Sustitución racial y cultural de Europa

17 Oct 2007
Habro hilo nuevo porque ya es hora de llamar las cosas por su nombre
Politicos de diversos paises, periodistas y mucha gente importante ya lo ha estado escribiendo y dicendo durante bastante tiempo.
O sea que no es un secreto .
El otro hilo para los que llegan y éste para entender el porqué llegan y porque se sigue dejando entrar a más y más gente.
Es que si no separamos se confunden muchas cosas
Pongo esto para empezar: (sacado del otro hilo) por si alguien no lo ha visto
Press Release

La División de Población de Naciones Unidas publica un nuevo informe
sobre migraciones de reemplazo

La División de Población del Departamento de Asuntos Económicos y Sociales ha publicado un nuevo informe titulado "Migraciones de Reemplazo: ¿Una Solución ante la Disminución y el Envejecimiento de las Poblaciones?". El término migraciones de reemplazo se utiliza para definir el nivel de migraciones internacionales necesario en cada país para evitar la disminución y el envejecimiento de la población que resultan de tasas de fecundidad y de mortalidad bajas.

Las proyecciones de las Naciones Unidas indican que, entre 1995 y 2050, la población disminuirá en Japón y en prácticamente todos los países europeos. Países como Bulgaria, Estonia e Italia podrían perder la cuarta parte o un tercio de su población. La tendencia al envejecimiento persistirá, y la edad media de la población alcanzará máximos históricos. En Italia, por ejemplo, la edad media aumentará de 41 años en el 2000 a 53 en el 2050. En la mayoría de países, el cociente de dependencia potencial –número de personas en edad activa (de 15 a 64 años) por persona mayor- pasará de 4 ó 5 a 2.

Partiendo de estas dos tendencias críticas, el informe examina en detalle ocho países con fecundidad baja (Alemania, los Estados Unidos, la Federación Rusa, Francia, Italia, Japón, el Reino Unido y la República de Corea) y dos regiones (Europa y la Unión Europea). En cada caso se consideran escenarios alternativos para el período 1995-2000 y se analiza el impacto de varios niveles de inmigración sobre el tamaño de la población y sobre el envejecimiento.

Los resultados principales del informe indican que:

  • Durante los próximos 50 años, la población de la mayoría de los países desarrollados va a disminuir y envejecer como resultado de niveles de fecundidad y mortalidad bajos. Por el contrario, la población de los Estados Unidos va aumentar en casi un 25 por ciento. De los países examinados, Italia experimentará el mayor descenso poblacional en términos relativos, ya que perderá el 28 por ciento de su población entre 1995 y 2050 según la variante media de las proyecciones de Naciones Unidas. La Unión Europea, cuya población superaba en 1995 la población de los Estados Unidos en 105 millones, tendrá 18 millones menos que este país en 2050.
  • La disminución de la población es inevitable en ausencia de migraciones de reemplazo. Los niveles de fecundidad podrían aumentar en las próximas décadas, pero es improbable que se alcancen niveles de reemplazo en la mayoría de países.
  • Es necesario mantener ciertos niveles de inmigración para evitar el descenso poblacional en todos los países y regiones incluidos en el informe. No obstante, hay divergencias importantes entre los niveles de inmigración necesarios y la experiencia actual de los países. En el caso de la Unión Europea, los niveles de inmigración observados durante los años noventa serían casi suficientes para evitar el descenso poblacional, mientras que para Europa en general, habría que duplicar el número de inmigrantes. La República de Corea precisaría un flujo de inmigrantes relativamente modesto –un cambio fundamental, sin embargo, para un país que hasta el momento ha experimentado emigración neta. En Italia y Japón se requerirían aumentos notables de los niveles de inmigración neta. Por el contrario, Francia, el Reino Unido y los Estados Unidos podrían mantener la población al nivel actual con un nivel de inmigración menor al observado recientemente.
  • El número de inmigrantes necesario para evitar el descenso poblacional es considerablemente mayor que el proyectado por las Naciones Unidas. Los Estados Unidos constituyen la única excepción.
  • El número de inmigrantes necesario para evitar un descenso de la población activa es más elevado que el requerido para evitar un descenso de la población total. En algunos casos, como el de la República de Corea, Francia, el Reino Unido o los Estados Unidos, el número es varias veces más elevado. Si tales flujos se produjeran, los inmigrantes llegados después de 1995 y sus descendientes representarían en el 2050 una proporción importante de la población total de los países examinados –entre el 30 y el 39 por ciento en el caso de Alemania, Italia y Japón.
  • En términos relativos, Alemania e Italia precisarían el número más elevado de inmigrantes para mantener el tamaño de su población activa. Italia necesitaría anualmente 6.500 inmigrantes por millón de habitantes y Alemania necesitaría 6.000. Los Estados Unidos precisarían menos –1.300 inmigrantes por millón de habitantes anualmente.
  • Los niveles de inmigración necesarios para evitar el envejecimiento poblacional son varias veces más elevados que los requeridos para prevenir un descenso de la población total. Mantener los cocientes de dependencia potencial constantes requeriría volúmenes de inmigración que están fuera de toda expectativa razonable.
  • En ausencia de inmigración, los cocientes de dependencia potencial podrían mantenerse en los niveles actuales si se desplazase la edad de jubilación a los 75 años, aproximadamente.
  • Los nuevos retos que presentan la disminución y el envejecimiento de la población requieren una revisión general de numerosas políticas y programas existentes, bajo una perspectiva de largo plazo. Entre los aspectos críticos que precisan re-evaluación están: (a) la edad de jubilación; (b) los niveles y tipos de pensiones de jubilación y salud para la gente mayor; (c) la participación en la fuerza de trabajo; (d) las contribuciones de trabajadores y empresarios a las pensiones de jubilación y salud para la gente mayor; y (e) las políticas y programas de inmigración, especialmente en relación a las migraciones de reemplazo y a la integración de contingentes importantes de inmigrantes y sus descendientes.
El informe puede consultarse a través de la página de internet de la División de Población ( Si precisa más información escriba a la oficina del Sra. Hania Zlotnik, Director, División de Población, Naciones Unidas, Nueva York 10017, Estados Unidos; tel. +1-212-963 3208, fax + 1-212-963 2147.
Última edición:

