Duques de Sussex: Opiniones en su contra.

Si algo me enoja a tal grado de ponerme a insultar , denostar , inventar entonces hago un alto y veo que es lo que yo traigo adentro y que estoy proyectando .

Esa es la actitud correcta !!! Reflexionar sobre por que algo externo y bien alejado de nuestra realidad , nos mueve internamente creando emociones y trabajarlo . Atacar a otros en defensa de esa emocion vana , involucrarse emocionalmente y sentir apego por personas que no son de nuestro entorno inmediato es un detonante al que se debe prestar atencion . Buscando ayuda si no lo pueden resolver solos .

Insultar , agredir y acosar a los que no piensan igual no es lo correcto ni sano.
Meghan Markle, Prince Harry Reportedly Booed ( abuchados )At This Event; Duchess Blamed https://www.ibtimes.com/meghan-markle-prince-harry-reportedly-booed-event-duchess-blamed-2754574

Evidentemente y se oía claramente, por supuesto, en tono algo.más bajo. Y así, lo comentaron hasta en ‘ loosing women’, y mucha gente lo oía directamente.
Harry puso cara de abatido, ya ni dismulaba demasiado.



Última edición:
Abucheada en Albert Hall.
Hasta lo confirmaron en TV.

Los medios lo interpretaron, como abucheo a Ducchess of SusSEX.

Internacional Buisiness Tiems.


Y respecto a el teatro con el “ Bump” ..( actitud).ha salido hasta en China.
Se preguntan, si esta intencionado ...el show ..:LOL::ROFLMAO:


A mi la actitud del video en concreto me parece de ridicula. Porque el abrigo te puede molestar, te lo apartas bueno... pero lo de levantarte y apoyar las manos en la tripa sonriente como diciendo: hola, estoy aqui y sí estoy embarazada.
Es un poco patetica, parece la unica mujer embarazada del mundo, vamos, no veo a Kate comportandose asi

Meghan false pregnancy? Netizens discovered 'evidence' & were 'stripped' by unusual shocking points

Meghan Markle Gets Booed at Royal Albert Hall
En este se oye el abucheo a Meghan
Anexo los comentarios, todos estan al tanto del abucheo y lo comentan , no es la primera vez que abuchean a Meghan segun los comentaristas ... :confused::confused:

Lily_LillyHace 2 días
Harry has lost everything - he has gone from the most popular royal to this... being booed. I live in the UK and understand the sentiments behind the booing. We are suffering under austerity policies - our hospitals are on the brink of collapse, homelessness and food bank use is soaring, etc - and Meghan’s spending has been insensitive and outrageous. She reminds me of Marie Antoinette.
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make someone smileHace 2 días
Looks like her brother and sister were right. They tried warning Harry. Remember that open letter Meghan's brother penned to Harry before the wedding? Everything he said Meghan would do and become, is happening. I think the media, who portrayed her family as jealous crazy liars, owes them an apology because they were telling the truth about Meghan all along. Who knows a person better than the people that raised her? Doria didn't raise her. Doria was a deadbeat mom. Her father and sister Samantha raised Megan - and she shows her appreciation by treating them like garbage. What does that say about Meghan, the so-called humanitarian who preaches kindness all the time.
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MY GoddessHace 1 día
Harry seems to want to escape from his body language... he’s leaning so far from her when standing. People have lost their respect and love for him that Diana had worked so hard to built.

Jennifer HelouHace 1 día
Well there were aristocrats in that room when they got booed. They are not popular with commonwealth nations. MM's spending is not impressive. That is so uncomfortable when seeing the video that MM still smiling. As if she doesn't care at all. Harry looks very upset.

moonsaballoon1Hace 1 día
Harry made that face after he offered out his hand to Meagain..Instead of just placing/resting her hand in his, she grabbed it and in such a controlling manner she put her arm over the top of his !...This is such a dominant tell..She said thankyou..wt*.. Then he looked up and closed his eyes for quite a few seconds before looking down..Not once did he look at her !...she looked so smug after the hand grab, like gotcha . I'd love to know what he was thinking at that moment...Something like 'WTF have I done ... Beam me up Scottie'... Poor Harry
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RalucaHace 2 días
Harry used to be the most popular royal, now is being booed in public. Oh my, what a disaster! He's massively controller by her. He is blind, his brother has tried to warn him but he didn't listen. He give her his hand but look at his facial expression, he's like a little boy, he does what he's told. People doesn't like them anymore in light of all the scandals , the saga with the tantrums over tiara, a lot of their staff have quit over bad treatment, her bodyguard has walk out. It was in the papers that she has spent on her wardrobe double the amount of what Kate has spent. And now going out in public for a 4 hours lunch with a young male staffer, behind his back. He has become the butt of all jokes but what Meghan wants, Meghan gets!
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Kathleen TootellHace 1 día
I think he wants out that’s my gut seeing his face and behavior at this event - she’s a boat anchor dragging him under

Naomi BaldwinHace 2 días
She didn’t miss a beat. No change of expression after being booed in such a high profile venue.

