Britney Spears - #FreeBritney

Pues va un poco unido. El tema de las teorías conspirativas ha hecho mucho daño porque se ridiculizan muchos de los temas que se mezclan en ellas, y se deja de tomar en serio temas muy turbios en ese mundo. Hollywood cada día es más denominado Hollyweird. El caso, es que en Estados Unidos, el mundo del espectáculo tiene mucho peso y siempre ha estado íntimamente relacionado con la gente de poder en el país porque es el típico manejo de masas a gran escala. Yo creo que aunque se piense lo contrario, pasa mucho más allí que aquí. Es un tema muy largo, complejo y que a veces no se toma en serio pero con poco que investiguemos o echemos un vistazo se ve claramente. Es corrupción.

En el caso concreto de esta actuación, como muchas otras de MTV y de determinados artístas (con gran repercusión) se sigue una línea narrativa propia de ciertos rituales que se hace en determinados grupos. Y no, no estoy diciendo que Britney sea illuminati. Es algo que va más allá. Pero lo que sí es bastante claro es que se encuentran referencias a esta clase de rituales, para empezar la dualidad, blanco y negro, etc.

-Empieza con Britney vestida de novia y velo. Clara referencia a la polémica de sus declaraciones respecto a la virginidad.
-El momento en el que Madonna le da el sombrero a Britney, es un gesto bastante claro de aprobación, no de pasar el testigo.
-La actuación se desenvuelve con Madonna bailando con ellas hasta que llega el momento del beso. El beso, es una metáfora de como se llevan a cabo estos temas.
-El resultado es una iniciación a algo. Madonna aceptándola o haciéndola parte de algo. Y Britney (en la actuación) pasa de típica chica inocente a provocativa. Todo un reflejo de su carrera y muchas de las artístas que empiezan jóvenes en la industria...

Puede sonar raro o una locura pero si reflexionamos en la cantidad de artístas que llevan el mismo recorrido, de artísta inocente a sexualizar su imagen. Creo que jamás se ha seguido otra ruta en una artísta pop de esas edades. Te invito a leer el hilo de Epstein y las distintas referencias en el mundo Hollywood y distintas personas mencionadas. ¿Sabías que los famosos zapatos rojos del Mago de Oz eran plateados originalmente? En la versión de Hollywood, decidieron cambiarla por zapatos rojos. Te aseguro que poca gente conoce el significado que se le da a ese cambio. Otras referencias así, se dieron en El diablo viste de Prada.

Y ya por otro lado, te dejo la actuación de Madonna este año en Eurovisión. Cuanto menos es curiosa, aunque la gran mayoría lo vio como una defensa de la paz. Otro cambio curioso de esta actuación es el auto-tune porque en realidad sonó como un gato llorando.

Y pido disculpas si a alguien no le gusta este tipo de temas o no los toma en serio. :unsure:

No tienes que pedir disculpas y pon las teorías que creas convenientes sobre ella en este hilo que para eso esta.
Puedes y debes poner la teorías iluminatis que creas sobre esa actuación es más cómo bien dices hay miles de teorías incluso el escenario que decían que el suelo era como el tablero del ajedrez.
Hace tiempo he incluso creo que lo puse al comienzo en este hilo también pensaba que ocurrió algo relacionado con ese tema y que ella se asustó y por eso su actitud.
Sinceramente y espero que nadie se ofenda y bajo mi punto de vista creo que la persona que hizo la dirección creativa de esta actuación no tenia pensado en nada de lo que ocurrió después y en todo la repercusión que tuvo esta actuación.
Era 2003 un año de controversia musical y por eso esta actuación.
Creo que el director creativo quería contar un hecho que iba a ocurrir y lo plasmó en esa actuación (2 bodas y 1 beso o algo parecido).
A mí no me sorprendería si Britney mandada por su equipo o discográfica hubiera hecho fiestas sexuales con gente poderosa real de la industria, en plan "Eyes Wide Shut",os acordáis de la apuesta de s*x* de Ben Affleck en una timba de poker(se apostó tener una relación sexual con Britney o eso dice la leyenda urbana)?
En el significado de los zapatos rojos totalmente de acuerdo.
Se critica mucho a Kevin por mal padre e irresponsable pero fue ella la que le eligió para ser el padre de sus hijos. Fue ella la que se casó con alguien que esperaba un hijo de otra chica embarazada.
Y en parte lo hizo en venganza, no por Justin como dice todo el mundo si no por su discográfica que le obligó a firmar el divorcio con aquel garrulo de pueblo con el que se casó en Las Vegas.