A ver, todo esto esta programado nadie es refugiado aqui, cosa que se ve claramente.
Es parte del acuerdo de Barcelona del 95
noten que es del 2008, ya en ese tiempo sucedia esto

Secret plot to let 50million African workers into EU

MORE than 50 million African workers are to be invited to Europe in a far-reaching secretive migration deal, the Daily Express can reveal today. 

A controversial taxpayer-funded “job centre” opened in Mali this week is just the first step towards promoting “free movement of people in Africa and the EU”.

Brussels economists claim Britain and other EU states will “need” 56 million immigrant workers between them by 2050 to make up for the “demographic decline” due to falling birth rates and rising death rates across Europe. 

The report, by the EU statistical agency Eurostat, warns that vast numbers of migrants could be needed to meet the shortfall in two years if Europe is to have a hope of funding the pension and health needs of its growing elderly population.

It states: “Countries with low fertility rates could require a significant number of immigrants over the coming decades if they want to maintain the existing number of people of working age. 

“Having sufficient people of working age is vital for the economy and for tax revenue.” 

The report, by French MEP Francoise Castex, calls for immigrants to be given legal rights and access to social welfare provision such as benefits. 

Ms Castex said: “It is urgent that member states have a calm approach to immigration. To say ‘yes’, we need immigration … it is not a new development, we must accept it.” 

The proposals include the creation of a “blue card” system, based on the American green card, that provides full working and welfare rights. 

Blue card holders would be entitled to move freely across the EU, setting up home in any of the 27 member states. 

Last night Sir Andrew Green, of MigrationWatchUK said: “England, with Holland, is already the most crowded country in Europe.

“As it is, we have to build the equivalent of seven cities the size of Birmingham over 25 years for the immigrants the Government already expects.  

“Yet again the ‘one-size-fits-all’ policy of the EU produces absurd results. These would be ridiculous proposals if they were applied to the Britain. 

“The Government must ensure that these work permits are not valid for the UK.

“Higher levels of immigration are the last thing we need with a recession approaching.” 

And Shadow Home Secretary Dominic Grieve said: “When ministers are talking tough about efforts to control immigration, they need to provide a clear explanation that national policy is not being undermined through the backdoor in Brussels.” 

The UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage attacked the move as “an outrage”. He said: “The sooner Britain gets back control of immigration policy, the better.”

The proposals – part of the Africa-EU Partnership signed in Portugal last December – also warns of the negative effects of mass immigration and calls for “better integration of African migrants”. 

It calls too for a compassionate approach to the eight million illegal immigrants already living in the EU. 

It states: “Irregular migrants must not be treated like criminals. Many risk their lives seeking freedom or the means

of subsistence in Europe. As long as the EU has a higher standard of living than those countries to its south and east, the temptation to come will exist – especially if there are jobs to be had.”

The declaration calls on the EU to assist African governments to set up migration information centres “to better manage labour mobility between Africa and the EU”.

The first was the job centre opened in Bamako, capital of Mali, on Monday. Other centres are expected to open soon in other west African states and later in north Africa.

Yesterday the Daily Express revealed that, in an apparent contradiction of immigration policy, thousands of migrants – like Kanoute Tieny from Mali – are being given up to £5,500 in grants by the EU to return home to Africa.

