Duques de Sussex: Opiniones en su contra.

Pobrecita es tan ingenua creo que la culpa de nuevo es de Hollywood y la industria del entretenimiento ya que "El cuento de Hadas que vio en peliculas de Disney ... no le dio una vision real de la cotidianidad luego de la boda fancy ".

Por Clara Carlesimo https://www.closermag.fr/royautes/m...ux-nounous-pour-archie-elles-se-senten-992114
Meghan Markle fait passer des entretiens aux nounous pour Archie : elles se sentent "humiliées"
Cuando Meghan Markle entrevista a las niñeras de Archie: Ellas se sienten "humilladas"

El 04 de julio de 2019 a las 10h37 actualización 04 de julio de 2019 a las 11h22
En los últimos días, Meghan Markle ha estado realizando entrevistas de trabajo para encontrar a la niñera perfecta para Archie. Pero la duquesa es muy dura ...

Obviamente, no es fácil tener una entrevista de trabajo con la Sussex. Durante unas semanas, Meghan Markle y el príncipe Harry han estado luchando para encontrar una niñera para el bebé Archie. Pero la duquesa tiene muchos problemas para su elección. En solo seis semanas, tres empresas ya han tenido éxito logrado el puesto ...

Como explicó una fuente de Fabulous Digital, la madre del bebé real "tuvo dificultades para renunciar al control de Archie".

Para recibir posibles candidatos para el puesto, Meghan Markle no hace las cosas a la mitad.
"Fue como una audición", dice la fuente, y agregó que el proceso es especialmente "humillante para las pobres enfermeras ": "Con el inminente bautismo de Archie el sábado en la Capilla de la Reina en Windsor, parece que Meghan duda mucho para dar control a un par de manos profesionales ".

En el Sun, una fuente explicó por qué dos niñeras ya habían decidido abandonar Frogmore Cottage:

"La primera niñera fue una enfermera nocturna, pero Harry y Meghan no quieren apresurarse ni arriesgarse a tomar esa decisión correctamente. Personal y puede depender de las necesidades del bebé y los padres ".

:cool: entiendase que >>>> La tuvieron a prueba sin confirmarla en el puesto

A principios del mes pasado, se contrató a una segunda nueva niñera británica, pero "ella no tenía una sitio donde permanecer en Frogmore Cottage ni en fines de semana laborales",

:cool:entiendase >>>> ( no les da una habitacion, ni un sitio donde descansar, asearse , guardas sus cosas , les exige ir y venir hasta los fnes de semana , en fin se resume nueva rica que nunca en su vida ha tenido servicio y no sabe como funciona el asunto )

dijo Haarper's Bazaar:"Creo que esta buscando a alguien que los educará acerca de la salud mental del niño, que fomentará la creatividad y los empujará a ser ellos mismos, por lo que la educación de Archie no debería ser tradicional. "Será una niñera recomendada por un amigo de Hollywood", dijo Victoria Howard, otra experta de la familia real.

:cool:entiendase >>> Meghan busca una ninera coach de liderazgo , especializada en psicologa infantil , puericultora ,
ademas que no duerma pero no salga de Frogmore debe ser como hechizada y estar impecablemente limpia sin asearse ni ir al bano ... y no le da un sitio donde dormir o simplemente en su casa.

Creo que Bazaar tiene razon solo va conseguir una asi en Hollywood .... :sleep::sleep::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:en las peliculas de ficcion .

La Pobre Meghan que nadie la entiende ella tan luchadora por los derechos humanos , emponderada feminista y estas nanies tan listas que como saben esas cualidades , se aprovechan , queriendo descansar , asearse y tener seguridad laboral :rolleyes:
Última edición:
Con lo enamorada q está Meghan de la espalda ( es su modo de vida, darle la espalda a todos cuando ya no les necesita)...estas serán las futuras fotos...

