Hilo de noticias silenciadas por los medios políticamente correctos

Ambrosia: the startup harvesting the blood of the young

The notion has been parodied on TV, but a real company is offering transfusions of plasma from teenagers to reinvigorate older people. At $8,000, it’s a bit of a bloodsucker


Gavin Haynes

Mon 21 Aug 2017 17.21 BSTLast modified on Tue 13 Mar 2018 18.13 GMT


The study is reminiscent of Robert Boyle’s 17th-century suggestion to ‘replace the blood of the old with the blood of the young’. Photograph: Science Photo Library/Getty Images
What we now call “intergenerational fairness” has suffered a lot lately, and it’s not about to be improved by the news that the Baby Boomers are sucking the blood of the young. Although, in fairness, they are only after the plasma.

In Monterey, California, a new startup has emerged, offering transfusions of human plasma: 1.5 litres a time, pumped in across two days, harvested uniquely from young adults.

Ambrosia, the vampiric startup concerned, is run by a 32-year-old doctor called Jesse Karmazin, who bills $8,000 (£6,200) a pop for participation in what he has dubbed a “study”. So far, he has 600 clients, with a median age of 60. The blood is collected from local blood banks, then separated and combined – it takes multiple donors to make one package.

It’s no coincidence his scheme is based near San Francisco. The idea has become faddish in tech circles. While anti-ageing products usually hold more appeal with women, two-thirds of the more than 65 participants who have signed up for this trial are men. Mike Judge’s Silicon Valley sitcom recently parodied the notion, with arch-tech guru Gavin Belson relying on a “blood boy” following him around to donate pints of sticky red at inopportune moments.

That fictionalised account may well be based on the real-life adventures of Peter Thiel, the PayPal founder, who has expressed interest in having transfusions (Gawker even reported that he was spending $40,000 (£31,000) a quarter on regular transfusions from 18-year-olds). He, and various other thinkers who radiate out towards the death-evading “transhumanist” movement, are fascinated by “heterochronic parabiosis” – the sewing together of two animals in order to create a living chimera. Studies going back decades show the regenerative effects of one organism being joined to another. In the 17th century, Robert Boyle – he of Boyle’s Law – suggested “replacing the blood of the old with the blood of the young”.

In 2012, the University of Cambridge’s Dr Robin Franklin led a group that showed blood from young mice could replace myelin sheaths – crucial for combatting MS in older mice. But it was a 2014 Harvard report that seems to have kickstarted the present revival of interest in transfusions. There, scientists injecting old mice with the plasma of a younger generation found it improved their memory and their ability to learn. Conversely, injecting old blood into young seemed to knobble the young rodents.

The scientific community has rolled its eyes at the “trial” element of Ambrosia. There is no control group and, with participation costing so much, no one involved is very randomised. Despite these criticisms of the science, Dr Karmazin is still reporting positive results. His team has found that levels of carcino-embryonic antigens fell by around 20%, as did the level of amyloids – proteins involved in cancer and Alzheimer’s disease respectively.

Improvements in sleep seem to be the most glittering prize to emerge so far: “As people get older, they have much more difficulty sleeping,” Dr Karmazin noted. Improve that and you get benefits in mood, immune system, weight management and much else.

It answers the question: how do you sleep at night after leeching the blood out of busboys and students? Just fine, thanks.

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Ambrosia: the startup harvesting the blood of the young https://www.theguardian.com/society...sting-the-blood-of-the-young?CMP=share_btn_tw

Plasma Therapy

Young plasma treatments are intravenous infusions of plasma from young donors, who are in the age range of 16 to 25. For this reason, we treat patients who are 30 years old or older.

Young plasma is the result of research into the science of blood. Experiments in mice called parabiosis provided the inspiration to deliver treatments with young plasma.

1 liter for $8000

2 liters for $12,000

Plasma is a medical treatment. Please contact us with any questions or to schedule a treatment with one of our physicians.

Casualidades del terrorismo en España
Vaya semana de noticias "casuales" sobre terrorismo en España, todas bien imbricadas y con ese olor propio de las cloacas del Estado. Y así seguimos, de casualidad en casualidad, hacia el olvido de la memoria, el pisoteo de la dignidad, el ninguneo de la justicia y el enmascaramiento de la verdad.

Nicolás de Cárdenas -



El dirigente de ETA Mikel Albizu 'Antza' y un vagón explotado la madrugada del 11 de marzo de 2004.
Vaya semanita que llevamos en España con noticias supuestamente casuales que tienen que ver con el terrorismo. Casualidades que, como ustedes pueden suponer no son tales, como casi ninguna de las cosas que pasan en esta vida, incluidos esos 5 centímetros más de cintura pasadas las fechas navideñas o las ojeras abisales seis meses después de un estreno en la paternidad.

Por favor, si tiene una pinza a mano, no tengan empacho en colocársela en la nariz, porque todo lo que viene a continuación es consecuencia de las ponzoñas que se cuecen en las cloacas del Estado.

Actuall depende del apoyo de lectores como tú para seguir defendiendo la cultura de la vida, la familia y las libertades.

