La duquesa de Sussex lanza la colección cápsula Smart Works. Septiembre 12, 2019


Menudos estampados el vestido de la señora, tantos colores juntos dejas ciego a cualquiera.
Yo me acuerdo que si, pero si alguien se acuerda mejor que me corriga
También yo recuerdo que es prestada, de ahí que no combine entre ella y de ahí la idea de Meghan de lanzar la colección cápsula con prendas básicas.
Y lo de que no combina creo recordar que lo dijo Meghan cuando salió la idea de qué iba a llevar a cabo.
Lo unico que zafa es la camisa y la cartera



Si Smart Works se encarga de prestar la ropa para una entrevista de trabajo y la regresan ¿para que les va a servir tener la misma prenda 1000 veces?o_O
o yo entendi mal, o esta coleccion esta a la venta para recaudar fondos para smart Works.
debe haber una partida para smart Works,para que use la gente que lo requiera.
Las mujeres se llevan la ropa y se la quedan.
Yo me acuerdo que si, pero si alguien se acuerda mejor que me corriga

Por lo que leo en la pagina de SW si les regalan el primer outfit, no se si tienen que pagar por las otras cinco prendas.

At the heart of Smart Works sits a two hour dressing and coaching service for unemployed women with confirmed job interviews.

Each client has a personalised styling session with two Smart Works volunteer stylists, receiving a complete outfit of high quality clothes and accessories for their specific job interview, which are free and hers to keep. We make sure that our clients look fabulous, feel confident and have everything they need, from a winter coat to a pair of tights.

After her dressing, each client receives a one-to-one interview preparation and coaching session with an experienced HR professional or senior manager. The interview session focuses on increasing the awareness of her own strengths, answering questions effectively and understanding what is expected of her at interview.

Once a client is successful at interview, they are welcomed back for a Second Dressing to receive five additional pieces of clothing. This means that they can start their new role with a capsule working wardrobe which will see them through until their first pay cheque.

When our clients re-enter the workplace, we encourage them to join the Smart Works Network, a membership group of women who have recently returned to work. The Network meet on a monthly basis to further their professional and personal development, helping and motivating one another to succeed.