtad al Rey, presionado por todos los parientes metidos en su casa. Yo creo que este chico debe estar resentido y mal influenciado por su madre porque el Rey le quitó el título de heredero ya hace muchos años, Noor seguramente tampoco ha ayudado mucho a que las relaciones entre hermanos sean fluidas y Hamzah me parece a mi que es la cabeza de turco que han mandado Mo y el Saudí para intentar deshacerse del Rey hachemita (y después de su heredero)....el Mo no perdona que Haya se le haya fugado con sus dos hijos a Londres y el Rey le haya dado protección por lo que seguramente le habrán dicho a Hamzah que se sentaría en el trono si el Rey y su heredero desaparecían..........

Lo de la declaración será algo para calmar la tempestad y a las tribus pero yo no me la creo....aquí los países vecinos de Jordania están muy interesados en que el pro-occidental de Abdullah II se baje del trono por las buenas o por las malas. Y al hijo Hussein, también criado al estilo occidental, lo tienen en el punto de mira desde hace años.

En breve publican una foto del Rey y Hamzah juntos para hacer el paripé en público. Pero las intrigas palaciegas y las traiciones continuarán.........
Hamzah tambien sera prooccidental ya que de madre americana asi que Mo y el saudi creo que hacen mal
Aunque puse no escribiria más lo haré pensando en @Mari Windsor .

Perdon Haakon si no me entendiste bien. Escribiendo con móvil es complicado.

Ayer Amman estaba lleno de policía y helicópteros. Internet fue cortado.
Los rumores son que ese acuerdo y reunión son mentira. Hamzah ha abandonado Jordania y no lo dejarán volver.
Hamzah acabará como su abuelo Talal es lo que harán con el solo que lo callara para que no diga nada.

Hoy el rey Abdullah hablará para el país.

Última edición:
Aunque puse no escribiria más lo haré pensando en @Mari Windsor .

Perdon Haakon si no me entendiste bien. Escribiendo con móvil es complicado.

Ayer Amman estaba lleno de policía y helicópteros. Internet fue cortado.
Los rumores son que ese acuerdo y reunión son mentira. Hamzah ha abandonado Jordania y no lo dejarán volver.
Hamzah acabará como su abuelo Talal es lo que harán con el solo que lo callara para que no diga nada.

Hoy el rey Abdullah hablará para el país.

lo que nos conto en el video es todo mentira a que si???
me estas dando la razón, el contó la versión del hermano por quedar bien delante de todo el planeta
pero la realidad es otra, que no sabemos, ni nos enteraremos

no descarto cualquier teoría, puede ser valida perfectamente la venganza de mo, o cualquier otra cosa
Aunque puse no escribiria más lo haré pensando en @Mari Windsor .

Perdon Haakon si no me entendiste bien. Escribiendo con móvil es complicado.

Ayer Amman estaba lleno de policía y helicópteros. Internet fue cortado.
Los rumores son que ese acuerdo y reunión son mentira. Hamzah ha abandonado Jordania y no lo dejarán volver.
Hamzah acabará como su abuelo Talal es lo que harán con el solo que lo callara para que no diga nada.

Hoy el rey Abdullah hablará para el país.

la mujer y las hijas las han dejado en jordania??? o tambien han huido???