Haz un donativo ahora
Que ya es coincidencia que se haya avisado de la filtración de la detención de un hombre cuya huella genética coincide con alguna de las que estaban -casualidad o no- en el tristemente famoso piso de Leganés en el que, según los voceros oficiales, se suicidó el pretendido comando islamista que habría perpetrado, según esa versión, los atentados del 11 de marzo de 2004 en Madrid.

¿Que dónde está la coincidencia? En que pocos días antes, el cloaquero mayor del Reino, el excomisario Villarejo, ha levantado la liebre de los secretos de Estado sobre el 11-M, reclamando la desclasificación de los documentos secretos relacionados con la masacre de los trenes que, también por casualidad, facilitó la llegada al poder de José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, el muñidor de los pactos con ETA. Pero a esto ya llegaremos, que por ahí siguen las “casualidades”.

No doy un duro por Villarejo, porque no estoy dispuesto a aplaudir, como sí hizo la ministra de Justicia Dolores Delgado, a coro con el juez prevaricador Baltasar Garzón, el sistema de delaciones vaginales ideado por el excomisario.

Mikel Antza, recientemente liberado, fue pieza clave en los pactos del Gobierno con ETA

Tampoco doy un duro porque el detenido esté realmente relacionado con el 11-M, ni siquiera con que se haya encontrado el ADN. Pero nadie me quita de la cabeza que ambos hechos están relacionados.

No ha sido la única coincidencia en estos días.

También se ha producido la concomitancia de otras dos noticias. Por un lado, el presidente del Gobierno ha pactado con los nacionalistas vascos la cesión de las competencias carcelarias a la Comunidad Autónoma vasca, una reivindicación largamente exigida por quienes han vivido a lo largo de nuestra democracia de recoger las nueces que caían debido a la agitación sangrienta del árbol social y político a cargo de la banda terrorista ETA.

No es descabellado pensar, en buena lógica, que las excarcelaciones de terroristas de ETA van a seguir sucediéndose -lo que ya es una lástima, puesto que deberían permanecer en prisión hasta el fin de sus días-, pero ahora con mayor celeridad si cabe, bajo el subterfugio de supuestas enfermedades terminales y redenciones de penas cuasi mágicas.

Y, por supuesto, persistirán los homenajes impunes a sanguinarios terroristas en las calles de las ciudades vascas, tantas veces denunciadas en balde.

Y seguimos para bingo.

El indulto a la serpiente y el 11-M
El exdirigente de ETA, Mikel Albizu, alias Antza, ha sido entregado por las autoridades francesas a España y puesto en libertad, después de cumplir una condena de 20 años en el país galo. Es cierto que Antza no tiene causas pendientes en España, pero no lo es menos que ya es casual que se produzca la circunstancia al tiempo que se ceden las competencias penitenciarias a los que siempre han mirado con buenos ojos a los terroristas.

Y aquí es donde llegamos al summum de las casualidades. Justo cuando se pretende dar carpetazo definitivo al 11-M, Antza queda en libertad. No se trata de cospiranoias. Me ciño a la conferencia que pronunciara Francisco José Alcaraz bajo el título ‘El indulto a la serpiente‘ el 30 de noviembre de 2006. Han pasado 13 años y nadie le ha desmentido.

En aquella conferencia, el entonces presidente de la Asociación Víctimas del Terrorismo, luego desalojado a través de personas que se prestaron a hacer el juego cloaquero de Interior en tiempos de Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, explicaba cómo el pacto del Gobierno del PSOE con ETA -guardado con celo monástico por los gobiernos del Partido Popular liderados por Mariano Rajoy- estuvo liderado por el propio Mikel Antza.

Ese pacto estuvo en peligro durante un tiempo, con la desarticulación de la cúpula de la banda en varias ocasiones y la ilegalización de Batasuna, el brazo político no armado de ETA.

Alcaraz, que no exculpaba ni inculpaba a ninguna banda terrorista de los hechos del 11-M, sí subrayaba que los pactos del PSOE con ETA estaban en peligro y los terroristas necesitaban que el PSOE llegara al Gobierno.

A principio de marzo de 2004 nadie podía hacer sospechar que el Partido Popular no hubiera revalidado una mayoría suficiente -con o sin pactos- para mantenerse en el poder… hasta que el atentado del 11 de marzo, a pocas horas de la celebración de las elecciones, cambió todo.

Algo tuvo que pasar para que todo un símbolo como José Antonio Ortega Lara huyera del Partido Popular como no pudo huir de su secuestro

Se vinculó la masacre con la Guerra de Irak, en la que, cabe recordarlo, no participaron las tropas españolas de forma directa, por mucho que lo repitieran en las galas de los Premios Goya. Ergo, el PP era culpable y había que echarle por las buenas o por las malas.

García Ferreras y Pablo Iglesias, a escena
Se rodearon las sedes del Partido Popular, incluso durante la jornada de reflexión, en unos actos de acoso antidemocrático en los que, según se ha contado, tuvo especial protagonismo un entonces ignoto Pablo Iglesias, mandamás de una asociación de ultraizquierda universitaria llamada Contrapoder y hoy líder supremo de Podemos.