Yo creo que a Britney le hubiese pegado otra chico más acorde con ella, con una carrera ya hecha en Hollywood como de actor o cantante. O alguien totalmente anónimo.
Exacto!Ella tomó esa decision equivocada o no?fue su elección porque tenía ansiedad por encontrar a esa persona con la que formar una familia.Si ella no hubiese estado llorando toda la ceremonia antes y después, sí me hubiese creído que de verdad se quería casar con el garrulo del pueblo.
Última edición:
No tienes que pedir disculpas y pon las teorías que creas convenientes sobre ella en este hilo que para eso esta.
Puedes y debes poner la teorías iluminatis que creas sobre esa actuación es más cómo bien dices hay miles de teorías incluso el escenario que decían que el suelo era como el tablero del ajedrez.
Hace tiempo he incluso creo que lo puse al comienzo en este hilo también pensaba que ocurrió algo relacionado con ese tema y que ella se asustó y por eso su actitud.
Sinceramente y espero que nadie se ofenda y bajo mi punto de vista creo que la persona que hizo la dirección creativa de esta actuación no tenia pensado en nada de lo que ocurrió después y en todo la repercusión que tuvo esta actuación.
Era 2003 un año de controversia musical y por eso esta actuación.
Creo que el director creativo quería contar un hecho que iba a ocurrir y lo plasmó en esa actuación (2 bodas y 1 beso o algo parecido).
A mí no me sorprendería si Britney mandada por su equipo o discográfica hubiera hecho fiestas sexuales con gente poderosa real de la industria, en plan "Eyes Wide Shut",os acordáis de la apuesta de s*x* de Ben Affleck en una timba de poker(se apostó tener una relación sexual con Britney o eso dice la leyenda urbana)?
En el significado de los zapatos rojos totalmente de acuerdo.

El polémico y ya famoso beso entre Madonna y Britney Spears en pleno show de los premios MTV de 2003 (Video Music Awards) no fue ni tan apasionado y menos un espontáneo arranque lésbico de las cantantes, sino una maniobra publicitaria muy bien planeada que tuvo los resultados mediáticos esperados.

Según publica el sitio web, así lo reveló Larry Rudolph, el exmánager de Spears, quien a 11 años de distancia contó a Billboard que Madonna fue muy estricta con la artista, pero que finalmente estaba feliz con lo sucedido: "Fue realmente un gran momento lo que pasó ahí", recordó.

"Madonna había sido muy insistente en los ensayos y me decía todos los días que Britney tenía que estar a las diez en punto y yo tenía que asegurarme de ello", contó Rudolph.

Y agregó que la intérprete de Like A Virgin jamás lo llamó por su nombre durante los preparativos del espectáculo, sino que se refería a él como "tú".

Tanto esfuerzo dio sus frutos y tras la actuación conjunta de ambas artistas, Madonna no solo recordaba el nombre del representante de su colega, sino que además le agradeció el esfuerzo con "un beso en los labios".

"Después de la presentación, yo estaba en el ascensor. Ella fue directamente hacia mí, no miró a nadie más. Puso sus brazos en mi cintura, me dio un gran beso en la boca y me dijo: '¿Ves Larry', todo valió la pena", dijo Rudolph entre risas.

El beso no sólo sorprendió a la audiencia de los VMA de 2003 sino al propio Justin Timberlake, quien en ese momento era pareja de Spears y se encontraba en los premios con un rostro que no daba crédito a lo sucedido.

A pocos segundos, la Reina del Pop besaba a su otra compañera de escenario, Christina Aguilera, sin que los resultados fueran similares como cuando lo hizo antes con la llamada Princesa del Pop.''


No sé que clase de persona puede llamar a otra por ''tú'', bueno, si... Madonna.
Exacto!Ella tomó esa decision equivocada o no?fue su elección porque tener ansiedad por encontrar a esa persona con la que formar una familia.Si ella no hubiese estado llorando toda la ceremonia antes y después, sí me hubiese creído que de verdad se quería casar con el garrulo del pueblo.

