Donald Trump es elegido como el Presidente número 45 de los Estados Unidos.

Angie la invitó, elporquedlc;a lo mejor se le olvidó.

y el Obama ya comienza a dar discursitos de $400k. Es un negocio redondo ser ex presidente, la verdad.
bueno en USA las universidades son MUY generosas con las conferencias

Al Aznar le pagaban 40.000 (mas dietas y gastos por una horita). Vale 10 veces menos pero si escuchas el ingles/texano de Aznar y las burradas que decia imitando el acento de Bush... te sorprenderias no de que le pagaran sino de que alguien le escuchara

clinton conbra casi 200.000 por conferencia, bush hijo lo mismo (de verdad que no se que puede decir Bush hijo cuyo intelecto es muy discutible, si al menos las hiceran los que mandaban en su presidencia o sea la Rice o el Powell... pero el tipo solo puede hablar de sus charlas con Dios y leer atentamente lo que le hayan escrito con cuidado de no poder la pagina del revés)

como es la primera conferencia tras la presidencia pues Obama cobra este pastizal luego pues supongo los 200k de media de todos

quizas si no pagaran esas megaburradas no tendrian que sablear tanto a los alumnos y hasta podrían pagar los créditos

en serio lo de las univesridades americanas y lo que pagan por conferencias merece un capitulo aparte, luego la genet se extraña de los costes
Última edición:
VÍDEO| Surcoreanos apedrean los Radares de los sistema anti-misiles THAAD Estadounidenses
Miles de personas se manifestaron al paso de los convoys militares de EEUU que preparan la instalación de los sistemas anti-aéreos THAAD, los protestantes apedrearon los radares mientras eran rodeados y reprimidos por la Policía, que se llevó a muchos de ellos detenidos.

Los protestantes que eran miles a lo largo de las carreteras de Corea del Sur piden que no sigan provocando una guerra mas con sus hermanos del norte, que llevaría a la desaparición total de toda Corea, algo que no le preocupa mucho a EEUU o a la presidenta títere que acaba de ser acusada de graves casos de corrupción e incluso casos de narcotráfico.

Mucha gente cree que Corea del Sur es el mejor país del mundo, algo que para nada es como la propaganda pro-EEUU en TV y las canciones Pop convencen a los adolescentes , el país pasa por uno de los momentos sociales mas desastrosos nunca vistos, el sistema Capitalista impuesto por EEUU a destruido por completo la cultura milenaria de estos Coreanos sustituyéndola por el amor al Dinero, creando los niveles mas altos del mundo de suicidios por la inmensa soledad que siente la gente y un futuro nada incierto, sus ciudadanos son básicamente esclavos, que se ven obligados trabajar y producir por salarios míseros, deben trabajar de lunes a domingo 14 horas diarias para poder subsistir dentro de una vida “digna”.

Es tal la necesidad que en el país hay mas casi 1 millón de prost*tutas(muchas menores) que merodean por los cientos de bases norteamericanas en Corea del Sur.

El artículo y el reporte (no puedo transferirlo, porque es un fichero PDF) están aquí.

‘For-Profit Presidency:’ 100 Days Into Trump’s Corporate Takeover
"The true depth of the administration's unswerving commitment to an especially savage version of corporate capitalism is now, as we approach the first 100 days under the Trump administration, utterly clear."
By Lauren McCauley | Common Dreams | April 25, 2017


President Donald Trump, flanked by Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, left, and Vice President Mike Pence, meets with members of the media regarding the health care overhaul bill, March 24, 2017. (AP/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

President Donald Trump approaches his 100th day in office the most unpopular U.S. leader in modern history for a reason.

Exacerbating his failure to uphold his populist campaign promises, a new report found that Trump spent the majority of his presidency enriching his own business empire while appointing fellow “corporate cronies” at the highest levels of government leading to what Public Citizen describes as “an unprecedented corporate takeover.”

Published on Monday, For-Profit President (pdf), chronicles each day of Trump’s tenure thus far and what actions or appointments were made that either enriched his private business empire, placed the importance of “profits before people,” or highlighted the “corporate takeover” of government—despite candidate Trump’s repeated pledge to “drain the swamp.”

Case in point, on Day 12 of his presidency, Trump met with a group of Big Pharma CEOs. Public Citizen reports:

Despite previous tough talk against the industry—he said they were “getting away with murder” and called for lowering prices—the primary takeaway from Trump’s meeting with pharma executives, including from Amgen, Celgene, Eli Lilly, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Novartis and the industry group PhRMA, is the president’s pledge to cut taxes and eliminate public protections in order to speed up approvals.

He told the CEOs he would eliminate 75 to 80 percent of Food and Drug Administration regulations, a promise that, if fulfilled, would make the agency too weak to fulfill its mission of protecting patients and consumers and ultimately result the deaths and injuries to innumerable Americans.

According to the day-by-day calendar, even Trump’s many weekends spent at the so-called “winter White House” in Palm Beach, Florida do not provide a respite for the American people.

For example, on Saturday, February 18 or Day 30, the president “kick[ed] off his 2020 campaign with a rally near his Mar-a-Lago resort,” according to the report.

The consumer rights group notes that the “wealthy members of Mar-a-Lago have an unprecedented degree of access and influence with the President of the United States. Members include fossil fuel billionaire William Koch, the lesser-known brother of the more politically active Charles and David Koch, electronic trading billionaire Thomas Peterffy, and various corporate executives.”

Public Citizen filed that day’s event under both “corporate takeover” and “enriching private business.” (Notably, on Day 6 of the presidency, the resort “doubled its initiation fee to $200,000.”)

Exemplifying “profits before people,” on Day 55, Trump ordered a review of the Environmental Protection Agency’s fuel efficiency standards, which was done “in apparent response to direct lobbying by the automobile industry.”

“America has never seen anything like this,” declared Public Citizen president Robert Weissman in a column on Monday. “The corporate capture began at the same moment as the Trump presidency,” Weissman observed, adding that “its been downhill since then.”

