Duques de Sussex: Opiniones en su contra.

Meghan Markle's father 'full of hope' after Sussex's LA move 'he never stopped loving her'

MEGHAN Markle's father is "full of hope" he can reconcile with his daughter following her move to Los Angeles with Prince Harry and baby Archie.

Thomas Markle, 75, told a friend he hopes to end their family feud now Meghan and the grandson he has never seen are barely 150 miles from his home in Mexico. He is reported as saying: "I hope the path is clear, once the pandemic has passed, for us to be reconciled and for me to get the opportunity of holding little Archie in my arms." According to his friend, Thomas is "delighted" that his son - Meghan's half-brother Thomas Markle Jnr - recently appealed to her to heal their bitter rift.

Thomas Jnr said: "I have been a bad son and a bad brother to Meg.

"I've had no business making things worse, but I want them to reconcile. I hope Meghan gets in contact but my dad needs to prepare himself for it never happening. She did not get in contact after his heart attack."

Thomas Snr's friend said: "He knows, the whole family knows, there have been missteps on all sides but he deeply feels life's too short for them all to continue to hold grudges and resentments towards each other.

"Thomas told me he is full of hope that, now she and her new family are so close geographically, Meghan will relent and invite him back into her life, even for a brief meeting where they can talk for a few minutes and he can meet Archie.

"As soon as he heard they had flown to LA from Canada before the border was closed, his mood lightened and he says he now feels full of hope they can put their differences aside.
Thomas Markle and Meghan Markle

Thomas Markle, 75, told a friend he hopes to end their family feud (Image: Channel 5 / GETTY)
"Given that she and Archie are now just a two-hour car ride away, he thinks it would be agonising beyond belief for his daughter not to reach out.
"He's never stopped loving her - in fact, he adores her.The truth is he believes his phone is going to ring one day soon and it will be her on the other end.
"I know his son has tried to warn him that might not happen. But he's convinced it will - and I don't think I've seen him in brighter spirits since news broke of Meghan's move to LA."
Meghan's dash to LA with Harry and Archie has reportedly "stunned and horrified" members of the Royal Family, who had hoped they would instead return to Britain to help support their relatives.
Prince Harry, 35, and Meghan, 38, are believed to be staying in a mansion owned by a showbiz friend, along with her mother Doria.

A mi TM me da penita... estas mini entrevistas buscan la atención de su hija. Como un nin~o que rompe algo para que lo miren. ha cometido errores, pero no creo que sea mala persona. Y no ha hecho nada imperdonable. Si comparas lo que ha hecho él, a lo que han hecho los Sussex a la familia real...
A mi TM me da penita... estas mini entrevistas buscan la atención de su hija. Como un nin~o que rompe algo para que lo miren. ha cometido errores, pero no creo que sea mala persona. Y no ha hecho nada imperdonable. Si comparas lo que ha hecho él, a lo que han hecho los Sussex a la familia real...
O lo que le han hecho los Sussex a él.
Meghan Markle's father 'full of hope' after Sussex's LA move 'he never stopped loving her'

MEGHAN Markle's father is "full of hope" he can reconcile with his daughter following her move to Los Angeles with Prince Harry and baby Archie.

Thomas Markle, 75, told a friend he hopes to end their family feud now Meghan and the grandson he has never seen are barely 150 miles from his home in Mexico. He is reported as saying: "I hope the path is clear, once the pandemic has passed, for us to be reconciled and for me to get the opportunity of holding little Archie in my arms." According to his friend, Thomas is "delighted" that his son - Meghan's half-brother Thomas Markle Jnr - recently appealed to her to heal their bitter rift.

Thomas Jnr said: "I have been a bad son and a bad brother to Meg.

"I've had no business making things worse, but I want them to reconcile. I hope Meghan gets in contact but my dad needs to prepare himself for it never happening. She did not get in contact after his heart attack."

Thomas Snr's friend said: "He knows, the whole family knows, there have been missteps on all sides but he deeply feels life's too short for them all to continue to hold grudges and resentments towards each other.