Ver el archivo adjunto 1091117

Meghan y Trevor..
Ver el archivo adjunto 1091118
Meghan y Harry

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Primer dia de playa de Archie

Ver el archivo adjunto 1091122

Primer día de colegio de Archie

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Primer columpio de Archie

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Primer paseo por el campo de Archie...:cool:
Jajaaaaa maravilloso!!
Pues no se por que lo hicieron asi. Yo no esperaba ver imágenes del parto ni esperaba verles salir como si fuesen los legítimos herederos porque no lo son. Si me hubiese gustado que los doctores firmasen como corresponde. That's it. Por ejemplo Felipe y Letizia eran los Príncipes de Asturias cuando presentaron a Leonor, se esperaba una mínima presentación y fotos. Harry y Meghan no son herederos de nada por mas mediáticos que sean. Que me encantaría tener mil fotos de todossssssss los días de la vida de Archie, pues claro, pero no corresponde. El bebe cumplirá dos meses el dia 6 de julio, la madre cumplirá dos meses de parida el dia 6 de julio. O sea...
Es el segundo hijo del heredero. Pararse un segundo, un segundo nada mas a la,salida del hospital como otras han hecho, incluso Sophie ( y ni hablar Kate porque ella será reina) sonreír y a casa, tan difícil es? En un momento de tanta felicidad y orgullo??? Nadie le explicó que tiene obligaciones al entrar en la FR? Era demasiado trabajo? Y se hubiesen evitado especulaciones y conjeturas. Por favor! Podrán verlo como quieran y cada quien es dueño de sus opiniones, ami no me cierran. Todos los que entran a formar parte de esta familia se adaptan y se comportan. La starlet no, tiene que dar la nota, siempre. Es una absurda. No aprende ni quiere.
Pobrecita...todo esto le vá muy, muy grande.

Por un lado la presión de demostrarle a la familia política q ella es una mujer empoderada....cuando la realidad es que no parece poder ni con un sólo bebé....y la casa parece que tampoco sabe muy bien cómo organizarla...y por el otro lado tiene que quedar con sus nuevos compiyoguis hollywoodienses como si fuese una súper star...y a la vez darle a la familia de sangre en los morros con su recién adquirido status...y darle por saco a la prensa creando expectativas para "hacerse la importante"...

Todo, menos haber aprovechado este año para centrarse. Ahora es esposa y madre, punto...Harry, la próxima vez hazle caso a tu abuelo y a tu hermano(y)
Es el segundo hijo del heredero. Pararse un segundo, un segundo nada mas a la,salida del hospital como otras han hecho, incluso Sophie ( y ni hablar Kate porque ella será reina) sonreír y a casa, tan difícil es? En un momento de tanta felicidad y orgullo??? Nadie le explicó que tiene obligaciones al entrar en la FR? Era demasiado trabajo? Y se hubiesen evitado especulaciones y conjeturas. Por favor! Podrán verlo como quieran y cada quien es dueño de sus opiniones, ami no me cierran. Todos los que entran a formar parte de esta familia se adaptan y se comportan. La starlet no, tiene que dar la nota, siempre. Es una absurda. No aprende ni quiere.

Me asombra la capacidad de algunas que todavia le ven un lado bueno, yo cada dia veo de mal en peor, lo siento no hay por donde defenderla esta llena de incoherencias y arrastra a Harry con ella, en fin que siga haciendo el ridiculo, eso significa mas cotilleo y diversión.
Otro post muy interesante.

"Drogas, centavo y "Meghan the Menace" todo esta ahi antes de la boda."
"Por qué los periodistas británicos no revelan lo que saben sobre Meghan? Probablemente porque la mayoría de los reporteros reales son profesionales de mediana edad con hipotecas y cuotas escolares que pagar; ¿Por qué tirarlo todo por unas cuantas sorpresas sobre una mujer que la mayoría de las esperanzas pronto será olvidada?"
Me alegra que no te interese verlo, al final no es familia de ninguno. Mientras tanto lo que Meghan lleva se vende en minutos. Igual que sucede con Kate y con otras. Si destruye un Givenchy y en Givenchy deciden seguirla vistiendo por algo sera. ;)

Pues a de ser porque es miembro de la Familia Real Britanica y es muy buena clienta, no la van a desairar, y al menos yo no e visto ningun articulo que diga que la gente hace cola fuera de la tienda de Givenchy para comprar un vestido usado por ella, por cierto el ultimo traje que uso parecia una rigida capa de barbero y el vestido lo poco qu vi tenia dos servilletas pegadas en los hombros, Horrible, pero para gustos......
Largo pero impresionante el artículo. Para mí al menos, que no dedico tiempo a leer en el Instagram de "SussexRoyal", apenas veo las imágenes y sólo ahora me entero que la que está con el elefante no es Meghan.
Deberían contratar un community manager más del estilo de la CR.