Touching upon many of the more egregious actions outlined in the report, Weissman noted that Trump’s pro-corporate capstone appears to be his swift rollback of public health, labor, and environmental regulations. He wrote:

Trump has eagerly signed into law a series of deregulatory measures to undo Obama administration achievements, using an obscure legislative vehicle known as the Congressional Review Act. Industries that have collectively spent more than $1 billion on lobbying and campaign contributions have seen their investments pay off many times over. Trump has gleefully signed measures making it easier for coal companies to pollute streams and rivers; authorizing Big Oil to hide payments to developing country governments; erasing obligations for government contractors to ensure the safety and health of their employees; and making it possible for cable and Internet providers to collect and sell our most personal information. It’s hard to imagine there’s anyone in the United States, not connected to Comcast, Verizon or another telecom company, who favors giving the telecoms the right to traffic in our personal data.

Leaving aside confirmations, these Congressional Review Act regulatory repeals are, by far, the most significant legislative action during Trump’s term.

Report author Rick Claypool, who serves as research director for the group’s President’s Office, notes in the introduction that planning for the corporate power grab began long before the inauguration. During Trump’s transition, the so-called “beach head teams” were stacked with “corporate-connected staff” who swiftly transferred power to Trump’s cabinet, who Claypool describes as “a selection of CEOs and corporate-backed Republican officials who constitute and unprecedented corporate cabinet.”

Nonetheless, Claypool adds, “the true depth of the administration’s unswerving commitment to an especially savage version of corporate capitalism is now, as we approach the first 100 days under the Trump administration, utterly clear.”
Cobra lo que han cobrado todos los ex-presidentes y dignatarios..hay un baremo de tarifas.

A mi me preocupa mas los que hacen mientras SON presidentes y si se benefician de las politicas que hacen MIENTRAS ocupan la Casa Blanca

Por ejmplo, la reforma de impuestos que nos viene...beneficiara a Trump y sus empresas (familia)? Todo parece indicar que si porque el punto MAS relevante es que se rebaja el impuesto a las corporaciones en un 15%.

Cuando le han preguntado el Secretario ...y han preguntado 5 veces, se ha negado a contestar. Quien calla...

Todo super anti-establishment. Estoy esperando que nos digan que cuando quitan los impuestos a las corporaciones, estas crean mas trabajos....como si fueramos tontos y no supieramos a estas alturas de la pelicula, que ese dinero acaba en bonuses y en paraisos fiscales.

Mientras, hoy han armado una charade absoluta con autobuses que llevaban a 100 senadores a la Casa Blanca para una reunion informativa sobre Corea del Norte...reunion donde Trump podria ni estar. Todo con camaras en directo y toda el tralala...

Smoke and mirrors...Humo y espejos para el personal. Que lo de los impuestos no se note mucho....
@miraclor78 - ahora que hablas de Korea, la Red Voltaire ya estaba hablando de los planes en los que EE.UU. planeaba arrastra a al Sur contra el régimen de Pyongyang. Este artículo es bastante interesante.

North Korea Punished for Helping to Liberate Africa
by André Vltchek

Soon, most likely, there will be new brutal sanctions imposed against North Korea. And there will be massive provocative military exercises held, involving the US and South Korean (ROK). In brief, it is all ‘business as usual’: the West continues to torture DPRK; it is provoking it, isolating, demonizing and dehumanizing it, making sure that it wouldn’t function normally, let alone thrive.

Voltaire Network | Washington D. C. (États-Unis) | 26 March 2016


A normal state ?
© André Vltchek

The submissive Western public keeps obediently swallowing all the shameless lies it is being served by its mainstream media. It is not really surprising; people of Europe and North America already stopped questioning official dogmas long time ago.

North Korea (DPRK) is depicted as some insane, starving, subnormal and underdeveloped hermit state, whose leaders are constantly boozing and whoring, murdering each other, and building some primitive but lethal nukes, in order to destroy the world.

Those of us who are familiar with DPRK know that all this is one bundle of fat, shameless lies. Pyongyang is an elegant, well functioning city with great public housing, excellent public transportation, public places and recreational facilities, theatres, sport facilities and green areas. And despite those monstrous sanctions, the countryside is much more prosperous than what one sees in the desperate Western ‘client’ states like Indonesia and Philippines.

At least there is something; there have at least been a few decent reports that have been written about those grotesque lies and the Western propaganda.

But the essential question remains: ‘Why is the West so obsessed with demonizing North Korea?’

And the answer is simple: Like Cuba, North Korea dared to step on the toes of Western colonialism and imperialism. Sacrificing its sons and daughters, it helped to liberate many African countries, and it provided assistance to the most progressive forces on the most plundered and devastated continent.

This is one thing that the West never forgives. It lives off the unbridled plunder of all continents; it essentially thrives by looting its colonies. Those countries that assisted the liberation struggles, those nations that fought for freedom of the colonized world – Soviet Union/Russia, China, Cuba and the DPRK – were designated by Western ideologues as the most ‘dangerous’ and ‘evil’ places on Earth.

In Europe and North America, conditioned masses (they have been actually profiting from the colonialism and neo-colonialism for decades and centuries), are stubbornly refusing to comprehend this main reason why the Empire has made the people of North Korea suffer so terribly for years and decades.

My comrade, Mwandawiro Mghanga, Chairperson of SDP and also a Member of the Executive Committee of Africa Left Networking Forum (ALNEF) based in Dakar Senegal, wrote for this essay:

“The Social Democratic Party of Kenya (SDP) condemns the unjustified sanctions against North Korea (DPRK) instigated by imperialism led by the United States of America. We are aware that imperialism has never stopped its cold and hot war against DPRK that through one of the greatest patriotic, heroic and revolutionary anti-colonial and anti-imperialist national liberation armed struggles succeeded in winning true independence in the northern half of Korea. When it invaded North Korea, US imperialism like Japanese colonialism earlier, suffered one of the most humiliating military defeats it will never forget in its reactionary history. We also know that the US and the West hates DPRK with venom for refusing to be a puppet of imperialism like South Korea. A dirty false propaganda war is waged against DPRK for refusing the capitalist and neo-colonial path of slavery, under-development and exploitation of person by person and instead choosing the path of development for freedom and humanity, socialism.