Antonio García Ferreras, entonces director de informativos de la cadena SER, fue el responsable de que Iñaki Gabilondo cacareara a los cuatro vientos aquello de que “tres fuentes de la lucha antiterrorista” les habían confirmado que una de las personas supuestamente suicidas “llevaba tres capas de ropa interior y estaba muy afeitada, una práctica habitual, muy habitual, entre los comandos suicidas islámicos antes de inmolarse” (sic).

Aún no se conoce rectificación.

Tampoco parece casualidad que fuera Zapatero el que legalizara por las bravas La Sexta a través de la fusión con Antena 3, desde donde Ferreras imparte doctrina y carnets de demócrata y llama por el apellido a su mujer. Un duopolio Atresmedia-Mediaset que, por otro lado, es absolutamente contrario a la pluralidad informativa.

En mi nombre ¡no!
La peor de las “coincidencias” en todo esto, con mucho, fue probablemente que el Partido Popular, al llegar al poder y bajo el mando del Don Tancredo gallego se mimetizó.

Después de desarrollar una oposición aparentemente dura, el Partido Popular asumió los pactos con ETA, mantuvo en secreto las actas de la negociación y asimiló sin rechistar la versión oficial del 11-M, que no es sino un pantano de manipulaciones que nada ha resuelto. Que algo tuvo que pasar para que todo un símbolo como José Antonio Ortega Lara huyera del Partido Popular como no pudo huir de su secuestro.

No se olviden de aquello que trascendió del Rey emérito, quien instado por una víctima que expresó su anhelo de conocer la verdad de lo sucedido, expuso con crudeza algo así como “si a mí no me han contado lo del 23F todavía, podéis esperar sentados”.

Y así seguimos, de casualidad en casualidad, hacia el olvido de la memoria, el pisoteo de la dignidad, el ninguneo de la justicia y el enmascaramiento de la verdad.

En ocasiones, uno piensa que no mereció la pena toda la lucha civil contra la negociación con ETA vistas las tragaderas de unos y otros, incluidas algunas víctimas del terrorismo -disculpen la crudeza si esto escandaliza a alguien poco enterado-. Pero luego me arrepiento cuando salgo a la terraza de casa, veo ondear la bandera y recuerdo mi juramento ante ella, hace más de 10 años. Y en mi mente, resuena aquello que repetíamos con el corazón en la mano: Por ellos, por todos. En mi nombre ¡no!

No, está no cuela. El PP intentó manipular el atentado desde el minuto uno. Y se de lo que hablo porque en esa época yo trabajaba para una agencia francesa de noticias como fotógrafo en Madrid y tenía muchos amigos en la agencia EFE. Se les prohibió informar de cualquier noticia que contradijera la versión oficial que fabricó el PP con amenaza de sanción o despido por parte de su director Miguel Platón. A Miguel Platón lo puso el gobierno Aznar a dedo. El mismo día del atentado por la tarde ya se sabía al 99% que ETA no tenía nada que ver y que semejante salvajada era obra de terrorismo Yihadista. El PP perdió esas elecciones el solito, tomando por tontos a los españoles y con Urdaci como maestro de ceremonias.
No, está no cuela. El PP intentó manipular el atentado desde el minuto uno. Y se de lo que hablo porque en esa época yo trabajaba para una agencia francesa de noticias como fotógrafo en Madrid y tenía muchos amigos en la agencia EFE. Se les prohibió informar de cualquier noticia que contradijera la versión oficial que fabricó el PP con amenaza de sanción o despido por parte de su director Miguel Platón. A Miguel Platón lo puso el gobierno Aznar a dedo. El mismo día del atentado por la tarde ya se sabía al 99% que ETA no tenía nada que ver y que semejante salvajada era obra de terrorismo Yihadista. El PP perdió esas elecciones el solito, tomando por tontos a los españoles y con Urdaci como maestro de ceremonias.

Pues si esa es tu versión del asunto, evidentemente no sabes de lo que hablas en lo que a este atentado (en realidad doble atentado) respecta.
Ay Francia.
César Vidal desvela el escandaloso caso de corrupción por el que Zapatero apoya a Maduro en Venezuela
El Diestro
31 enero, 2019

Es escandaloso, vergonzoso y propio de un personaje indigno
Ya van saliendo a la luz, poco a poco, muy poco a poco, los verdaderos motivos por los que el indeseable ex-presidente del Gobierno de España, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, está tan interesado en defender a Nicolás Maduro y su asquerosa dictadura, el dinero fácil y el lucro personal

Y es que según han revelado diversas fuentes, zapatero estaría detrás de la empresa Interbanex, empresa creada en Andorra con un capital social de 3.000 € y que es la empresa autorizada por el gobierno venezolano para vender dólares en Venezuela. Tal y como relata César vidal en su editorial, Zapatero se estaría lucrando gracias al sufrimiento, al sudor y a la sangre del pueblo venezolano.