"Thomas told me he is full of hope that, now she and her new family are so close geographically, Meghan will relent and invite him back into her life, even for a brief meeting where they can talk for a few minutes and he can meet Archie.

"As soon as he heard they had flown to LA from Canada before the border was closed, his mood lightened and he says he now feels full of hope they can put their differences aside.
Thomas Markle and Meghan Markle

Thomas Markle, 75, told a friend he hopes to end their family feud (Image: Channel 5 / GETTY)
"Given that she and Archie are now just a two-hour car ride away, he thinks it would be agonising beyond belief for his daughter not to reach out.
"He's never stopped loving her - in fact, he adores her.The truth is he believes his phone is going to ring one day soon and it will be her on the other end.
"I know his son has tried to warn him that might not happen. But he's convinced it will - and I don't think I've seen him in brighter spirits since news broke of Meghan's move to LA."
Meghan's dash to LA with Harry and Archie has reportedly "stunned and horrified" members of the Royal Family, who had hoped they would instead return to Britain to help support their relatives.
Prince Harry, 35, and Meghan, 38, are believed to be staying in a mansion owned by a showbiz friend, along with her mother Doria.

O sea que siguen viviendo de gorra en una casa prestada.
el covid ha acelerado el resultado que hubieran tenido rapidamente. Quizas el Covid les haga reflexionar... el padre de ella esta enfermo.... si fallece sin restablecer contacto con él es muy bestia a nivel de marketing... no hay quien salve esto porque el buen hombre sera muchas cosas pero no es malvado y la maltrato... enfin...
Luego debo decir que lo he flipado cuando una profesional que trabaja codo con codo con Melanie Gates lo deja todo para irse con esta pareja de ... mejor y no los defino... pero es que no me cabe en la cabeza...
y luego pensar en la super gracia que le hara a los Gates que estos dos aprendices le hayan sisado el personal delante de todo el planeta... es mas una demostracion de poderio y usurpacion de puesto de "Salvador Altruista del Planeta"
Aqui hay gato encerrado

No sabemos si la persona que contrataron ya había dejado la fundación de los Gates y por lo tanto no hubo pirateo. Y si lo hubo ésta chica de debe estar dando contra la pared por haber elegido este momento para hacerlo.
Una puntualización. Diana en su último año no tenia seguridad ni pagaba nada. Tuvo en su época con Dodi y la pagó Al fayed. Ya vemos que resultados tuvo.

Diana rechazó la seguridad oficial británica porque no confiaba en que los agentes secretos no fuesen también espías de la Reina y su ex. Se habló mucho de su temeridad al confiar en la seguridad de Al Fayed, no duchos en el tema de mantener a distancia a la prensa. Ya vemos que resultados tuvo.
Vuelvo a discrepar: ella serà una conventillera però en el puesto público que ocupaba le hizo un feo muy violento a Trump y a Ivanka que visitaban UK y a su nueva familia que nunca tuvo y que le pagó una boda que pakė. Y si eres un 'peso pluma' y te pones a boxear en el ring de los potentes me parece lógico que te la devuelvan y no que te traten con condescendencia como entiendo sugieres tu que esperabas de Trump.
Por otra parte Trump nunca ha sido un presidente " con nivel" es directo y si le atacan o contradicen, salta a la yugular.
Muy correcto ha estado si comunicado hablando bien de la Queen y de UK. Apuesto a que los ingleses hoy le dan las gracias a Trump x el sopapo que todos le quieren, queremos, dar a estos dos desubicados.

Ahora resulta que Trump es un dechado de honorabilidad, que nunca dice ni hace nada indigno de su cargo.
La seguridad la pagará Charles.
Ellos no tienen dinero y Harry no lo va a sacar de sus ahorros.

No creo que Charles les pague la seguridad para siempre, y veremos cómo queda después de su enfermedad, yo creo que el Ducado de Cornualles está siendo oficiosamente gestionado por William, no creo que suelte la pasta tan fácilmente