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te he hablado del islam laico, entre otras muchas cosas (el mundo islámico es muy diverso), pero a ti solo te interesa el discurso de moros caca pedo culo pis (al igual que hay personas que solo les interesa el discurso de los andaluces vagos, mangantes y fiesteros o catalanes peseteros, engreídos e insolidarios) y nadie te va a sacar de ahí.

No sé si yo destilo clasismo, pero tú destilas superioridad cultural (o más bien complejo de). Ni que los españoles fuéramos suecos desde el big bang, lo mismo rascas un poco y sale un ... poco de todo. A saber por qué hay que sacar a los árabes en todos hilos para llamarlos atrasados, pero hay quien no pierde ocasión, aunque sea en el hilo de Cataluña. saludos.
Ein? Árabe no es lo mismo que musulmán en Arabia hay cristianos, yo tendré de África muchos genes seguramente , no se a que leches vienen los suecos y mi abuela su segundo apellido es seguramente de origen marroquí, así que no voy por ahí, no te confundas, y no me des bola si te molesta que se hable de la religión musulmana, no me siento inferior ni superior por un territorio es tan absurdo como sentirse superior o inferior por el color de piel, pero que la cultura musulmana es machista...homofoba y retrógrada es una obviedad, que hay escalas obvio pero hasta grado más suave, es muy.....FIN DEL Tema buenas noches
Tus argumentos son de mala fé, querías colar la idea que en usa haya no-go zones y no hay. Y que gang rape fuera una realidad y no lo es, aparte de unos incidentes con islamicos.

El homocídio en masa es tan grande o más en otros paises desarollados que en USA. Y nuestras armas son nuestra fuerza, no te equivoques. Y te acabas de partirte de la risa, poco maduro.

The US reports about 85,000 rapes a year, an average of 27.3 rapes per 100,000 population. There is a rape in the US every 6.2 minutes. As with other countries, the US does not collect separate data on gang rapes; Vogelman and Lewis estimate 25% of all rapes in the US are gang rapes. Another source indicates 21.8% of American rapes are gang rapes. A Roger Williams University study estimates from survey of crime data that 16% of all male rapists in the US participated in a gang rape crime.

A 15-year-old girl in Chicago was gang raped on Facebook live in 2017 while watched by over 40 people.
[99] On a separate occasion two teens, one 15 years old and one 16, were gang raped by over 11 men.[100]

Some recent examples of gang rapes reported in local media include the Cleveland gang rape,
[101] Richmond gang rape,[102] New Orleans gang rape,[103] St Paul gang rape,[104] Miami gang rape/murder,[105] Chicago gang rape,[106] and Delaware park gang rape,[107] among others.

One in four college women report surviving rape or attempted rape at some point in their lifetime. These are anonymous reports on multi-campus surveys sampling thousands of college students nationwide (Fisher, Cullen & Turner, 2000; Tjaden & Thoennes, 2006). This rate has remained the same since studies in the 1980s (Koss, Gidycz, & Wisniewki, 1987).

Gang No-Go zones exist as well. The city of Chicago has 59 gangs, and within those, there are 625 factions (4). Every year the Chicago Police Department releases The Gang Book, which outlines the territory these gangs control. Some of these territories, found on the map below, appear to be as large as entire neighborhoods or as small as a city block. Chief Roti of the Department claimed, “‘We don’t want to either glorify a gang or maybe unintentionally cause a gang rift…You [a gang member] could look at a map and say, “They got way more territory than us”’” (4).

The danger of reporting No-Go zones to the public may be why this topic is undiscussed in national news coverage. Although these are not officially called “No-Go zones,” police from this department claim that they cannot enter many of these districts without being directly shot at or attacked. [iv]. Chief Roti and many of the inhabitants of Chicago fear these No-Go zones. But as Michael Cutler explains, a former agent of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, “Big cases- big problems; Little cases- little problems; No cases- no problems!”, and thus is why these types of “small” gang controlled areas continue to exist.