Este miserable, cuyas consecuencias en España aún estamos pagando, no tiene escrúpulo alguno y como bien dice Vidal en su editorial, es un imbécil cuya maldad daña y perjudica a todos los de su alrededor. ¿Cómo es posible que una empresa con un capital social de 3.000 € sea la encargada de vender dólares en todo un país como Venezuela?

¿Cómo es posible que el gobierno español haya mandado a este sujeto como mediador a un país para lucrarse de la forma que lo está haciendo Zapatero y que ni se toma la molestia de disimular el vergonzoso apoyo que supone para el régimen venezolano? Este sujeto es un sujeto peligroso desde el primer día. Le llamaban Bambi pero desde el primer día que puso sus pies en la Moncloa lo que demostró es que era un incapaz y un miserable.

Lejos de intentar arrinconar a este personaje y que se quedara en su casa, ha sido el propio gobierno español el que le ha puesto en movimiento y el que ha hecho que ahora causara un terrible perjuicio al pueblo venezolano y solo para lucrarse. Llamarle sabandija es llamarle demasiado poco para lo que este ser despreciable merece. Nunca será capaz de pagar en su vida todo el daño que ha hecho y que hace.


Rodriguez Zapatero está detrás de la empresa Interbanex que ahora vende dólares en Venezuela

Interbanex es un sistema electrónico creado para intercambiar divisas fue recibido por los venezolanos con desconfianza. Los ciudadanos opinaron que este nuevo método solo servirá para agudizar la hiperinflación que azota el país.

También la procedencia de la compañía ha causado suspicacia en el país. De acuerdo con el diputado José Guerra, la empresa habría sido creada en Andorra y aparentemente estaría detrás el expresidente español, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.

Por su parte, Samuel Baduy, dirigente estudiantil, reveló en su cuenta en Twitter nueva información “sospechosa” sobre la creación de Interbanex.

De acuerdo con las “pruebas” encontradas por Baduy, la compañía habría iniciado con un capital de 3.000 euros.

“¿Cómo una empresa de un capital social de 3000 euros puede ser la empresa detrás de un mercado cambiario privado en Venezuela? Un Mercado que puede mover MILLONES DE DÓLARES en un solo día”, escribió el dirigente estudiantil.

Cabe destacar que este 28 denero inciaron las operaciones a través de Interbanex, con una tasa de 3.200 bolívares soberanos por dólar. Este valor comenzó por encima del que marcaba el dólar paralelo.


Pues si esa es tu versión del asunto, evidentemente no sabes de lo que hablas en lo que a este atentado (en realidad doble atentado) respecta.
Ay Francia.
Sinceramente hay que ser muy necia/o para decir las tonterías que dices, pero te entiendo, alguien que tiene por nick " a bordo del Titanic" solo puede hundirse. Soy fotoperiodista, y mientras tu veías en la tele como Acebes decía: " ha sido ETA, ha sido ETA..." yo recibía llamadas de mis compañeros de agencias y periodicos extranjeros contándome que estaban recibiendo presiones del gabinete de prensa de presidencia del Gobierno para que dijeran que era ETA, aunque toda apuntaba a los yihadistas. El comportamiento esos cuatro días del PP fue vomitivo. Cuentanos iluminada el 11 de septiembre en New York también fue ETA?.
What in the world really happened at the Bush funeral?
Posted on December 8, 2018 by State of the Nation

Hillary Clinton Receives Surprise Envelope At George H.W. Bush’s Funeral…

After Hillary Clinton opened her program brochure at George H.W. Bush’s funeral, an envelope fell into her lap.

Former President Jimmy Carter, who was sitting to Clinton’s left, can be seen looking over at her and then checking if he got one too. He didn’t.

What was in that envelope?

Another video posted by The Washington Pundit shows Jeb Bush smiling with his hand over his heart, but quickly getting irritated after Laura Bush showed him something she was holding:

Better angle:

Here’s an interesting observation: While GHWB’s casket is being carried past the family, this secret service agent appears to lean over towards George W. Bush:

Some think he may have passed a note to him. Bush then supposedly gave it to his wife, Laura, and she showed it to Jeb.

Click here to watch an HD version of the interaction.

UPDATE #1: It appears former Vice President Joe Biden ALSO received a similar looking envelope (h/t scotthebruce2):

Video (skip to 1:33):



Image and Video Credits: ABC News, Daily Mail, YouTube, C-SPAN

Here are some more videos of this same funeral drama from different angles posted by SOTN:

Why did Jeb Bush get so scared after he saw the note from the Secret Service agent?(Video)

Hillary Clinton Receives Surprise Envelope At George H.W. Bush’s Funeral…(Video)

Something very BIG just happened at the Bush memorial service in D.C. (Graphic + Video)


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The Most Dangerous Plot to Bring Down America from Within—Why is nobody talking about this?
Posted on February 3, 2019 by State of the Nation

The Trojan Horse rolled into America today
will become a terrifying Juggernaut

The Treasonous Scheme Rarely Reported by the Alt Media

State of the Nation

As SOTN has previously reported, there are several objectives that Deep State Democrats are accomplishing with open borders and uncontrolled illegal immigration. As follows:

• Plentiful and cheap labor for Corporate America at a time of extreme international economic competition

• Stream of needed military recruits for the U.S. Armed Forces who are guaranteed a fast track to citizenship

• Illegal drug revenues are deposited in the large banks that are too big to fail

• Illegal human trafficking generates huge profits and feeds the appetite of the power elite

• Illegal arms trafficking produces illicit profits for both corporations and government

• Democrats use illegal aliens, economic immigrants and war refugees to rebuild their shrinking base

• New World Order globalist cabal cynically uses illegal immigration as the cudgel of multiculturalism just as they destroyed Europe

• DACA and anchor babies are systematically used to dilute the U.S. population descended from European ancestry.