Si su equipo no hubiese dado luz verde para que se casase con Kevin, no lo hubiera hecho. Creo que Kevin paso por el visto bueno de su equipo, porque de alguna manera pertenecía a ese mundo ya que fue (o era?¿) bailarin suyo y fue de otros artistas y tenía pinta de rapero malote, así que decidieron que pa' lante. Además, intentaron hacerle un hueco en la industria con ese disco tan cutre que sacó:

Lo de la boda sorpresa grabada en Chaotic no puedo comentar porque me da un cringe enorme. Eso si, la cara del padre lo decía todo (a partir del minuto 6:16):
Si su equipo no hubiese dado luz verde para que se casase con Kevin, no lo hubiera hecho. Creo que Kevin paso por el visto bueno de su equipo, porque de alguna manera pertenecía a ese mundo ya que fue (o era?¿) bailarin suyo y fue de otros artistas y tenía pinta de rapero malote, así que decidieron que pa' lante. Además, intentaron hacerle un hueco en la industria con ese disco tan cutre que sacó:

Lo de la boda sorpresa grabada en Chaotic no puedo comentar porque me da un cringe enorme. Eso si, la cara del padre lo decía todo (a partir del minuto 6:16):

Pues claro!Creéis que una persona como Larry que tenia tanto control sobre su vida personal la hubiese dejado tener algo con él a no ser que tuviera su beneplácito?!.Kevin era bailarín pero gracias a los contactos de su amigos tuvo algo de trabajo en la industria , nunca consiguió nada por sí mismo, bueno a parte de casarse con Britney.
Madre mía como olvidar esa album ,es que si Britney era odiada por lo que fuese, su relación y este album de Kevin la hicieron odiarla mas y quitarle mérito y credibilidad.
La cara del padre lo dice todo ...pero ahora con el tiempo sabemos que no era porque se casaba con Kevin...
Última edición:
Esto es un blog del 2008:
Britney is being drug poisoned, and tortured by her Father and family. Just like Sam was unwittingly duped by Britney’s psychiatrist into poisoning Britney with very powerful, dangerous, tortuous, neurotoxic psych med’s.

These drugs they are giving her are like giving her a chemical lobotomy. You should all look up the horrific, and tragic history of how thousands of families were unwittingly duped into lobotomizing, and mentally destroying their loved ones by these kook psychiatrist just 20 years ago. These kook psychiatrist fooled everyone into thinking lobotomies were a safe, and a great medical advance.

They lied to families, and told them that this surgery would heal their brains. Just like Sam, and Britney’s family was lied to about Britney’s psych med’s. These kook psychiatrist were hailed as great medical pioneers. On the covers of Time magazine. Instead of as the killers, and destroyers of lives that they really were.

Britney has a classic artistic mind, and emotional makeup. It is extremely powerful in her. That is why she can do the things she has done in the industry. There is nothing wrong with Britney’s brain. “BRITNEY IS AN ARTIST”. You have to protect that. And nurture that. Especially her brain. Until she learns to handle her gift her-self in only healthy positive ways.

If you truly love Britney you will stop letting these kook psychiatrist poison Britney. Or subject her to any other dangerous, or invasive treatments, or test. If you need some help. You can follow my prescription for Britney in my post “Britney Has Committed No Crimes”.

PLEASE! stop hurting her. And stop letting psychiatrist, and other people hurt her, and take advantage of her.
Este es otro:
There are several problems with Britney’s conservatorship.

First, it should have never happened. Britney was poisoned with psych med’s by her psychiatrist. And that was why she became incoherent. Britney should have been detoxed off the poisons her doctor gave her and released home.

Second, Britney should have the right to choose legal representation of her choosing if she so wishes. This is a basic American civil right.

Third, Britney was released from hospital confinement. But she is still being imprisoned, and restrained physically, and chemically.

Fourth, all conservators should be approved by Britney, and her chosen legal representation. If not. There should be an equal number of co-conservators approved by Britney as other co-conservators not approved by Britney. With veto power over any actions taken supposedly on Britney’s behalf, and supposedly in Britney’s best interest. So that all the conservators can watch each other.

