Otra parte de los e-mails que ya habia mencionado, aqui mencionan el dinero que la madre y hermanos de Latifa perciben cada mes, tal vez por eso no ayuda a Latifa su madre Houria Ahmed Lamara (el ultimo párrafo habla sobre hijas adoptivas de ella y sobre como las maltrata, esta hijas adoptivas no tienen que ver con Mo o al menos eso entiendo)

Captura de pantalla 2019-07-14 a la(s) 14.23.16.jpg

Next portion of email follows below.
Houria gets 1million AED per month pocket money from MBR. Equivalent to 272[likely to be: ,000 USD][unknown text] spending on shoes and handbags.

Almost all of MBR's daughters get the same allowance; 1million AED per month [unknown text] office like bricks sometimes wrapped in plastic. So money is the reason why all [unknown text] quiet.

Latifa's brothers get much more than the sisters.It depends on their rankings, for example [unknown text] most allowance because of his rankings but all of the men get more than 1million AED per [unknown text]

If the daughters want cars, jewelry, horses, houses etc they can order it through the ruler's [unknown text] need to use their own pocket money for that.

Also all of the staff are paid for by the ruler's office. A cleaning company was bought by the [unknown text] their entire staff worked on cleaning Houria's mansion. Houria calls her mansion "Jumeirah [unknown text] mansion opposite Galleria mall.

Houria also has a mansion in Chobham in England on Valley End road. It has a stables, ten[unknown text] have attached a google maps image of it as well as her palace in Dubai.

Houria is a very cruel person. She had 2 orphan girls Fatma Lamara and Mona Lamara. Fatma [unknown text] a small cabin for many years until she broke out of it and was jailed. As Latifa described in he[unknown text] beaten so badly under Houria's orders that her skull was cracked open and they had to shave [unknown text] surgery on her. Both Mona and Fatma were beaten very badly. Mona was also tied up with a [unknown text] with a horse whip.
Otra parte de los e-mails que ya habia mencionado, aqui mencionan el dinero que la madre y hermanos de Latifa perciben cada mes, tal vez por eso no ayuda a Latifa su madre Houria Ahmed Lamara (el ultimo párrafo habla sobre hijas adoptivas de ella y sobre como las maltrata, esta hijas adoptivas no tienen que ver con Mo o al menos eso entiendo)
Otra parte de los e-mails que ya habia mencionado, aqui mencionan el dinero que la madre y hermanos de Latifa perciben cada mes, tal vez por eso no ayuda a Latifa su madre Houria Ahmed Lamara (el ultimo párrafo habla sobre hijas adoptivas de ella y sobre como las maltrata, esta hijas adoptivas no tienen que ver con Mo o al menos eso entiendo)

Ver el archivo adjunto 1101868

Next portion of email follows below.

Que horror, te leo y estoy convencida que la realidad supera cualquier pelicula de terror.
Una violación a los DDHH tras otra y hay gente que los admira aún
Gracias por la información
Houria gets 1million AED per month pocket money from MBR. Equivalent to 272[likely to be: ,000 USD][unknown text] spending on shoes and handbags.

Almost all of MBR's daughters get the same allowance; 1million AED per month [unknown text] office like bricks sometimes wrapped in plastic. So money is the reason why all [unknown text] quiet.

Latifa's brothers get much more than the sisters.It depends on their rankings, for example [unknown text] most allowance because of his rankings but all of the men get more than 1million AED per [unknown text]

If the daughters want cars, jewelry, horses, houses etc they can order it through the ruler's [unknown text] need to use their own pocket money for that.

Also all of the staff are paid for by the ruler's office. A cleaning company was bought by the [unknown text] their entire staff worked on cleaning Houria's mansion. Houria calls her mansion "Jumeirah [unknown text] mansion opposite Galleria mall.

Houria also has a mansion in Chobham in England on Valley End road. It has a stables, ten[unknown text] have attached a google maps image of it as well as her palace in Dubai.