Operation Gladio use the open borders to sneak across terrorists cells who will carry out false flag terrorist attacks upon being triggered

• Gladio is also stealthily building a secret army, nationwide, of foreign mercenaries, criminals, terrorists and other-soldier-of-fortune wannabes

• … … … this is a truncated list and only represents some of the most influential drivers of illegal immigration and open borders

(Source: “THE OPEN BORDER”: A Highly Organized Conspiracy to Undermine the Territorial Integrity and National Sovereignty of the American Republic)

With the crucial understanding it’s easy to comprehend why the Democrats will never seal the borders or stop the illegal aliens from breaking the immigration laws. They have every reason to encourage the border crashing. And so they are.

However, the single biggest goal of this Greatest Act of Collective Treason in U.S. History is the last item above that refers to Gladio. This same scheme has been used in Europe with great effect and yet very few even get it.

Gladio’s secret armies
It’s common knowledge within the U.S. Armed Services that illegal aliens provide a large number of recruits to fight America’s unprovoked wars of naked aggression. Without a draft in place, this source of cannon fodder has become heavily relied upon, especially for grunts and other ground troops in the line of fire.

The crucial point here is that the U.S. military will not give up this rich source of recruitment candidates. The illegals are offered a fast track to citizenship, after their tour of duty, which they desperately seek.

However, there’s another recruitment pipeline that’s was also opened up during the initial days of Obama’s first term. Obama was installed as POTUS in order for Soros & Company to effectively collapse the American Republic. One of the key components of this vast conspiracy was a violent bolshevik revolution that would be triggered if all else failed.

Well, with the humiliating loss of Hillary Clinton, the perpetraitors are now compelled to implement Plan B—the violent overthrow of the Trump administration via the Purple Revolution after the ongoing soft coup fails. Because the conservative side of the body politic has all the guns and ammo, the Left leadership had no choice but to recruit mercenaries, criminals, terrorists and other soldiers-of-fortune types who have made their way to Mexico from war zones around the world.

COUP-IN-PROGRESS: Pelosi, the Mafia and the Black Nobility
The utterly fake caravans that continuously form in Honduras, for instance, are recruitment departure points for young men looking for a fight…and a paycheck. Not all of them, but many battle-ready young men are furtively transported to various Central American countries to join the Purple Revolution. In most cases, they don’t even know what they’re fighting for or who’s paying them.

Once these fresh recruits make their way into the U.S., they are assigned to handlers who first carefully corral them into specifically arranged groups and then usher them to predetermined destinations inside mountainside camps and abandoned military bases located on “no trespassing sites” in the middle of nowhere.

These future troops are then trained as 3rd millennium Gladio warriors whose allegiance is to no one but the New World Order globalist cabal. Of course, they don’t know who they’re really fighting for in the very same way that the pilots who fly chemtrail jets don’t know who they work for. They just spray the skies across America like we’re all bugs not caring for a second about the death and destruction that’s occurring below 24/7.

Chemtrail Pilot Blows the Cover Off of OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD

This very same stealth strategy was utilized all over the European Union by the NWO cabal. They have set up terrorist cells and ragtag militias that bear no semblance whatsoever to a fighting force but which can be pressed into service when the timing is right.

Many of these real terrorists from the Middle East, who were deliberately marched into the EU and manipulated to infiltrate the various targeted nations, are all awaiting their time to spring into action. Until then, they present a public nuisance wherever they go.

Raping the women of the native populations means nothing to them and only allows them to cut an unruly and violent profile so that when they carry out a terrorist attack or gang up on a patriot, everyone knows that it’s only them being ‘normal’. In other words very few realize that this covert assembling of killers and saboteurs is taking place with extremely purposeful design.

This covert Gladio scenario is playing out in the USA in a completely different manner. While many of the false flag shootings and occasional bombings are really terrorist attacks that are then blamed on white Christian men, they are really carried out by imported terrorists who were fastidiously trained to execute their missions flawlessly and escape. Or, they are either pre-programmed to kill themselves or mind-controlled to portray another false narrative that will not betray their masters or their true origin and history.

Another GLADIO-style Mass Shooting Staged in Florida—Here’s why!
This is why every false flag mass shooting and other black operations are so inscrutable. Whereas many of these black ops are hoaxes, many are very real; just as others are a hybrid of hoax and reality. This makes the subsequent investigations quite difficult to conduct and, therefore, it’s easy to hide the guilty personnel involved wherever they can be hidden and/or protected from exposure.