Fifth, they should do the same thing as above with respect to the trusties of Britney’s trust.

So as you can see. Basically Britney has been drugged, kidnapped, and imprisoned against her will. All with the help, and complicity of the drug pushing psychiatric drug cult. It maybe time for someone to contact Britney’s local, state, and federal attorney’s generals, and other officials.

A simple review of the numerous video recordings at the time will clearly show how Britney only became incoherent, or disabled after she was poisoned with psych med’s prescribed by her psychiatrist.

What they are doing to Britney is the equivalent of a chemical lobotomy. And brain washing. The LA district attorney, the state medical board, the FDA, and the ATF should investigate what that psychiatrist told Sam
He told us that the doctor who is treating her is trying to get her into a sleep-induced coma so that they could give her drugs to heal her brain.” Sam is not medically sophisticated enough to make that up on his own, or know this is a completely ridiculous, murderous thing to say.
I am glad that hopefully Britney’s legal cases will be removed to the Federal Courts jurisdiction. I think the Federal Courts are the best jurisdiction to address the protection of Britney’s precious constitutional civil rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The Federal Court is really the only “competent court of jurisdiction” for a case like Britney’s.

Britney has committed no crimes. And Britney was released from medical confinement for lack of sufficient medical justification to further violate her civil rights. Even though the current criteria for medical confinement in my opinion is far to biased, and liberal in favor of commitment. And ripe for abuse. Especially where considerable money, and wealth is concerned.

Yet Britney has been stripped of all her civil rights. Her considerable assets seized. And Britney subjected to imprisonment of the most cruel kind with physical restraints, and dangerous chemical drug restraints. This really sends a chilling message to anyone that might want to seek mental health care. What happen to Britney could happen to you. And you may not have the resources to protect your civil rights.

As to Britney’s mental state. She has been an extremely high functioning young woman. Creating very high quality art. Hit CD’s. Dance, wonderful music videos, acting, fashion, and performance. Managing a multi million dollar group of businesses. That conservatively estimated generates 120 million dollars into the economy each year. All while going through a very brutal divorce, and child custody case over her two small children.

How anyone could come up with the conclusion that the young woman described above is incompetent to manage her own life is beyond comprehension. And I am being very, very kind. With out question Britney has suffered from a TREMENDOUS amount of stress. But I think she has handled it admirably. Though she has understandably had problems getting adequate rest, and sleep. You would have problems too
Britney sought out medical help for her problems getting her rest, and sleep. And that is when her big problems started. In stead of providing Britney a prescription along the guidelines in my post “Ways To Help Get Your Rest Britney”. And being someone that Britney could talk to about her problems who could therapeutically listen to Britney. This doctor in stead hits Britney with two very powerful, poisonous, toxic, psych med’s. That within three days had Britney completely disabled. And temporarily out of her mind.

This is medically equivalent to going to a brain surgeon for a bad stress, or tension headache. Then having this brain surgeon do surgery on your head. And put a hole in your head. Just because they can get away with it. And because it pays better than properly treating your tension headache with a little over the counter Tylenol, and a little therapy at stress reduction.

As I have said before. I don’t think that Britney suffers from any true organic mental illness. Few people diagnosed with true organic mental illness these days really have it. And even if she does have it. She only has a touch of it. I think mostly they are mistaking gifted-ness for mental illness. Britney is a very high functioning individual. And a mostly happy person. That does not overly depend on drugs, alcohol or other mind impairing chemicals for coping.

Britney is a soft,
sweet, motherly, girlie girl. But she is also a very dominating, controlling little stick of dynamite. it’s this gifted explosive side that makes people want to control her. But frankly, I think she has it under good control for the most part it seems to me. She has just been under a tremendous amount of stress these past few years.

In situations like this it really is hard to tell who are the good guys, and the bad guys. Her family. Or her man Sam. The fact is they are both probably trying to do the right things for Britney. But they are probably both very susceptible to exploitation that is not in Britney’s best interest.

Especially exploitation by the psychologic, and psychiatric medical community. These people are experts at playing mind games with you. And most people get taken in by their BS all the time. This is why any benefit of the doubt must always be in favor of following Britney’s wishes. It’s her life. Not anyone else’s.

