Los Duques de Sussex dejan de ser SAR's pero mantienen el Ducado. Devolverán dinero invertido en Frogmore. La nueva vida en Canadá

¿Quien ha ganado el Megxit?

  • La Reina Isabel

    Votes: 271 43.5%
  • Los Duques de Sussex

    Votes: 156 25.0%
  • Nadie

    Votes: 130 20.9%
  • Otros miembros de la Familia Real

    Votes: 66 10.6%

  • Total voters
No es un poco raro que ella esté en Canadá? A ver, por lo menos quedarse en GB con su hijo mientras se reúnen y solucionan la situación... parece que se autoexiliara
Es un mensaje, decidí irme de la Firma , y me voy , no necesito autorización para dejarlos .
Soy libre , independientemente de como sean sus protocolos tomo mis decisiones y actuó a mi manera.
Column: The culture clash at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding signaled trouble ahead
Dahleen Glanton
JAN 13, 2020 | 5:07 AM

Royal wedding

Royal wedding
An official wedding photo of Britain's Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, center, in Windsor Castle, Windsor, England, Saturday May 19, 2018. Others in photo from left, back row, Jasper Dyer, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Charles, Doria Ragland, Prince William; center row, Brian Mulroney, Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth II, Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, Princess Charlotte, Prince George, Rylan Litt, John Mulroney; front row, Ivy Mulroney, Florence van Cutsem, Zalie Warren, Remi Litt. (Alexi Lubomirski / Kensington Palace via AP)
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Anybody who got up early to watch Prince Harry and Meghan Markle tie the knot should have known that the fairy tale wasn’t going to last. That gospel choir was a dead giveaway.
The couple’s decision to step back from their duties as senior members of the British royal family and go out on their own sent shock waves through the world last week. But signs of family discord were always there, even at the wedding.

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Markle tried her best to seamlessly weave her African American heritage into the traditional royal fabric that has defined Great Britain for centuries, but the pieces just didn’t fit. Her wedding was too black, even by most African American standards.
While long-winded preachers and gospel choirs are vestiges of the black church experience, they aren’t often incorporated into formal weddings. Many African Americans would have found that odd for nuptials.

Markle certainly was in her right to have any kind of wedding she wanted. There was nothing wrong with acknowledging her blackness and expressing pride in being a biracial American.
Queen says she would have preferred Harry, Meghan to remain full-time royals but agrees to let them move part-time to Canada »
She must also have known it would be a culture shock for many Britons, especially royals who tend to live in a bubble. Yet she did it anyway, which speaks volumes about her strength and resolve.
The gospel choir singing “Stand By Me” and swaying to the beat of their soulful voices was too much for many of the hoity-toity aristocrats seated in the majestic cathedral. It was obvious that Markle was not one of them and never would be.

It was easy to miss this during the live television broadcast, but a look back at the YouTube video shows how clueless some of the guests at the wedding were. During most of the song, Prince Charles kept his head buried in the program resting on his knee. Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, openly flipped through hers, occasionally glancing up from behind her pink feathered brim with a look of total dismay.
By the end of the ceremony, which included a rousing 14-minute sermon by a black Episcopal bishop, some of the royals and other guests stopped trying to pretend as though they understood — or appreciated — anything that was going on.
Britain's Queen Elizabeth II looks on during the wedding ceremony of Britain's Prince Harry and actress Meghan Markle in St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle.'s Queen Elizabeth II looks on during the wedding ceremony of Britain's Prince Harry and actress Meghan Markle in St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle.

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II looks on during the wedding ceremony of Britain's Prince Harry and actress Meghan Markle in St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle. (Jonathan Brady/Getty-AFP)
At various points, Harry’s cousin Zara Tindall’s mouth hung open, Princesses Eugenie and Beatrice snickered, Prince William seemed as though he was trying not to laugh, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip were stone-faced and many of the other guests were simply stunned.
Clearly, they couldn’t wait for it to be over. But those of us watching from afar were focused on something more remarkable. We reveled in the fairy tale of a handsome prince sweeping an American commoner, a black woman, off her feet and carrying her away to live happily ever after.
We were awed by Harry and Meagan’s obvious adoration for each other. Our hearts melted when he looked at her and uttered, “You look amazing,” as she joined him at the altar. We marveled at them seated together, gently holding hands and gushing at each other as the bishop spoke.
Going rogue: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle caught the Palace off guard »
We lost ourselves in the fantasy, even though we knew on some level that fantasies eventually lose out to reality.