We in Africa will not accept to be cheated by imperialists who have always been part and parcel of our problems. Imperialism is not and has never been a friend of Africa but its enemy. African patriots and revolutionaries will never allow imperialism to tell us who our friends are. For we know whom our friends are! And North Korea has always been Africa’s true friend. When the whole of the African continent was under Western colonialism, Korea under the revolutionary leadership of comrade Kim Il Sung was fighting Japanese colonialism and showing solidarity with Africa at the same time. After DPRK, in the name of socialist internationalism increased its moral, military and other material support to African countries in their struggle for liberation from colonialism, imperialism and apartheid. Immediately after independence from colonialism in the 1960s, thousands of Africans, including Kenyans, received free higher, technical and specialised education in the DPRK. DPRK not only offered arms, finance and other material solidarity to Namibia, South Africa, Angola and Mozambique in the war against apartheid and imperialism, but it also actually sent internationalist revolutionaries to Africa to fight side by side with Africans for Africa. DPRK fought with Egypt and Africa during the 1967 war against the brutal Zionist regime of Israel supported by the Western countries. Today DPRK is together with African countries in the demand for a new just international order. In this DPRK is blamed by imperialism and imperialist puppet regimes for being in the forefront and showing by its own example that a new just international order cannot be but anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, it must be socialist.”

North Korean internationalism is legendary, just as Cuban internationalism is. And this is the least that we can do right now, when the country is facing new tremendous and brutal challenges – to recall how much it gave to the world; how much it had already sacrificed for the sake of humanity!

I spoke to people in Windhoek, who with tears in their eyes recalled North Korea’s struggle against (South African) apartheid-supported regimes in both Namibia and Angola. Naturally, South African apartheid used to enjoy the full support of the West. To repay that favor, South African troops joined the fight against North Korea and China during the Korean War.

As mentioned by Mwandawiro Mghanga, North Korea fought against Israel, its pilots flew Egyptian fighter planes in the 1973 Arab-Israeli War. DPRK took part in the liberation struggle in Angola and it fought in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), Lesotho, and Namibia and in the Seychelles. It provided assistance to the African National Congress and its epic struggle to liberate South Africa from apartheid. In the past, it had aided the then progressive African nations, including Guinea, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Mali and Tanzania.

Arthur Tewungwa, Ugandan opposition politician from the Uganda People’s Congress Party (UPC) compares the involvement of the DPRK and the West in his country and the African Great Lakes region:

“Uganda benefited from its relationship with North Korea in the 1980s when it helped the government to fight against the Museveni rebels who were supported by the US and UK. Morally, compared to the DPRK, the latter two have no leg to stand on with all the bloodshed they triggered in the Great Lakes Region.”

Has North Korea been fully abandoned, left to its fate? Has it been ‘betrayed’?

Christopher Black, a prominent international lawyer based in Toronto, Canada:

“…The fact that the US, as part of the SC is imposing sanctions on a country it is threatening is hypocritical and unjust. That the Russians and Chinese have joined the US in this, instead of calling for sanctions against the US for its threats against the DPRK and its new military exercises, which are a clear and present danger to the DPRK, is shameful. If the Russians and Chinese are sincere why don’t they insist that the US draw down its forces there so the DPRK feels less threatened and take steps to guarantee the security of the DPRK? They do not explain their actions but their actions make them collaborators with the USA against the DPRK.”

The situation is bleak, but most likely not fatal; not fatal yet.

Jeff J Brown, a leading China expert based in Beijing, does not hide his optimism when it comes to the Sino-Russian relationship with the DPRK:

“There is not a lot that North Korea does in the international arena, that Baba Beijing does not have its hand in. They are two fraternal communist countries and 65 years ago, the Chinese spilled a lot of blood and treasure to save North Korea from the West. Mao Zedong’s son died on the Korean War battlefield, fighting against Yankee imperialism. There are two million ethnic Koreans living along the border with North Korea and another half a million Northerners living and working in China. Koreans are a recognized minority in China. No other country in the world understands North Korea like China does. This closeness is emblematic of their common border, the Yalu River, which is so shallow, you can wade across it. They also share boundaries with another key ally, Russia. China is North Korea’s very, very big brother and protector. Frankly, vis-à-vis the upcoming UNSC sanctions against North Korea, I think the West is getting played like a drum, and it is the drum that gets the crap pounded out of it.”

Of course both China and Russia have their long land borders with North Korea -roads and railroads inter-connecting all three countries. According to my sources in Moscow and Beijing, it is highly unlikely that the two closest allies of the DPRK would ever go along with the new sanctions, whether they are officially ‘supporting them’, or not.

But the logic used by Christopher Black is absolutely correct: it is the West that should be suffering from the toughest sanctions imaginable, not DPRK.

It is the West, not North Korea, which has murdered one billion human beings, throughout history. It is the West that colonized, plundered, raped and enslaved people in all corners of the planet. What moral mandate does it have to propose and impose sanctions against anyone?

We are living in a twisted, truly perverse world, where mass murderers act as judges, and actually get away with it.

North Korea spilled blood for the liberation of Africa. It showed true solidarity with robbed, tortured people, with those whom Franz Fanon used to call the “Wretched of the Earth”. That is why, according to perverse logic (which has roots in the Western religious and cultural fundamentalism), it has to be punished, humiliated, and even possibly wipe off the face of the earth.

Not because it did something objectively ‘bad’, but because the objectivity lost its meaning. Terms ‘good’ and ‘bad’ are now determined by only one criterion: ‘good’ is all that serves the interests of the Western Empire, ‘bad’ is what challenges its global dictatorship.

