Duques de Sussex: Opiniones en su contra.

Nada nuevo bajo el sol, simplemente que ahora hablan claramente y antes se callaban. En el caso de Diana porque hace mucho y en el caso de Meghan porque ya no vende y ya no hay que apoyar la imagen de "mujer independiente-afro-trabajadora emponderada". Y como dice el refrán español: no sirvas a quien sirvió. Estaba claro que Meghan estaba como pato fuera de su charca, lo malo es que no tuvo humildad y no hizo por conocer y aprender. Y para más gloria el título de su biografía luego dirá que son los medios que la provocan.... "Buscando la libertad" ahí os lo dejo.
Creo que eso es normal, yo los brazos y cara los tengo un tono más oscuro por el sol mientras que las piernas muy blancas. Yo creo que es trigueña clara, un color de piel muy bonito.

Además hay que tener en cuenta que esta no sale a la calle sin maquillar ni que le paguen, por muy poco que te maquilles algo de tono siempre vas a subir.
A mí me tiene intrigada con lo de la videollamada, ya creo que lo habrá hecho a propósito para que estemos todos deseando verla, para bien o para mal. NO filters??
EXCLUSIVE: 'After the camera stops, she's not the most friendly.' Meghan Markle had strict rules not to shoot her funky FEET, videographer reveals and was already called a 'princess' for her 'diva' behavior
  • Meghan Markle was called 'princess' because of her 'difficult' and 'demanding' behavior on set, an industry videographer who worked closely with her revealed
  • 'She was very high maintenance and rude,' the videographer explained exclusively to DailyMail.com
  • According to the pro cameraman, Meghan would bring a large entourage with her on set and laid down a strict set of rules – including not to shoot her feet
  • He said: 'It was like something out of Mean Girls. [Her team] were a clique, looking at other people and laughing and having fun among themselves'
  • At one point he noticed Meghan was sounding dehydrated so he suggested she drink water, but she refused, saying she didn't want to 'sound like a robot'
  • He added: 'The girl was really easy to shoot. Once you say ''action'', she knows how to do her job. But after the camera stops, she's not the most friendly person'
  • Saying he wouldn't work with her again, he said: 'I wasn't impressed with her and I'm surprised she charmed the guy. She came across as insecure and spoiled'
  • DailyMail.com has also uncovered several photos of Meghan from a professional photo shoot in New York for a now defunct fashion and beauty website


EXCLUSIVE: 'After the camera stops, she's not the most friendly.' Meghan Markle had strict rules not to shoot her funky FEET, videographer reveals and was already called a 'princess' for her 'diva' behavior
  • Meghan Markle was called 'princess' because of her 'difficult' and 'demanding' behavior on set, an industry videographer who worked closely with her revealed
  • 'She was very high maintenance and rude,' the videographer explained exclusively to DailyMail.com
  • According to the pro cameraman, Meghan would bring a large entourage with her on set and laid down a strict set of rules – including not to shoot her feet
  • He said: 'It was like something out of Mean Girls. [Her team] were a clique, looking at other people and laughing and having fun among themselves'
  • At one point he noticed Meghan was sounding dehydrated so he suggested she drink water, but she refused, saying she didn't want to 'sound like a robot'
  • He added: 'The girl was really easy to shoot. Once you say ''action'', she knows how to do her job. But after the camera stops, she's not the most friendly person'
  • Saying he wouldn't work with her again, he said: 'I wasn't impressed with her and I'm surprised she charmed the guy. She came across as insecure and spoiled'
  • DailyMail.com has also uncovered several photos of Meghan from a professional photo shoot in New York for a now defunct fashion and beauty website

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MeMa se va a enterar cuando alguien haga una biografía bien hecha y empiecen a preguntar no sólo a amigos...
EXCLUSIVE: 'After the camera stops, she's not the most friendly.' Meghan Markle had strict rules not to shoot her funky FEET, videographer reveals and was already called a 'princess' for her 'diva' behavior
  • Meghan Markle was called 'princess' because of her 'difficult' and 'demanding' behavior on set, an industry videographer who worked closely with her revealed
  • 'She was very high maintenance and rude,' the videographer explained exclusively to DailyMail.com
  • According to the pro cameraman, Meghan would bring a large entourage with her on set and laid down a strict set of rules – including not to shoot her feet
  • He said: 'It was like something out of Mean Girls. [Her team] were a clique, looking at other people and laughing and having fun among themselves'
  • At one point he noticed Meghan was sounding dehydrated so he suggested she drink water, but she refused, saying she didn't want to 'sound like a robot'
  • He added: 'The girl was really easy to shoot. Once you say ''action'', she knows how to do her job. But after the camera stops, she's not the most friendly person'
  • Saying he wouldn't work with her again, he said: 'I wasn't impressed with her and I'm surprised she charmed the guy. She came across as insecure and spoiled'
  • DailyMail.com has also uncovered several photos of Meghan from a professional photo shoot in New York for a now defunct fashion and beauty website

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Me hace gracia la parte en la que él cuenta que ella se apareció con una gorra de baseball y caminaba de espaldas hacia su camerino, como si fuese importantísima. Decía que parecía una caricatura de una celebridad. ?‍♀️ :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Esta mujer tiene una imagen desproporcionada de su propia importancia y además es una ridícula. Leyendo que era pesada y antipática cuando aun era nadie, no imagino lo que habrán tenido que soportar en KP cuando creyó que ella sería la próxima reina de UK.

Me divirtió el artículo porque DM le lanza pedradas, pero dice que sale bien en las fotos, y a la vez muestran close ups de los horrorosos pies. Quienes construyeron el artículo deben haberse reido de lo lindo.
Veo esas fotos y pienso en lo super sobreestimada que está su belleza física. Y eso que en las fotos tiene make up para regalar y ya está "tocada" por el cirujano.

De verdad que no le veo nada realmente llamativo.

Era idéntica a las gemelas Mowry de Sister Sister (Hermana, Hermana)

Mirad chicas que tesoro me he encontrado. Leyendo sobre narcisistas, he dado con este paper (artículo científico). Como no tengo acceso al journal os dejo el abstract, que además es mas que suficiente. No hace falta que lo leáis todo (aunque es muy interesante) pero fijaros bien en lo que recalco en negrita. A ver, ¿a quién os recuerda?

A wolf in sheep’s clothing? Communal narcissism and positive implicit self-views in the communal domain

Communal narcissists possess the unique belief in their capability to bring about freedom to the world, and so see themselves as “saints”. To examine if this communal self-view extends to the more automatic component of self-evaluation, that is, a person’s implicit self-view, the present study (N = 701) tested the extent to which communal narcissism was associated with explicit communal self-ratings and implicit associations between the self and communal attributes. The latent correlation between communal narcissism and explicit communal self-views was strongly positive, yet no such relationship emerged for implicit communal self-views. These findings support the notion that communal narcissism may represent an effort to gain favorable appraisals from others in the absence of a genuine communal self-view.

Ni que decir tiene que yo NO soy ninguno de los científicos autores o colaboradores del paper.