Ay Pato! Qué bien escribes y explicas! Ojalá pudiera hacerlo yo como tú.
Por eso no escribo mucho en el foro ya que me explico fatal y dispongo de tiempo para un escrito sosegado y extenso.
Eso también lo pienso. Es tremenda la agenda que tienen preparada los poderosos, los dueños del capital, y que van aplicando poco a poco, a través de múltiples canales, algunos muy disimulados.
Lo peor es que se va extendiendo cada vez más y aceptándose como algo normal y bueno para todos. Somos títeres.
Ay Pato! Qué bien escribes y explicas! Ojalá pudiera hacerlo yo como tú.
Por eso no escribo mucho en el foro ya que me explico fatal y dispongo de tiempo para un escrito sosegado y extenso.
Eso también lo pienso. Es tremenda la agenda que tienen preparada los poderosos, los dueños del capital, y que van aplicando poco a poco, a través de múltiples canales, algunos muy disimulados.
Lo peor es que se va extendiendo cada vez más y aceptándose como algo normal y bueno para todos. Somos títeres.

Gracias, marage, puedes explicarte perfectamente bien, ya te he leìdo otras veces. A menudo, redactar mejor o peor un post depende solo del tiempo que se tenga, y hay dìas que estamos màs en vena que otros, nos sucede a todos.

Sì,la agenda es tremenda, y, como vemos, cada dìa hay màs gente que la interioriza. Si a sabiendas o no, lo ignoro, pero se ve, cada dìa màs.
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gracias por el artículo, muy bien escrito (y)(y), @Hatshepsut. estoy de acuerdo con pato laqueado.
también en que:
Y es lo que veo, una vez màs, en este artìculo, que no va al fondo del problema, que, al menos para mì, cada dìa està màs claro: unas elites globalizadoras, cuyo interès està, en efecto, en "liberalizar" todo, en abatir fronteras, lìmites, en igualar legislaciones, en uniformar todo, etc etc., para poder asì penetrar en todas partes impunemente, contra aquellos que todavìa tienen, o tenemos, conciencia de ser una naciòn, con unas instituciones, unos logros, mayores o menores, que ha costado mucho conseguir, y unos intereses que salvaguardar.

la mafia de las élites :wtf::banghead: ha tenido mucho, muchiiiisimo tiempo para perfeccionar las técnicas de ingeniería social, no se caen de un guindo, no, ni mucho menos y trabajan más fino de lo que nos pudiera parecer a primera vista.

entre las guerras híbridas, el adoctrinamiento escolar, la propaganda de los mass-media, utilizan con gran habilidad también la técnica de la "oposición controlada". saben que, cómo decía Lenin ;), la mejor oposición para el poder es la que está infiltrada y guiada por el poder mismo ;)

así fue lo de Occupy Wall Street:

Soros Fingerprints on "Occupy Wall Street" | The Soros Files
Big Soros Money Linked to Occupy Wall Street
Is George Soros behind Occupy Wall Street? — RT America

muy parecido lo del 11-M español:

Las empresas de Wall Street están detrás del 15M y de los indignados
Conexión Aecid: La Trama Que Desmonta Los Mitos Del 15m Y De Podemos

este análisis de menos de 20 minutos nos pone claro clarito en el contexto histórico de dicha técnica, repasando los métodos y casos conocidos de los últimos más de 70 años. de escucha muy muy recomendada:

Foundations of Social Engineering with Andrew Gavin Marshall
ya son dos: después del Patriarca del Deep Estate como lo conocemos hoy en día, David Rockefeller que anunciaron "murió" el pasado 22 de marzo, a los 101 años, hoy a muerto su cardinal gris, Zbiggie Brzezhinski:

Muere Zbigniew Brzezinski, exconsejero del expresidente de EE UU Jimmy Carter
El politólogo estadounidense ha fallecido a los 89 años en Falls Church (Virginia)

Washington 27 MAY 2017 - 06:02 CEST

Zbigniew Brzezinski en una rueda de prensa en 2012. EFE

Zbigniew Brzezinski, un estratega de línea dura durante la Guerra Fría y exconsejero de Seguridad Nacional del expresidente estadounidense Jimmy Carter, falleció a los 89 años de edad, informó este viernes su familia.

"Mi padre falleció plácidamente esta noche", indicó la periodista de NBC Mika Brzezinski en su cuenta de Instagram.

"Fue conocido por sus amigos como Zbig, por sus nietos como Jefe y por su esposa como el verdadero amor de su vida. Yo lo conocía como el más inspirador, amoroso y dedicado padre que cualquier chica pudiera tener", escribió.

De origen polaco, Zbigniew Brzezinski fue consejero de Seguridad nacional de Carter durante la llamada crisis de los rehenes en Irán.

Nominalmente un militante demócrata, fue muy conservador en temas de seguridad.