If you save the village that had been designated by the Empire as a place to be raped and pillaged, you will be punished in the most sadistic and brutal manner. North Korea did exactly that. Except that it did not save just one village, but it helped to liberate an entire continent!

André Vltchek
New Eastern Outlook (Russia)
Y hablando de las mentiras que el imperialismo yanqui (esta vez, teniendo a Trump como portavoz) propaga para justificar el inicio de un conflicto bélico contra Siria y Korea del Norte.

The United States of... False Flags
By Finian Cunningham

April 25, 2017 "Information Clearing House" - The United States government is the world leader in purveying false flags and propaganda stunts. Or, more generally, downright, systematic lies. To justify the outrageous violation of international law, wars and aggression.

Current president and Commander-in-Chief, Donald Trump, is himself the object of fraudulent US intelligence, accused of "collusion with Russian agents." In a rare admission, the Washington Times this week described the US intel dossier against Trump as "riddled with fiction."

Yet, ironically, Trump, in turn, serves as a shameless conduit for US propaganda to fuel conflict with Syria and North Korea.

In the latter case, a world war could break out at any moment as a result of insane American goading. The dispatch of a US nuclear-powered submarine to the Korean Peninsula this week is just another reckless provocation by Trump.

On Syria, the Trump administration has slapped on more economic sanctions over an alleged chemical weapons incident earlier this month. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the "sweeping sanctions" were because of "Syrian dictator Bashar al Assad's horrific chemical weapons attack on innocent men, women and children."

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said the latest US sanctions were "unfounded" since there is no proof that the Syrian government used chemical weapons in Idlib Province on April 4.

Indeed, several respected international authorities, such as American professor Theodore Postol, a weapons expert at MIT, have dismissed official US claims about the chemical incident. The only "proof" provided by the US government and Western media are videos of alleged victims. That is, videos supplied by al Qaeda-linked terrorists and their media agents known as the White Helmets. This terror nexus is a creation of US, British and French military intelligence, financed with Saudi and Qatari money.

Thus, the April 4 chemical incident in Idlib was plausibly a "false flag" staged by Western-sponsored terrorist proxies to elicit American military attack on Syria. In other words, innocent people, including children, were murdered with lethal chemicals, and the whole macabre spectacle videoed for dissemination by the Western news media. It would not be the first time. The August 2013 "chemical weapons" incident near Damascus was probably also another macabre set-up by the terror groups.

So, here we have an American president citing a false flag orchestrated by his own intelligence agencies to justify his subsequent order for a missile strike on Syria on April 7. And now we see the US government slapping punitive sanctions on Syria as a further warped response.

Of huge significance is the fact that the US, Britain and France have blocked Russian, Iranian and Syrian demands for an impartial on-site investigation to be carried out in the town of Khan Shaykhun where the chemical incident allegedly happened. As Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov pointed out, the Western powers do not want to find out what really happened because that would interfere with their agenda for regime change in Syria.

By way of shoring up the false narrative on Syria, this week US media carried "reports" alleging that North Korea has been supplying the Syrian government with chemical weapons technology. As usual, no verifiable evidence is presented, just more bombastic assertions and concocted claims.

But we can see where this is going. US intelligence, mouthed by its president and controlled media, are laying down dots to entice the Western public to join up with false logic and prejudice, all so that the US authorities can give themselves a legal, moral mandate to justify aggression. Conveniently, the contrived North Korea-Syria connection allows for two birds to be hit with one stone.

The pattern of deception here by the US government, aided and abetted by propagandizing "news services," is classic modus operandi. Time and again, down through history, the US ruling class have used false flags, distortion and outright lies to promote their hegemonic desires of inciting war, conflict and aggression.

For a country like the United States, which has been waging war on other foreign nations for over 95 per cent of its history since its foundation as a modern state in 1776, it only stands to reason that such an astounding record of belligerence, decade-after-decade, must inevitably require a concomitant warmongering propaganda system in order to make it all possible.

We could mention, for example, the deliberate sinking of one of its own warships, the USS Maine, in Havana Harbor in 1898, which was used to instigate the Spanish-American War. That war was key to the US emerging as an imperial power in the Western Hemisphere.

The later sinking of the civilian passenger ship, the Lusitania, in 1915 off Ireland is another case of deliberate sabotage, to frame-up the Germans, which the US then used to launch itself into the First World War.

More recently, the fabricated US claims of Afghanistan sheltering al-Qaeda terrorists and weapons of mass destruction in Iraq were invoked to sell American wars of revenge for 9/11 terror attacks in New York, which were themselves most probably propaganda stunts staged by US intelligence.

Another flagrant case of US authorities mounting a false flag was the Gulf of Tonkin incident, which served as a pretext for American escalation of the Vietnam War. In 1964, communist North Vietnam was framed up for allegedly firing on a US navy vessel. That incident allowed the US government to dispatch conventional armed forces to Vietnam. Some 50,000 US troops were killed in that 10-year war, as well as three million Vietnamese. The only beneficiaries were US corporations and the Pentagon war machine.

Of course, the US is not unique in using false pretexts to cover for acts of war and criminality. But there can be little doubt from any objective study of history that the US stands out – without any compare – as the biggest purveyor of false flags, lies and propaganda to promote its warmongering. Warmongering that has destroyed dozens of countries around the world and inflicted tens of millions of deaths.

Today, we are on another cusp of US-led war. Syria has been set up with a brazen false flag over chemical weapons, which in all probability is a sickening charade by Western-sponsored terror groups.

Russia and Iran, by extension, are smeared as part of an "axis of evil" by the US propaganda system owing to their otherwise principled alliance with Syria to defeat Western-backed terrorist proxies.

Most alarming is the US false flag effort against North Korea. This small, independent nation, which is not at war with anybody, is, in fact, a victim of American aggression – an aggression involving the sailing of nuclear-powered submarines and warships to its coastal waters.

And yet US President Trump, whose country has thousands of nuclear weapons enough to destroy the entire planet, is labeling North Korea as the "world's number one threat."