French president Nicolas Sarkozy wants to implement an EU-wide immigration plan by the end of the year when he stands down as head of the Council of the European Union.

This body implements policy proposed by the European Commission and discussed by the European Parliament. 

French immigration minister Brice Hortefeux has represented all the 27 EU states, including Britain, in a succession of whirlwind tours through west Africa to help create a strategy.

Last night the Home Office said the UK had nothing to do with this EU plan.

A Border Agency spokesperson said the initiative is aimed at promoting legal migration routes in the Schengen area of the EU which the UK opted out of. The area includes most but not all member states.

“We therefore retain full control of our own borders and our asylum system.”

Pues ahora ya saben que uno de los acuerdos es dejar la entrada libre de esta gente, los que llegan vienen ya por agencias, no tiene nada que ver con refugiados.
Esto lo han acordado los paises miembros y nos mienten , ahora nos obligan a aceptarlo con la mentira de refugiados. ya es hora de que se divulgue y no nos dejemos manipular.

Aqui pueden enterarse del principio de todo esto, recomiendo verlo, es fácil de entender y resume en poco tiempo como empezó todo.

Es una danesa y habla del conocimiento desde aqui, pero es el mismo en todos los paises europeos. Solo el nombre del pais se cambia, si un politico danes fue a hablar a un sitio pues lo mismo los otros ministros, si se tomaron medidas para hacer esto o aquello pues lo mismo para los otros porque todos se comprometieron. El video es en danes, pero sin sonido hay textos en ingles y es de fácil entendimiento, si hay un texto se puede poner en pause mientras se lee. Todo lo que dice esta muy bien documentado. Lo traigo porque sé que traer muchos documentos es para algunos mas difícil y de esta manera se enteran fácilmente.

Después de a crisis del petroleo en el 73 se hizo un acuerdo entre 10 paises arabes y europa e hicieron el acuerdo Euro Arab Dialogue (que se puede buscar en la red)

A cambio del petroleo se cometieron a darles muchas cosas a cambio, la entrada libre de sus habitantes a europa, trabajo, y esparcir su cultura entre otras cosas. (recuerdan como de pronto como Arabia saudita abria más y más mezquitas? Instituciones, colegios?).Divulgar su idioma, su cultura, su religion etc etc. O sea que estaban obligados a hacerlo

Ya alli despues se hizo el Acuerdo de Barcelona en el 1995 y se puede buscar muchos documentos por la red .

La señora también dice que se entero del plan Eurabia que habia ( y todavia al dia de hoy) en secreto porque encontro un artículo en el que celebraban el 10 aniversario! Aniversario de qué? Si nadie sabia nada pero habia existido en secreto durante 10 años.
Uno de los métodos que usan para meternos su cultura es mediante la organización ISESCO

Organización Islámica de Educación, Ciencia y Cultura (ISESCO)

Esos acuerdos que hemos hecho contienen una serie de elementos específicos del programa. Incluyendo la planificación conjunta y la implementación de un programa de intercambio cultural, conferencias y talleres, todos dirigidos a apoyar el diálogo intercultural entre los paises y el mundo islámico. El acuerdo también proporciona apoyo financiero para la traducción y publicación de una nueva colección de autores de Medio Oriente, como parte del programa de literatura bajo las Imágenes de Medio Oriente. Finalmente, ISESCO llamará a todos sus estados miembros a apoyar Imágenes del Medio Oriente.
Esta sra. del video anterior (de mas de 90 años) se dio cuenta de que en colegios habian implementado libros de esta organización, libros aparentemente inocentes en donde cuentan maravillas de su cultura.
Es que desde niños hay que "educarlos"

Charter of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - ISESCO -

Charter of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), adopted by the Founding Conference (Fez, 1402H/1982) and amended by the General Conference at its Special Session (Rabat, 1407H/1986), Fourth Session (Rabat, 1412 H/1991), Fifth Session (Damascus, 1415H/1994), and Sixth Session (Riyadh (1418H/1997)
The Foreign Ministers of the Member States of the Organization of the Islamic Conference worked actively in their successive Conference meetings to give substance to the idea of setting up an organization specializing in education, science and culture. They submitted the proposal relating to the establishment of this organization to the Third Islamic Summit Conference, held in Taef/Makkah in 1400H/1981, which adopted it in response to the aspirations of the Muslim Ummah to set up an efficient instrument aimed at asserting solidarity, cooperation and complementarity among its peoples within the framework of the tolerant Islamic principles and lofty values.
The Governments of the States party to this Charter,
- Believing in Islam as a tolerant faith, a constructive culture, a humane civilization and a way of life;
- Stressing that Islam represents a spiritual, moral, cultural and civilizational force which made, and is still making, constructive contributions of paramount importance towards the enrichment of human civilization;

