Global Sussex Baby Shower - Movimiento de donación para causas benéficas de los Sussex

No pinto nada ahi. Ya el título del hilo no me invita a ingresar.
Pero pueden poner a parir a Kate allá y decir que apoyan el Baby Shower aca. No es muy complicado......

Lo que pasa es que en aquel hilo todo lo que se dice es en buena onda, bromeando, pasándola bien. En cambio, en los hilos de Meghan es puro odio lo que se destila, la gente le tiene envidia, es clasista, racista y no argumenta, por eso no vienen por aquí. Claro, eso es lo que se dice, mi opinión es bastante diferente.

Espero que leas este post antes que la moderación lo borre.
No pinto nada ahi. Ya el título del hilo no me invita a ingresar.
Pero pueden poner a parir a Kate allá y decir que apoyan el Baby Shower aca. No es muy complicado......

En realidad el hilo de repente es interesante, pero hay una forista en particular que llena de spam de fotos e inventa diálogos tontos todos los días!!! Para mí eso es lo que hace aburrido ese hilo. Las demás cotillas comentan, critican y están en su derecho de hacerlo...
En realidad el hilo de repente es interesante, pero hay una forista en particular que llena de spam de fotos e inventa diálogos tontos todos los días!!! Para mí eso es lo que hace aburrido ese hilo. Las demás cotillas comentan, critican y están en su derecho de hacerlo...
A ver cada uno......participa de lo que quiere.
Y esta perfecto. El hilo aquel no es el dato que a mí me llama la atención.
Si hay un interés real en el personaje que te gusta... Participas.....
A alguién más ha aparecido este 'ad'?


Ya me tiene harta jajaja
Es increíble que utilicen el título "Baby Shower", que se asocia al gasto obsceno de dinero que hicieron en la "reunioncita" en NY y digan que es una iniciativa de caridad.
Nada más leerlo provoca la sensación de burla e insulto. Estos meghan-fans parecen sus peores enemigos.
Es verdad. Leer "Sussex" y "baby shower" en la misma frase inmediatamente se relaciona con el dispendio en NY. Una maravilla de RRPP...:p
Veritas2019, Fall Creek, United States, about 2 hours ago
If I had a baby shower that cost in excess of £500,000 then called on my "fans" to donate to a charitable baby shower online, I wouldn't even reveal it until I added at least £100,000 of my own cash! All she's doing is taking CREDIT for the charity of others, in HER name! I would be so ashamed at such a paltry amount when spending TRIPLE that on a single dress, that I would be too embarrassed to show my face. But MARKLE, she's out there BRAGGING about some charity is getting few hundred pounds from money donated by "fans!" Then she points out, "Oh this is Harry's charity too!!!" What a fool! a greedy, deluded, narcissistic fool! I am FURIOUS Harry has subjected his Grandmother to this charade at this time in her life!!! His stupidity has to STOP NOW!!!

Oliver Puma, toronto, Canada, 2 hours ago
Good idea. I always thought that Meghan should have asked her baby shower guests to donate to charity rather than buying her gifts.

safehaven, brasilia, Brazil, 4 hours ago
This would probably cover the cost of one pair of her ripped designer jeans...

Cherylann911, New Jersey, 11 minutes ago
An article praising that paltry amount? Seriously? That's embarrassing - all her fans from around the world could only contribute $20 grand? Write an article when that amount adds a couple more zeros. She is not liked - this is more proof of that.

WeAreAmused, Venice, United States, 11 minutes ago
So the total amount of the "Flood" of money raised over the weekend for ALL "her charities" was the typical price of a single one of the outfits?!! That's it's own unique kind of obscenity, but even worse is The Actress's PR bill to broadcast "her" raising $20,000 was probably 5 to 10 times the amount raised--paid for curtesy of UK taxpayers per Forbes.
Veritas2019, Fall Creek, United States, about 2 hours ago
If I had a baby shower that cost in excess of £500,000 then called on my "fans" to donate to a charitable baby shower online, I wouldn't even reveal it until I added at least £100,000 of my own cash! All she's doing is taking CREDIT for the charity of others, in HER name! I would be so ashamed at such a paltry amount when spending TRIPLE that on a single dress, that I would be too embarrassed to show my face. But MARKLE, she's out there BRAGGING about some charity is getting few hundred pounds from money donated by "fans!" Then she points out, "Oh this is Harry's charity too!!!" What a fool! a greedy, deluded, narcissistic fool! I am FURIOUS Harry has subjected his Grandmother to this charade at this time in her life!!! His stupidity has to STOP NOW!!!

Oliver Puma, toronto, Canada, 2 hours ago
Good idea. I always thought that Meghan should have asked her baby shower guests to donate to charity rather than buying her gifts.

safehaven, brasilia, Brazil, 4 hours ago
This would probably cover the cost of one pair of her ripped designer jeans...

Cherylann911, New Jersey, 11 minutes ago
An article praising that paltry amount? Seriously? That's embarrassing - all her fans from around the world could only contribute $20 grand? Write an article when that amount adds a couple more zeros. She is not liked - this is more proof of that.

WeAreAmused, Venice, United States, 11 minutes ago
So the total amount of the "Flood" of money raised over the weekend for ALL "her charities" was the typical price of a single one of the outfits?!! That's it's own unique kind of obscenity, but even worse is The Actress's PR bill to broadcast "her" raising $20,000 was probably 5 to 10 times the amount raised--paid for curtesy of UK taxpayers per Forbes.

Su "amiga" Gayle King lo dijo tras la fiesta en NY, la donación de las flores habla muy claro de quien en verdad es Meghan Markle. Más claro ni el agua.

Sigo fliplando, hoy tuvimos doble capítulo de este novelón, espero con ansias el de mañana.

15K?, eso no es nada en comparacion con los 500K que gastaron sus "amiguitas" en New York, si tan humanitaria es debio pedirles que donaran esa cantidad a sus patronatos en vez de desperdiciarlo en semejante espectaculo y ostentacion.