Kate y William visitan la Catedral de Coventry el 16 de Enero

Las tres embobadas con el peloncito
Uno de los niñitos,de 10 años, estaba muy pálido y evidentemente parecía que se sentía mal. La Duquesa se agachó, le preguntó si se sentía bien. Seguidamente, se dió vuelta y le pidió una bolsita a uno de sus oficiales y se las dió en caso el niño vomitase. Afortunadamente, el niño no la necesitó. Su maestra estaba muy agradecida con la Duquesa.

The Duchess also came to the rescue of a 10-year-old boy who felt unwell after waiting three hours in the cold to see her.

When she spotted that he was not well, she turned to one of her police protection officers for a sickbag.

'Princess Kate came over and give him a sickbag, our little Craig,' said Carole Flynn, a learning mentor at the school. 'I think he was a little bit overcome.'

The duchess met Craig Skipper, a pupil at Corpus Christi primary school, on a walkabout outside Coventry Cathedral.

Ms Flynn said: 'He went quite pale. She came over to speak to him, and noticed he was not very well. She asked if he was OK. She bent down, and was concerned.'

The duchess then went over to talk to one of her police bodyguards, and came back with a brown paper bag of the type used by cafes for takeaway coffee and sandwiches.

'It was lovely of her,' said Ms Flynn. 'She really took time with him. You can tell she is a mum, and has got that caring side.'

Fortunately the bag turned out not to be necessary. 'He is a little bit better now,' said Ms Flynn.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/a...Cambridge-Coventry-William.html#ixzz54MNtAXCU
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Para mi,que están dando buena imagen.Cercanos con la gente sin caer en la vulgaridad de posar con superficialidad,sin histrionismo alguno.Se les ve contentos y muy atentos con la gente sin caer en lo vulgar.Will en persona tiene que ser muy agradable y relajado estar a su lado,le veo sereno ye interesado en todo lo que ve,en fin que sigan así,que les irá bien.