Princesa Maria Annunciata de Liechtenstein tuvo su primer hijo en enero

9 Jul 2013
Fue un varón, segun la revista bunte y lo dice

royal forums.
According to a Bunte report (nr 22 page 36) Emanuele Musini and his wife Princess Maria Annunciata von und zu Liechtenstein had a son, their first child somewhere in the beginning of January 2024.

No se si este era el hijo que fue madrina Sassa de Osma o es qu esu hermana Marie astrid tambien tuvo otro hijo por esas fechas
Sassa added to her story in June '23 - Marie Astrid in an advanced stage of pregnancy during a coffee meeting. I think the baby was born in the fall of 2023. and was baptized in March 2024.Although there are many indications that the couple had a son.There is no information about M. Astrid's second child on the family tree website.
+ Maria Astrid at wedding Sol de Medina Orleans-Braganza ( June 2023)

Maria Annunciata in September 2023:

Sassa added to her story in June '23 - Marie Astrid in an advanced stage of pregnancy during a coffee meeting. I think the baby was born in the fall of 2023. and was baptized in March 2024.Although there are many indications that the couple had a son.There is no information about M. Astrid's second child on the family tree website.
Entonces fue este el niño que amadrinó Sassa pero que los medios no han captado hijo de Matie astrid

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