- Considering the lofty status granted by Islam to knowledge and the pursuit of learning;
- Being committed to the promotion of education, science and culture with a view to achieving mutual understanding, consolidating brotherhood and friendliness and spreading peace among the peoples of the world;
- Responding to the expectations and hopes of the Muslim Ummah in achieving cooperation, solidarity, progress and prosperity within the framework of the tolerant Islamic principles;
- Preparing themselves for the coming centuries with their scientific, cultural and technological challenges while remaining faithful to the glorious heritage of the Ummah’s past;

- Being aware of the close bonds which unite the peoples of the Muslim Ummah through the unity of faith and the shared spiritual, moral and cultural values;
- Seeking to preserve the cultural unity and the linguistic and civilizational characteristics of the peoples of the Muslim Ummah;
- Seeking to disseminate constructive educational, scientific, technical and cultural values in order to tackle the challenges and problems of our time;
- Desirous to consolidate fruitful inter-cultural dialogue with a view to achieving civilizational coexistence which guarantees the respect of the cultural identity of all peoples;
- Acknowledging the principles of equality, solidarity and mutual assistance to reinforce cooperation among them and thereby promote education, science, technology, culture and communication through all appropriate means;
AGREE to lay down this Charter for the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO).
General Provisions
Article 1 : Name and definition
a) Name : The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. It is hereinafter referred to as the Islamic Organization (ISESCO).
b) Definition : The Islamic Organization (ISESCO) is an international body working within the framework of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, specializing in the fields of education, science, culture and communication.
Article 2 : Headquarters
The Islamic Organization (ISESCO) shall have its headquarters in Rabat, capital city of the Kingdom of Morocco. The Organization may, under a General Conference resolution and upon a proposal from the Executive Council of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO), establish in any other country, centres, offices or institutions which are subsidiary to it or are under its supervision.
Article 3 : Languages
The working languages of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) shall be Arabic, English and French. The three languages shall be equally valid for the interpretation of this Charter. In case of contention, the interpretation supported by two of the three languages, one of which being Arabic, shall prevail. In case this condition is not fulfilled, the original text shall prevail.
Article 4 : Objectives
The objectives of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) include the following:
a) To strengthen and promote cooperation among Member States and consolidate it in the fields of education, science, culture and communication.
b) To develop applied sciences and use advanced technology within the framework of the lofty and perennial Islamic values and ideals.
c) To consolidate understanding among Muslim peoples and contribute to the achievement of world peace and security through various means, particularly through education, science, culture and communication.
d) To consolidate complementarity and to seek to achieve coordination among the specialized institutions of the Organization of the Islamic Conference in the fields of education, science, culture and communication and among the Member States of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) in order to consolidate Islamic solidarity.
e) To make Islamic culture the basis of educational curricula at all levels and stages.
f) To consolidate Islamic culture, protect the independence of Islamic thought against cultural invasion and distortion factors and safeguard the features and distinct characteristics of the Islamic civilization.
g) To safeguard the Islamic identity of Muslims in non-Islamic countries.