Falleció en Falls Church, Virginia, subrayó su familia.
The Real Story of Zbigniew Brzezinski That the Media Isn’t Telling
By Darius Shahtahmasebi
Global Research, June 02, 2017


Zbigniew Brzezinski, former national security advisor to President Jimmy Carter, died Friday at a hospital in Virginia at the age of 89. Though the New York Times acknowledged that the former government advisor was a “hawkish strategic theorist,” misrepresenting his legacy as one of otherwise infinite positivity may not be as easy as the establishment might like to think.

As the United Kingdom plays around with levels of the so-called “terror threat” following a devastating attack by an ISIS-inspired individual — and as the Philippines goes into an almost complete state of martial law following ISIS-inspired destruction — Brzezinski’s timely death serves as a reminder to seek a deeper understanding of where modern terrorism originated in the first place.
As the New York Times explains, Brzezinski’s “rigid hatred of the Soviet Union” guided much of America’s foreign policy “for better or worse.” From the Times:
“He supported billions in military aid for Islamic militants fighting invading Soviet troops in Afghanistan. He tacitly encouraged China to continue backing the murderous regime of Pol Pot in Cambodia, lest the Soviet-backed Vietnamese take over that country.” [emphasis added]
While it is progressive of the New York Times to note Brzezinski’s support for Islamic militants, downplaying the effect of his vindictive foreign policy agenda with a mere sentence does an injustice to the true horror behind Brzezinski’s policies.
Because a 1973 coup in Afghanistan had installed a new secular government that was leaning towards the Soviets, the U.S. endeavored to undermine this new government by organizing multiple coup attempts through America’s lackey states, Pakistan and Iran (the latter was under the control of the U.S.-backed Shah at the time.) In July 1979, Brzezinski officially authorized aid to the mujahideen rebels in Afghanistan to be delivered through the CIA’s program “Operation Cyclone.”

President Reagan and Mujahideen leaders from Afghanistan

Many people defend America’s decision to arm the mujahideen in Afghanistan because they believe it was necessary to defend the country and the wider region from Soviet aggression. However, Brzesinski’s own statements directly contradict this rationale. In a 1998 interview, Brzezinski admittedthat in conducting this operation, the Carter administration had “knowingly increased the probability” that the Soviets would intervene militarily (suggesting they began arming the Islamist factions before the Soviets invaded, making the rationale redundant since there was no invasion Afghanistan freedom fighters needed to repel at the time). Brzezinski then stated:
“Regret what? That secret operation was an excellent idea. It had the effect of drawing the Russians into the Afghan trap and you want me to regret it? The day that the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote to President Carter: We now have the opportunity of giving to the USSR its Vietnam war.”
This statement went further than merely boasting at the instigation of war and the ultimate collapse of the Soviet Union. In his memoir, entitled “From the Shadows,” Robert Gates — former CIA director under Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush and secretary of defense under both George W. Bushand Barack Obama — directly confirmed this covert operation began six months prior to the Soviet invasion with the actual intention of luring the Soviets into a Vietnam-style quagmire.

Brzezinski knew exactly what he was doing. The Soviets were then bogged down in Afghanistan for approximately ten years, fighting an endless supply of American-supplied weapons and trained fighters. At the time, the media even went so far as to laud Osama bin Laden — one of the most influential figures in Brzezinski’s covert operation. We all know how that story ended.
Even with full knowledge of what his CIA-funded creation had become, in 1998 Brzezinski stated the following to his interviewers:
“What is most important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Moslems or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?”
The interviewer at the time, refusing to allow this answer to pass, retorted:
“Some stirred-up Moslems? But it has been said and repeated: Islamic fundamentalism represents a world menace today.”
Brzezinski dismissed this statement outright, replying:
This occurred back when the journalists asked government officials pressing questions, a rare occurrence today.
Brzezinski’s support for these radical elements led directly to the formation of al-Qaeda, which literally translates to “the base,” as it was the base in which to launch the repulsion of the anticipated Soviet invasion. It also led to the creation of the Taliban, a deadly entity currently deadlocked in an endless battle with NATO forces.
Further, despite Brzezinski’s statements, which attempt to depict a lasting defeat of the Russian empire, the truth is that for Brzezinski, the cold war never ended. Though he was a
critic of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Brzezinski’s stranglehold over American foreign policy continued right up until his death.
It is no coincidence that in Syria, the Obama administration deployed an Afghanistan-quagmire-type strategy toward another Russian ally — Assad in Syria. A cable leaked by Wikileaks dated December 2006 — authored by William Roebuck, who was chargé d’affaires at the US embassy in Damascus at the time — stated:
“We believe Bashar’s weaknesses are in how he chooses to react to looming issues, both perceived and real, such as the conflict between economic reform steps (however limited) and entrenched, corrupt forces, the Kurdish question, and the potential threat to the regime from the increasing presence of transiting Islamist extremists. This cable summarizes our assessment of these vulnerabilities and suggests that there may be actions, statements, and signals that the USG can send that will improve the likelihood of such opportunities arising.” [emphasis added]
Much like Operation Cyclone, under Barack Obama, the CIA was spending approximately $1 billion a year training Syrian rebels (to engage in terrorist tactics, nonetheless). The majority of these rebels share ISIS’ core ideology and have the express aim of establishing Sharia law in Syria.
Just like in Afghanistan, the Syrian war formally drew in Russia in 2015, and Brzezinski’s legacy was kept alive through Obama’s direct warning to Russia’s Vladimir Putin that he was leading Russia into another Afghanistan-style quagmire.
So where might Obama have gotten this Brzezinski-authored playbook from, plunging Syria further into a horrifying six-year-long war that has, again, drawn in a major nuclear power in a conflict rife with war crimes and crimes against humanity?
The answer: from Brzezinski himself.
According to Obama, Brzezinski is a personal mentor of his, an “outstanding friend” from whom he has learned immensely. In light of this knowledge, is it any surprise that we saw so many conflicts erupt out of nowhere during Obama’s presidency?
On February 7, 2014, the BBC published a transcript of a bugged phone conversation between Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt. In that phone call, the representatives were discussing who they wanted to place in the Ukrainian government following a coup that ousted Russian-aligned president Viktor Yanukovych.