El "turn around!" durante el Himno lo había visto y es flipante. Harry fue rudo, supongo que pensando que nadie lo vería, pero la verdad que es muy básica Meghan si no sabe que ante el Himno de cualquier país lo esperable es -mínimo- una escucha atenta y respetuosa.
Había muy mal ambiente en ese balcón. Gangan y Andrés estaban cabreados y Anne también.
Finalmente todo pasó un poco desapercibido porque Louis hizo un debut donde "lo dio todo", pero la incomodidad flotaba en el aire.


JUNE 18, 2019
SussexRoyal ~ A Cult Or A Sham Brand In The Making?

Is the House of Sussex, barely a year old crumbling, unable to stand on the faux and furtive foundations it was created on? Trooping the Colour showed us what a sham the House of Sussex is, with MM slapping Harry on his leg in the carriage during the procession to get his attention (it’s just bad manners if you have to ask; one doesn’t behave like that in public especially when you are on public view), to the oh so awkward balcony appearance that showed MM to be nothing more than rude, disrespectful, out of place, and yes, the family she never had didn’t seem to want to be near her either (notice the gap between her and Peter, whose children the Sussex duo did not include in their wedding).


MM being told to turn around the second time as Jack and Andrew try to pretend not to hear the shambolic Sussex duo.
What actually happened on the balcony? It looked like the Queen’s children flanked her, either side and behind while Edward was at the back. Anne blocked MM from standing too close to the Queen, while Harry chose to stand back and not next to Peter, thus MM hesitantly stood next to him with a noticeable gap. He spoke to her and she moved in to listen and mumbled a response. The Wessex family remained at the back except for James who joined the other children at the front.

Meanwhile, Anne stepped aside for Jack to stand behind the Queen and Andrew. Harry chats to Sophie and Louise to see if they want to move forward. No one speaks to MM as she tries to turn and talk to Harry. The National Anthem is due to start and he tells her to turn around. Jack hears the awkward exchange, glances and then quickly turns to look away. Andrew hears it and his eyes dart towards their direction, but then he regains his stance. MM decides to ignore Harry, and turns around again to talk; he frowns and throws her a look towards the Queen and tells her to turn around to face the front. You didn’t really need a lip reader to tell you that MM was rude, and embarrassed Harry in front of his family. Others have made excuses for the faux pas such as ‘She’s just had a baby…’ not sure what that has to do with poor manners and ignoring what someone told you to do. Another said she didn’t know what to do as she is American… again, she was there last year so that’s no excuse. The simple fact is she has no class, manners, and is arrogant and isn’t suitable to be representing anyone let alone a nation.


Jack trying to pretend he didn’t hear, MM being told off, and Andrew hears it but then regains his stance as Harry frowns.

Harry repeating himself and points towards the Queen with his eyes. Andrew and Jack try to ignore things diplomatically.

The SussexRoyal Instagram account is nearly 11 weeks old and is riddled with errors. The 38 posts (to date, some have been apparently deleted) are packed with TL;DR posts that dictate rather than share, with an obsession of branding images with the ©sussexroyal, which is bizarre for an account that isn’t supposed to be profit making.Somehow I can’t see the Royal Family taking a blogger who is a royal fan to court for sharing an image that the Royal Family have shared with the public. There would be an outcry, and in ye old days rotten vegetables would be thrown at the carriages, whereas today people can be found commenting on the Daily Mail, or ranting on Twitter.

The long drawn out TL;DR texts, with a sham of a ‘tradition’ of revolving accounts that they profess to support is quite ridiculous. Has no one told them they can follow as many accounts as they wish? Quite frankly, it’s presumptuous that they think all their followers can be influenced, so is this the start of a cult?


A tradition or a choice in order to control to make charities feel ‘grateful’ they have been chosen?