Tisk LalaHace 1 día
It looks like the honeymoon is over for Harry.

M BHace 1 día
The monarchy does not make any sense in 2019. They should be rendered regular members of the public. The royal properties should be converted to hospitals and schools.

Laura AycockHace 1 día
Going to take a whole lot more than an etiquette class this is psychiatric and behavioral. Not so easily solved if it can be solved so easily. Very deep and complex.

Kathleen TootellHace 1 día
I think they’re turned against her - her days are numbered in that family

MoiNatureHace 1 día
On another outing Meghan was photographed next to a regular woman also about 6 month pregnant and it was chocking and so obvious that she is carrying nothing but a fake belly. Absolutely obvious.

Annie: LewisHace 2 días
There is going to be a lots more booing if Meghan doesn't get her acting together for the RF and follow rules and stop wasting the UK tax payer's money on clothes. Harry needs an outlet she's not giving him any breathing room. Thanks for this informative reading.

NICOLE FORDHace 2 días
They booed her loudly!

Laura AycockHace 1 día
Harry will have a terrible emotionally breakdown....he is captive.

NICOLE FORDHace 2 días
Poor Duke Harry. I hate he married someone like her. He doesn’t seem as happy as he was before marrying her. I want him to get out of that type of manipulating marriage.

Amanda BarkerHace 2 días
I don't think Harry is being booed - it is Meghan they are heckling. Harry is looking more and more miserable every time he is in public. Harry has made mistakes in his past but some of the UK public do not like Meghan and are showing it here. I would imagine there were some very stern words from the queen to the Sussex's along the lines of 'we don't get booed; this mustn't happen again, buck your ideas up'.
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Marie Theresa HughesHace 1 día (editado)
The British people will 'not' tolerate !!!! Treating you staff badly!!!!! And holding on to her square bump!!! And wearing £6,000 dress?
A mi la actitud del video en concreto me parece de ridicula. Porque el abrigo te puede molestar, te lo apartas bueno... pero lo de levantarte y apoyar las manos en la tripa sonriente como diciendo: hola, estoy aqui y sí estoy embarazada.
Es un poco patetica, parece la unica mujer embarazada del mundo, vamos, no veo a Kate comportandose asi
Exactamente los abucheos fueron a M.M. segun los comentarios en todos lados ademas dicen que no es la primera vez que la abuchean ... sigue la interminable novela :cool:
Yo considero que Youtube no es una fuente confiable. Hay videos de todo tipo; cualquiera puede subir un "informe"; pueden agregar sonido, quitarlo...
Si creen en extraterrestres, por ejemplo, pueden encontrar muchísimos videos que lo afirman. En fin...
E incluso hablando de medios gráficos, acabo de leer que The Telegraph le pidió perdón a Melania Trump por tergiversar sus declaraciones en una entrevista.
Así que si un diario es capaz de hacer eso, en el que supuestamente trabajan "profesionales", no me quiero imaginar lo que debe ser lo que se ve en YouTube subido por cualquier persona.
Ni a ninguna otra mujer embarazada. Vamos, que acariciar la pancita de vez en cuando es absolutamente normal, así como sostenerla cuando ya es considerable...pero lo que ha hecho esta chica desde el primer momento es una completa sobreactuación.

En su mente básica, creerá que carga al Mesías... Rídicula y patética
En su mente básica, creerá que carga al Mesías... Rídicula y patética
La verdad es que me asombra leer posts así. Ya van varios que leo en los que dicen que ella cree que es el Mesías. Desde mi punto de vista, es una falta de respeto por varios motivos: primero, por adjudicarle algo que nunca dijo; segundo, para lxs creyentes, por banalizar con la figura de Jesús, y tercero, porque para todas las madres, su hijo/a es lo más importante y maravilloso del mundo. Esa apreciación sería la más acertada. Es sencillamente mi opinión.