The United States is the most dangerous terrorist force on Earth, largely because it is run by rulers who forge lies all the time for waging wars and obliterating humans. The supposed Commander-in-Chief President Donald Trump is himself a target of US lies. Can you get any more deranged than that?

Finian Cunningham has written extensively on international affairs, with articles published in several languages. He is a Master’s graduate in Agricultural Chemistry and worked as a scientific editor for the Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, England, before pursuing a career in newspaper journalism. He is also a musician and songwriter. For nearly 20 years, he worked as an editor and writer in major news media organisations, including The Mirror, Irish Times and Independent.

This article was first published by Sputnik -

The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Information Clearing House.
Interesantísimo analisis hecho por Chris Hedges y Abby Martin acerca de la presidencia de Trump y la fuente de sus políticas neoliberales, conservadurismo extremo y xenofobia.

Trump está en una compañía muy muy curiosa:

- por un lado los dominionistas cristianos - de los que habla el video de LeMiroir...aquí mucha más info-:

Inside the Christian Right Dominionist Movement That's Undermining Democracy's_undermining_democracy

- mientras que por el otro, los judíos ultra-ortodoxos de Chabad Liubavitch, en la cabecera Ivanka y Jared...


- y por el tercero, por supuesto , alumni de Goldman-Sachs y Rothschild...:ninja::ninja::ninja:

...nada bueno nos espera a nosotros, los súbditos del imperio :unsure::unsure:...
El artículo y el reporte (no puedo transferirlo, porque es un fichero PDF) están aquí.

‘For-Profit Presidency:’ 100 Days Into Trump’s Corporate Takeover
"The true depth of the administration's unswerving commitment to an especially savage version of corporate capitalism is now, as we approach the first 100 days under the Trump administration, utterly clear."
By Lauren McCauley | Common Dreams | April 25, 2017


President Donald Trump, flanked by Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, left, and Vice President Mike Pence, meets with members of the media regarding the health care overhaul bill, March 24, 2017. (AP/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

President Donald Trump approaches his 100th day in office the most unpopular U.S. leader in modern history for a reason.

Exacerbating his failure to uphold his populist campaign promises, a new report found that Trump spent the majority of his presidency enriching his own business empire while appointing fellow “corporate cronies” at the highest levels of government leading to what Public Citizen describes as “an unprecedented corporate takeover.”

Published on Monday, For-Profit President (pdf), chronicles each day of Trump’s tenure thus far and what actions or appointments were made that either enriched his private business empire, placed the importance of “profits before people,” or highlighted the “corporate takeover” of government—despite candidate Trump’s repeated pledge to “drain the swamp.”

Case in point, on Day 12 of his presidency, Trump met with a group of Big Pharma CEOs. Public Citizen reports:

Despite previous tough talk against the industry—he said they were “getting away with murder” and called for lowering prices—the primary takeaway from Trump’s meeting with pharma executives, including from Amgen, Celgene, Eli Lilly, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Novartis and the industry group PhRMA, is the president’s pledge to cut taxes and eliminate public protections in order to speed up approvals.

He told the CEOs he would eliminate 75 to 80 percent of Food and Drug Administration regulations, a promise that, if fulfilled, would make the agency too weak to fulfill its mission of protecting patients and consumers and ultimately result the deaths and injuries to innumerable Americans.

According to the day-by-day calendar, even Trump’s many weekends spent at the so-called “winter White House” in Palm Beach, Florida do not provide a respite for the American people.

For example, on Saturday, February 18 or Day 30, the president “kick[ed] off his 2020 campaign with a rally near his Mar-a-Lago resort,” according to the report.

The consumer rights group notes that the “wealthy members of Mar-a-Lago have an unprecedented degree of access and influence with the President of the United States. Members include fossil fuel billionaire William Koch, the lesser-known brother of the more politically active Charles and David Koch, electronic trading billionaire Thomas Peterffy, and various corporate executives.”

Public Citizen filed that day’s event under both “corporate takeover” and “enriching private business.” (Notably, on Day 6 of the presidency, the resort “doubled its initiation fee to $200,000.”)

Exemplifying “profits before people,” on Day 55, Trump ordered a review of the Environmental Protection Agency’s fuel efficiency standards, which was done “in apparent response to direct lobbying by the automobile industry.”

“America has never seen anything like this,” declared Public Citizen president Robert Weissman in a column on Monday. “The corporate capture began at the same moment as the Trump presidency,” Weissman observed, adding that “its been downhill since then.”

Touching upon many of the more egregious actions outlined in the report, Weissman noted that Trump’s pro-corporate capstone appears to be his swift rollback of public health, labor, and environmental regulations. He wrote:

Trump has eagerly signed into law a series of deregulatory measures to undo Obama administration achievements, using an obscure legislative vehicle known as the Congressional Review Act. Industries that have collectively spent more than $1 billion on lobbying and campaign contributions have seen their investments pay off many times over. Trump has gleefully signed measures making it easier for coal companies to pollute streams and rivers; authorizing Big Oil to hide payments to developing country governments; erasing obligations for government contractors to ensure the safety and health of their employees; and making it possible for cable and Internet providers to collect and sell our most personal information. It’s hard to imagine there’s anyone in the United States, not connected to Comcast, Verizon or another telecom company, who favors giving the telecoms the right to traffic in our personal data.

Leaving aside confirmations, these Congressional Review Act regulatory repeals are, by far, the most significant legislative action during Trump’s term.

Report author Rick Claypool, who serves as research director for the group’s President’s Office, notes in the introduction that planning for the corporate power grab began long before the inauguration. During Trump’s transition, the so-called “beach head teams” were stacked with “corporate-connected staff” who swiftly transferred power to Trump’s cabinet, who Claypool describes as “a selection of CEOs and corporate-backed Republican officials who constitute and unprecedented corporate cabinet.”

Nonetheless, Claypool adds, “the true depth of the administration’s unswerving commitment to an especially savage version of corporate capitalism is now, as we approach the first 100 days under the Trump administration, utterly clear.”