The correct tag is ‘nationaltheatre’ and not ‘thenationaltheatre’, a sloppy error, or someone who simply doesn’t care? This was pointed out on various platforms, but remains as an error and is shoddy and unprofessional for an official account.

With the additional support of Buckingham Palace, surely staff have time to check their copy before they hit send? To perhaps ask the legal team if what they have written is within their boundaries? What an insult it is to the National Theatre, who actually follow the account, and so it shouldn’t have been hard to get the right tag. In any case, diligent and professional PR folks double check their tags first, especially when there are those who use similar names.

The account also has misleading text with images, and one must wonder why. Was it intentional or was it inept writing? Are we led to believe that someone with no experience was allowed to carry out a skilled and dangerous job? Not likely seeing as the elephant is under for only 10 minutes maximum.


Misleading? MM did not have a title during the visit (therefore is incorrect), and leads people to believe it is the couple in the image. .


Currently there are 8.7 million followers, and all must be recent as the account is so new, therefore one would assume at least 50% of the followers would view a post, yet the maximum average is around 2 million. Take into consideration those who choose to comment will lead to multiple views, we can assume that there are less than 2 million actual, human, active followers. Some posts only got 203k views, with only 8 posts that had over a million views. That’s only 21% of the posts, which means about 25% of the followers are actually active.

I watched the figures rise on the recent Father’s Day post and after the post being up 24 hours, it peaked at 2.1 million views (take into consideration multiple views, so minus 10-15%). Incidentally, the post doesn’t actually say the image is of Harry, but merely wishes the Duke of Sussex a happy Father’s Day. It would have been much better to have an actual image of Harry because quite frankly it could be the arm of anyone, and the post doesn’t actually say it is Harry or Archie, yet you would expect it to be so.

  • Within 10 minutes there were 126k views
  • 1 hour, 590k
  • 2 hours, 1 million
  • 4.5 hours, 1.5 million
  • 11 hours, 1.9 million
  • 24 hours, 2.1 million
That’s less than 25% percent of the followers who viewed the post in the space of 24 hours, which includes multiple views. So, how many real followers to they actually have? It looks like they have about 2 million human followers at the most.

If the account is supposed to highlight the causes they care about, then why have there been no posts on Harry’s visits to Chatham House and the HALO Trust? In addition, many comments seem to be deleted and removed when a question the account doesn’t like is asked. Several people have messaged me and told me their comments have been removed, such as saying, ‘The baby looks small,’ and other innocent comments. Is this ‘sussexroyal’ attempting to manipulate their image?


The © used in most images are a sign that ‘they’ want control and that they own the rights to the image. It has nothing to do with a trademark, but is it really necessary? Copyright infringement is based around money, and reputation, so a breach would be when someone uses it for financial gain without permission. As most fans have shared this across multiple platforms, it actually makes the © look nondescript and defunct, because it has been shared thousands of times already!

The social media account is inconsistent, inaccurate, and lacks the professionalism expected from an official account. Have the standards dropped at Buckingham Palace, or are they short staffed? Who is/are managing the account because it’s a poor representation of the work the Royal Family actually do. What is their aim with language such as ‘We stand with you,” ? Is it an attempt to endear themselves to vulnerable and gullible sectors of society? By supporting them and telling them what they want to hear, they control them with subliminal messages, and can influence their thoughts and behaviours, and create a following. Why are they so desperate?

Cult language and behaviour

Cults can be dangerous, for they target those who seek something to admire, who then ‘worship’ them even when it’s apparent they do wrong. The extreme and obsessive behaviour can lead to attacking anyone who doesn’t agree with them, to being blind to reason and common sense.

The ‘cult leaders’ fuel this by supporting their actions, praising them and encouraging them. To the brainwashed, they see this as a green light to continue how they have behaved and to go further. Cult leaders are cunning and devious; they smother the target audience with love and attention to make them feel special, and what they want in return is allegiance, and obedience. Anyone that disagrees with what the leader has said is cut out, and anyone that chooses to remain friends with someone ousted is also cut out. Does this sound familiar?

Are the Royal Family aware that some of those behind the hashtag they have endorsed have bullied people online, abused and attacked them, doxxed them, have hacked their emails and social media accounts, and looked up their identities and harassed them in real life purely because they didn’t agree with something that they said? Is this what the Royal Family have come to; to turn a blind eye to unorthodox behaviour for their own image?