Article 5 : Means
To achieve the objectives set out for it, the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) shall use the following means :
a) To work for the worldwide dissemination of Islamic culture and the language of the Holy Qur’an among non-speakers of Arabic by cooperating with ALECSO and the other concerned Islamic organizations and bodies in drawing up plans and extending support to the appropriate projects.
b) To support the organizations concerned with educational, scientific, cultural and communication affairs in order to further the objectives of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO).
c) To support both public and private universities, colleges and institutes specializing in Qur’anic studies, the Arabic language and the Islamic culture, and improve their curricula, textbooks and teaching methods in order to achieve cultural complementarity.
d) To consolidate specialized centres and institutions so as to support the scientific and educational activities of individuals, organizations, benevolent societies or Islamic centres concerned with the dissemination of the Islamic culture and the teaching of the Holy Qur’an and the Arabic language; to encourage and support the efforts of Member States in developing educational, technical and practical training programmes and to encourage Muslim researchers and inventors.
e) To encourage universities in Islamic and non-Islamic countries by helping them create chairs, institutes and departments of Islamic studies and culture and to establish efficient cooperation relations among them.
f) To encourage the research work, studies and training needed for the development and upgrading of education in Islamic countries, and to confer an Islamic character on all aspects of art, culture and civilization.
g) To organize conferences, symposia and seminars and to encourage the establishment of scientific and educational institutes and institutions in cooperation with governments, the OIC and the bodies and organizations operating in the fields of education, science, culture and communication.
Membership and Cooperation with States
Article 6 : Active members
Every full Member State or observer member of the Organization of the Islamic Conference shall become a member of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) upon its approval of the Charter. A State which is not a full member or an observer member of the Organization of the Islamic Conference cannot become a member of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO).
Article 7 : Observer members
Each Member State of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, which is not member of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO), shall immediately enjoy the status of observer member :pof ISESCO upon notifying the Islamic Organization thereof.
Each State which is not member of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, whether it enjoys an observer status therein or not, may become an observer member of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO).
Organizations, bodies and federations
In the latter two cases, an application to this effect shall be submitted to the Director General. The application, together with the opinion of the Executive Council, shall be submitted to the General Conference.
The General Conference shall lay down the observer status regulations and conditions thereof.
Only the Member States of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) shall have the right to vote at the General Conference.
Article 8 : Immunities
The Islamic Organization (ISESCO), its officials, personnel, premises, offices, documents and mail shall enjoy the protection, immunities and privileges enjoyed by the Organization of the Islamic Conference as well as those stipulated by the Headquarters Agreement signed between the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) and the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco.
CHAPTER THREE : Organs of the Organization
Article 9 :
The Islamic Organization (ISESCO) is made up of the following :
a) The General Conference.
b) The Executive Council.
c) The General Directorate.
The General Conference
Article 10 :
1. The General Conference shall be composed of the representatives of the Member States of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO), who shall be appointed by the Governments of Member States.
In selecting representatives, it shall be observed that they be specialized in education, science, culture and communication.
2. Composition of the Conference Bureau :
In each one of its sessions, the General Conference shall elect its President, three Vice-Presidents, one Rapporteur and the Chairmen of the Conference Committees. The Conference Bureau shall also include the Chairman of the Executive Council.
3. Resolutions :
Each State shall be entitled to one vote only. Resolutions shall be adopted by a simple majority of attending and voting members unless otherwise stipulated in Article 20 of the Charter.
4. Meetings of the General Conference :
The General Conference shall meet in a regular session once every three years. It may meet in a special session in accordance with :
- resolution of the General Conference;
- request by the Executive Council of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO);
- request by one-third of the Member States; or
- request by the Director General of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO), endorsed by the approval of at least one-third of Member States.
5. Attendance of the Conference :
The Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, or his representative, shall have the right to attend the General Conference. The institutions emanating from the Organization of the Islamic Conference shall also have the right to attend the meetings of the General Conference, in accordance with the Observer Status Regulations of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO).
Article 11 : Functions of the Conference
The General Conference shall be empowered to :
1- Define the general policy of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO);
2- Adopt the Organization’s action plans, programmes, budget estimates and the projects of their implementation;
3- Discuss the reports and proposals put forward by Member States as well as the recommendations issued by the Executive Council and take appropriate action thereon;
4- Adopt the Rules of Procedure of the General Conference;
5- Amend and adopt the Rules of Procedure of the Conference as well as the Financial Regulations of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) and its Personnel Regulations. The General Conference shall take into account the application of the texts of the regulations in force at the General Secretariat of the Organization of the Islamic Conference;
6- Consider all issues which do not fall within the competence of any other organ of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO);
7- Determine the relations of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) with the Islamic, Arab and international organizations as well as the specialized governmental and non-governmental agencies, in accordance with the provisions of the bilateral agreements concluded to this effect;
8- Discuss and adopt the draft budget and programmes as well as the closing account of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO);
9- Set up ad-hoc committees to carry out specific studies;
10- Elect the Director General of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) for a three-year renewable term. The Rules of Procedure of the General Conference shall determine nomination conditions and selection procedures;
11- Endorse the nomination of the members of the Executive Council of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO), who, in addition to being versed in Islamic affairs, science, education, arts, literature and communication, must have the necessary experience and capability for shouldering the control and implementation tasks lying with the Council.
The Executive Council
Article 12 :
A- Composition of the Council :
1- The Executive Council shall be made up of one representative for each Member State. The President of the General Conference shall have the right to attend, ex-officio, the meetings of the Executive Council on an advisory basis. The Secretary General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, or his representative, shall also have the right to attend the meetings of the Executive Council. The Director General of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO), or his representative, shall attend the meetings of the Council. The Director General shall also invite his assistants and representatives of the external bodies of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) to attend these meetings in order to provide explanations in connection with their fields of competence.
2- In nominating their representatives to the Executive Council, the Member States shall ensure that they are Muslim personalities who are competent in the fields of science, education, arts, literature or communication, and that they have both the necessary experience and capability to perform the control and implementation tasks lying with the Council. Each State shall have the right to change its representative at any time.
B- Functions of the Council :
1- Lay down the internal administrative regulations of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) except for those falling within the competence of the General Conference.
2- Appoint, upon the proposal of the Director General, the Deputy Director General for a three-year term, renewable once. The Rules of Procedure of the Executive Council shall specify the nomination conditions and selection procedures.
3- Prepare the draft agendas of the General Conference sessions upon a proposal by the Director General, consider the action of the Organization and the budget estimates and submit the relevant recommendations to the General Conference.
4- Take, in accordance with the resolutions of the General Conference, all the necessary measures to ensure that the Director General will efficiently implement the programmes of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO).
The General Directorate
Article 13 :
The General Directorate shall be headed by a Director General, elected by the General Conference for a three-year renewable term.
The Rules of Procedure of the General Conference shall determine nomination conditions and selection procedures for this position.
The Director General shall be the head of the administrative setup of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) and shall be accountable to the Executive Council and the General Conference. He shall have direct authority over the entire staff of the General Directorate.
In case of vacancy of the office of Director General as a result of resignation, disablement or any other reason, the normal running of the General Directorate and follow-up to the implementation of programmes shall be entrusted to the Deputy Director General. The General Conference shall then convene within one year at the latest to elect a new Director General.
National Commissions and Bodies operating within the framework of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO)
Article 14 :
1- Member States shall set up National Commissions for Education, Science and Culture in charge of consolidating cooperation relations between the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) and Member States’ ministries, institutions and individuals.
2- Institutions operating in the fields of education, science, culture and communication, whether they bear the name of institution, foundation, centre or otherwise, may become affiliated with the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) by virtue of a resolution of the General Conference of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) or the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers, endorsed with the approval of the constitutive councils and general assemblies of these institutions. The matter shall be submitted to the General Conference of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) to determine the nature of the relationship of the joining institution with the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) and its various bodies.
3- The Islamic Organization (ISESCO) may dispatch a representative to attend the meetings of the general assemblies of these institutions in order to ensure coordination and avoid clashes between their activities and the policy and projects of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO).
4- Member States shall appoint permanent delegates at the Organization according to each State’s means.
Non-governmental institutions
Article 15 :
The Islamic Organization (ISESCO) shall encourage non-governmental institutions and bodies of a popular character to work in the fields of education, science, culture and communication, and shall support their activities.
The Budget
Article 16 :
The budget shall be prepared for three years and shall become effective each year as of January 1st up to the end of December of the same year. It shall be executed after its adoption by the General Conference, in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Regulations of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO).
The Director General shall prepare an annual report on the budget and the closing account, which he shall submit to the Executive Council at its second session after the end of the financial year. The report on the financial year shall include his proposals on the implementation of the budget as well as his observations on the closing account.
Article 17 :
The resources of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) shall include :
1- Contributions of Member States, which shall be determined according to the percentage of each country’s contribution to the budget of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, until the General Conference decides to change them.
2- Resources secured from cooperation agreements concluded between the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) and other parties.
3- Subsidies and donations provided by Member States, non-Member States, institutions, individuals or any other resources. In this case, the Executive Council shall have the right to accept donations made for specific purposes so long as they are not incompatible with the objectives and regulations of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) and provided that they do not have any adverse impact on the performance of its functions. The Council’s decision in that respect should be submitted to the General Conference at its following meeting, supported by all the relevant considerations, for approval or rejection.
Article 18 :
The expenditures of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) shall be incurred for such purposes as the following :
1- Commitments resulting from previous contracts, resolutions or programmes of a binding nature for the Organization.
2- Subsidies and assistance to institutions and organizations under its supervision.
3- Commitments resulting from projects undertaken jointly with governmental or non-governmental partners.
4- Obligations towards permanent and commissioned staff.
The accounts
Article 19 :
The Director General shall, under the supervision of the Executive Council, prepare the closing account and submit it to the General Conference in its regular session. The Council shall apoint a Financial Control Committee made up of representatives from five Member States, for a three-year period and on a rotational basis, to audit the accounts of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO).
The Financial Control Committee shall have the right to examine all the relevant books and records and to request the Executive Council, the Director General or the officials of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) to provide any information it deems necessary for the performance of its duties. Accounts shall be audited by the Financial Control Committee on an annual basis so as to verify the accuracy of the budget and the accounts.
The Financial Control Committee shall submit its report to the Director General who shall refer it to the Executive Council with his observations thereon. The Executive Council shall submit the report to the General Conference at its following session. The General Conference shall have the right to seek explanations from the Financial Control Committee.
Final Provisions
Article 20 : Amendments
1- The amendments proposed to this Charter shall become effective as soon as they are approved by a two-thirds majority of the General Conference. However, amendments resulting in basic changes in the objectives of the Islamic Organization (ISESCO) or in new obligations for Member States, must be further approved by two-thirds of the Member States before they may become effective. The Director General shall communicate the text of draft amendments to Member States at least six months before the text is to be submitted to the General Conference.
2- The General Conference shall have the right to adopt, through a two-thirds majority vote, the necessary regulations for the enforcement of the provisions of this Article.
Article 21 :
This Charter shall be kept in the archives of the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco. An original copy of this Charter shall be deposited at the General Directorate of the Islamic Organization, wherein it shall remain open for signature. New memberships shall become effective as soon as they occur in accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of this Charter.
Article 22 : Arbitration
Any contention or dispute on the interpretation of this Charter shall be referred to an Islamic arbitration body to be set up by the General Conference.