...“the true depth of the administration’s unswerving commitment to an especially savage version of corporate capitalism is now, as we approach the first 100 days under the Trump administration, utterly clear.”....

cambiemos todo para que nada cambie...
Y hablando de las mentiras que el imperialismo yanqui (esta vez, teniendo a Trump como portavoz) propaga para justificar el inicio de un conflicto bélico contra Siria y Korea del Norte.

The United States of... False Flags
By Finian Cunningham

April 25, 2017 "Information Clearing House" - The United States government is the world leader in purveying false flags and propaganda stunts. Or, more generally, downright, systematic lies. To justify the outrageous violation of international law, wars and aggression.

Current president and Commander-in-Chief, Donald Trump, is himself the object of fraudulent US intelligence, accused of "collusion with Russian agents." In a rare admission, the Washington Times this week described the US intel dossier against Trump as "riddled with fiction."

Yet, ironically, Trump, in turn, serves as a shameless conduit for US propaganda to fuel conflict with Syria and North Korea.

In the latter case, a world war could break out at any moment as a result of insane American goading. The dispatch of a US nuclear-powered submarine to the Korean Peninsula this week is just another reckless provocation by Trump.

On Syria, the Trump administration has slapped on more economic sanctions over an alleged chemical weapons incident earlier this month. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the "sweeping sanctions" were because of "Syrian dictator Bashar al Assad's horrific chemical weapons attack on innocent men, women and children."

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said the latest US sanctions were "unfounded" since there is no proof that the Syrian government used chemical weapons in Idlib Province on April 4.

Indeed, several respected international authorities, such as American professor Theodore Postol, a weapons expert at MIT, have dismissed official US claims about the chemical incident. The only "proof" provided by the US government and Western media are videos of alleged victims. That is, videos supplied by al Qaeda-linked terrorists and their media agents known as the White Helmets. This terror nexus is a creation of US, British and French military intelligence, financed with Saudi and Qatari money.

Thus, the April 4 chemical incident in Idlib was plausibly a "false flag" staged by Western-sponsored terrorist proxies to elicit American military attack on Syria. In other words, innocent people, including children, were murdered with lethal chemicals, and the whole macabre spectacle videoed for dissemination by the Western news media. It would not be the first time. The August 2013 "chemical weapons" incident near Damascus was probably also another macabre set-up by the terror groups.

So, here we have an American president citing a false flag orchestrated by his own intelligence agencies to justify his subsequent order for a missile strike on Syria on April 7. And now we see the US government slapping punitive sanctions on Syria as a further warped response.

Of huge significance is the fact that the US, Britain and France have blocked Russian, Iranian and Syrian demands for an impartial on-site investigation to be carried out in the town of Khan Shaykhun where the chemical incident allegedly happened. As Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov pointed out, the Western powers do not want to find out what really happened because that would interfere with their agenda for regime change in Syria.

By way of shoring up the false narrative on Syria, this week US media carried "reports" alleging that North Korea has been supplying the Syrian government with chemical weapons technology. As usual, no verifiable evidence is presented, just more bombastic assertions and concocted claims.

But we can see where this is going. US intelligence, mouthed by its president and controlled media, are laying down dots to entice the Western public to join up with false logic and prejudice, all so that the US authorities can give themselves a legal, moral mandate to justify aggression. Conveniently, the contrived North Korea-Syria connection allows for two birds to be hit with one stone.

The pattern of deception here by the US government, aided and abetted by propagandizing "news services," is classic modus operandi. Time and again, down through history, the US ruling class have used false flags, distortion and outright lies to promote their hegemonic desires of inciting war, conflict and aggression.

For a country like the United States, which has been waging war on other foreign nations for over 95 per cent of its history since its foundation as a modern state in 1776, it only stands to reason that such an astounding record of belligerence, decade-after-decade, must inevitably require a concomitant warmongering propaganda system in order to make it all possible.

We could mention, for example, the deliberate sinking of one of its own warships, the USS Maine, in Havana Harbor in 1898, which was used to instigate the Spanish-American War. That war was key to the US emerging as an imperial power in the Western Hemisphere.

The later sinking of the civilian passenger ship, the Lusitania, in 1915 off Ireland is another case of deliberate sabotage, to frame-up the Germans, which the US then used to launch itself into the First World War.

More recently, the fabricated US claims of Afghanistan sheltering al-Qaeda terrorists and weapons of mass destruction in Iraq were invoked to sell American wars of revenge for 9/11 terror attacks in New York, which were themselves most probably propaganda stunts staged by US intelligence.

Another flagrant case of US authorities mounting a false flag was the Gulf of Tonkin incident, which served as a pretext for American escalation of the Vietnam War. In 1964, communist North Vietnam was framed up for allegedly firing on a US navy vessel. That incident allowed the US government to dispatch conventional armed forces to Vietnam. Some 50,000 US troops were killed in that 10-year war, as well as three million Vietnamese. The only beneficiaries were US corporations and the Pentagon war machine.

Of course, the US is not unique in using false pretexts to cover for acts of war and criminality. But there can be little doubt from any objective study of history that the US stands out – without any compare – as the biggest purveyor of false flags, lies and propaganda to promote its warmongering. Warmongering that has destroyed dozens of countries around the world and inflicted tens of millions of deaths.

Today, we are on another cusp of US-led war. Syria has been set up with a brazen false flag over chemical weapons, which in all probability is a sickening charade by Western-sponsored terror groups.

Russia and Iran, by extension, are smeared as part of an "axis of evil" by the US propaganda system owing to their otherwise principled alliance with Syria to defeat Western-backed terrorist proxies.

Most alarming is the US false flag effort against North Korea. This small, independent nation, which is not at war with anybody, is, in fact, a victim of American aggression – an aggression involving the sailing of nuclear-powered submarines and warships to its coastal waters.

And yet US President Trump, whose country has thousands of nuclear weapons enough to destroy the entire planet, is labeling North Korea as the "world's number one threat."