Americans like to think that the British are more tolerant of race than we are. Our country, after all, has the legacy of slavery to deal with. It’s not that Britain didn’t play a role in the slave trade, they just did a better job of covering theirs up.
That doesn’t mean the vestiges of slavery, racist attitudes and discrimination, in particular, don’t exist there, either. Racial and ethnic intolerance has no geographical boundaries. It’s a state of mind. And the minds of many people in England unfortunately are no different than the minds of many Americans.
Sometimes it just seems like it’s worse at home because we see it up close so often.
Regardless of what the British tabloids say, we will never really know what happened to force Harry and Meghan to essentially divorce the royal family. Most of us in the U.S. had no idea that royals could even resign from their positions.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry
Britain's Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex visit Canada House in London on Jan. 7, 2020. (Daniel Leal-Olivas/Pool Photo via AP)
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It’s hard to understand why anyone would want to give up such a cushy job that involved little more than smiling, waving and holding babies while visiting exotic places like Fiji, Tonga and Morocco. But something obviously got in the way.
If you consider the wedding, it seems obvious that there would be cultural misunderstandings down the road. In order for any blended family to work, there must be some teaching going on but most importantly, there has to be openness to learning.
As we know from life in our own country, people aren’t always willing to go the extra step to understand others’ culture. People aren’t always open to walking in someone else’s shoes, especially when theirs are so comfortable.
It’s much easier to believe the worst about someone we don’t really know, especially when it fits the narrative we’re predisposed to believing. The sensational British tabloids gave Britons plenty of material to work with when it came to Markle. It got so bad that even Prince Harry noted the “racial undertones” of the coverage.
Column: Advice to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: Don’t let the haters get you down »
The unfairness also prompted 72 women in the British Parliament to write a joint letter last year condemning the unfair attacks as “colonial” and “outdated.”
No one is suggesting that the royal family didn’t try to accept Markle. But by the looks on their faces at the wedding, most of them probably knew she could never be a real royal because Britain would not allow it.
Prince Harry probably knew it, too. So he swept his family up and set out to find a happier ending to their fairy tale in places like Canada and the United States.
meghan quería ser la princesa negra, cosa que ella misma no se siente, por eso monto lo del padre, no quería que su familia blanca acudiera. el problema es que ella misma no se identifica como negra y nunca lo ha hecho. sus novios, sus amigos, siempre todos blancos. y al final, es tan blanca como negra. y de aspecto tira a blanca.
En UK hay 2 posibilidades en matéria de propiedad:el leasehold e el freehold.Pueden coincidir o no.El primero significa q uno adquire solo el uso de la propriedad(si son 90 anos es muy bueno!);el freehold es la plena propriedad,o sea la raiz y el uso para siempre.Es mucho más caro q el leasehold,claro!Pero lo q pasa es q en la maioria de las propriedades solo el leasehold se encontra en venta.
Es un sistema único.Como los ingleses!
Que curioso! No tenía ni idea. Que porcentaje son vendidas sólo el usufructo?
Supongo que en el condado de Sussex, estarán sin dormir, recogiendo firmas a mansalva para que estos granujas después de humillarles de la peor forma, no se puedan lucrar de ellos, encima. Estarán exigiendo que les retiren el título.

Pues sí, edito y copio link

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Ya han ido saliendo perlitas... rumores sobre un tercer matrimonio de Meghan, sobre una presunta estancia de su madre en la prisión, sobre presuntas adicciones de Harry... todo ello se amplificará porque ahora estos dos son noticia y porque ya no están amparados por la Familia Real para proteger el prestigio de la institución.
Les van a mantener bien pase lo que pase, el padre y el hermano, para que no tengan necesidad de ir por ahí vendiéndose al mejor postor.

Jugándo a los culebrones o películas inventadas me los imagino en un futuro próximo imitando el estilo de vida de Angelina Jolie, esa mezcla labor humanitaria y old Hollywood. No me sorprendería que se lanzaran a adoptar. ¡¡Repito que es una película para echar el rato!! ¡¡ Hagan sus apuestas!! ?
Yo los veo como los aristócratas rusos y los que fingían serlo que vivían en Nueva York sin dar palo al agua, mantenidos por los ricachones. Como la que fingió ser Anastasia Romanov y tantos otros. Viviendo del cuento. Habrá mucha gente que querrá asociarse con un nieto de la reina. Les lloverán las ofertas.
Lo que leo entre líneas es que Isabel ha hecho de abuela y no de reina. Por un lado me parece bien.

Pienso que les han mostrado en público el apoyo pero que por dentro, estos días, será cuando les vayan recortando las cosas. Les dejarán ir pero les marcarán todo...
Will Prince Charles ever be crowned king?

Mar 6, 2019
Poll indicates that almost 46% of Brits would approve if Prince of Wales passed the crown directly to Prince William

Overall, “just 13% said they would ‘strongly oppose’” such a move, The Independent reports, “while 11% said they would ‘somewhat oppose’”.

Pro-abdication sentiment was particularly strong among the 18 to 24 age group, with a third of younger respondents saying they would “strongly support” Prince Charles passing the throne to William when the Queen dies.

vuelvo a decir una cosa es el pueblo llano y otra cosa los de arriba

la fantasia de que Charles pase el testigo a Wills es del pueblo llano, y cuanto mas bajo o mas adorador de diana (hay una correlación) mejor. Pero en als altas esferas eso es impensable . Incluyendo a la reina y por supuesto a Chjarles que descarta esto de plano. No va a pasar, charles lo ha dejado clarísimo y William tampoco tiene ninguna prisa por ser rey. Todo seguirá el orden establecido. En la monarquia britanica no se abdica alegremente. Por cierto tras la muerte de Diana rondaba el 70% esto que pone . Lo creas o no Charles y Camila han ido reucperando posiciones con los años. Y camila ha ido ganando apoya

No va a haber nada de eso. Los tabloides usan esto para llenar paginas pero la reina y charles son muy claros al respeto: charles será rey y por cierto Wills está absolutamente de acuerdo (se va a meyter en tal fregado con 3 niños pequeños como su abuela, que no tivo tiempo para sus hijos) nadie en la familia real quiere que William sea rey antes de tiempo y nadie es nadie, ni William, ni charles ni su hijo ni los hermanos ni el duque .