Wimbledon 2019. Julio 1ro al 14

Esta foto es demoledora. Semifinales en el templo del tenis MUNDIAL, donde la buena educacion y el dress code es una ley no escrita... y la grada no vacía, vaciada porque Meghan decidió ir de "visita privada". Como si ponerse vaqueros y ese sombrero roñoso le dieran el poder de la invisibilidad ante cientos de fotógrafos que cubren a diario un evento deportivo de visibilidad y audiencia mundial. Expulsando a la gente de sus sitios en la grada en un evento PÚBLICO(que a ella le sale gratis y tiene un sitio reservado el el Royal Box para, precisamente, NO MOLESTAR al resto del público con estas ridículas maneras) por su mero capricho de ir de "incógnito" . Tan ridículo como vergonzoso.
Última edición:
Ahora el spin a la noticia es que el culpable de la reacción de la prensa es directamente las personas a cargo de su seguridad que no supieron cómo manejar la situación adecuadamente... que ella se tomaría fotos con cualquiera sólo con que se lo pidieran...

Cof, Cof, Cof... era un Selfie... y el otro eran fotos a Serena Williams... nada de pedirle permiso a ella... ella no les interesaba.

Meghan Markle 'disappointed' by security team's handling of no photos at Wimbledon request
Danielle Stacey
Royal Correspondent
July 23, 2019

The Duchess of Sussex was "dissapointed" by the reaction to her personal protection officer asking members of the public not to take photos of her at Wimbledon.

One tennis fan, Hasan Hasanov, 58, was asked to give Meghan and her friends privacy, according to The Sun[/a], as he took a selfie in front of where they were sitting on court one during Serena Williams and Kaja Juvan’s match.

It sparked outrage from some commentators, who pointed out that it was a public sporting event, that there were press photographers taking photos of the royal and the BBC were transmitting the match live around the world.

The Wimbledon fan was allegedly asked to give Meghan privacy during Wimbledon. [Photo: Getty]
Yahoo UK’s ‘The Royal Box,’ royal commentator Omid Scobie says: “I spoke to a source after that had happened and I was told that Meghan was quite disappointed at just how it played out because, in her words, she had said to this source that she would have happily taken a photo with anyone that had asked.

“So I think that perhaps this might have been a case of a protection officer being slightly too protective, although that’s probably his job.”

Scobie also points out that it’s not the first time that a member of the public has been told not to take photos of the royals.


A spectator takes a selfie as Meghan watches the match on court one at Wimbledon. [Photo: Getty]