The United States is currently carved up into regions where it concerns Gladiooperations. Each region has its own secret Gladio headquarters, primary C.I.A. overlord, FBI liaison office, MSM contacts and local law enforcement authorities who are all bound together via Freemasonry oaths and other secret society pacts.

When the globalists decide to push the button on a major attack such as Operation Torch California, all the traitorous co-conspirators have been put into the perfect places and positions which ensures that the op will proceed unimpeded. These prearrangements also guarantee that the necessary cover-ups are each executed with precision.

In this way, no one has caught on to the fact that the country is full of Gladiomercenaries. These enemies of the Republic not only hate America, they will gladly pick up a gun and wage war against the U.S. citizenry whenever directed to… … …particularly if they were originally trained as an ISIS, Al-Qaeda or Al Nusra Front terrorist.

It’s of paramount importance to understand that the same Gladio model that was used by the CIA-MI6-MOSSAD-GID-DGSE cadre in Syria, Iraq and Libya was used in Europe, as it is being surreptitiously utilized in these United States of America.

The only difference is that the model has been tweaked to fit the country, the specific milieu and the temperament of the locals. In this way, no one would ever suspect that the state-sponsored terrorism being conducted here in the states is related to the ISIS terror campaign in Syria or Iraq. Likewise, the Eurozone has experienced a variation of low-grade terror with serial raping and menacing of small communities all over the Continent.

In point of fact, the same coterie who ran these psyops and black ops in Europe and the Middle East are now operating stateside… and getting away with it each and every time. Yes, they are that organized; so organized that there is a U.S. capital city/county for these terrorist operations. By the way, it’s basically the same group of operational commanders who were responsible for 9/11. As follows:

BROWARD COUNTY: Operational Headquarters for Israeli Intelligence-Directed False Flag Operations and Mass Casualty Events in America

Trojan horse
Truly, this is the biggest story in the country today and yet no one’s talking about it.

For one thing, there are so many distractions jumping off on any given day it’s difficult to see through the haze of constant war and terrorism. The majority of these terror attacks are purposefully manufactured to draw our attention from dire circumstances like the aforementioned plot to take over the USA from within. Or the power elite is trying to divert our attention from this: 5G ROLL-OUT: An Ongoing National Emergency that Requires an Immediate Shutdown by the American People

Many folks have been writing about the present predicament whereby “the barbarians are at the gate”. Little did they know that there are countless barbarians inside the gate who were transported into the country via a modern-day version of the Trojan horse. That Trojan horse has taken the form of fake caravans, 18 wheelers packed with mercenaries, terrorists cells brazenly crossing the open border at will, boatloads of phony fishermen who make their way into U.S. territorial waters before making landfall, and foreign military families whose ruse is that they are all intimately related to an anchor baby.

There are many other ways in which enemies of America sneak into the country. If they are a highly credentialed terrorist with an immediate mission, they are secreted into the country in plain sight; the same way that some of the 9/11 patsies were let in and then conspicuously trained for an operation that they never participated in.

The bottom line is that there is an urgent necessity to seal the U.S. border. The border with Mexico must be closed to all forms of illegal immigration post-haste. We know now that each and every day it remains open, more enemies can be ferried across who will come back to haunt the American people in the worst way.

Remember the horrors and atrocities that these Gladio-controlled terrorists committed in the Mideast. Remember how they have literally destroyed European culture, broken whole communities and deeply divided the populace. See how the border issue inflames all sorts of conflicts throughout American society. This nation is now riven with wedge issues that have been intentionally driven deeply into the heart of the body politic, each of which is directly related to the open border and so many illegal aliens in our midst.

For these several other reasons, every single person residing in the 50 states needs to be documented in a highly authoritative way. There can be no room for error when we’re talking about Gladio‘s secret armies hiding anywhere and everywhere. Yes, this also means that a special task force must be formed to ferret out terror cells and small militias that are operating in a clandestine manner across the country.

It’s well past the time to terminate the fictitious debate about border security. There is NO debate. It’s all kabuki theater being dramatically staged by the Soros-funded Left. It’s now imperative to shut down every sanctuary city and state as they imperil all the others. Once in the country, illegal aliens and criminals and terrorists can go anywhere they so choose.

Hence, the only option for President Trump is to declare a national emergency and follow through in such a manner as to expose the entire conspiracy as the Greatest Act of Collective Treason in U.S. History. Every single day that this vital initiative is postponed will only further empower the myriad Democrat traitors among us.

As a matter of fact, we are quickly approaching a point of no return. Once a critical threshold is exceeded, the Left will have their hidden armies at a level to successfully stage a revolution. The Democrats know that the Right is armed to the teeth in their red enclaves, red towns and red states. They also know that liberals are clueless about how to wage war on anything but the defenseless unborn. Which is precisely why the Virginia Governor and Delegate Must Both Be Arrested For Promoting Infanticide.

There’s another very serious reason why the Patriot Movement needs to step up to the plate—SOONER THAN LATER.

