15 Ene 2015
Después de las últimas declaraciones del inefable Trump vaticinando la destrucción de Corea del Norte,me animo a abrir este hilo para cotillear las animaladas del indescriptible presidente
"electo" del pequeño país asiático.
Mandó a matar a su propio tío
Una de las muertes más polémicas es la de su tío Jang Song Thaek, otrora vicepresidente de la Comisión Militar Central y número dos del régimen, el cual fue purgado y ejecutado el 2013 junto a otros oficiales. ¿La razón? Ser poco leales con su líder. En el caso de Jang, se le acusó de “faccionalismo” y de “delitos para perjudicar la economía”.

Se dijo que la muerte se produjo echándole a los perros
Ganó una carrera de yates con sólo 3 años
Según un manual distribuido en escuelas norcoreanas, Kim Jong Un aprendió a manejar a los 3 años, y le ganó a un ejecutivo extranjero en una carrera de yates a los nueve años. Hazte esa.

5. Le disparó con un lanzallamas al vice-ministro
En otra ocasión, en el 2014, ejecutó al viceministro de Seguridad Público, O Sang-hon, con un lanzallamas

Entre las medidas para imponer orden, anunció que los ciudadanos tienen sólo 28 opciones de cortes de pelo (18 para mujeres y 10 para hombres) decretados como ‘oficiales’


Fusiló a su novia por salir en un video por**
También en este año fueron asesinados cuatro miembros de la Orquesta Unhasu, la más prestigiosa de Corea del Norte. Entre ellos, Mun Kyong Jin, uno de los directores generales que estuvo involucrado en un escándalo por difundir por**grafía. Anteriormente, Hyon Song Wol, cantante de la orquesta y ex novia del líder, fue fusiliada en público por aparecer actuando en un video por**.
Kim Jong Un tiene varios gustos occidentales. Dicen que es fan de The Beatles, de las películas de Jean-Claude Van Damme y de la NBA. Incluso invitó a su país a Dennis Rodman, ex estrella de la NBA. Se dice también que cuando Kim era adolescente, pasaba horas haciendo dibujos de Micahel Jordan.

Es de mala educación preguntar la edad
Es una orden que nadie sepa su edad exacta, o que nadie sea bautizado con su nombre. Se dice que tiene entre 31 y 33 años.

LO de la edad no me parece del todo mal;)
...Fue educado en Suiza....

'He couldn't speak English, didn't pass any exams and was obsessed with basketball and computer games': Kim Jong Un's Swiss school days revealed
By Allan Hall for MailOnline
UPDATED: 16:14 BST, 22 December 2011

He is the heir poised to become the next leader of rogue state North Korea.

But a probe into the school days of Kim Jong Un - youngest son of dictator Kim Jong Il - proves he is little more than an academic failure who squandered his education playing computer games and basketball.

The baby-faced 28-year-old first stepped out of his father's shadow in September last year to appear in public in the capital Pyongyang as thousands of goose-stepping troops marched by to mark the 65th anniversary of the ruling Workers Party.


School days: Kim Jong Un (circled) is pictured with friends during his time at school in Switzerland


Home from home: Kim Jong Un spent his youth in Switzerland and attended Liebefeld School near Berne

Kim Jong Un looked the part, dressed up in the uniform of a four-star general, and trained in the operation of the torture camps and punishment gulags which fill his blighted land.

But the world will have to see whether his prolonged exposure to the west and its values during his school days in Switzerland have imbued him with any democratic values that might bring his decrepit and starving country back into the international fold after years of isolation.

But the signs are not good. Despite having thousands of pounds lavished on his education at a top private school in Switzerland, he didn't leave with even the equivalent of a single GCSE.

When he was just 15 his father took him out of the costly International School Of Berne, where fees now cost around £16,000 a year. He moved him to a nearby state school to save money but he was quickly put in the lower tier in class.

Wearing Nike trainers, a Chicago Bulls sweatshirt and jeans, he was introduced to Class 6A by the headmistress of Liebefeld-Steinholzi School near Berne. She lied: 'Boys and girls, this is Un Pak. He comes from North Korea and he is the son of a diplomat.'

Kim Jong Un took the empty seat next to Portuguese diplomat's son Joao Micaelo and the pair became friends. Joao, who now works as a chef, said: 'We weren't the dimmest kids in class but neither were we the cleverest. We were always in the second tier.


Sporty: Kim Jong Un was reportedly a huge basketball fan during his time in Switzerland, with Michael Jordan among his favourite players


Like father, like son: Kim Jong Il (left) pictured with Kim Jong Un (right) at a parade celebrating the 65th anniversary of the ruling Korean Workers Party in Pyongyang, North Korea, in October 2010

'Un tried hard to express himself but he was not very good at German and became flustered when asked to give the answers to a problem. The teachers would see him struggling ashamedly and then move on. They left him in peace.
'He left without getting any exam results at all. He was much more interested in football and basketball than lessons.'
A big fan of star Michael Jordan, Kim Jong Un - who was once caught with a bondage pornographic magazine in his school bag - proved to be a good player on the basketball court.
He did shine at maths but nothing else in class, and schoolmates remember that he needed a lot of extra tuition.
One boy who was with him at the International School said: 'It must have been 1993 when he came to the school. His English was bad at first. He had a strong accent and he was given extra lessons.
'He also learned German and was OK in the basics of both - but just OK. His English got better but not his German.
'He was good in maths. That sounds like he was a nerd - but he wasn't. He wasn't so hot in other subjects. I suppose in hindsight we could have nicknamed him Dim Jong-un. One day he just disappeared.'


Father and son: A rare image of Kim Jong Il and his third son Kim Jong Un during his youth. Kim Jong Il has almost never been pictured with his daughters



Kim Jong Un (pictured as a child left) was a huge fan of basketball star Michael Jordan (right)
...ademá estar sentado encima de unos de los yacimientos de Tierras Raras mayores en el mundo, que conjuntamente con los de China (que subió el precio de las TR en los últimos años unos 900%) hacen un 95% de las reservas conocidas globalmente...elementos fundamentales, estas Tierras Raras (rare earth elements, REE) para la actual industria de telecomunicaciones y armamentos...qué cosas...

...recuerdo, que ya teníamos un hilo sobre Kim-el-Loco en tribuna política...