Seria buena idea, los que tienen escolares en casa ver si tienen libros de esa organización.(O si los leen en clases)
Como es demasiado largo no lo traduzco pero lo pueden pasar (o bien lo subrayado) por el google translation.
Pero ahora se van dando cuenta de como ha funcionado todo? cómo ha ido escalando? centros de estudio, festivales, colegios mezquitas etc etc etc
Pero hay más. la entrada de todos ellos a europa, la censura, etc etc, ya lo iremos poniendo todo pero repito: todo esto a base del petroleo y los acuerdos que han hecho los paises europeos con los paises arabes.
Luego como se ha ido expandiendo y ellos son más y más ahora pueden realizar su meta final: el califato que nunca han ocultado sea su meta.
Repito algunas cosas y pongo "lo viejo" porque es el principio, luego se han ido agregando rectificaciones/enmiendas?? todo el tiempo pero no las pongo porque no diran nada si no sabemos ésto primero.
Todo muy lindo y muy democrático, estamos atados de pies a cabeza, una dictadura total.
Y todo éso la gran mayoria de la gente no lo sabe, por eso siguen hablando de "humanismo" huyen de la guerra,etc etc y no entendemos porqué se ponen demandas a cada 2 por 3 pero nunca a la otra parte. Pero hay mas todavia que no he puesto de momento.