2020 POTUS Election Will Be Cancelled, Postponed or Stolen
Now the Right really knows what it’s fighting for.

Semper fi!
State of the Nation
February 2, 2019

Sinceramente hay que ser muy necia/o para decir las tonterías que dices, pero te entiendo, alguien que tiene por nick " a bordo del Titanic" solo puede hundirse. Soy fotoperiodista, y mientras tu veías en la tele como Acebes decía: " ha sido ETA, ha sido ETA..." yo recibía llamadas de mis compañeros de agencias y periodicos extranjeros contándome que estaban recibiendo presiones del gabinete de prensa de presidencia del Gobierno para que dijeran que era ETA, aunque toda apuntaba a los yihadistas. El comportamiento esos cuatro días del PP fue vomitivo. Cuentanos iluminada el 11 de septiembre en New York también fue ETA?.

A alguien que se dirige a mí en estos términos, obviamente yo no tengo nada que contarle.
Aparte que es evidente que usted NO quiere saber.

Un fotoperiodista... :rolleyes:
Seguro que la geopolítica no tiene secretos para usted.
Jeanne Smits, Paris correspondent


Gay author with Vatican connections names who’s allegedly helping Pope homosexualize Church
Catholic, Frederic Martel, Homosexuality, In The Closet Of The Vatican

February 25, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Amongst the most striking claims of French sociologist and openly homosexual Frédéric Martel in his new book on homosexuality in the Vatican is that Pope Francis and his inner circle are actively working to make homosexuality acceptable to the Catholic Church, even if they are not aiming to open the Church to homosexual “marriage”.

First, a caveat: many of Martel’s claims about conservative cardinals’ supposed homosexuality are so outrageous and ill-founded that all he writes is not necessarily true. But his statements regarding Pope Francis are so grave from a doctrinal point of view that they need to be known and, hopefully, officially denied.

Martel quotes — by name — sources that told him of Pope Francis’ personal implication in the rigging of the two synods on the family, adding that these synods and the document that came from them, Amoris laetitia, did not reach their intended goal.

This article is based on the full French text of Sodoma (English title: In the Closet of the Vatican), in which the author accuses mainly conservative authorities in the Church — portrayed as Francis’ opponents — as being all the more probably homosexual, active or repressed, that they are “rigid” and “homophobic” in their expression of Church doctrine. These include Pope Benedict XVI who is described by one source in the book as a (probably chaste) “liturgy queen” or an “opera queen,” who took a rigid stance on homosexuality in the Church.

Quotes are therefore not based on the official English translation although they do reflect the meaning of the original French text, and are presented in italics instead of quotation marks.

Martel presents Pope Francis as “gay-friendly” and (therefore) not gay himself, who surrounds himself by similar “gay-friendly” cardinals such as Blase Cupich, Walter Kasper, Kevin Farrell, Reinhard Marx, Christoph Schönborn, Oscar Maradiaga, Lorenzo Baldisseri… who have a more relaxed approach to homosexuality.

Martel claims Cardinal Baldisseri, who organized both family Synods, told him that during the preparation of the first synod in 2014 every question was open, even burning hot! Everything was on the table: priestly celibacy, homosexuality, communion for the divorced and remarried, women priests… We opened all the debates at the same time.

A small group surrounding Baldisseri is supposed to have led the way: a small team that was sensitive, joyful [the French text uses the feminine adjective “gaie” – deliberately?] and smiling, that included archbishops Bruno Forte, Peter Erdö and Fabio Fabene, all promoted since by the Pope. Martel calls them a true war machine serving Francis.

Working with Kasper, Schönborn and Maradiaga, they were on Kasper’s line (stable and responsible homosexual unions are respectable) but used a different method that involved getting feedback from dioceses the world over.

At the same time, several writers (including at least one homosexual I met with) were mobilized in order to put on paper the first drafts of a text that would become, a year later, the famous apostolic exhortation “Amoris laetitia”, writes Martel, who claims that according to his sources this phrase was deliberately included: Homosexuals have gifts and qualities that they can offer to the Christian community. Mutual support in the case of homosexuals suffering from AIDS was also glorified.

Francis came here every week, Baldisseri told me. He personally presided over the session where we debated propositions, adds Martel, in a bombshell claim.

At this point the author lists a number of rigid cardinals and their conservative, misogynistic or homophobic texts against (Francis’) sexual liberalism: Raymond Burke, Carlo Caffarra, Joachim Meisner, Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Walter Brandmüller, Mauro Piacenza, Velasio De Paolis, Tarcisio Bertone, George Pell, Angelo Bagnasco, Antonio Cañizares, Kurt Koch, Paul Josef Cordes, Willem Eijk, Joseph Levada, Marc Ouellet, Antonio Rouco Varela, Juan Luis Cipriani, Juan Sandoval Iñiguez, Norberto Rivera, Javier Errazuriz, Angelo Scola, Camillo Ruini, Robert Sarah and so many others. Francis can only be astounded, Martel writes. How dare they, thinks the holy father who is well-informed by those close to him about this fantastic parish.

The terms “the parish” are used in Sodoma to designate homosexuals in the Vatican, active or repressed.