In conclusion my prescription for Britney would be that she keep taking good care of the basics I have mentioned so many times (safety, nutrition, hydration, exercise, rest, recreation, and fun). Continue creating, and developing your art, gifts, and other positive non drug coping skills. Avoid over use of drugs, and alcohol. For rest, and or sleep problems you can use my post to you about “Ways To Get Your Rest Britney”.

With respect to your legal problems. Hire the most experienced aggressive
representation you can get. And expect them to do the best they can do for you. And give the rest up to God. Find a good high quality cognitive behavioral talk therapist to help you positively work through any emotional problems you may need help with like stress reduction. Anger, and hurt over what you have been through lately. Sleep problems. Or any thing else that may be bothering you. Or that you feel you would like some help or enrichment of coping skills with.

But NO PSYCH MED’S OR DRUGS. Other than the type of drugs I mentioned in my post to help you occasionally get your sleep. If they try to push drugs on you. Run the other way. You now see why I told you to watch out for doctors, and therapist pushing drugs. See what happens. You may have to go through 3 or 4 therapist before you find one that is right for you. You need one that you click with. And that can be a different one for everyone.

If all of this does not work for you. You may need the drug pushing type of psychiatric medical care. But I doubt it. But if you do. Find the best you can find at a good teaching medical center. I call this crock pot psychiatry. First you load up the crock pot with all kinds of psych med’s. Then you stir it, and put the lid on it. Then let it cook for a couple of weeks. Then take the lid off. Stir it a little. Maybe add some more drug ingredients. Put the lid back on it, and let it cook some more. Collect a bid fat fee…

Have a good life. And enjoy your life Britney Baby…
I wonder what psych med’s they have been poisoning Britney with.
February 5, 2008 by loveandaffection01
wonder what psych med’s they have been poisoning Britney with. She was very coherent until she went to see some Psychiatrist who put her on some kinda psych med’s. Then within three days she started to seem very drug impaired. I wonder if that psychiatrist put her on one of those new Bipolar drugs that’s under investigations for causing suicides.

Maybe her friends should contact the DA, or the State’s Attorney General and have him look into what they are poisoning Britney with. And see if the doctor’s have any financial arrangements with the companies that make the med’s they are poisoning Britney with.
January 29, 2008 by loveandaffection01
Well, they said Britney went to see a psychiatrist last Friday. And three days later she seemed messed up on something. Three guesses what it is? That’s right… You guessed it. PSYCH MEDS!!

Now, if they can just get her doped up on enough PSYCH MEDS. She will seem just as ORDINARY as the rest of us. But of course. She wont be Britney anymore. But that’s ok, because the doctors, and drug companies will make a lot of money off of exploiting her physical, and mental health. And her celebrity.

What kind of people would use a mothers small children to get at her… CREEPS!!!
As I said before. I doubt Britney has any real mental, or psychiatric problems other than all the TREMENDOUS stress she is under from her custody case. And all the people trying to exploit her. But she seems to be handling it all remarkably well. And seems to be taking good care of her-self. She looks healthier, and stronger as time goes by. In spite of everything. So she must be doing things right.

I mentioned high quality “COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL TALK THERAPY” in my other post as the only type of psychiatric treatment if any that I would use, or allow. Regardless of whatever the so-called psychiatric diagnoses was that I got labeled with. No drugs! No psych meds! Those drugs are highly toxic. And usually do more harm than good. But doctors like to push drug treatments. Even though it harms their patients. Because the doctors make more money that way.

What they will tell you is that they are following the “MEDICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINES”. Medical practice guidelines are a kind of doctors cook book for how to treat some medical problems. But what they don’t tell you is that there is a lot of controversy currently over the medical practice guidelines. Especially American medical practice guidelines. Because it turns out that the guidelines have been severely compromised, and corrupted by doctors taking kickbacks from the drug companies to write guidelines in favor of using drugs. Even though this is not supported by good medical science, and safe, prudent medical practice. In fact, I have heard that the drug companies wrote some of the medical guidelines, and the doctors just signed them. This is an absolute monstrous disgrace on the American medical profession.