Ein? Árabe no es lo mismo que musulmán en Arabia hay cristianos, yo tendré de África muchos genes seguramente , no se a que leches vienen los suecos y mi abuela su segundo apellido es seguramente de origen marroquí, así que no voy por ahí, no te confundas, y no me des bola si te molesta que se hable de la religión musulmana, no me siento inferior ni superior por un territorio es tan absurdo como sentirse superior o inferior por el color de piel, pero que la cultura musulmana es machista...homofoba y retrógrada es una obviedad, que hay escalas obvio pero hasta grado más suave, es muy.....FIN DEL Tema buenas noches

Sevilla circa 1970. Demos gracias que no estaba la OTAN para bombardearnos y mandarnos a los goons de ISIS para modernizarnos .

Última edición por un moderador:
Te veo yo a ti algo desorientada conmigo... espero no sea un principio de Alzheimer, estate atenta. Mi fuerte nunca han sido los insultos, no uso rebequitas y no suelo insistir en obviedades, como que las independencias no se hacen en Twitter, en las redes sociales o desde Belgica. Try again.... un siglo de estos lo conseguireis.
The US reports about 85,000 rapes a year, an average of 27.3 rapes per 100,000 population. There is a rape in the US every 6.2 minutes. As with other countries, the US does not collect separate data on gang rapes; Vogelman and Lewis estimate 25% of all rapes in the US are gang rapes. Another source indicates 21.8% of American rapes are gang rapes. A Roger Williams University study estimates from survey of crime data that 16% of all male rapists in the US participated in a gang rape crime.

A 15-year-old girl in Chicago was gang raped on Facebook live in 2017 while watched by over 40 people.
[99] On a separate occasion two teens, one 15 years old and one 16, were gang raped by over 11 men.[100]

Some recent examples of gang rapes reported in local media include the Cleveland gang rape,
[101] Richmond gang rape,[102] New Orleans gang rape,[103] St Paul gang rape,[104] Miami gang rape/murder,[105] Chicago gang rape,[106] and Delaware park gang rape,[107] among others.

One in four college women report surviving rape or attempted rape at some point in their lifetime. These are anonymous reports on multi-campus surveys sampling thousands of college students nationwide (Fisher, Cullen & Turner, 2000; Tjaden & Thoennes, 2006). This rate has remained the same since studies in the 1980s (Koss, Gidycz, & Wisniewki, 1987).

Gang No-Go zones exist as well. The city of Chicago has 59 gangs, and within those, there are 625 factions (4). Every year the Chicago Police Department releases The Gang Book, which outlines the territory these gangs control. Some of these territories, found on the map below, appear to be as large as entire neighborhoods or as small as a city block. Chief Roti of the Department claimed, “‘We don’t want to either glorify a gang or maybe unintentionally cause a gang rift…You [a gang member] could look at a map and say, “They got way more territory than us”’” (4).

The danger of reporting No-Go zones to the public may be why this topic is undiscussed in national news coverage. Although these are not officially called “No-Go zones,” police from this department claim that they cannot enter many of these districts without being directly shot at or attacked. [iv]. Chief Roti and many of the inhabitants of Chicago fear these No-Go zones. But as Michael Cutler explains, a former agent of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, “Big cases- big problems; Little cases- little problems; No cases- no problems!”, and thus is why these types of “small” gang controlled areas continue to exist.


Sigues con mala fé, aunque un poco menos. Chicago es la ciudad mas peligrosa. Aun así, la policía entra allí en los sitios más peligrosos cuando les llaman, siempre en grupos de agentes y muy armados.

Rape es una realidad, pero gang rape es raro, no como en UK, por que no hablas de gang rape in UK? Por que no ir al fondo del asunto?
Lo divertido va a ser ver cómo se lo va a montar el juez para investigar las actividades de unos señores en el extranjero. Ha hecho pupa que Alemania no extradite ipso facto a Puigdemont y están creando humo. Estos mossos llevan tres meses haciéndole de guardaespaldas a Puigdemont en su tiempo libre. No sé cómo no lo han investigado antes LOL. Ah, no, espera, que siendo juez apañol solo tienes jurisdicción en Apaña.
Nada mas sencillo que el atestado de la policia alemana cuando detuvo al correcaminos . Es que como él lo vale tiene que ir con chofer
Si no lo necesita con lo que corre
flequillos huyendo.jpg
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