Inmigración musulmana gratuita a Europa
Acuerdos secretos de la Unión Europea con 10 países europeos y del norte de África
Resumen de la Declaración de Barcelona - Euro Mediterráneo de 1995:

La UE, Marruecos, Argelia, Túnez, Egipto, Jordania, la Autoridad Palestina, Siria, el Líbano, Turquía e Israel acordaron la Declaración del Mediterráneo Europeo, que comprende:
Asociación política integral, entre otras cosas sobre:
Establecimiento de un área de libre comercio e integración económica para comenzar en el año de 2010
Considerablemente más dinero para los socios
Asociación cultural.
El respeto por el Islam está garantizado por la UE
El multiculturalismo debe ser respetado para promover la tolerancia entre los diferentes grupos étnicos en la sociedad. Se destaca la importancia de una campaña común resuelta contra el racismo, la xenofobia y la intolerancia. (agregado en enero de 2008 !!! Link: )
La estrecha influencia mutua entre los europeos y los musulmanes en la radio, la televisión, los periódicos y las revistas debe generar una comprensión cultural. La UE promoverá activamente tales influencias mutuas. El intercambio de jóvenes es uno de los instrumentos de cooperación entre las futuras generaciones de euromediterráneos. Declaración de Barcelona adoptada en la Conferencia Euromediterránea [27-28 / 11/95]
La UE ofrece a las poblaciones de 9 países musulmanes la libre circulación de bienes, servicios, capitales y personas en la UE.

En cambio a cambios políticos y económicos concretos, la UE ofrece integración en el mercado interno ampliado de la UE y la posibilidad de obtener libre circulación de mercancías, servicios, dinero y personas.
Se han celebrado acuerdos de asociación con todos los países socios, excepto Siria (resumen de la cuenta del 28.11.2003 de la Conferencia de Ministros de Asuntos Exteriores euromediterráneos celebrada en Nápoles el 2.-3.12.2003 !!).
Las negociaciones sobre la entrada de la UE turca comenzaron en 2005.

Nota: ¡La cuenta fue publicada por la comisión de la UE 6 días antes de la Conferencia de Ministros de Asuntos Exteriores!
Entonces, ¿quién gobierna la UE? Lea la cuenta aquí: VI Conferencia de Ministros de Asuntos Exteriores Euromediterráneos, Nápoles, 2-3 de diciembre de 2003 Link:

Tres semanas después del ataque terrorista en 2001 en el Centro de la WTO en Nueva York, la UE se arrodilló ante el Islam, y el Proyecto Euro Mediterráneo ahora se utiliza como un pararrayos.
"Los ministros rechazaron como peligrosos e infundados cualquier conexión entre el terror y el mundo árabe y musulmán. En este contexto, todos destacaron la importancia del Proceso de Barcelona como un instrumento adecuado y reconocido para promover el diálogo entre socios y civilizaciones en pie de igualdad.
Los ministros acordaron trabajar en profundizar el diálogo continuo entre las culturas y las civilizaciones, especialmente queriendo dirigir la atención hacia los jóvenes, la educación y los medios ".
Cuenta desde la 5.-6.10.2001- Euro Mediterranean Foreign Conference en Bruselas
La Unión Europea y el Consejo Europeo quieren eliminar nuestra antigua identidad