There are many types of talk therapy. And some are just as dangerous as drug therapy. You don’t want to confuse high quality “Cognitive Behavioral Talk Therapy” with traditional psychotherapy, or psychoanalysis where they go off on a tangent about your child hood, and so-called repressed memories. A few years back every body was on a psychoanalysis kick. Treating everything from menstrual cramps
hang nails with psychoanalysis. And somebody came up with the kooky theory that the cause of everybody’s problems were the result of repressed memory’s of being raped by a mother or father when they were a child. “If I’m Lying. I’m Dying.” Of course this was later disproved as hog wash. But only after it destroyed many lives. And many family’s. Some people committed suicide, and murder. Only to later learn they had been duped by their doctors.

The same type of thing is going on now with using antidepressants, and a host of other psych meds on everyone they can push these poisons onto. It just makes me sick…

So what is high quality “Cognitive Behavioral Talk Therapy”. Very simplistically, at it’s best, it is like having a very knowledgeable, very good friend to talk to that really listens to you, and who cares about you, and cares about what is CURRENTLY going on in your life. A friend that keeps up with what is going on with you. And what you are going through. A friend that gently helps you see the positive, hopeful side of things. A friend that helps you see the cup as always half full. Not half empty. A friend that doesn’t encourage negative thinking, and actions. A friend that is always on your side. But is also objective enough to help you see the other side. So you can find the most positive ways of working with people you maybe in conflict with. A friend that has the medical, technical, and experiential knowledge to deal with, and access how well you are doing with taking care of your basic needs, things like I have mentioned so often in all my post (nutrition, hydration, exercise, rest, etc…) A Friend who knows how to advise you, And help you with getting your needs met in the safest, most healthy ways.

It does sound like I am talking about a good friend, or a parent. Doesn’t it? Except that there may be things that you might not be comfortable talking about, even with your best friend. And they may not be able to handle hearing some things. Same with a parent. Also they may not have the medical knowledge to deal with things like nutrition needs. And sleep problems. And other medical problems that might also be having a negative effect on your state of mind. But most importantly
A parent or a friend may not have enough objectivity to help you see the other side in as positive a way as possible. When you are very close to someone you cant help but want to hurt, and condemn anyone that hurts them. Especially if it is your child they hurt. But negative emotions like that are not helpful, and only make things worse.

As I said I would not let anyone put any labels, or diagnosis on me. The doctors and the drug companies want to put a label, and a diagnosis on everyone so they can push drugs on them. Also, once they put a label, and diagnosis on you, you are no longer who you really are. You are no longer a real person. You are only who (in their limited, and little minds) they say you are. Like Bipolar Britney, or Psychotic Britney ect… So then it is much easier to say that you don’t own your-self. So they can take your rights away. And control your life. In your case. Your art, and wealth. The only label, or diagnosis I would put on you, and the only label, or diagnosis I think actually fits is. “GIFTED YOUNG ARTIST, AND MOTHER”. Any other medical label is just about the doctors, and the medical industry trying to exploit you. And I think you know that. You probably know more about being exploited than most people in the world.

As you can see. Even when looked at in a very simplistic way high quality “cognitive behavioral talk therapy” is complex. But it can also be very powerful. Just having someone you can explicitly trust to tell anything that bothers you to, and also to unburden your-self can have very powerful therapeutic effects.
Cognitive behavioral talk therapy deals with the here, and now. With what is currently going on in your life now. Not much about what happened in the past. Or about repressed feelings, and thoughts you may have in the past. Dealing with past stuff is more what psychoanalysis is about. And I think personally a waste of time, and money for anyone except people planning on practicing psychiatry. Because psychiatrist need to try and make sure they have their own heads screwed on right, before they try and help anyone else straiten out their head.

A very famous French philosopher René Descartes once said “Cogito, ergo sum” (Latin: “I think, therefore I am”). You see, how you think can really change how you feel. And how you feel can really change how you think. So you can learn to have a lot of power over how you feel. By using your power over how you choose to think.

As to where you can find high quality professionals like this. I don’t know. But I am sure they are out there. I know they are understandably expensive. But I think you can handle that Britney.

Well I hope this helps you Britney. I have seen people call you Brit Brit. And you do have a kind of cute Brit Brit quality to you.