The United States is the most dangerous terrorist force on Earth, largely because it is run by rulers who forge lies all the time for waging wars and obliterating humans. The supposed Commander-in-Chief President Donald Trump is himself a target of US lies. Can you get any more deranged than that?

Finian Cunningham has written extensively on international affairs, with articles published in several languages. He is a Master’s graduate in Agricultural Chemistry and worked as a scientific editor for the Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, England, before pursuing a career in newspaper journalism. He is also a musician and songwriter. For nearly 20 years, he worked as an editor and writer in major news media organisations, including The Mirror, Irish Times and Independent.

This article was first published by Sputnik -

The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Information Clearing House.

los EEUU, entendido como el Deep State que los gobierna (no el pueblo americano, por supuesto, que es maravilloso y digno de todo respeto), desde hace muchas décadas son de facto el out-sourced franchisee del Imperio británico tal y como ese fue a finales del s. XIX: mismo modus operandi, mismos "valores" :facepalm:, mismas prioridades particulares y tratamiento hacia los "aborígenes" coloniaBLes. :vamp::inpain:
@miraclor78 - ahora que hablas de Korea, la Red Voltaire ya estaba hablando de los planes en los que EE.UU. planeaba arrastra a al Sur contra el régimen de Pyongyang. Este artículo es bastante interesante.

North Korea Punished for Helping to Liberate Africa
by André Vltchek

Soon, most likely, there will be new brutal sanctions imposed against North Korea. And there will be massive provocative military exercises held, involving the US and South Korean (ROK). In brief, it is all ‘business as usual’: the West continues to torture DPRK; it is provoking it, isolating, demonizing and dehumanizing it, making sure that it wouldn’t function normally, let alone thrive.

Voltaire Network | Washington D. C. (États-Unis) | 26 March 2016


A normal state ?
© André Vltchek

The submissive Western public keeps obediently swallowing all the shameless lies it is being served by its mainstream media. It is not really surprising; people of Europe and North America already stopped questioning official dogmas long time ago.

North Korea (DPRK) is depicted as some insane, starving, subnormal and underdeveloped hermit state, whose leaders are constantly boozing and whoring, murdering each other, and building some primitive but lethal nukes, in order to destroy the world.

Those of us who are familiar with DPRK know that all this is one bundle of fat, shameless lies. Pyongyang is an elegant, well functioning city with great public housing, excellent public transportation, public places and recreational facilities, theatres, sport facilities and green areas. And despite those monstrous sanctions, the countryside is much more prosperous than what one sees in the desperate Western ‘client’ states like Indonesia and Philippines.

At least there is something; there have at least been a few decent reports that have been written about those grotesque lies and the Western propaganda.

But the essential question remains: ‘Why is the West so obsessed with demonizing North Korea?’

And the answer is simple: Like Cuba, North Korea dared to step on the toes of Western colonialism and imperialism. Sacrificing its sons and daughters, it helped to liberate many African countries, and it provided assistance to the most progressive forces on the most plundered and devastated continent.

This is one thing that the West never forgives. It lives off the unbridled plunder of all continents; it essentially thrives by looting its colonies. Those countries that assisted the liberation struggles, those nations that fought for freedom of the colonized world – Soviet Union/Russia, China, Cuba and the DPRK – were designated by Western ideologues as the most ‘dangerous’ and ‘evil’ places on Earth.

In Europe and North America, conditioned masses (they have been actually profiting from the colonialism and neo-colonialism for decades and centuries), are stubbornly refusing to comprehend this main reason why the Empire has made the people of North Korea suffer so terribly for years and decades.

My comrade, Mwandawiro Mghanga, Chairperson of SDP and also a Member of the Executive Committee of Africa Left Networking Forum (ALNEF) based in Dakar Senegal, wrote for this essay:

“The Social Democratic Party of Kenya (SDP) condemns the unjustified sanctions against North Korea (DPRK) instigated by imperialism led by the United States of America. We are aware that imperialism has never stopped its cold and hot war against DPRK that through one of the greatest patriotic, heroic and revolutionary anti-colonial and anti-imperialist national liberation armed struggles succeeded in winning true independence in the northern half of Korea. When it invaded North Korea, US imperialism like Japanese colonialism earlier, suffered one of the most humiliating military defeats it will never forget in its reactionary history. We also know that the US and the West hates DPRK with venom for refusing to be a puppet of imperialism like South Korea. A dirty false propaganda war is waged against DPRK for refusing the capitalist and neo-colonial path of slavery, under-development and exploitation of person by person and instead choosing the path of development for freedom and humanity, socialism.

We in Africa will not accept to be cheated by imperialists who have always been part and parcel of our problems. Imperialism is not and has never been a friend of Africa but its enemy. African patriots and revolutionaries will never allow imperialism to tell us who our friends are. For we know whom our friends are! And North Korea has always been Africa’s true friend. When the whole of the African continent was under Western colonialism, Korea under the revolutionary leadership of comrade Kim Il Sung was fighting Japanese colonialism and showing solidarity with Africa at the same time. After DPRK, in the name of socialist internationalism increased its moral, military and other material support to African countries in their struggle for liberation from colonialism, imperialism and apartheid. Immediately after independence from colonialism in the 1960s, thousands of Africans, including Kenyans, received free higher, technical and specialised education in the DPRK. DPRK not only offered arms, finance and other material solidarity to Namibia, South Africa, Angola and Mozambique in the war against apartheid and imperialism, but it also actually sent internationalist revolutionaries to Africa to fight side by side with Africans for Africa. DPRK fought with Egypt and Africa during the 1967 war against the brutal Zionist regime of Israel supported by the Western countries. Today DPRK is together with African countries in the demand for a new just international order. In this DPRK is blamed by imperialism and imperialist puppet regimes for being in the forefront and showing by its own example that a new just international order cannot be but anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, it must be socialist.”

North Korean internationalism is legendary, just as Cuban internationalism is. And this is the least that we can do right now, when the country is facing new tremendous and brutal challenges – to recall how much it gave to the world; how much it had already sacrificed for the sake of humanity!