Lo and behold, Brzezinski himself advocated taking over Ukraine in his 1998 book, The Grand Chessboard, stating Ukraine was
“a new and important space on the Eurasian chessboard…a geopolitical pivot because its very existence as an independent country (means) Russia ceases to be a Eurasian empire.”
Brzezinski warned against allowing Russia to control Ukraine because
“Russia automatically again regains the wherewithal to become a powerful imperial state, spanning Europe and Asia.”
Following Obama, Donald Trump came into office with a completely different mentality, willing to work with Russia and the Syrian government in combatting ISIS. Unsurprisingly, Brzezinski did not support Trump’s bid for the presidency and believed Trump’s foreign policy ideas lacked coherence.
All that being said, just last year Brzezinski appeared to have changed his stance on global affairs and instead began to advocate a “global realignment” — a redistribution of global power — in light of the fact that the U.S. is no longer the global imperial power it once was. However, he still seemed to indicate that without America’s global leadership role, the result would be “global chaos,” so it seemed unlikely his change in perception was rooted in any actual meaningful change on the geopolitical chessboard.
Further, the CIA’s very existence relies on the idea of a Russian threat, as has been evidenced by the agency’s complete assault on the Trump administration whenever it appears détente is possible with the former Soviet Union.
Brzezinski died safely in a hospital bed, unlike the millions of displaced and murdered civilians who were pawns in Brzezinski’s twisted, geopolitical chess games of blood and lunacy. His legacy is one of militant jihadism, the formation of al-Qaeda, the most devastating attack on U.S. soil by a foreign entity in our recent history, and the complete denigration of Russia as an everlasting adversary with which peace cannot — and should not — ever be attained.

Who is George Soros? And why should you care?

Are there forces behind the weakening of the moral fabric of America. Is the atheist billionaire that funded Clinton and Obama working on changing the rules of the game so that refugees flood Europe and then the rest of the West via his Open Society plans?

The transgender movement, euthanasia, open borders, and more are all part of the plan of the Soros Foundation network to fundamentally transform America.

“This video is excellent! If you wonder why American culture has experienced such rapid moral decline, the video will be eye-opening and deeply troubling, but then it rightly ends in a call to responsible action.”

Dr. Wayne Grudem, Phoenix Seminary

Boost this video to reach up to 1000 people
Published: April 23, 2017


Sinopsis: Todo moderno Estado-nación cuenta con una narración de sus orígenes, transmitida tanto por la cultura oficial como por la popular; entre tales historias nacionales, sin embargo, pocas han sido tan escandalosas y controvertidas como lo es el mito nacional israelí. El muy conocido relato de la diáspora judía del siglo I d.C. y la reivindicación de una continuidad cultural y racial del pueblo judío hasta el día de hoy, resuenan más allá de las fronteras de Israel. Pese a su abusivo empleo para justificar el asentamiento de judíos en Palestina y el proyecto del Gran Israel, se han realizado muy pocas investigaciones académicas sobre su exactitud histórica. En este valiente y apasionado libro, Shlomo Sand demuestra que el mito nacional de Israel hunde sus orígenes en el siglo XIX, no en los tiempos bíblicos en los que muchos historiadores –judíos y no judíos– reconstruyeron un pueblo imaginado con la finalidad de modelar una futura nación. Sand disecciona con la minuciosidad de un forense la historia oficial y desvela la construcción del mito nacionalista y la consiguiente mistificación colectiva.

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