"La política cultural debe evitar la distinción popular entre 'ellos' y 'nosotros', incluso mencionar 'el otro', ya que abre la puerta para imponer la identidad colectiva sobre el individuo . (hasta han puesto ya los puntos de lo que se debe de decir o no :hungover:)
Y la UE y diversas organizaciones han establecido acuerdos de cooperación con la Organización Islámica para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura, cuyo objetivo -de acuerdo con el artículo 5a de su carta orgánica- es difundir las formas de pensar y vivir musulmana en todo el mundo. Carta de la Organización Islámica para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura - ISESCO (explicado con articulo en mi ensaje Nr:4 mas arriba )

El Proyecto Euromediterráneo es un gran paso hacia el Estado único mundial

"Cuando las democracias continentales ilimitadas y las asambleas de cooperación son posibles, la democracia mundial está a la vuelta de la esquina"
Nuestros políticos creen que nuestro objetivo y el del Islam (es decir, el objetivo del "Santo" Corán) es el mismo.

"Nuestra obligación con los valores que más significan para nosotros, la libertad, la tolerancia y la justicia, se ha vuelto aún más fuerte y profunda desde las bombas de Londres. También lo ha hecho nuestra relación con el mundo islámico, que también comparte nuestros ideales comunes ". dicho por (Margaret Beckett, Secretaria de Estado de Relaciones Exteriores del Reino Unido en el periódico danés Jyllands-Posten el 7 de julio de 2006) :confused:

Nuestros medios son administrados por las altas autoridades y mantienen el silencio total en el proyecto Euro mediterráneo

"La libertad de expresión es fundamental para los valores y las tradiciones de Europa. Pero su preservación depende de comportamientos responsables por parte de las personas.
Por extensión, no creemos que los medios de comunicación deban estar regulados desde afuera, sino que ellos mismos encuentren formas de regularse.
Al considerar la cuestión de la autorregulación, también les pido que piensen en la necesidad de monitorear desde sus propios cuerpos profesionales.
Estoy convencida de que tendrá un impacto significativo." (andaa si no lo vemos ya :muted:)
dicho por: (Benita Ferrero Waldner, Comisaria europea de Relaciones Exteriores y Política Europea de Vecindad a representantes de medios seleccionados de toda Europa)

"Identificaremos un núcleo de periodistas y analistas para desarrollar un sistema estructurado y sostenible de intercambio de información y publicación centrado en la comprensión Norte-Sur ".:muted: link:
y hay más:
aquí tenéis las declaraciones de un alto cargo de la creme de la creme entre la oligarquía transnacional, Peter Sutherland, por supuesto miembro Bilderberg, la Comision Trilateral, la mesa redonda de industriales europeos, Goldman-Sachs, ci mancherebbe altro!, etc, etc...jefe de la ONU sobre políticas de migración, en 2009, muuuuucho antes de la guerra OTAN a Libia y Siria (ISIS como los mujahedeenes, ejecutores de altos intereses geoestrategicos) dice que a Europa lo que le hace falta es...refugiados/inmigrantes!!!

Europe needs a new driving force - Peter Sutherland



The EU should "do its best to undermine" the "homogeneity" of its member states, the UN's special representative for migration has said.

Peter Sutherland told peers the future prosperity of many EU states depended on them becoming multicultural.
"So far, only the ancient Romans achieved this: The Union for the Mediterranean is created."
Nicolas Sarkozy:
"We will make the Mediterranean basin an area of peace and will build it up as we have built up the European Union"

"The EU will cover the whole Mediterranean region including North Africa and the Middle East."

y hay más:
aquí tenéis las declaraciones de un alto cargo de la creme de la creme entre la oligarquía transnacional, Peter Sutherland, por supuesto miembro Bilderberg, la Comision Trilateral, la mesa redonda de industriales europeos, Goldman-Sachs, ci mancherebbe altro!, etc, etc...jefe de la ONU sobre políticas de migración, en 2009, muuuuucho antes de la guerra OTAN a Libia y Siria (ISIS como los mujahedeenes, ejecutores de altos intereses geoestrategicos) dice que a Europa lo que le hace falta es...refugiados/inmigrantes!!!

Europe needs a new driving force - Peter Sutherland



The EU should "do its best to undermine" the "homogeneity" of its member states, the UN's special representative for migration has said.

Peter Sutherland told peers the future prosperity of many EU states depended on them becoming multicultural.

Si, ya lo lei, gracias por traerlo.
El mundo se ha vuelto loco, pero loco, yo no sé que toman alli en esas reuniones :eek:
Otro dijo (no encuentro el link ahora) que todo el proyecto tenia que ir rápido, más rápido , cuando lo encuentre lo pongo. Y otro dijo que no quedaria ni un solo pais en el mundo que no sea multicultural.
