Boda Real del príncipe Carlos Felipe y Sofía Hellqvist

No le vi buen semblante a Tatiana y como dijo Haakon está más delgada que nunca...

Discurso de CF

Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Excellences, ladies and gentlemen,

Dear family and friends, and last but not least, my dear wife Sofia.

Sometimes you come to a crucial choice; a choice that determines your whole future and that is about who you are, and above all about who you want to be.

Often it requires courage. Courage not to choose the easy way just because it is easy, but the courage to stay on the difficult road to the right.

Sofia, we never chose the difficult path, it chose us. Every time we tried to opt out of love brought us together again.

Every time we tried to be apart so my heart was empty. And finally, finally Sofia, we chose the right - a decision that makes me the luckiest man. Sofia, you fill my life with love and joy.

Today we prove that love conquers all.

All who come to know you know that the only thing that strikes your external beauty is your interior.

My friends, you all know that Sofia’s strength and courage not only about our love. These are larger than that.

When you started the Project Playground was so much more than a project far away in South Africa. There were hundreds of children and young people who could hope for a better future. It was the hope of a better world. A world built on empathy, commitment and love.

You stand up for strong values with passion and courage.

The most important of them all is perhaps: to dare to be oneself, to dare to stand up for himself. And above all that love knows no boundaries, regardless of religion, gender or background.

Sofia, all of us who know you know that you are a hard-working woman with a strong sense of duty and a great loyalty to your mission. I know with certainty that you will take on your new role with a great sense of responsibility and hard work.

Dad, Mom, my dear sisters and brothers in law:

I have not enough words to describe how happy I am that you have received Sofia with open arms. Your support has meant a lot for us, both in prosperity and in adversity. I know I speak for us all when I say that you have enriched our family, Sofia.

And I also thank your family, Sofia, who received me with the same open arms. I have been blessed with a family. A family with much warmth, love and care.

I would also like to thank the Swedish people for the support we have received for our love. The joy we have met have warmed our hearts.

Dear friends, I want to take with you on a little journey that began on 24 June 2014. It is one of the most important journeys of my life. I drove 67 mil back and forth in 9 hours, or 32,400 seconds.

My goal was employment office in Mora - and no, I was not looking for a new job. I was on my way to meet my future father in law to ask for Sofia’s hand. Never has a trip been so important for me that trip.

Loved Sofia, today begins a new stage in my life. In your life. In our life. I do not know what awaits us in the future, but I know that your love means that I can take on any challenge.

Your intelligence, your dedication and your courage inspires. Proud I say that you are my role model. Sofia, I am animated by the idea of getting to do good with you.

I have a lot to learn in life, and much remains to be done. It is a long journey, and the journey I look infinitely forward to do with you.

But most important, I have already learned, and it is that love conquers all.

Sofia, you are the best. I love you.

Dear Friends!

Please join me in the Most Important toast - a toast for a love that conquers all. A toast to my beloved and beautiful wife Sofia.

— Prince Carl Philip’s speech at his wedding reception today, June 13, 2015.
Discurso de CF

Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Excellences, ladies and gentlemen,

Dear family and friends, and last but not least, my dear wife Sofia.

Sometimes you come to a crucial choice; a choice that determines your whole future and that is about who you are, and above all about who you want to be.

Often it requires courage. Courage not to choose the easy way just because it is easy, but the courage to stay on the difficult road to the right.

Sofia, we never chose the difficult path, it chose us. Every time we tried to opt out of love brought us together again.

Every time we tried to be apart so my heart was empty. And finally, finally Sofia, we chose the right - a decision that makes me the luckiest man. Sofia, you fill my life with love and joy.

Today we prove that love conquers all.

All who come to know you know that the only thing that strikes your external beauty is your interior.

My friends, you all know that Sofia’s strength and courage not only about our love. These are larger than that.

When you started the Project Playground was so much more than a project far away in South Africa. There were hundreds of children and young people who could hope for a better future. It was the hope of a better world. A world built on empathy, commitment and love.

You stand up for strong values with passion and courage.

The most important of them all is perhaps: to dare to be oneself, to dare to stand up for himself. And above all that love knows no boundaries, regardless of religion, gender or background.

Sofia, all of us who know you know that you are a hard-working woman with a strong sense of duty and a great loyalty to your mission. I know with certainty that you will take on your new role with a great sense of responsibility and hard work.

Dad, Mom, my dear sisters and brothers in law:

I have not enough words to describe how happy I am that you have received Sofia with open arms. Your support has meant a lot for us, both in prosperity and in adversity. I know I speak for us all when I say that you have enriched our family, Sofia.

And I also thank your family, Sofia, who received me with the same open arms. I have been blessed with a family. A family with much warmth, love and care.

I would also like to thank the Swedish people for the support we have received for our love. The joy we have met have warmed our hearts.

Dear friends, I want to take with you on a little journey that began on 24 June 2014. It is one of the most important journeys of my life. I drove 67 mil back and forth in 9 hours, or 32,400 seconds.

My goal was employment office in Mora - and no, I was not looking for a new job. I was on my way to meet my future father in law to ask for Sofia’s hand. Never has a trip been so important for me that trip.

Loved Sofia, today begins a new stage in my life. In your life. In our life. I do not know what awaits us in the future, but I know that your love means that I can take on any challenge.

Your intelligence, your dedication and your courage inspires. Proud I say that you are my role model. Sofia, I am animated by the idea of getting to do good with you.

I have a lot to learn in life, and much remains to be done. It is a long journey, and the journey I look infinitely forward to do with you.

But most important, I have already learned, and it is that love conquers all.

Sofia, you are the best. I love you.

Dear Friends!

Please join me in the Most Important toast - a toast for a love that conquers all. A toast to my beloved and beautiful wife Sofia.

— Prince Carl Philip’s speech at his wedding reception today, June 13, 2015.
Muchas gracias, muy bello!