I spoke to people in Windhoek, who with tears in their eyes recalled North Korea’s struggle against (South African) apartheid-supported regimes in both Namibia and Angola. Naturally, South African apartheid used to enjoy the full support of the West. To repay that favor, South African troops joined the fight against North Korea and China during the Korean War.

As mentioned by Mwandawiro Mghanga, North Korea fought against Israel, its pilots flew Egyptian fighter planes in the 1973 Arab-Israeli War. DPRK took part in the liberation struggle in Angola and it fought in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), Lesotho, and Namibia and in the Seychelles. It provided assistance to the African National Congress and its epic struggle to liberate South Africa from apartheid. In the past, it had aided the then progressive African nations, including Guinea, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Mali and Tanzania.

Arthur Tewungwa, Ugandan opposition politician from the Uganda People’s Congress Party (UPC) compares the involvement of the DPRK and the West in his country and the African Great Lakes region:

“Uganda benefited from its relationship with North Korea in the 1980s when it helped the government to fight against the Museveni rebels who were supported by the US and UK. Morally, compared to the DPRK, the latter two have no leg to stand on with all the bloodshed they triggered in the Great Lakes Region.”

Has North Korea been fully abandoned, left to its fate? Has it been ‘betrayed’?

Christopher Black, a prominent international lawyer based in Toronto, Canada:

“…The fact that the US, as part of the SC is imposing sanctions on a country it is threatening is hypocritical and unjust. That the Russians and Chinese have joined the US in this, instead of calling for sanctions against the US for its threats against the DPRK and its new military exercises, which are a clear and present danger to the DPRK, is shameful. If the Russians and Chinese are sincere why don’t they insist that the US draw down its forces there so the DPRK feels less threatened and take steps to guarantee the security of the DPRK? They do not explain their actions but their actions make them collaborators with the USA against the DPRK.”

The situation is bleak, but most likely not fatal; not fatal yet.

Jeff J Brown, a leading China expert based in Beijing, does not hide his optimism when it comes to the Sino-Russian relationship with the DPRK:

“There is not a lot that North Korea does in the international arena, that Baba Beijing does not have its hand in. They are two fraternal communist countries and 65 years ago, the Chinese spilled a lot of blood and treasure to save North Korea from the West. Mao Zedong’s son died on the Korean War battlefield, fighting against Yankee imperialism. There are two million ethnic Koreans living along the border with North Korea and another half a million Northerners living and working in China. Koreans are a recognized minority in China. No other country in the world understands North Korea like China does. This closeness is emblematic of their common border, the Yalu River, which is so shallow, you can wade across it. They also share boundaries with another key ally, Russia. China is North Korea’s very, very big brother and protector. Frankly, vis-à-vis the upcoming UNSC sanctions against North Korea, I think the West is getting played like a drum, and it is the drum that gets the crap pounded out of it.”

Of course both China and Russia have their long land borders with North Korea -roads and railroads inter-connecting all three countries. According to my sources in Moscow and Beijing, it is highly unlikely that the two closest allies of the DPRK would ever go along with the new sanctions, whether they are officially ‘supporting them’, or not.

But the logic used by Christopher Black is absolutely correct: it is the West that should be suffering from the toughest sanctions imaginable, not DPRK.

It is the West, not North Korea, which has murdered one billion human beings, throughout history. It is the West that colonized, plundered, raped and enslaved people in all corners of the planet. What moral mandate does it have to propose and impose sanctions against anyone?

We are living in a twisted, truly perverse world, where mass murderers act as judges, and actually get away with it.

North Korea spilled blood for the liberation of Africa. It showed true solidarity with robbed, tortured people, with those whom Franz Fanon used to call the “Wretched of the Earth”. That is why, according to perverse logic (which has roots in the Western religious and cultural fundamentalism), it has to be punished, humiliated, and even possibly wipe off the face of the earth.

Not because it did something objectively ‘bad’, but because the objectivity lost its meaning. Terms ‘good’ and ‘bad’ are now determined by only one criterion: ‘good’ is all that serves the interests of the Western Empire, ‘bad’ is what challenges its global dictatorship.

If you save the village that had been designated by the Empire as a place to be raped and pillaged, you will be punished in the most sadistic and brutal manner. North Korea did exactly that. Except that it did not save just one village, but it helped to liberate an entire continent!

André Vltchek
New Eastern Outlook (Russia)
Los EEUU tienen interés de la existencia de Corea del Norte:
- una Korea unificada sería una potencia demasiado importante el la region, todo lo contrario a la máxima, divide et impera,
- con el pretexto del malo malísimo Kim puede "legalmente" pasear su flota delante de las narices de China.

según confesiones de Hilary ante Goldman-Sachs:

Bastó que POTUS pronunciara las palabras mágicas : Assad has to go.

La campaña de acoso y derribo entamada por los MSM y la clase política usana-ueropea contra el Donald ha cesado de la noche a la mañana. Han sido 100 dias de agit-prop anti-trump non-stop.

Ahora pones la cnn de turno y ya no hay marchas de indignados, protestas en los campus, riots en el gueto, impeachment, arde USA. En Twitter, el Trompo ha dejado de ser TT. Donald sigue siendo el mismo y su programa también, pero algo ha cambiado desde que lanzó los tomahawk.

Por estos lares, el cese de hostilidades ha sido especialmente obvio en la cadena del marqués. Y eso que es la cadena de la izquierda radical LOL. Como hay que guardar las apariencias, se mantiene la retórica de la “contención”. Sera con ISIS jeje.

¿por cuántos millones de muertos, lisiados y desplazados vamos ya? ¿cuántos ataques más gas sarín vamos a necesitar? Porque la bandera será falsa pero los muertos son de verdad.

Venga, vamos allá. Guerra y más guerra. Deuda y más deuda. Desde el 11-S no hemos parado.

Cuando acabemos con Al Assad, a por el siguiente.
Última edición por un moderador: