Navidad 2019 familia real britànica - Actos y Festividades

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La prensa tambien se ha dado cuenta de lo rara que parece la foto:

Was Meghan Markle's face PHOTOSHOPPED onto Christmas e-card? Experts say Duchess of Sussex's face appears weirdly in focus in Archie snap while Prince Harry is blurry
  • Meghan's face appears significantly more in focus than that of Prince Harry
  • This is despite the couple both being roughly the same distance behind Archie
  • Research by MailOnline's picture desk flattened out shadows on Meghan's face

PUBLISHED: 12:00 GMT, 24 December 2019 | UPDATED: 16:32 GMT, 24 December 2019

The Duchess of Sussex's face has been Photoshopped onto the family's Christmas card, it was claimed today.

Meghan's face appears significantly more in focus than that of Prince Harry in the picture, despite them both being roughly the same distance behind Archie.

Social media was abuzz overnight with people discussing whether the photo had been edited, with one saying: 'Check out Meghan's face, it is Photoshopped. Her face is clear and everything else is blurred. Archie's is also photo shopped.'

Another tweeted: 'This is quite possibly the worst Photoshopped picture I have ever seen. And again with the black and white.'

ORIGINAL PICTURE -- This photo was issued by @SussexRoyal of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's Christmas card. Meghan's face appears significantly more in focus than that of Prince Harry in the card picture, despite them both being roughly the same distance behind Archie

The black and white festive image shows Harry and Meghan sitting by a Christmas tree smiling as the seven-month-old gazes into the camera in the foreground.
Following the comments on Twitter, MailOnline's picture desk flattened out the shadows on Meghan's face, which appears to show it was later added onto her body.

One possible reason is that the image of her face was taken in another similar photograph in the same shoot, and then added onto the picture they released.
MailOnline also spoke to Max Cisotti, a photographer since 1991 who has owned various celebrity selling agencies, who said: 'Something's not right.
'It's all to do with focal plane. Harry and Meghan are parallel, so if one is in focus, the other would be. They are side by side - it's not like he's further forward.

EDITED IMAGE -- Research by MailOnline's picture desk, which flattened out the shadows on Meghan's face, appears to show it was later added onto her body
'Her face (might have) been Photoshopped from another picture onto that. There are two lights on the baby's face - in his left pupil there are two white reflections.
'Then we look at the shadow on Meghan. Her left, you can't really see the hairline and all that. All you can see is her face. So one of two things has potentially happened.
'One, they deliberately out-of-focused everything, and then have just gone in and enhanced the detail just on her face - which would seem peculiar.
'I would suggest her face has been Photoshopped from another picture, otherwise it would be out of focus. They are so far behind, everything else is out of focus.







'So her face has either been superimposed or enhanced considerably. You cannot change the laws of physics, no matter who you are.'
The card was not officially released through any official royal channels, and first appeared on an unverified Twitter account called The Queen's Commonwealth Trust.
Initially shared as a moving Gif image, with the lights on the tree twinkling, the account said: 'Just sharing the sweetest Christmas Card from our President and Vice-President, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Very Merry Christmas, everyone!'



It is believed that copies of the image, taken by the couple's friend Janina Gavankar, were emailed to friends and staff on Monday and hard copies sent to family.
A spokesman for the Sussexes has confirmed the card's authenticity. Harry and Meghan are currently spending a six-week break over the festive period in Canada.
The duchess, a former actress, lived and worked in Toronto during her time starring in the popular US drama Suits.

Esta foto es lo que sigue de terrible ??‍♀️
George y Charlotte no han de tener ánimos para estar allí ...por Dios si es la mañana de Navidad!!
acaban de abrir sus regalos y han querido jugar, tal vez ni siquiera hubo tiempo para abrirlos; les han levantado temprano y a poner buena cara y saludar con ganas.... lo único que querrán es irse a casa a ser lo que son... simplemente niños!! Bendita infancia, cuando todo es mágico y absolutamente nada es imposible!!
Hay casas en las que los regalos se abren justo antes ó después de comer. Se levantan, van a misa, visitan ó reciben a amigos y a familiares que no pasarán la navidad con ellos y se come tarde. No es como es España, que se levantan e inmediatamente abren los regalos. Es la parte Calvinista de los protestantes, deber antes de placer.
Definitavamente Kate y su hijita fueron las protagonistas de este royal summit. A puro glamour.
Muy guapos los Cambridge.
Todos muy disciplinados. La Queen of Queens primero, los Gales después, los Cambridge...y así siguuendo el protocolo a rajatablas.
Dan buena imagen.
Isabel es una mujer muy afortunada. Lleva la monarquía en sus venas. Creo que siente mas apego y cariño a su investidura y obligación real que a su familia. Y ha podido ver no solo a su hijo mayor y heredero sino a tres generaciones de herederos. No es común ésto. Algo parecido le pasó a su tatarabuela, la otra Queen, Victoria.
Hay casas en las que los regalos se abren justo antes ó después de comer. Se levantan, van a misa, visitan ó reciben a amigos y a familiares que no pasarán la navidad con ellos y se come tarde. No es como es España, que se levantan e inmediatamente abren los regalos. Es la parte Calvinista de los protestantes, deber antes de placer.
Acá (Chile) es así, con el calor que hace, es raro que los niñ@s se duerman temprano, se espera hasta las 12:00, para el abrazo navideño, la entrega y apertura de regalos, aunque sé de familias que esperan para abrir los regalos la mañana de Navidad y en particular, por lo que se ha comentado, la familia real británica lo hace por la mañana.
Acá (Chile) es así, con el calor que hace, es raro que los niñ@s se duerman temprano, se espera hasta las 12:00, para el abrazo navideño, la entrega y apertura de regalos, aunque sé de familias que esperan para abrir los regalos la mañana de Navidad y en particular, por lo que se ha comentado, la familia real británica lo hace por la mañana.
Me auto cito para aclarar que entendí mal :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: , @MarthaG acabo de releer y entiendo que a comer te refieres con el almuerzo de Navidad? Acá cenamos en la Nochebuena tipo 21:00, y en la mayoría de las familias, los niños esperan despiertos hasta las 12:00 para abrir sus regalos
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