Duques de Sussex: Opiniones en su contra.

También, han copiado detalles del retrato de hija mayor de Queen Victoria

El collar/ escote, copiado del otro retrato..
Empress Federic


Y la tiara, que ya habéis comentado..


El retrato arriba:

Empress Frederick: Victoria, Princess Royal, the eldest child of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, was a German Empress and queen of Prussia after marriage. She was born on 21 November 1840 and was created Princess Royal in 1841.
Última edición:
OMG....lloro de risa. Beyoncé y JAY-Z, ambos orgullosamente negros, la llaman "Melanated Mona", evidentemente por la Mona Lisa (Monna=Señora). Pero...recordáis las peloteras que ha habido en el foro por el uso de la palabra "mona"? Supongo que si ellos abren la veda, todos podremos utilizar ese invento de melanated mona sin que haya vestiduras rasgadas. O será que hay que pertenecer a cierta etnia para ser merecedor de poder usarlo?

Pues ya está.
La Casa Real, al parecer ..NO ha aprobado este viaje.
Ha sido ' desafío' contra la Reína.
Según el reportero, Peter Ford.
Al parecer...

Lo publica express.co

Meghan Markle to 'DEFY' disapproving Queen with plans for Royal Baby shower in New York.

MEGHAN Markle has "defied" the Queen with her decision to attend a baby shower friends threw in her honour during an unannounced visit to New York before delivering her first child.
PUBLISHED: 00:05, Thu, Feb 21, 2019 | UPDATED: 13:37, Thu, Feb 21, 2019

Meghan Markle will 'defy' Queen with baby shower says expert

Meghan Markle travelled to New York last week for a five-day visit to the East Coast in what is expected to be her last visit to the States before she delivers her first child in the Spring. But the Duchess of Sussex has been warned she could have attracted the disapproval of the Queen as she decided to attend a baby shower close friends decided to throw for her at the fashionable The Mark Hotel in the Upper East Side. Channel 7 Entertainment reporter Peter Ford said: "There may be some tone of disapproval about this – because there are reports going around that the Royal Family don’t approve of baby showers and she is defying them by going to New York and spending time with her close friends in New York.

Bueno, pero al mismo tiempo extraña...lo de ' no permiso' ..
Ya que Ella tenía protección/ guardias de seguridad de Estado y viajaba en calidad ' diplomatica'

A ver, si aclaren esto ...
Última edición:
Pues ya está.
La Casa Real, al parecer ..NO ha aprobado este viaje.
Ha sido ' desafío' contra la Reína.
Según el reportero, Peter Ford.
Al parecer...

Lo publica express.co

Meghan Markle to 'DEFY' disapproving Queen with plans for Royal Baby shower in New York.

MEGHAN Markle has "defied" the Queen with her decision to attend a baby shower friends threw in her honour during an unannounced visit to New York before delivering her first child.
PUBLISHED: 00:05, Thu, Feb 21, 2019 | UPDATED: 13:37, Thu, Feb 21, 2019

Meghan Markle will 'defy' Queen with baby shower says expert

Meghan Markle travelled to New York last week for a five-day visit to the East Coast in what is expected to be her last visit to the States before she delivers her first child in the Spring. But the Duchess of Sussex has been warned she could have attracted the disapproval of the Queen as she decided to attend a baby shower close friends decided to throw for her at the fashionable The Mark Hotel in the Upper East Side. Channel 7 Entertainment reporter Peter Ford said: "There may be some tone of disapproval about this – because there are reports going around that the Royal Family don’t approve of baby showers and she is defying them by going to New York and spending time with her close friends in New York.

Bueno, pero al mismo tiempo extraña...lo de ' no permiso' ..
Ya que Ella tenía protección/ guardias de seguridad de Estado y viajaba en calidad ' diplomatica'

A ver, si aclaren esto ...
Guau los comentarios. Están muy muy enfadados. Por otro lado la reina no puede hacer nada si ella decide ir, congelar sus tarjetas, pero la seguridad no se la puede quitar, si le pasara algo y no lleva seguridad no se que pasaría.
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MM represents the Queen and the governments of several Commonwealth Nations that the Queen is Head of State of. It doesn't matter if she is out in public on official business or just for private time. That is the downside of being part of the Royal Family. This behavior of MM's is not acceptable and accepting gifts is not acceptable. The Queen and Charles need to put a stop to this spoiled, egocentric, personal publicity seeking behavior. I am shocked that Jessica .Mulroney, the daughter in law of a former Prime Minister of Canada would encourage such behavior. It leads me to believe that Jessica is only out for what she herself can gain from this behavior and doesn't care at all about how much trouble it can cause for MM and the Royal Family. Charles and the Queen should stop paying MM's clothing housing, transportation, and security protection bills and make sure she receives no more Royal patronages until she learns to act like a proper ambassador for the Royal Family, Commonwealth Countries and the Charities. She is no longer an actress or Hollywood Celebrity. If she won't conform then she should lose her title and be removed from the Family. If Harry doesn't like it then he should be removed as well.
Harry y Meghan pueden venir a por ella en semana santa, son unas fechas de gran felicidad para nuestra reina donde sacará todos sus encantos a relucir.:D

Me auto cito porque no puedo parar de reír con esto, mira que hay tiaras en las casas reales Europeas sobre todo la inglesa y para la que menos tiene (pobre Leti) van y se la adjudican a Meghan :LOL::LOL::LOL:
Me auto cito porque no puedo parar de reír con esto, mira que hay tiaras en las casas reales Europeas sobre todo la inglesa y para la que menos tiene (pobre Leti) van y se la adjudican a Meghan :LOL::LOL::LOL:
Y le ponen una joya de pasar, que solo usan las reinas. Entérate Beyoncé que Meghancita no va a ser reina.
Pues ya está.
La Casa Real, al parecer ..NO ha aprobado este viaje.
Ha sido ' desafío' contra la Reína.
Según el reportero, Peter Ford.
Al parecer...
Es que la CR no puede contrariar en nada a MM sin ser tachados de clasistas y racistas, por más que tengan plena justificación para negar o no autorizar cualquier cosa. Lo dije desde la boda, es intocable pues tiene en mano las cartas del clasismo y racismo...