The cult members can’t accept that other people may have different opinions, and hatred brews as they spew out their rhetoric across all social media platforms where people are being targeted if posters aren’t fans of the Sussex duo. They have also instigated hate campaigns against the other members of the Royal Family that are baseless to make their ‘leaders’ look better. That’s why they are dangerous, for once they have brainwashed a fan base, it’s hard to stop them.

The rhetoric spouted can lead you to believe hoards have escaped mental institutions, or that there is a percentage of the population that really just aren’t that bright. People are free to like or dislike others, whether they are celebrities, public figures, or people at the place of work or in the neighbourhood. There is no justification in mounting hate campaigns or to attack others for a difference of opinion, yet this is what brainwashed Sussex duo cult fans do. The Royal Family are not doing anything to stop this, yet appear to encourage the cult fans in their despicable behaviour.


Those who started the hashtag have attacked, targeted and bullied posters online who challenged or questioned their comments.

The dictatorial language of the long social media posts sends out potentially subliminal messages to the already brainwashed, from ‘forgetting’ or deliberately choosing not to use a title when addressing another member of the Royal Family, which is simply bad manners and arrogant, yet they attempt to make this look modern. How can a cult be halted while they hide behind accusations of attacks? They indoctrinate with phrases that the followers will cling to, mingled in with historical facts so that their messages will be read as facts as well. This is how cults work, but usually the weak and impressionable are the ones who fall for it, but all are susceptible to the ‘charms’ of a cult leader because they flatter all unless you question them.

The cult reports any comments on public forums as ‘hate’ comments in order to manipulate the comments section, knowing most posters will not bother to appeal and challenge the flagged comment. They bank on it, and work as teams because in their minds the rest of the world must be wrong. The fact that the ‘sussexroyal’ account was moderating and deleting all comments that did not praise the Sussex duo is evidence of this.

I have seen cults in action and people brainwashed by cults, and the only way to end a cult is to stop the leader. They spin out half truths that they don’t act on but say they believe. They hide their hypocrisy, yet the brainwashed can no longer see, think, or act rationally. Cults dictate and order others to act under the guise of supporting their leader, even if it means breaking the law, and to report and attack people that question their motives. You can block them, and ignore them, but once a cult grows momentum, it can be hard to stop. People may seem them as harmless, but messing with the mind can lead to far greater harms than you can imagine.

I have seen this first hand when I had to tell a friend to get out and that he wasn’t wrong in making a simple and useful suggestion. The cult had told him it was not his place to think of such things, and he needed to stick to his own department, and that his suggestion was disruptive and offensive to the particular department. This was over a simple suggestion to collect cardboard egg cartons and use them as kindling for the log cabins; it was not his department though and they wanted to control his behaviour and thoughts and was reprimanded. When I first met him he was a strong and rational chap with ideas to make the world a better place, so when he turned to me and told me that they were right and he was wrong to have suggested such a thing as recycling, I gave him a good hard shake and put him right.

Are the Sussex duo building a ‘cult’ and if so for what purpose? It’s evident that there are a sector of ‘cult devotee/fans’ who are easily influenced, and who will attack innocent people who do not agree with them.
Do the Royal Family condone this? It’s clear that the Sussex duo want to control things and do it their own way, and do not want to follow traditional protocols. In that case they are better off becoming private citizens where they will be freer to do so, and will become less of a tax burden on the UK.

The time to nip things in the bud is over; it’s time to cull.

All figures taken at the same time (within minutes) to give an accurate reflection of the views the account has, and how inconsistent the views are. Out of 38 posts, 16 posts (42% of the posts) have less than 500k views (less than 6% of all followers), and only 6 have over 2 million views with over 8 million ‘followers’. You wonder where the other 5 million followers are and if they actually exist? It seems many have clicked ‘follow’ and never even looked at a post.

SussexRoyal ~ A Cult Or A Sham Brand In The Making? https://harrymarkle.wordpress.com/2019/06/18/sussexroyal-a-cult-or-a-sham-brand-in-the-making/ vía @HarryMarkled