Houria is a very cruel person. She had 2 orphan girls Fatma Lamara and Mona Lamara. Fatma [unknown text] a small cabin for many years until she broke out of it and was jailed. As Latifa described in he[unknown text] beaten so badly under Houria's orders that her skull was cracked open and they had to shave [unknown text] surgery on her. Both Mona and Fatma were beaten very badly. Mona was also tied up with a [unknown text] with a horse whip.

Ver el archivo adjunto 1101868

Next portion of email follows below.
Houria gets 1million AED per month pocket money from MBR. Equivalent to 272[likely to be: ,000 USD][unknown text] spending on shoes and handbags.

Almost all of MBR's daughters get the same allowance; 1million AED per month [unknown text] office like bricks sometimes wrapped in plastic. So money is the reason why all [unknown text] quiet.

Latifa's brothers get much more than the sisters.It depends on their rankings, for example [unknown text] most allowance because of his rankings but all of the men get more than 1million AED per [unknown text]

If the daughters want cars, jewelry, horses, houses etc they can order it through the ruler's [unknown text] need to use their own pocket money for that.

Also all of the staff are paid for by the ruler's office. A cleaning company was bought by the [unknown text] their entire staff worked on cleaning Houria's mansion. Houria calls her mansion "Jumeirah [unknown text] mansion opposite Galleria mall.

Houria also has a mansion in Chobham in England on Valley End road. It has a stables, ten[unknown text] have attached a google maps image of it as well as her palace in Dubai.

Houria is a very cruel person. She had 2 orphan girls Fatma Lamara and Mona Lamara. Fatma [unknown text] a small cabin for many years until she broke out of it and was jailed. As Latifa described in he[unknown text] beaten so badly under Houria's orders that her skull was cracked open and they had to shave [unknown text] surgery on her. Both Mona and Fatma were beaten very badly. Mona was also tied up with a [unknown text] with a horse whip.
¡Gracias! Te lo pregunté buscando una conexión entre Fatima y Zayed. Me acabo de enterar de algo digno de un culebrón. Zayed era primo hermano de Latifa, la madre del Sheikh. Pero... El padre de Zayed, llamado Sultán, mató a su propio hermano, Hamdan, padre de Latifa por lo que ella tuvo que huir a Dubai...
Wooou no lo sabía, vaya que interesante, lo que nos puedas compartir más, gracias :)
Hoy he podido hablar con una amiga que normalmente trabaja en Arabia Saudí, aunque hoy está en Qatar de visita. Como ella habla árabe he preguntado sobre los rumores que apuntan a que el heredero de Abu-Dhabi habría ayudado a escapar a la princesa Haya y me dice que lo considera del todo improbable.
Me pregunto... ¿De dónde sale el rumor? ¿A quién le interesa inventarse algo así?...
Testa Brava apunta a que ha podido salir del propio Dubai, ya que por apoyar la política de Abu-Dhabi y de Arabia Saudí en contra de Qatar está perdiendo mucho dinero.
Lo que está claro es que en los próximos meses tratarán de colarnos información falsa, especialmente una vez que comience el juicio.
Última edición:
Vaya información! Que desagradables las hermanas de Mo,supongo que Mansoor y la hermana tendrán relación con este chico? Y tener una hija como niñera, esta gente se comporta como la época de la esclavitud,hijos sin reconocer además de la falta de amor que les puedan llegar a dar....

Lo peor que es que les arrebata a los hijos y se los da a su hermanas para los críen o_O cuan raro es eso, es como si estuviera regalando hijos.

Ella es la hija que es la niñera de las hijas de Hind, por si no sabían quien era.
Otra parte de los e-mails que ya habia mencionado, aqui mencionan el dinero que la madre y hermanos de Latifa perciben cada mes, tal vez por eso no ayuda a Latifa su madre Houria Ahmed Lamara (el ultimo párrafo habla sobre hijas adoptivas de ella y sobre como las maltrata, esta hijas adoptivas no tienen que ver con Mo o al menos eso entiendo)

Ver el archivo adjunto 1101868

Next portion of email follows below.
Houria gets 1million AED per month pocket money from MBR. Equivalent to 272[likely to be: ,000 USD][unknown text] spending on shoes and handbags.

Almost all of MBR's daughters get the same allowance; 1million AED per month [unknown text] office like bricks sometimes wrapped in plastic. So money is the reason why all [unknown text] quiet.

Latifa's brothers get much more than the sisters.It depends on their rankings, for example [unknown text] most allowance because of his rankings but all of the men get more than 1million AED per [unknown text]

If the daughters want cars, jewelry, horses, houses etc they can order it through the ruler's [unknown text] need to use their own pocket money for that.

Also all of the staff are paid for by the ruler's office. A cleaning company was bought by the [unknown text] their entire staff worked on cleaning Houria's mansion. Houria calls her mansion "Jumeirah [unknown text] mansion opposite Galleria mall.

Houria also has a mansion in Chobham in England on Valley End road. It has a stables, ten[unknown text] have attached a google maps image of it as well as her palace in Dubai.

Houria is a very cruel person. She had 2 orphan girls Fatma Lamara and Mona Lamara. Fatma [unknown text] a small cabin for many years until she broke out of it and was jailed. As Latifa described in he[unknown text] beaten so badly under Houria's orders that her skull was cracked open and they had to shave [unknown text] surgery on her. Both Mona and Fatma were beaten very badly. Mona was also tied up with a [unknown text] with a horse whip.
Pobre latifa y shamsa :cry: sin tener en quien apoyarse sus padres y sus hermanos igual de locos.
Houria tiene dos Palacios si no me equivoco? Si así es así corrijanme, entonces es muy favorecida por moh.
Pobre latifa y shamsa :cry: sin tener en quien apoyarse sus padres y sus hermanos igual de locos.
Houria tiene dos Palacios si no me equivoco? Si así es así corrijanme, entonces es muy favorecida por moh.
Si, es lo que se menciona, que entonces Houria es una de sus favoritas. (tal vez por que es igual que él)

Acabo de publicar sobre Wejdan en el foro de rumores de los Al maktoum (alguien en otro foro les dice los Kardashian de dubai jaja)
Lo peor que es que les arrebata a los hijos y se los da a su hermanas para los críen o_O cuan raro es eso, es como si estuviera regalando hijos.

Ella es la hija que es la niñera de las hijas de Hind, por si no sabían quien era.
Ver el archivo adjunto 1102406

Hola chumis:
Desconozco si esta chica es hija del Sheikh pero por su apariencia no parece que trabaje de cuidadora. Te paso tres fotografias de "mama Noora" la mujer que ha cuidado a Hind, a sus hijos y ahora a sus nietos. En cuanto a que el Sheikh entregue los hijos a sus hermanas te explico... En el Islám el padre siempre es el responsable de la educación de sus hijos. El hombre musulmán puede casarse con una mujer cristiana pero debe educar a sus hijos en el Islám. Si él se divorcia, los hijos son para él. Dado que él tiene una esposa oficial "Hind", que nunca ha cuidado de sus 12 hijos, ya que es una mujer que se ha dedicado a estudiar e incluso fuera del país, no le va a pedir a ella que cuide los de otra. El ha recurrido a sus hermanas para que cuiden de sus hijos. Siempre recomiendo ver "la bicicleta verde" para entender la cultura musulmana. Besos.

Última edición:
¡Gracias! Te lo pregunté buscando una conexión entre Fatima y Zayed. Me acabo de enterar de algo digno de un culebrón. Zayed era primo hermano de Latifa, la madre del Sheikh. Pero... El padre de Zayed, llamado Sultán, mató a su propio hermano, Hamdan, padre de Latifa por lo que ella tuvo que huir a Dubai...

Esto es peor que una novela.