Martel presents this as the start of Francis’ denunciation of the “diseases of the Curia” and his numerous homilies on “hypocrisy” and “double lies”.

He also says the Pope at that point started to implement a “pedagogical work” aiming at making a distinction at Church level between the “crimes” of paedophilia – abuse of minors under 15 – and acts without consent or performed in within a framework of authority on the one hand, and legal homosexual activity between consulting adults, also lifting the ban on condoms.

Kasper was happy with the situation, Baldisseri is quoted as having told Martel, but “a reaction” took place that hampered the desired reforms. Martel adds that Baldisseri personally ordered the “pamphlet” titled Remaining in the Truth of Christwritten by the “usual suspects” (Burke, Müller, Caffarra, Brandmüller and De Paolis) to be “seized” before it could be distributed to all the participants at the first Synod on the family.

Martel describes the Pope’s anger at the situation and his work to counter his opponents: steadily naming new cardinals in order to ensure the election of a similar-minded Pope at the next conclave and putting in motion his friends to further his agenda.

These include theologian Archbishop Victor Manuel “Tucho” Fernandez of La Plata who in April 2015 spoke of Pope Francis’ “irreversible reforms.”

Across the river Plate, in Montevideo, Uruguay, “bergoglian” Cardinal Daniel Sturla (who told Martel that at that point he did not know Francis personally) also deliberately sent up trial balloons in favor of recognizing homosexuals in the Church, according to the author.

Martel credits Oscar Maradiaga with numerous trips to large numbers of dioceses across the world in order to distill Francis’ way of thinking and to obtain support.

Baldisseri’s team also used intellectual influencers such as Jesuit Fr. Antonio Spadaro with whom Martel claims to have lunched or dined six times. He is described as Francis’ pilot fish.

Spadaro is credited with having set in motion like-minded intellectuals on the issue of homosexuality: Maurizio Gronchi and Paolo Gamberini in Italy, Dominican father Jean-Michel Garrigues (a close friend of Cardinal Schönborn) and Antoine Guggenheim in France.

Guggenheim, a diocesan priest in Paris, at this point started advocating the recognition of same-sex unions in the unofficial daily of the French episcopate, La Croix. He wrote: The recognition of faithful and lasting love between two homosexual persons, whatever their degree of chastity, seems to me a hypothesis that deserves to be discussed. It could take the form that the Church habitually gives to its prayer: a benediction.

Even more shockingly, a Dominican friar, Adriano Oliva – an Italian based in Paris credited with being one of the best living specialists of Saint Thomas Aquinas – is credited with having joined the mobilization at the behest of Pope Francis himself.

In Amours (Loves), Oliva purported in 2015 to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the Dominican order by demonstrating that Thomas Aquinas recognized the “natural” character of homosexuality, pleading for a new welcoming of homosexual couples in the Church and recognition of their civil unions.

His involved reasoning leads Oliva to say that for true homosexuals, moral virtue consists for them in living out their inclination according to the demands of their humanity: in unique, gratuitous, faithful and “chaste” love. And the Church must accompany them in their love for a person of the same sex in which they “accomplish” themselves. Sexual acts, in this context, are rendered morally legitimate by the criterion of “love” between homosexual persons, in the same way as happens between heterosexuals.

(French philosopher Thibaud Collin demolished this sophistic reasoning in a response quoted by LifeSite at the time.)

According to Frédéric Martel, cardinals, bishops and large numbers of priests told him their vision of Saint Thomas Aquinas changed thanks to Oliva’s work and that the ban on homosexuality had been lifted for once and for all.

Oliva’s editor, the Orthodox Christian theologian Jean-François Colosimo, as well as Baldisseri’s team are quoted by Martel as saying that they commissioned experts including Oliva to work on the issue. I obtained confirmation that Adriano Oliva was indeed received in the Vatican by Baldisseri, Bruno Forte and Fabio Fabene, who were the main persons responsible for the Synod, Martel writes.

Martel then quotes Kasper: Adriano Oliva came to see me here. We talked. He had sent me a letter that I showed to the Pope: Francis was very impressed. And he asked Baldisseri to commission him to write a text to be disseminated among the bishops. I think it is that text that became “Amours.” Adriano did a service to the Church, without being an activist.

According to Martel, Amours was distributed during the 2015 Synod at the Pope’s suggestion: one more weapon in a comprehensive plan willed by the sovereign pontiff himself.

The whole plan would not work, Martel writes: Amoris laetitia would only include three coded references to the acceptance of homosexuality. He says Francis himself decided to backpedal according to Kasper, quoted by the author: He had no choice. But he has always been very clear. He accepted a compromise while trying to stick to his course.

In later parts of Sodoma, In the Closet of the Vatican, Martel writes that Pope Francis had three secret nighty meetings with the then Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi in order to negotiate the Church’s silence on proposed same-sex civil unions in Italy in order to avoid the legalization of same-sex “marriage”.

Gay author with Vatican connections names who’s allegedly helping Pope homosexualize Church | News | Lifesitenews https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/g...tions-names-whos-allegedly-helping-pope-homos